@Boston Bruins

Who will, or won’t, play for Razorbacks on Saturday?

Who will, or won’t, play for Razorbacks on Saturday?

Happy Friday folks and welcome back to the pot of the palace Curtis wilgers Scotty borderline here with you as always from Natty State Sports Studios and downtown fville um Scotty man like we’ve used this bye to do a lot of deep Dives that I I think is it’s some good

Evergreen content uh stuff that’s going to last a while so you know you can go back and listen to this whenever I would I would probably suggest that if you want to hear us vent about our uh our disappointments with this team Monday’s episode was uh it was a fun one if you

Want to get a thorough preview of portal season you know I highly suggest tuning in to Wednesday’s show uh but believe it or not Arkansas actually plays basketball again this weekend on Saturday against Georgia and I have literally no idea what to expect about that but there’s some actual Intrigue

Considering it’s an 11 an 11 team um I know that we talked about it you know at different points throughout the week like oh man this team hasn’t been a lot of fun to watch having a week off or has that excitement crept in at all or what

Do you think about Saturday no I mean it’s probably not gonna it’s probably not going to get my excitement up until like maybe get to the arena and then maybe you you start feeling like oh they’re they’re actually going to play don’t you’re exactly right you don’t

Know at all what you’re going to get from those guys and I think that adds to the maybe the lack of looking forward to this maybe um looking forward to our launch party more I’m definitely looking forward to that that’s going to be uh that’s going to be a good time that’s

Going to set the stage I think for the weekend you got thank goodness that tip off on Saturdays at 5 yeah could you imagine if it was an 11:00 a.m. that’d be uh that’d be tough might put a damper on the night man yeah launch party Friday Hoops Saturday Super Bowl Sunday

It’s not not yeah so the weekend is a whole looking forward to it yeah yeah Saturday maybe if you had to power rank them is third yeah no doubt about it but I’m looking forward to watching other basketball games too oh yeah you know we probably give our SEC picks toward the

End here but yeah looking forward to maybe winning some more money for sure heard that that would be that would be a nice change of pace well let’s uh let’s jump right into it here Scotty I mean it’ll be pretty short and sweet honestly um compared to some of the other

Episodes this week uh but there’s some storylines here to talk about you know rumor has it you’re going to make me look uh like an idiot again maybe with some trivia towards the end of this thing we’ll see I put my ear to the streets earlier and I heard that you had

Some for me too I got I got I’m nervous good as you should be I think you’re going to get these I don’t know what it’s like to be on the other side of trivia that’s kind of that’s kind of in my thing it’s nerve-wracking I I lose

Sleep over it just I just want you to know that um I I mean with this team like I think the first thing here probably is like who the heck will play and who won’t um and as per usual and and this is always the case on a bye

Like whether teams are playing well or not but there’s all kinds of rumors out there floating around so we’ll see um if there’s a guy or two missing um on Saturday yeah heard things yeah I’m not immune to the rumors that are out there we’ll see right if if if

There’s a guy or two missing whatever uh but Trev Brazil must said there’s no real update on him um hasn’t practiced yet we both listen to To His Radio Show um and we’ll see if he has an update later on Friday when we get to talk to

Him before the game but we we needed to get this into everybody’s feeds to check it out so we haven’t talked to us yet but um follow along with me here you know must said some days the knee feels good uh some days it doesn’t that sounds

To me very very much like someone who’s dealing with uh some inflammation and maybe some tendinitis um as opposed to just general soreness in the knee and that’s I’m speaking to my my own background here as an athletic trainer Curtis over here that that’s very that’s that’s not uncommon post surgery especially once

You get to this point in the season for you know U that thing working harder than it has in the past maybe the strength isn’t quite equal to the other knee I I think he’s I think he’s dealing with some tendonitis it’s just me connecting some dots um so who knows

What that’ll mean I just I you know if m is telling the truth I have a hard time believing we’ll see him but yeah I was going to ask what what you would put probability of him suiting up is 25% really yeah um and we’ll see I

Mean he has been trying to warm up with the team the last couple games I know he did at LSU um I heard you know from someone who was there in the stands that it it didn’t look good and that he shut it down pretty quick but if it’s a if

It’s a day where he’s feeling good uh then maybe he goes through all warm-ups but either way uh just given the way it sounds like I can’t imagine him playing a significant role even if he is dressed yeah and I feel like if there’s been da where it feels good there’s been days

