@National Hockey League

Is 5 games too little of a punishment?

by Only-Highlights


  1. Great now we get 3 days of threads in r/hockey and r/nhl asking if 5 games is appropriate.


  2. MarketingChemical648

    I think it’s too many. Not sure how this is worth 5 and Trouba swinging his stick at Frederic’s head and hitting him is a $5,000 fine and no suspension

  3. Biff_Tannen-43

    Too much in my opinion. There’s a players code in hockey and firing a clapper in an empty net at point blank range will justifiably get your ass lit up.

  4. Josherline

    To LITTLE?! Are you insane?! Non offender. Should have been 2 games max

  5. rseakan10

    I think it’s a lot personally. I get it kinda, can’t cross check people in the head. I just don’t know what the kid and people watching expected to happen after he did what he did. You do that, then just blankly stare at Reilly expecting him to do nothing as he skates towards you? If you’re gonna do dick head shit, expect dick head treatment. That slap shot is a huge fuck you to the leafs, don’t get mad at a fuck you back.

  6. peachholler

    *slurps Moosehead, rips Marlboro* shoulda gone after the little punk with a Husquvarna like I’d have done cuz I’m a real man

  7. Yumhotdogstock

    Oh come on. 5?

    Will Bennett get a retroactive 5? Will Benn get a few more now?

  8. BeautifulPlace2Drown

    On par for what I was expecting. I feel perrons cross check was worse and he got 6 games

  9. SpinCity07

    Overkill, however it’s to send a message to the rest of the league. More slapshots to come.

  10. Nah. It’s about right. It was a dangerous and stupid play but there was no injury or anything.

    5 games is fair.

  11. LicenseToChill007

    Would’ve been happier with 3 but it is what it is. Love all the attention for the Leafs tho, another example of us living rent free in every fanbases mind. Let’s see if this wakes up the buds and we go on a roll. Give me my downvotes!

  12. Too little? I thought he was getting 2 games and $5k

  13. VisibleHalf

    My issue with suspensions are that they’re very inconsistent. I’d actually be ok with longer suspensions if it took a lot of the dangerous non hockey plays out of the game. Unfortunately, similar plays can get you anywhere from a fine to 5 or 6 games.

  14. wistfulwizardwally

    I feel like 5 is appropriate, it was a dumb shit move that could have very easily resulted in a bad injury and it was on a dead play. That said, the DoS is so inconsistent it’s insane. Certainly don’t think it should have been more.

    I’m all for being an ass and slapping it into an empty net against a rival, I’m also all for the other team then coming to rough you up for the disrespect but this was an overreaction.

  15. p8ntballnxj

    5 games?

    Shit man, Perron really should work to get some of his pay back into his pocket.

  16. Sure Wonder why Petro only got one game for trying to chop off. Drais wrist

  17. cynicalhippies

    so everyone’s taking clappers on their empty nets for the rest of the season right?

  18. Character-Care4776

    Five games for a cross check to the shoulder! Ridiculous

  19. 5 seems decent. I was guessing 3 due to him being a pretty peaceful and level-headed guy for the entirety of his career. I’m a die-hard leafs fan but, you can’t cross check people in the head.

    I understand the heat-of-the-moment anger probably stemming from an array of things. Underperforming team year after year, constant media buzz, fighting tooth and nail for a playoff spot with the leagues biggest payroll. That being said, I think the physical retaliation should’ve been a fight or a little scrum instead of that shot. It’s not sending a message if the ultimate recipient is the DOPS. This one’s gonna hurt us, Reilly is a key part of the team.

    The suspensions are insanely inconsistent and I’m sure I’ll be greeted with many examples of worse hits that got less time. Right on. I install furnaces for a living, I don’t have any idea how the DOPS works. I always see people complaining about leafs media coverage, and people who buzz about it are exactly what feeds the machine. The articles are fed by clicks, doesn’t matter if you’re angry or happy when reading them, a click is a click.

  20. Remarkable_Cow_6061

    Should have been Zero. DOPS is a joke. Greig ramped the stick into his own head.

  21. Late_Invite1720

    He also forfeited over $190,000. Five games was fair.

  22. Under George Parros, who has been in charge of the player safety department since 2017, the Leafs have had the most suspensions in the NHL.

  23. Too many games imo. Lots of clips being circulated showing very similar plays and getting a max of 1 game

  24. rollsoftape

    How many did that crosscheck on Simmonds face get? Or Bennett on Bunting last year?

  25. NacchoTheThird

    I hope to see a million more threads on this. The Leafs are on a tier of their own when it comes to relevancy.

  26. Wild-Piece-8000

    Yes, they need to crack down on headshots after the whistle, throw the adult book at him not the baby book… im disappointed DoPS

  27. Stonewall30NY

    I think it should’ve been 10. It was basically after the game and I’m sorry but you don’t get to be mad when you give up a break away and stop skating before even your own blue line. Cross checking to the head and then slamming him into the boards was unacceptable

  28. Complete-Emergency99

    Yes. It should’ve been at least 10 games.

    It was a completely unnecessary and cowardly move. Especially since he gave up chasing as soon as he hit hit the blue line. His own teammates should beat him up, just for that reason alone.

    If you don’t want that to happen to you, play better and work harder.

    In my opinion, a slap shot is less disrespectful than just pushing the puck over the line. You’re more likely to miss a slap shot than a slight push.

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