@Boston Bruins

LQR Game 53: Hate…Respectfully :Lightning @ Bruins

LQR Game 53: Hate…Respectfully :Lightning @ Bruins

I hate you good cuz I hate you well good cuz I hate you well that’s fine with me because I hate you I don’t care about your opinion but that doesn’t stop me from hating you I didn’t even know you had opinions which is how little I care

About them but it doesn’t stop me from hating you I hope you keep hating me oh don’t worry about that Buckaroo cuz I hate you I’m not worried cuz you know what what I hate you I’ll hate you forever I’ll hate you more forever I’ll hate you the most forever I’ll hate you

The most times 10 forever God these teams respect each other low quality fans of a high quality Bruins team that is not a dumb lost three of four coming out of the break looking blid AF it ain’t great it ain’t great now I’m not going to take this past week and a

Couple of days of hockey and erase months and months and months and months of evidence that this team again we’ve said this a thousand times might not be a true top cup Contender but is a good team a solid strong team where if things go right in the playoffs can eliminate

Any team they’re playing I truly believe that is red flags this team has weaknesses that’s fine most teams are having the same conversation I just I really there was so much negativity after the Caps game I was part of that because it was such a

Bad game and the Flames game was such a bad game and the start of this one was pretty tough too you go through stages of this and every team does every team goes to stage of this in fact if you look around the league the Bruins have gone through far less of those

Stages than most other teams have that’s a real thing that being said this has not been fun this team is struggling and we’re going to talk at the end near the game notes about something that we had talked a bunch about as a possibility and it’s coming to

Fruition we’ll get there like comment subscribe nailed it the Discord popping off there’s Instagram there’s Twitter there’s all that good stuff there’s the YouTube members the the high quality inspectors as we call them just they’re brilliant they’re stallions their studs just excellent excellent I don’t really have a point

There other than the fact that they’re just fantastic and I thank them very much and if you’re one of them thank you let’s talk about this Tampa team we’ve played them twice already there was an overtime lost to them not this one A different one in November and a 73

Drubbing of them in January their offense spearheaded by kucherov is ridiculous seventh in the league but their number one power play is what really carries them through they love a special teams battle their top dogs can play with damn near anyone point and Hegel and Hedman and they’re good they’re good their

Depth not so much but hey you can’t have it all vasileski returned from his injury and hasn’t looked great and all of us went great no one wants the guy to be hurt no one wants the guy to be injured he’s a fantastic competitor like I don’t

Dislike vasileski at all I hate the team he plays for just hate them but I like baseski for the most part he’s the best goal tender in the world in my opinion up to this year all of that being said he might be rounding back into form and that’s a

Really scary thought because coming to this game he had a 901 save percentage on the season but his last game he had like a 943 he had a similarly ridiculous number in this one dude’s awesome and if he gets hot this team gets real scary again and maybe they are getting scary again

They’re S3 and0 and their last 10 but the problem there is though out of those seven wins again not including our game they have beaten one playoff team and that was the Flyers which is great but that doesn’t exactly scream Contender uh fun fact about the Tampa

Bay Lightning welcome to fun facts with lowall I [ __ ] hate that team man I hate them that’s a fun fact about the Tampa lightning this was fun facts with lowall let’s talk about our slumping team the lines marshan Coy pasta Freddy zaka debrusk jvr geeky Rashard that was one

Of the worst lines I’ve seen all year and then Heinen boist Steen Grizz mvoy lindol Carlo forbort shaton Kirk and then Mark before we even talk about who was scratched here’s my history with a couple of these you are playing Heinen on the fourth line Heinen’s been really solid for us

I don’t know why you’re playing him down there I don’t get it that’s and not even because like hey he should be working a better Talent he should be getting more ice time is what it is and I know he plays a little bit of the penalty kill

Things like that but um forart shaten Kirk is a bad pairing and we know that we have months of evidence of that we’re aware of that the guys who are scratched Loo Who every time he has a a good game gets scratched I mean I don’t his last

Game wasn’t great but he he’s got to have the most confusing year mentally for him because every time he feels like he’s doing well Monty must be like you suck and then vice versa water spoon scratched who has a right to be looking around flabbergasted like unless the

Conversation was hey man we’re trying to keep everyone fresh so you’re going to come in and out of the lineup our top four dogs aren’t missing games but forbort and shaton Kirk and you are going to have to swap around even though forbo’s going to play every game until

The heat death of the universe just to spite me why are we not playing wers spin he’s better than your both your options on your third pair in fact you have two guys lorai and shaten Kirk where if you dropped forbort down to the AHL bring

Lori up I Laur and shat Laur and wspoon you know what I mean if it was Laura wspoon third pairing I think we’d be a lot happier is all I’m saying that’s all I’m saying I just think you have two Defenders who are better than the guys