Where it feels bad um and he’s been trying to get in there a little bit um I feel like you need to stack some it feels good days yeah on top of one another before you can get out there with bullets flying like that just seems

Like a like if if not um maybe you rush this thing getting back which there is no there is no reason for him to rush it back and that’s just I mean we’re we we’ve talked about these in their Futures before like he’s got a future

Beyond College to think about um and so the last thing he needs to do is is rush rush back or get out there when he doesn’t feel comfortable um so yeah I’m I’m kind of with you I would be a little bit I would be a little bit surprised if

If he played sure on Saturday for sure and like even even if he he did feel good you know these last couple of days leading up to a game you still don’t know what you’re going to get like facts practice is not a game what’s ever so MH

Um if he does play I don’t I don’t know that I would expect him to to light it up by any means right now dvo on the other hand U you know we kind of thought with either one of these guys if they were gonna make a return that this was

Probably a good time to do it the bye-week you could get back have a full week of practice you know shake off the rust get re acclimated whatever uh and and for all intents and purposes it sounds like dvo has done that I mean mus also mentioned that he tweaked his ankle

Like the first day he was out there at practice I don’t know what that means uh but assuming he’s been out there uh you know he’s had a full week with the team he’s been there for all the prep he’s also missed a lot of time I think this

Is probably what I’m most fascinated to see with this game is like like what’s it going to look like for dvo I would probably personally be more surprised if he didn’t play at all or very little I’d be more surprised by that than I would him starting him

Playing 35 minutes like I that would not surprise me at all just given the track record there I I don’t know what do you what do you think I don’t like I think Eric wouldn’t bring him back on the team if he didn’t intend to play him right

Right and like d we’ve said this before dvo at his best helps this team a lot um and if you know the things that you’ve been hearing are accurate you might need some help in the back court so I would expect dvo to play and I texted you last

Night and I said it’s like tell me tell me if I’m just completely an idiot for doing this predict dvo statline and everybody listening can send me and Curtis their prediction for dvo stat line so points rebounds and assists we’re not going to get in the weeds with Steals and box and

Free throw attempts and I really even maybe the minutes could be a tiebreaker if if you know that were to happen um but if you nail his stat line on Saturday I will I will send somebody a $15 seven Brew gift card you heard it you heard it

Here there there are prizes involved for participation I will do that I will do that you win we’ll identify you you send me your contact info and I will get that seven Brew gift card to you I know you know seven bre is probably not appealing

To some people but as an addict I feel like that’s it’s on my way in anyway I can it’s a versatile place you can do a lot there I can get my medium Ice Vanilla mocha and I ask for a $15 gift card at the same time so it won’t be we

Go I won’t be going out of my way for that I like it yeah let’s just get get some interaction um yeah man I think I think you could probably there’s probably going to be people that think he’s going to go for you know what he

Did his freshman year he could go for 20 in his return is just be like literally where has this dvo been and then literally where has he been for the last two weeks yes kind of deal or it could be you know there’s probably GNA be some

People that don’t think he plays at all right I’m kind of in that middle ground yeah where should we set the over under on his minutes it’s a great question um 6 and a half over over yeah I think so okay I’m I’m really and I’m I

Don’t I don’t think he’s going to start I don’t think so either I don’t think he’s going to start but I think you know if he he gets in there maybe that second shift of guys second wave of guys and he’s he keeps playing well Eric’s just

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it he just going to keep rocking with him that’s kind of how I feel about it too like I just and I’m I’m kind of being maybe a little factious when I when I talk about it here but this just it has you know 30

Plus minutes written all over it for for me at least like it wouldn’t surprise me at all I kind of hope it happens because it’d be funny um the SAR the sarr prop should only be his minutes yeah I agree only his minute total yeah I think that

Would be uh that would be perfect we ought to let we ought to let Rainer rainwater no I probably did lowball it with 16 and a half but I could I mean I could see that just but it that that’s just the thing with this team like you

Could set that with anybody on this roster not named Tron Mark you know and like who knows it’s it’s kind of crazy um and this is not a trivia question that I had for you it might be one that you had for me so we don’t have to get too far

Into it but just looking at the minutes Distribution on this team it’s uh it’s crazy to think about I would just suggest anybody go look at the at the [ __ ] stats and see uh see what those minutes look like from player to player there’s only a small handful of guys

