@Carolina Hurricanes

This would be a terrible move for us

This would be a terrible move for us

by Turbulent_System_446


  1. phunkodelic

    Hell da no! My boy Nacho ain’t goin anywhere! I would be Saros if this happened.

  2. Lewistansbrothernlaw

    No it would be a great move for us IMO. Saros will win more playoffs games than Necas in ab individual level. Plus I have not been thrilled with Necas come playoff time or this season all together.

  3. Cinnamon_Shops

    Necas is going to be hard to sign, especially if we want to keep Jarvis/Skiej/maybe Pesce but I hope not.

    If we can’t sign him, I’d prefer we trade him for someone with a high offensive ceiling who is a proven grinder in the playoffs. But if he is a piece that can get us an elite goalie, there are worse moves we could make.

  4. The_Reddit_Browser

    It makes a lot of sense.

    Necas deserves to get paid and it won’t be here. There is too much riding on that next deal for him to get truly what he wants.

    The devils just swung for and will probably end up finishing the deal for Markstrom so our division rivals are all going to have their goaltenders locked in.

    This isn’t a slight at Kochetkov either because he can be our future in net, he’s only 24 with 3 more years on his first deal. They didn’t pay him as a #1 for a reason, they want him to develop into that goalie and at worst he is our backup.

  5. I’m a Necas-stan, so this may be rose colored glasses, but no way I’d move him in season for anything but a high scoring forward. This team’s Achilles heel in the playoffs has been scoring. I’m not removing the most highly skilled player from this team (despite not having great postseason numbers) for a return that doesn’t net anything offensively. Ultimately I think they’ll trade Necas at the draft because he doesn’t fit our system and he’ll want more money than they’re comfortable giving him. If he goes to a free wheeling team he’ll light it up too. All that to say I’ll be pumped if we get Saros, just hopefully not at the expense of losing Necas

  6. notyomamasusername

    Can’t spell Canes without Necas….but the cost of keeping him next season may too high for us.

    This might actually be a good way to address our net keeper issues for the next few years when we have to make that hard decision anyway.

    That being said…… I’d never root against him even if he is in another jersey.

    He’s be another Nino or Trochek for me.

  7. Caniac1017

    We can’t keep everyone. There are guys ahead of Necas in the pecking order that need to be extended first.

  8. onbiver9871

    Saros is a top tier goalie and it wouldn’t surprise me to see a deal for him requiring Necas + futures. Maybe not a ton of futures, but futures. Marty’s best hockey may yet be in front of him, but the reality is you’d be trying to pry a guy from Nashville who’s finished near the top of Vezina voting the last few years. I think that if they actually want to offload him, it won’t be for anything less than a haul.

    That said, I think the Canes should consider it, if it’s really on the table. Saros is, IMO, much more valuable than Necas going forward, in addition to Necas’s impending contract situation. It’s easier to replace 2nd line winger production than it is to get an established top tier goalie. If the Canes window is now, Saros speaks to that.

  9. I get the love for Necas from our fans and in this thread but this is pretty obviously a move the FO is considering and taking seriously. The cap is real folks.

  10. Independent_Cut_1310

    Please no more goalies!!! Kooch, Raanta, Andersen (when he comes back), and Martin (?) is more than enough. Many good teams have subpar goaltending this year. We have no need for five (5) NHL ready goalies, it’s a waste of money. This is without considering the cost… Necas would be a massive overpay.

  11. Carolina_913

    Necas is a guy that we as a fanbase love to complain about but would notice big time if he left. That said, if we don’t see a future with him here (for whatever reason), flip him and get something in return. I love the guy but I’d rather be secure in net for the foreseeable future than have necas walk for free

  12. mattwiener

    Necas has yet to show up for us in the playoffs. Don’t mind this move

  13. ripinpeace12

    Wouldn’t have that much heartburn over it. Necas would do better elsewhere in a system that gives him more freedom.

  14. BurnoutShoes

    Can you part with the offense Necas provides and expect to make Cup run with Lemeiux as his replacement? Does Saros save that many more goals than Kochetkov to balance that out? Not so sure. Beyond this season, it’s a better deal.

    I think the price on renting MAF for a Cup run is going to drop where we don’t lose a roster player.

  15. that-bro-dad

    I’d be curious what Marty thinks about resigning with us.

    While we love him, and I would hate to see him go, I also can’t help feeling like he’s chafing under Rod’s system.

    If the money was right, I could see him leaving.

    Now does that mean he’d be down for a trade? Maybe. To Nashville? I doubt it

  16. I mean the realistic thing is it’s either this, or roll playoffs with Kooch and Martin. Kooch I trust, but not for every game without a break…

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