You’re playing on the third pair and that your third pair is terrible I don’t get it I don’t I don’t get it this is also Mar Shan’s 1,000th game all with the Bruins he becomes the 40s something player to do it he’s awesome and I love him and I appreciate

Him our captain what a guy 1,000 games th000 rat games you love to see it welld deserving of the captaincy good stuff for him I think that celebration’s supposed to come next week at some point let’s talk about this game shall we put drops uses a lot of oxygen on that 321

In I thought we got a lucky whistle I I really did I thought hey the whistle blue doesn’t count but I do like the way they called this because I think this was the correct call 321 inar looks like he gave up a sof y because chak coming

Down the right side of the slot it was a turnover in the neutral zone odd man Rush he’s going to shoot this five hole he’s a good ways away he’s not right on top of Omar he’s a good ways away Omar tries to swallow it up it squeaks

Through it looks like it might have crossed the line to me one angle the camera seems to show Pure White between the line and the puck I think this was the right call The Whistle blew before it crossed the line but the continu of the puck untouched went in the net if I

Was a Tampa fan I’d be livid if they didn’t count that and obviously if it happened to the Bruins I’d be pissed like come on that that there’s a spirit of the rule and the spirit of the rule is you don’t take a good goal off the board just because you got whistle

Happy it’s one zero they review it they call it a good goal it was a good goal and Omar wants it back and you don’t see Omar give up softies often that’s a a brutal one that’s about as bad as they come but still a human that’s a human error

And we’re lucky to have two goalies who just don’t make those that much I’m not going to crush the guy he should have had that save 7:30 in a bad turnover in the ozone by pasta uh he just flubs a pass all night all night with him I

Don’t even think pasta was terrible it just everything fell right off his stick it was brutal it leads to a cra Breakaway andark talk about Redemption right after that the mental toughness Stones him five hole just a gorgeous save 348 left flurry for slashing we’re

Going to go a power play it is going to be the first of five power plays for us dur in regulation first of five uh we have a lot of possession but no result to come from it and then 48 seconds left hiding for high sticking

We’re going to kill off the 48 seconds we’re going into the second period with about a minute and 12 on the penalty kill and with 6 seconds left of that penalty kill we have had one clear through this entire process which was Tampa clearing it themselves because they miss queued

On a pass they get right back into the Zone a shot from the left Circle by Paul omark either makes a save or gets deflected before it gets to him I’m not really sure if it even got to him but the puck flings into the slot bounces

Around around gets pushed over to COV who slams this far Corner top corner and it’s two Z on the power play goal are penalty kill isn’t good our penalty kill isn’t good it’s statistically terrible for the last three months and it’s not good forbort hasn’t fixed that nothing

Has fixed that it’s a really bad penalty kill and it can be the end of our season in the playoffs if if something’s not done about this but we actually respond and this will be the first push back pretty much of the game for us the first

Period was not good 204 into the period so just 50 50 seconds after that goal Cole is wins a battle right behind vassie gets the puck over to Maran on the right wall and Martian’s just going to feed this up to makoy who’s on the right poin is but he’s scooted towards

The middle and he’s just gonna unleash an absolute nuke towards the net didn’t even have to be a nuke vasie never sees it there’s six bodies between makoy and the net vassie never sees this one squeaks through him though on the glove side and it’s going to be 2-1 just like

That and we’re back in it everyone should get the momentum flowing through their body oh never mind uh just a minute later van reike goes for tripping so we’re going to kill all that momentum we’ll just go stab it right between the eyes Bruins Hockey style it does feel like we’re really

Good at killing our own momentum doesn’t it that’s probably not a good thing either oh well 7 seconds left to that penalty kill Tampa goes for too many men like morons H we’ve we’ve never done that recently 153 of power play time after we do the 4v4 for 7 Seconds the power play

Isn’t good and we don’t get anything off of it 337 left delayed call this is just ironic as hell delayed call after geeky draws tripping so we get to go six on five while Omar goes to the net and we possess largely because of marshand we possess for like 30 something seconds

Marshand in his right Circle continues to just look people off get the puck where wants it to go we can’t create a great scoring opportunity we do retrieve the puck a couple of times after shots but this comes to its peak when it gets to marshand again on that right Circle

And he opts for a Sharp angle shot he goes screw it I’ve got jvr right in front let me launch it there and he does and jvr slams The Rebound right through the legs Tampa never got possession it’s 22 it’s not a power play goal and you could make the argument well it

Basically was and yeah that makes sense but what if we just also scored on power plays why can’t that be a thing we have a top 10 power play I know I know but in a game like this when you have so many power play opportunities I think it’s fair to criticize not