Where it’s been any form of consistent whatsoever it’s kind of wild that is that is one of the questions I’ve got for you is the top five minutes played in in League Play still get it we can save that for later but it’s it’s pretty alarming I would say man it’s crazy um

Do we are we participating in this statline thing yeah I’ve got mine written down okay yeah we want to do we want to do like the tiebreaker with minutes played or you want to do anything like that yeah we could do that I like it all

Right um I’ve got five points okay four rebounds one assist okay in 21 minutes I like that I have seven points four rebounds three assists in 28 minutes okay run that by me again so I can write that down seven points okay four rebounds three assists three assists 28

Minutes there we go all right we got you down and listen y’all who are don’t go copycatting me now because it listen you know if there’s a tie like you got to at least switch up the minutes because I will take my $75 dollars for seven Brew

Like I I will split that with you I’m Petty so just because uh you know I’m sitting in front of a microphone doesn’t mean I’m not in on this prize if I win I just just throw it out there right now you might get the whole gift card yeah

And if Scotty wins he’s just got to you know pay for himself which he was going to do anyway so it’s just I’ll pay me that’s fine oh man yeah I can’t I can’t wait to see what it looks like with uh with dvo but again like I’m I’m happy he’s back

I’m happy he’s back and uh hope he does well tiebreaker should be like accessory related like is he going to go headband and then take it off off is he going to go shooter sleeve on his legs or I think he’s going to go back to his short shorts tall socks look yeah

That we’ve seen a couple times that’s kind of my expectation I hope we get upside down headband dvo yeah but you know see that would that would be the best thing for the team I think so too yeah upside down headband dvo they need

That yep I mean he told me when he was a freshman he was like hey these people in my circle are saying when you turn that headband upside down it’s you’re a different cat hey man so he’s aware yeah he is very aware and I’ve talked to him

In the past about his accessory choices and all that stuff and that was back before the nails or whatever it was strictly like socks and arm sleeves and undershirts it’s like he’s done the undershirt thing too where he’s worn it for like his first shift and then he

Gets subbed back in and he’s like t-shirts gone socks are down headbands off so interesting man he is an interesting man yeah yeah and and shoot like beyond that I mean I I have a pretty strong hunch here that Eric muscleman will not be rolling out the same starting lineup either on Saturday

Um and so I think it was two games in a row they started uh blocker battle Mark Lawson and Graham if I if if my memory serves me correctly that was the last two games yeah um the first game against Georgia when they were in Athens I mean he he

Went with I remember that it was minifield dvo TR Mark Brazil and maai it damn sure ain’t going to be that so right um I wonder if he goes back to back to something he’s used before if he goes back to the well and we get like

Lucky number 13 here with the starting lineup combinations uh do you have a thought on that I have one but I want to see what you got yeah I uh I was trying to figure out which groups hadn’t played together because I mean you got 12 to

Work with so you got to put some guys in pull some guys out or you’d have the same lineup combo I think think I looked at CBB analytics and these this group has played like 2 minutes and 40 seconds together okay and that 240 was at LSU

Okay and they were plus they were in the positive played so it was second half so it wasn’t like the game was particularly close but they did get some run together Laden blocker okay you got to have Tron Mark in there m Jeremiah Davenport Jaylen Graham Chandler Lawson

Damn it did I steal yours no almost I had leyen blocker Shon Mark Jeremiah Davenport Jaylen Graham maai Mitchell okay yeah I mean I could go either way with Kai or or Lawson um but I I don’t think like The Bigs have been playing fine and you’ve been bringing Kai Kai’s

Been Kai’s come off the bench every game since Florida he’s been hooping in that role yeah he has so yeah but I I I don’t mind at all seeing Kai and Jaylen Graham you know feeding off each other from the jump they’ve been playing as well as as

Any Duo Arkansas’s got right now yeah for sure and yeah I I definitely I I would actually be kind of surprised if I didn’t see the blocker Mark Davenport backcourt unless they just like yeah dvo get in there buddy um because Georgia has some big guards and

They’ll go to the bench and bring Justin Hill in and he’s he’s 6foot he’s he’s kind of stocky but you know that’s when you can get you know maybe some of your smaller guards in there but when they go with you know like Thomasson and uh you

