@Toronto Maple Leafs

Was Morgan Rielly Wrong to enforce “the code”? That’s Hockey

The jury is split when it comes to Morgan Rielly’s actions against Ridly Greig for his empty-net slapshot. Was it warranted for breaking ‘the code’? How many games will the Maple Leafs be without their top defenceman? 7-Eleven That’s Hockey debates.


  1. How is the old guy the one who wants less violent hockey!?! I instantly thought of Emmitt smith rushing Deion sanders for disrespecting the cowboys logo, both correct choices!

  2. Greig is an agitator he knew what he was doing he doesnt need to come out and say that everyone knows it lol. He wants the reaction if Rielly dropped his gloves he wouldve as well Greig is no stranger to fighting hes fought his whole career and probably has more fights than Rielly. Rielly took the cowards way out cause he didnt want to fight for whatever reason and hes hurting his team more now because of it pretty simple. The reaction from the media just makes it more hilarious and other teams now know how easy it is to set Leafs media on fire and get under their skin

  3. Outside the locker room Reilly is a POS, inside the locker room he is a hero. That's hockey and he will take his suspension without regret.

  4. Gino speaks to truth. Hayes is a whiner. Gino is saying that the Leafs should take their lumps for not finding a way to get the win. Hayes thinks it's not only ok, but essential to throw a violent tantrum because your opponent hurt your feelings. This kind of thinking hurts the game and the league. But I guess it gets clicks, right Hayes?

  5. Grieg's play was a taunt. I watched it in real time. He got a response. I only wished it was benoit taking him out, he would have very slow to get up!

  6. Hayes and Tweety Bird Biron are nuts,only Leaf nation justifies an assault with a weapon part of hockey. 😮

  7. Good point by Martin Biron about Ovechkin not doing the slapshot in the video of his empty net goals.

  8. I’ve never seen people get so butt hurt over how someone scored a goal. Does the code specify what kind of ENG’s are acceptable? Slap shots under 60MPH ok? Half clappers? Are snapshots acceptable? Maybe we should have each team submit a list of respectful ways of scoring an ENG before the game so they don’t get their feelings hurt and are forced to cross check their opponents in the head. Given all the disrespect that happens in your average game…the chirping, the stick work behind the play, THIS is what people are so offended by? Suck it up. Take the L and use it as motivation to WIN the next time you play them. Hayes compared this to other sports, yet I don’t see basketball players lose their mind when the other team slam dunks it on a breakaway, do you? I say this as someone who’s played and paid close attention to hockey for close to 40 years, sometimes hockey players are waaay too emo. Get over it.

  9. No wonder the Leafs can't win in the playoffs since they are this mentally fragile that they get this worked up over something as insignificant as that empty net goal and they are this delusional that think Reilly's actions are defendable and that he is not a dirty player….just wow.

    If these Leafs had to play the game against Sean Avery, or Chris Chelios, or Matthew Barnaby…The Leafs players wouldn't even be able to leave the dressing room because they would be so emotionally upset about the things one of them said to them. The Leafs would have to forfeit the game so that they could have an emergency cry and hug group event.

  10. Hey leafs you don't want a guy slapping a puck into an empty net
    A) don't be in a position to pull your goalie against the worst team in the division.
    B) stop him from being able to or suck it up.

  11. Gino Reda is trying to tell an NHL’er how it goes!! Just laughable!! You break the code, then he breaks code back. Love it! Gino, be quiet!!!

  12. I like his reaction. If we start tk let that slip hockey will eventually become basketball.

    Ypu clap into an empty net ypu better be prepared ypu get some in return. as simple as that

  13. What on Earth does this play have to do with being tough or 'not being soft'? The puck is already in the net. Try playing defense not cross checking people in the face for no reason. Look at the soft, late goals scored by Andrew Copp and Ryan McLeod. Try stopping those and then maybe you won't feel the need to cross check someone in the face because you are a sore loser. I personally hope the league throws the book at Reilly, not just so he learns a lesson but so the eastern and national media learns how biased they are toward the leafs. No wonder the leafs are so soft. Coddled by everyone, including the media and their coach. 'Appropriate' would be playing defense not cross checking someone in the face after the puck is already in the net.

  14. Geno needs to retire he is wrong all the way through this even at the end. This is great for the team and will be moving forward hopefully, time to get a little mean out there.

  15. @TSN I love that Gina fought back from another angle, and didn't just go along with the other 2. This was a bit more like the debates that we see on espn first Take, debate, not everyone just agreeing with each other (Boring boring boring) which is what happens 99.999% of the time on Tsn. Been watching TSN for 40 years so I am not just a kiddie kiddie 17 spinging his opinion from 12 months of watching tsn material

  16. His feelings were hurt ? How about buddy disrespected the game by doing this , yes, Rielly went a bit Dr D David Schultz here, but come on , Chachi, think..🙄

  17. Trying the kill an opponent with a clearly illegal cross-check is NOT a hockey play. NHL is should be embarrassed this is still happening. And Toronto will never anything if that's their attitude.

  18. It’s 2024 this code doesn’t exist enjoy the suspension these boomers need to adapt to this new generation Gino the Goat is 100% right

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