Scoring on them I think it’s fair to criticize our power play as it just continues to be so inconsistent so inconsistent but it’s 22 that’s a great feeling and the period is going to end that way and we do get a scare during that period when pasta goes down the

Tunnel but he seems to be fine he was grabbing his thigh it looked like I hope that’s not something nagging but we’re going to go third period and we’re tied in 150 in Hegel trips up marshan first first first of three power plays during this period Hegel also

Throws a tantrum after this call and he goes to the box and the replay goes and it is one of the most blatant trips that you pretty much ever see and you’re very confused as to what the Tantrum was about uh and then you remember it’s Brandon Hegel who throws a tantrum every

Time about everything I’m pretty sure he learned it from their coach Cooper who throws a tantrum every time uh about anything I wonder if I don’t know if the man has kids but I wonder who throws the bigger Tantrums at home if he does like has the

Kid kid aged out is is is the kid like nine or 10 now so they’re not like throwing tantrums and the the wife’s just like thank God we only have to deal with one person throwing Tantrums now when the kid was like one or two would

They sit by side by side and both scream which one would [ __ ] their pants first God there’s so many question questions about this so many anyway it’s another bad power play 523 in asot puts his shoulder through olar clearly and intentionally puts the wing up boom gets him right in the chest

Knocks him down now of course Puck still skittering around Tampa buries it ref is like come on I’m dumb I’m not that dumb waves it off and then he does prove he’s that dumb he goes to the center ice and has the audacity I’m not complaining

About a lack of calls we got plenty of calls it’s our own fault we didn’t capitalize them but he does have the audacity to go into the center of the ice and make the announcement and says the goal is waved due to incidental contact I challenge you to watch that

Replay as many times as you need to I don’t think it was incidental personally I’d have a hard time believing anyone would think it was incidental either way 923 left a two-on-one pasta gets tripped up on I kind of wish he just shot this but either way we’re going to the power play

And guess what no dice it’s bad again 655 left right after they kill off that power play or that penalty kill what however you want to say that zaka in a desperation Train play in the offensive zone trips up a Tampa player he’s so far behind him there’s no reason to do this

This was just stupid frustration we’re going to the penal to kill and we kill it great we needed to kill it and with three 46 left delay of game on Tampa Glen Denny just launches this out of his Zone into the crowd M some jerk wearing a Habs Jersey that didn’t

Happen I don’t think either way we’re going to the power play again and the amount of gifts that Tampa has given us the Too Many Men this delay of game like capitalized just make him pay for it and again nothing it’s not like we lacked possession a lot of these power plays

Had a lot of possession but no finish at all and none of the dirty grimy stuff that you need to do with this team this team needs to score in grimy ways they don’t have enough guys that are just going to bury pucks especially when pasta’s a little

Cold it’s just not going to happen that way so we’re going to go to overtime and overtime is about four minutes of Tampa playing keep away and not shooting the puck there’s are a couple big big moves but whatever and with 2.6 seconds left of this this overtime there’s a clear

Hooking call to prevent the scoring chance for coil so it’s five on three for 2.6 seconds and we’re going to the shootout and the only person who scores on the shootout is point because he comes in with speed H fakes in on Omar Omar sells out goes around him Omar

Dives makes the glove save and accidentally knocks it in the air for his blocker hand to come through and knock it into the deet so it’s a goal and that’s the only goal of the shootout and we lose 3-2 that’s the final The Game notes there’s one game

Note there’s just one that well there’s two the first one is that the our special teams isn’t great it’s just not and it’s not going to end our season it just could because if they go cold enough if they can’t hold their own level of just being

Okay it’s going to be real tough to win a series is all I’m saying but the big game note I have is this is a scenario we talked about it could happen this team needs consistency from its Stars that’s pasta Marian makoy olark and Swan has to have

It because it is possible for the entirety of the rest of the team to go cold all at the same time now obviously that can happen to any team right this isn’t some groundbreaking Theory I have but we we have streaky players on this team we played Money Ball with the

Bargain Bin in the off season and we brought in a bunch of guys who probably third liners for the most part with a couple guys who can play Above their station in the right scenario and when they get hot it’s great because then you have jvr scoring and pasta scoring and Maran scoring

Andark and soyan playing great and makavo is going nuts and awesome oh no jvr went cold Freddy’s going to take over and he’s going to be scoring and those other guys be scoring and playing great awesome oh no Freddy went cold geeki is going to pot a couple he goes

Cold hen’s going to get some as long as someone’s hot through this time period when they go cold and someone else picks up the torch we’re fine we’re fine because there’s another guy putting the puck in the net the problem is all of those guys de Brusque included you can

Expect a cold front sooner or or later it’s the nature of hockey in general outside of your Superstars but I think you could clearly look at this roster and go yeah these guys are maybe extra extra susceptible to that cold front when it happens what is your