Know DIY our our boy on the portal board back there and they got abdur rahee and some of those other like it’s a pretty it’s a pretty big group of guards three guys you just named 64 65 68 that’s some yeah some girth to those even the kid

And I just man he was just he was stroking on Arkansas like blue Kane or whatever his name was the Freshman he’s a big kid too yeah so they’ve got a a pretty big backourt so it wouldn’t surprise me at all to see um mus go big

And then on His Radio show he was also talking about how they might turn towards playing some more traditional lineups which makes me think they might be going back to the two bigs you know and like and I think you you might be hitting the nail on the head with

Starting Kai is that Russ Russell chiwa is that how you say his name the big boy for Georgia he started every game this year and that that boy’s 7 foot 275 yeah I mean I know Chandler Lawson’s dealt with Zach Ed before who’s even bigger than that um but if you want to

Go size for size Kai’s your best bet matching up with with him maybe try to maybe try to bully him a little bit right from the jump yeah exactly and then it’ll also be interesting to see like always like how deep does mus Go I mean it seems like if things are

Going well he’ll really try to keep it to that seven or eight if it’s a if it’s a you know a mess then he’ll keep trying to push buttons or whatever but uh I wonder about that standpoint of with dvo coming back and you know are we gonna

See you know the spots for Den Harris and Joseph pinion or is he gonna really keep that thing trim um I hope he keeps it to eight and then the guys that he brings off are the the third big who doesn’t start and then minifield and dvo just keep it

I think I’d be fine with that keep it to that I’m with you 100% um Scotty like I don’t know Arkansas lost this game 7666 in Athens literally a month it will be a month to the day when they tip off on Saturday uh the game never really felt

Like it was in question especially down the stretch like you know Arkansas I think that was the one game on the road where they didn’t just get their doors blown off I think the biggest they Trail by was like 13 um but they you know it was just I I never

Really felt like they were going to win that game um they could not make a shot they were three of 21 from three they’re sub 70% from the free throw line uh Mark was the only guy in double figures in that game I think he had 24 uh they had

15 turnovers it was kind of a mess there I thought they did a really good job defending jabri Abdul rahem in that game who’s a really nice player for Georgia but The Supporting Cast torched him like I know that the Thomasson kid was lighting him up Justin Hill lit him up

So Melendez gotten double figures too Mendez they prepped for previous L at at Illinois and they still couldn’t still couldn’t keep him at Bay right so I I don’t know man you know like Georgia they’re they’re really not very good I mean they’re they’re maybe like average

To middle of the pack in the SEC but they they’ve lost six of eight since they beat Arkansas I think they what they lost three or four in a row at this point yeah um this is a game that should be a guaranteed win inside but Bud Walton Arena but like that building

Hasn’t meant anything this season but listen like I know it it really doesn’t matter at this point like you’re 11 and 11 now but you probably want to win this one when you’ve got Tennessee coming into your building next week and then you got that two game Road swing with

Mississippi State and A&M yeah I think the biggest thing is you just want to give people a reason this weekend to come back next time yeah right like if you want any chance of taking Tennessee down you’re going to have to get the crowd involved there but if you lose

This weekend people might only be coming to see tene in the midweek next week just because Tennessee could win a National Championship and it it could just be that instead of going to watch Arkansas you know um I hope it doesn’t get to that point they need to like this this

Team’s lost three out of his last four at home in League Play and they’re this close for being winless at home in League Play That’s man it’s sickening like you can’t protect your home court man that’s that’s where trouble starts what do you like what are your expectations for the

Crowd and the atmosphere on Saturday I mean it’s a it’s a Saturday it’s a five o’clock game I don’t is there a baseball scrimmage on Saturday I don’t know that could legitimately help the crowd seriously like I I just I don’t know that it’s going to be I mean there’ll be

A decent amount of people there but I don’t know how much energy is going to be in that building and it’s I mean it’s damn sure not going to be your typical Saturday Bud Walton Arena crowd right I mean I just don’t I don’t know where the

Fan base is at I thought you might have been on to something after a good showing against Kentucky you beat Missouri you know maybe had they have gone on the road and got that one at LSU then maybe just a little bit more juice a little more pop in the building but I

Don’t my expectations are not high for this um I was thinking 12 to 13,000 that probably about right yeah I don’t I’m always really bad with like somebody text me like hey what’s the crowds look like and I’m looking around like I think it looks all right and then people are

