@Boston Bruins

This Was Gutless

This Was Gutless

I’ve seen my fair share of dirty plays in the NHL unfortunately it’s something that you’re just going to see the job of the referees the league and even the players is to try to limit it and discourage it as much as possible the one that grinds my gears maybe more than

Any other one though is Spearing I feel like along with slooh footing it’s just the ultimate gutless play I just hate it and unfortunately we saw a bad case of it in that Bruins Caps game yesterday Max pater ready has had horrible luck with injuries we all remember the Chara

Turnbuckle incident and even just in the past few years the guy’s torn his Achilles t in twice since the summer of 2022 after only playing five games last year with the Carolina Hurricanes and missing the first four months of the Season he was finally able to come back

To action with the capitals last month and he’s getting back in the groove of playing NHL games on a regular basis again he goes in on the for check and gives M Grizz like a ride into the boards the reason I mentioned that is that the commentators on ESPN didn’t

Seem to think that what happened 5 seconds later was a direct retaliation to that hit and of course I’m not in Matt grizz’s head but yeah 5 seconds after that hit he literally goes over and Spears petti I feel pretty confident in saying it was a retaliation which

Like man I understand grizzli might be upset maybe he feels like pachetti launched him forward on the numbers towards the boards and he doesn’t like that but to then go below the belt with the blade of a stick is just completely gutless like come on man that is so low

Also on the broadcast they mentioned that he got him in the midsection I’m no doctor and maybe that’s completely correct but to me that seemed a little bit lower than the midsection either way patet was in a ton of distress after that obviously as every man watching

This would be unless you’re a unic grizzli was given five in a game for that which absolutely was the right call I think the NHL needs to send a message here that hey this is not okay in any fashion any time of the game do not do this but knowing this league he’ll

Probably just get fined no matter the hit or the play there’s always defenders in the comments saying oh it wasn’t that bad come on I don’t know man for me when you’re going for the Family Jewels like that’s next level disrespectful let me know your thoughts in the comments about

It if you want more content like this you know what to do like the video subscribe usually I recap and react to the entire game attached to this play but I feel like I had enough to say already that I was just going to make it

About the play itself I’ll see you in the next one you’re awesome

For today’s Nhl video, we talk about a play in the washington capitals boston bruins game that was… just something else. Many of us will certainly be keeping an eye on matt grzelcyk in nhl news today after that on max pacioretty . For more reactions and breakdowns to nhl highlights 2024 , coverage of nhl trade rumors and revisiting previous trades , picks and predictions (got a big one coming) and more, subscribe. Nhl hockey

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  1. Uh yeah, ok, we're talking Matt Grzelcyk here……this was completely unintentional…….this guy's never been fined before…….just a missed stick lift, let's calm down

  2. There have always been dirty plays, but this season has many cheap and cowardly shots.
    If the NHL doesn't stop this, the Tom Wilsons and Ryan Reaves will. We know where that leads.

  3. The fact he only got a fine yet Nikita Zadorov got 2 games for hitting heads with someone who wasn’t even hurt and dove just highlights the issue with the DoPS.

  4. People thinking a game missconduct and the suspension will get that type of incidents out of the game are delussional.. That shit wasn't happening back in the good days because after that shift you'd have a tough guy running for you and theres nothing like a beating to make sure that doesn't happen again.

  5. Patch already should have got a cross-checking pathway into the boards before Grizzly did what he did patch already an American captain in Montreal are you kidding me that's why Canadians suck

  6. Maybe this is a dumb question… but do nhl players not wear cups anymore?? If this happened when I was playing hockey, it would have glanced off the hard shell of the cup and dug into the side of the groin area. Would have hurt, but still confident I’d be able to have kids….

  7. A Bruins player? $1000 fine…that's it. I'm not sure why these clowns always seem to get reduced punishments…makes you wonder

  8. Common play gone wrong and the NHL dealt with it…Gryz is NOT a dirty player – Bruins fan here saying MOVE ON instead of shedding tears.

  9. I'm 54 yrs old and I've been watching hockey my entire life and I have to tell you I don't watch much hockey anymore because of bush league stuff like this and I'm a life long Bruins fan. I see this crap all over the league though and I'm frankly tired of it. Cheap shots destroy the fun of watching and I can't for the life of me understand why a player would want to hurt another player so viscously. I've also played hockey my entire life and I would never think about doing this to another play or any of the other crap I see watching games. My favorite player of all time was Rick Middleton #16 Right Wing of the Boston Bruins. A very skilled player and class act on and off the ice. NHL players today are very skilled but also very nasty to each other and I don't like it at all.

  10. Bruins fan since the 70's and it was CLEARLY retaliatory. I don't even want to hear that crap story they were selling.

  11. Like I get it, hehe haha nut shot funny, but defending thiis level of nut shot? You do understand that testicles can be permanently damaged to the point of no longer producing swimmers but also to the point of downright surgical removal, right?

  12. Pacioretty is one of the dirtiest players ever. He deserves everything he gets. He came back like nothing happened. Typical. Somebody should give him one to the face.😅

  13. 🤔 maybe people would actually watch this winter sport if it was not so freakin' violent ya think why would anyone want to watch a sport that has anything to do with violence is beyond me but you do you.

  14. Stupid, ignorant, "tough guy" Walter Mitty wannabes love the violent hits, the cheap shots, etc.

  15. I’m pretty sure when the puck is on another time zone, this is just assault. He should have just grabbed his wallet while he was at it..

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