Answer and it has to be for your top guys to go McDavid mode it has to be pasta has to be scoring a goal a game minimum during these times the goal tending has to be perfect the defense structure has to be perfect it’s a perfect scenario that’s

Needed and you’re not consistently going to get it you’re just not when everybody goes cold there’s a problem this is why all year I’ve been talking about that top six guy and it seems like that top six guy doesn’t really exist and we’re going to do another follow-up trade deadline video

But this is going to be a tough one things can go this team’s way but if you were looking for a team that should be favored against anyone in the playoffs that’s not going to happen it’s just not and that’s okay that’s not a bad thing that’s exactly what this year

Was supposed to be if we even made the playoffs this year which we obviously think we’re going to not a terrible thing and these last week and a half shouldn’t erase months and months and months of of great hockey that we’ve gotten to watch so don’t let it get you

Too down but I understand why a tough watch right now and I kind of wanted to articulate that a little bit also geeky man he’s about as cold as they come my God watching him is painful sometimes go bees go be once again guys thank you so much for

Watching but it is time to give a shout out to our highquality inspectors we’ve got our Top Line tier inspectors we got Brock nope Hans slowmo coach D the atomic lizard Bradley Johnson Aaron Adams just Aaron Darren Woodbury Brett Arie pinsen and Nick Zulo thank you guys

So much for your support it is greatly appreciated and of course massive props to these absolute stallions the allstar tier and specters we have Jason Aussie bruan Connelly that’s just one name bruan smash aaion H E coyote Jacob Pratt tupton deashi Jonathan Harvey D Kingery the only noots a tasty snack dutes 42

And Jeremy you guys are absolute studs I can’t thank you enough and go bees

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  1. Complete nosedive happening right now. Another brutal OT loss/ cant finish infront of the net/toomany breakouts and wide open attacks/ our PP looks terrible /PP is way too slow/ no energy, listless i would say. These players are lazy. Flat out bad. OT is an automatic loss for Bruins. They're crashing, Fla will be in first place by the weekend. Kraken will crush us Thursday. We cant keep up w Tampa too fast causing all sorts of issues for our D. Shootout was pathetic…JD missed net entirely dont like the angle approach. Home ice means nothing to the Bruins. We suck now. Plain and simple. So inconsistant.

  2. That 1st goal for Tampa was junk. 5 PP equals putrid play…B's are in serious truoble. 4 points ahead Fla will be 2 by tomorrow. These players are lazy and just dont want to match tampas intensity. Their speed is ridiculous. We look like we're skating through mud on our PP. Needs to be faster and needs some fn ENERGY! smh. I cant stand this team right now. They're so frustrating

  3. Im not picking Bruins to win any game in the next 3. We will lose 6 of 7 at home. Mark it down. Team is fn cracking halfway through season. Are they taking their jobs for granted? Have to ask.

  4. Dont know why you popped up on my feed but as a Bolt fan, ill subscribe cause its a good breakdown (and good breakdowns are getting hard to find) and its always fun to poke a bruin… cause the feeling is mutual I hate the bruins. (really any sports team from that part of the country 🤣) lastly its easier to not despise the rat since hes cleaned up his game and just seems to be using his skill last couple years which does lessen the hate some.

  5. Debrusk has disappeared
    Fredric should be on first line with Coyle Period
    Lines are a mess…. Richard was better then expected
    Where is Wootherspoon? Forbert played better.

  6. Honestly. I didn’t pay attention for half the game…nothing against the game being played. There was quite a bit of events. I was just, playing Vampire Survivor on my iPad.

    If that first goal was called off, I’d be happy as a Bruins fan. However I know if it was the other way, I’d be angry if it got called off.

    PowerPlay/PenaltyKill. We are getting worse.

    In the dying seconds of OT. I was screaming for a Penalty Shot. Not because it deserved one, even though it was a penalty for making it so a shooter couldn’t shoot. However… .5 seconds? 2.6 seconds? No time. Sure Pastrnak has sent home some beauties with no time at all…but that’s a 4 second PowerPlay.

    Don’t know why the fans were boo’ing the Bolts. I love to hate them.

    Though that blatant goalie interference no-call. That. That was atrocious.

    6 games until I’m gone for a while.

    GO B’s!!!

  7. Heino, Steen, Boq is a great line they play so well together shame to see it as the 4th, I miss Lohrei and Poitras :c Fk Stamkos and his Bolts Go B's!

  8. We seem to lack a bit of desire at the moment. Bring Lohrai and Beecher back in, drop Forbort and Geekie out. Pasta needs a talking to too as he just looks uninterested at the moment.

  9. I know that the PP this game had no results but at least they’re getting shots on them. So many were they’ve had zero shots on their PP’s.

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