Tweeting that oh there’s nobody there look it looks empty on TV so I’m like I I’m a bad judge when it comes to that um especially with guessing the home crowd I would say probably 12 or 13 like you’re just you’re probably not anym going to get an

Atmosphere close to you know what you’ve had at home in the past like even for an A&M and then tell me this we’ve talked about it a little bit off air but I just when I tweeted out that dvo was back on the team when we heard must say

It on the radio show um I expected you know like the the loud minority of people to be like oh who cares he quit on the team like whatever you know the people who are upset um I was kind of surprised at the volume of people reacting like either

Negatively or just not just kind of not caring about it at all yeah what what kind of reception or Ovation or response you like what do you think’s going to happen when dvo checks into the game I saw in uh I think it was so T I think Tuesday the day after

Doo’s announced that he’s coming back somebody was like I’m going to the game and as soon as dvo checks in I’m leaving I was like that sounds really you’re bar you’re you’re not even going to be able to eat your popcorn before that happens that sounds stupid because part of me

Like I don’t think he’ll start but part of me is saying that they’re going to start him so he’ll get a reception yeah and I don’t think it’ll just be one of those deals like when TB came back he he didn’t start and they just send him to

The scores table TV time out and he just kind of you know just goes about his business walks on the floor and there’s no real Ovation or reception or anything I think he’ll get a I think he’ll get a reception um just he’s been around a long time like he’s you know he’s

Responsible for a bunch of big moments right you the last four years I think will appreciate that everybody in the building going to be like that probably not right and my hope is um if you’re if you’re happy and appreciative and glad that he’s back cheer your head off like

You would anybody else um if you’re upset with how things have gone down or your perception of it or whatever um just sit there don’t boo him yeah don’t do that y we don’t do that to our own you know and so that’s that’s my biggest

Thing with it that would that would that would take me off yeah especially if there’s like are there going to be you know if there’s going to be like recruits in the building I’m I’m sure there will be that’s that would not be a good look yeah you don’t

You can’t do that like your four-year instate kid then these potential recruits or whatever these prospects hear booze from the home crowd for a kid that’s you know given a lot the last four years that’s that’s yeah that right there would be you know the fan base hurting the

Program a little bit exactly that’s that’s a tough look don’t do that um I don’t really know that there’s a a point in like you know digging into the weeds of this game so but tell me if we’re on the same wavelength here like I I think

That this really boils down to two things because it’s a very this is a very beatable team for Arkansas despite their own struggles I think it’s one uh what is motivating the Razer backs coming off of this bye like what what’s going to get you going and two what kind

Of start do you get off to yeah that’s it for me yeah um are are you I basically do you want to play and uh do you get off to a good start yeah I don’t I mean that’s a great question like what’s what’s driving him right now

After a week off and we talked about it on the last pod like I didn’t know if the week off was a good thing for him because it just you know outside of practice time it allows you um you know infinitely more time to to be in your

Own head about things and overthink things um and there’s there’s a lot to think about obviously with uh you know the way the season’s been going you’re right about the good start because if they don’t get off to a good start they’re cooked it’s a wrap yeah they fold they’re cooked immediately um

I don’t know what’s driving them but um I wrote down they are they going to defend the three finally I I’m going to guess no I’m gonna guess no too it would be cool if they did but Melendez Thomas and Kane All Above 39% from three in conference and then abdur raheem’s at

35% with big volume probably yeah 36 and a half perc Georgia is above the Break um for the season so that’s you know where they like to shoot it you know who likes to shoot it can you prevent them from from shooting it well because you’re dead last in the league

In three-point defense dead last and you’ve given up seven nine 10 12 threes your last four games something something’s got to change man yeah and I think you know it it does go back to math too it’s like are you going to allow the team to shoot threes

Because if you’re not going to let him shoot threes you can’t give a bunch up and expect a win like it’s just it’s just not how it works so and I I get the hunch that it I don’t think mus is going to be like hey you know what boys just let it

Fly so uh they’re probably GNA you know try to limit their volume and only take you know the quality shots from three so that mean they take 10 to 15 three-pointers again and make five of them well then you can’t give up 10 right you know so I’m with you I think

They they’ve got to guard the arc somehow and one thing that stood out to me when Arkansas went to Georgia is guys like abdur Rahim and Melendez they don’t need a whole lot of airspace to get a shot off right so you could do everything right and they could still

Make a shot but like you just got to you got to stay consistent in how you’re you know in your three-point defense approach it could be one of those deals where they want to run them off the three-point line well hope your help defense is solid and you’re funneling

Funneling guys to the right bigs who can you know actually do something something about it around the rim that would be yeah that would be good that would be ideal this was the one game I remember um you know during this tough stretch and SEC play where mus uh it it seemed like

Against Georgia he was for the most part he was pleased with the effort and everything especially coming off that Auburn game but he was very much like we just didn’t make any shots and they were knocking him down yeah and I kind of felt that way after that game too but uh

But much has changed since I don’t know I don’t know how good Georgia is away from home like we watched them put up what felt like a million points against Kentucky and still lose but that it’s a different team home and road yeah they don’t shoot

I don’t feel like they shoot it quite as well on the road so Arkansas needs to try to continue that Trend but the trend has been Arkansas makes makes other teams look really really good maybe better way better than they are exactly in reality exactly yeah if they get the

Uh maybe they’ll get the Kentucky game defens effort slash Georgia just misses some shots that’ be that’d be great we’ll see what happens I don’t know man but uh we’ll be there we’ll be checking it out um well let’s get to uh let’s get to this trivia time I’m I’m anxious to see

What you got yeah doing the Friday five I’ve got five questions for you and it’s it’s weird I did like top four in one category top five top two top three okay it’s weird it’s a little bit weird then and then I’ll leave it up to you whether

You want to do another trivia question or which is true okay okay so the first one um Arkansas’s top who’s Arkansas’s in Arkansas’s top four in assists in SEC play Oh I Feel Like We briefly touched on this maybe off air earlier in the week because it was so funny that I couldn’t

Not tell people assist SEC play you were you were in here and I just had to tell you hey well maai Mitchell number one because that’s what I do remember yeah which is absurd and then there is a there’s a tie for second okay um let me go no

Minifield he is one of the two okay um he has 12 one other player has 12 dvo no no dvo no Tron markk Tron Mark is tied for second with Keon Manfield with 12 assists play and now all you’re missing is is I guess that would be fourth okay let’s

Go God who else is about L Ellis no Jaylen Graham no how many is it 10 uh geez not dvo not Brazil who else played plays Davenport doesn’t dime that’s going to be another question who else plays Chandler Lawson no dang it um is a

Guard oh gosh well it’s got to be uh blocker then yes blocker that’s my I should Mitchell leads the team and assists and SEC play with 13 Mark and mfield have 12 blocker has 10 okay all right name the two guys who lead the team and three-point field goals made in

SEC play there is a tie Keon mfield and Jeremiah Davenport that is absolutely right that was something I was going to ask you you know ball that’s something I was going to ask you I looked that’s nuts yeah did not expect I think Caleb battle’s like third with seven right something along

Those lines but yeah mfield and mfield is actually shooting it fairly well right like 36% or something Davenport’s like sub30 but yeah I I did look one that one okay uh top three in steals in SEC play um Team Mark number one uh our boy Jaylen Graham number two

Okay with nine and blocker number three with six let’s gotis is balling know ball today all right all right top five in minutes played in SEC play um tart he number one with 20 72 okay okay so we’re doing total not per game yeah total okay um yikes

I’m dvo is probably still on that list dvo is fifth okay at 143 okay um this is really should not be as difficult as it is uh okay Kai Mitchell he is number two 171 so he’s played 101 fewer minutes than Tramon Mark who is number one uh

Yikes Brazil still on there Brazil is third he’s third and he hasn’t played in two weeks 163 minutes okay so we got you got mark one Kai 2 tb3 dvo five okay uh Graham Graham is fourth 150 minutes so it’s dude that makes no sense Mitchel Brazil Graham dvo that’s crazy okay all

Right so would you would you rather you want to do a Wich is true or um do a leading scores challenge um let’s go which is true which is true llis or Laden block ER played more minutes in SEC play dude has llis played more minutes than Laden blocker or has Laden blocker

Played more minutes in SEC play than L Ellis okay SEC play yeah because blocker kind of had his run of starts pre SEC play now he’s back in there he had some short stance L’s been a DMP the last couple games he had a handful of starts

I bet it’s kind of close I’m gonna say l l Ellis is correct L has played 123 minutes blockers played 121 oh very close then very close Okay I bet that’s a different answer after uh Saturday you might be on to something there dang okay that’s wild yeah it’s

Wild that was the Friday five I okay shot the trivia shotgun at Curtis and he came through today he I I felt okay about most of them went through that quickly um yeah and so and then the In fairness like the three-point one I was

Going to ask you a version of I was going to ask you like who leads Arkansas and makes and attempts from three and SEC play so I kind of had a idea on that one I attempts well just makes I I meant U I’m sorry makes in percentage is what I

Meant okay but go ahead and give me attempts I I’ll pull up stats feel like Min Field’s up there okay bad air I gotta pull it up let’s see yeah okay all right yeah I got it up now minifield got some looks up early against Auburn right mfield is tied for

Third in three-point attempts in SCC play WoW Davenport gets him up Davenport is number one Davenport is taking 29 threes in SEC play I feel like I remember battles taking 23 battles taking 23 Min Field’s at 22 and he’s tied with one other person who gets a lot of shots up oh

Tron Mark yes yeah all right yeah t- Mark I was surprised that you know t- Mark takes a bunch of shots I figured he’d taken more threes than he has yeah yeah me too I mean he’s if you expand out the whole season you do a whole

Season deal like I feel like he shot the three fairly well right I could just be completely wrong um yeah t- Mark’s 37% for the year yeah I mean take that why are T why is t- Mark and and KB not taking more threes cuz they’ve been told

Not to I guess it’s a mandate don’t shoot them but I figure you got to give somebody the green light and it’ be those two right you know it’s so weird it’s battle’s taking 80 this year Davenport’s taking 66 and Mark’s taking 59 it’s crazy Davenport who we feel like

Doesn’t play hardly at all he’s played 33.6% of the available minutes this year and he’s got up more threes than t- Mark has who’s played like 150% of the minutes yeah it’s nuts man T Mark I mean Eric was talking in the summer about how uh t- Mark’s offensive game had really

Evolved I just I would I wouldn’t mind at all if he took more threes no if Caleb battle took more threes like you got a guy sitting there almost 39% for the year he’s got to put him up right it’s nuts man Mark’s almost at 38% okay

Well I did have one other one for you you know because we we spent a lot of time this week talking about just how crazy the lineup and rotation inconsistencies have been um there are two players on this roster that have played in every game this

Season who are they so team two guys who have appeared in every game this season Mai Mitchell’s one of them maai Mitchell is one of them not dvo not TB not t- Mark not blocker not blocker um is it Davenport not Davenport okay he had the one DMP when we were in the

Bahamas remember and he said like oh his foot was hurting or something yeah um is it Chandler Lawson Chandler Lawson ma met you on Chandler Lawson the only two guys on this roster who played in every game yeah yeah that’s crazy yeah that is wild like both we did trivia the

Other day was just like who started the most games and it’s Chandler Lawson’s in there you know Mr consistency yeah he’s just he’s consistent because he’s there all the time he exist there yeah he is on the team he’s he is out there you

Count on him to show up oh man you can say for a lot of guys I guess yes that is uh that is very true all right well no that was good that was fun I like doing those um hopefully he give some people something to you know interact

With when they’re listening in as opposed to just hearing us spout off about uh blue can’s threo percentage from uh person it is a real person yeah um this is a white dude he did he have a man bun going on is that him yes I think

It was a white guy with the the long hair my 11-year-old was watching Georgia play one time and he thought it was a girl yeah it’s like why are we watching girls basketball I’m like this you see the other nine guys on the floor not women right yeah he’s just uh that’s

Just his swag that’s him and uh he was he was letting it you got a prediction for the game are they all going to win um no I don’t think I don’t think they’re going to win I don’t think they’re going to get their doors blown

Off but I don’t think they’re going to win yeah um I’ll say single digit loss yeah that’s fair they probably score in the 60s low 60s and loose also Fair they that’s their that’s kind of their Vibe yeah I think that’s where they’re at do we have uh let’s let’s run through the

Other SEC games for Saturday real quick we’ll just do some rapid fire and then we’ll get out of here but I’m sure it’s a pretty decent uh pretty decent slate although you know there were some bangers on the Wednesday night schedule that that Auburn and Alabama game was a

Good one I enjoyed that one we hit an SEC parlay last on Wednesday brother we did yeah Tennessee took care of business Mississippi State took care of business okay here we go um let me hit you with them real quick we’ll just pick winners here Alabama coming off a beat down at

Auburn uh they’re going to go on the road to LSU don’t know Bama I guess I’ll take bama yeah yeah although it’s kind of a tricky spot for him but I think I think Bama uh this will be easy Vanderbilt at South Carolina South Carolina by double Biggers yeah South Carolina’s rolling

Man oo Auburn coming off the emotional home win against Alabama goes on the road to Florida I’m not going against Auburn I think that team’s pretty legit I like that I think they’re legit too to be different I’ll go Florida at home but I don’t I don’t trust in that pick at all

Yeah Auburn really I was I’ve been critiquing Auburn because for the longest I was like yeah they’re like they’re they’ve got a nice record they look good and stuff but they don’t have any quad one wins well they picked up two in a row now there you go so they’re

They’re cooking okay um oh dang okay I forgot all about this wow I forgot about this game yes Gonzaga at Kentucky in rup it’s a shame that game’s lost a little bit of luster because Gonzaga gonzaga’s struggling some struggling this year yeah um I like Kentucky though I mean I feel like they

Got they got their Swagger back a little bit against Vanderbilt the other night it was good to just beat somebody to sleep yeah that’s kind of what V’s there for on your schedule you’re struggling and that Kentucky offense had struggled like four straight games and then they

Put up a put up a 100 plus yeah um yeah I like Kentucky they’ll they’ll score it well yeah I think so too that’s a fun game though man like just uh stepping outside of league play like that it’s not part of a challenge or anything you

Just bring Gonzaga in in in February that’s it’s good scheduling right there I like that uh let’s see we got Georgia at Arkansas we talked about that one uh Tennessee going on the road to Texas A&M it’s interesting first team to 60 wins yeah I think so but I think you know

We’ve watched plenty of of Texas A&M of late I feel like we love Anderson Garcia yeah if he’s not grabbing misses for them it’s feels like a oneman show Almost Taylor um I’ll I’ll I like Tennessee I think Tennessee gets that done on the road um it’ll be interesting because I Buzz is

Really good about getting his guys up to play for those kind of games especially at home but I’m with you yeah like outside of Wade Taylor it’s been a kind of a weird deal for them uh but yeah I like Tennessee there too um and then Mississippi state’s going to go on the

Road and in ham Missouri their 11 straight loss in SEC play yep to Smith is gonna missou and vaner get right games yeah per teams yeah exactly and the beauty of it for Arkansas is or Lord I hope it’s beauty is that after they go through this little Gauntlet

Post Georgia of Tennessee and then on the road at Mississippi State and A&M they get that week where they get Vandy and and maou at home so you know we’ll see what happens there all right got anything else we got final thoughts I have no final thoughts I have no final

Thoughts either I just wonder what Monday’s pod’s going to look like I do too sound like I do too what we’re gonna talk about yeah because if they get if they get their doors blown off like I don’t we might go Tuesday Thursday and just swap the bombastic podcast with and

He three days a week right because I I don’t I don’t know and even if they win it you know doesn’t matter but just like come on man like give us something to work with here some kind of storyline I’m sure there will be some kind of

Drama that we can talk about we’ll see count on it yeah I’m definitely counting on that but hey cool we did it it’s a wrap got you primed up for Georgia got some trivia for you don’t forget to get in the comments okay or throw us something on Twitter give us that dvo

Davis statline points rebounds and assist I’m $1 seven Brew gift card for anybody that Nails it go ahead and send minutes played too that could be potentially a tiebreaker yeah exactly all right well that’ll wrap us up for this show the pot at the palace it’s been Curtis Wilkerson Scotty borderline

With Natty State Sports and we will catch you guys after the weekend enjoy your Super Bowl Sunday and we will talk to you on Monday

How close is Arkansas basketball to being full strength? Maybe not as close as many hoped from the sounds of it.

Curtis Wilkerson and Scottie Bordelon are back to discuss expectations for Devo’s return, the status of Trevon Brazile, what to watch for as the Razorbacks return to action against Georgia and wrap with a a trivia time segment.

Presented by Natty State Sports!

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