@Buffalo Sabres

What Are The Leafs Doing Before The Deadline? | 32 Thoughts

What Are The Leafs Doing Before The Deadline? | 32 Thoughts

You know who I really feel badly for Claire well that her too yes but Dom has to edit that like Dom how long is that going to take you to edit long enough that it’ll be a minor inconvenience don’t touch a thing Dom it’s all genius and touched by the Divine my God

Yeah holy smokes Elliot Elliot I am uh I’m an artist not even the players who played in that era knew as much about that face off as here we go welcome to it once again 32 thoughts the podcast glad to have you aboard today presented as always by the

GMC Sierra America alongside Freedman and Dom shatti we got a lot to get to including the Philadelphia Flyers tweeting about a Gordy how hatrick which is well on brand for the for the Philadelphia Flyers yeah we’ll get to Travis connecting in a second here but first I want we’re going to hear from

Mitch Marner Elliott and I sat down with Mitch Marner last Friday and he put some unnamed Instagram hockey trainers on blast so that’s coming up stay tuned for that excitement with Mitch Marner he good in the meantime yeah he was excellent you know he’s really like as he’s sort of

Matured through the Maple Leafs through his career he’s really become one of the better interviews on this team I’ve always felt he’s I thought he was excellent um okay Elliot what is happening with the Arizona Coyotes well I have to say that Wednesday was a bizarre day even by coyote standards um

You know I was writing uh a lot of people were doing reporting um I sent my uh the the 32 thoughts Blog the top part on the coyotes I think I rewrote it about six times um there I have retired some editors in Sports Net history who have

Done my blog for a year and then said I need to get a different job and I would have to say that if Rory boand resigns after this season it was because of Wednesday’s blog but I have to say I didn’t know everything that was going on

Online cuz I just wasn’t paying a lot of attention I was writing and when I went back and looked you know I I’ll tell you like that was a really hard day for coyotes employees and the one thing I really do feel is that you know for a lot of us

We’re talking about this we’re reporting on this it’s not our lives like it is for those people that was like riding the Cedar Point roller coasters for those coyotes employees and it and I do want to mention that I I heard it was really really hard on them and the other

Thing I’m going I’m going to sanduski this summer by the way for a baseball tournament so thanks for pointing out Cedar points you’ll have to go you have to go just this it I will I know sorry continue so the and the one thing I wanted to mention and it’s probably the

New news I can really drop at the beginning of this podcast is I understand that the owner of the coyotes Alex morel communicated with the staff and I don’t know how he did it but I heard he communicated with the staff that he is going to address them all next week I

Think he’s going into Arizona and he’s going to address them with exactly what is going on so they were kind of relieved uh to hear that and so Craig Morgan Had uh the the probably the biggest news of the day in the sense that um even though we had talked and

Written Jeff about how online there was nothing in that Arizona land development meeting that pointed to the coyotes on the agenda we had discussed that these things can happen in camera I’ve done enough city council or government reporting to know that this can happen and Craig Morgan

Reported that that was going to be the case now I don’t have any fresh news about that for this pod like I said the most fresh thing is that I heard is that murel had indicated to the the staff that he will address them face Toof face

Next week but I do think at some point in the next few days they are going to release a statement about where we are so you know I have to tell you you speak to five different people and you get five different opinions on where this is

Going to go you speak to 50 different people you get 50 different opinions on where this is going to go the one thing I I think that a lot of of us believe here is that this is melo’s last attempt to get this right that the NHL will not

Let this continue and and the one thing we don’t know here and I’ve been told this is very important is we don’t know what bman has said to Coyote’s ownership privately if he’s given them any deadlines if he’s spelled out what he expects like th that’s a very very big

Part of this is what has bman said to the coyotes behind the scenes and we don’t have this information but I think everybody do does feel that this ownership group they’re at fourth down you can pick the yardage it’s Fourth and two it’s Fourth and five it’s Fourth and

10 it’s Fourth and 20 whatever they’re on fourth down and they’ve got to make a play and but what nobody really knows is what happens if this doesn’t work is it sell to another ownership group in Arizona and then play it mullet until that happens is it go to Utah and then

As you and I have said sort out the arena situation in Arizona and bring a team back when that’s done is it go to Matt ishbia the owner of the Suns and say you have an arena there or Let’s either join in or build a new one together nobody seems to

Know what’s going to happen if we don’t get clarity on this ownership group’s latest plan but I will say this Jeff there’s there’s a lot of skepticism there’s a lot of skepticism that MLL can get this done and look I don’t know if it’s true that Alex mllo Jr runs the team Twitter

Account and on Wednesday night he’s hate tweeting at all of us um but they have to recognize that there is a lot of skepticism now if they prove us wrong about this skepticism they can do a celebration dance across social media I’ve got no problem but they’ve got to prove us

Wrong and Jeff you know what I don’t like about their start they used a Jim Kramer Meme and you have you have you heard about Kramer’s curse I have heard about Kramer’s curse yeah yes I am well aware of this one like I freely admit that I have had a horrible year for

Predictions every prediction I have made has been almost entirely incorrect but nobody has has been on a worse run than Jim Kramer and people call it out over the Internet like whenever he says something’s good is going to happen people are like sell sell sell so I

Would just say I don’t know if it’s Alex Jr or someone else who’s running the coyotes account if you want us to believe that this is going to work don’t use Jim Kramer memes it’s a bad Omen so a lot of this here in the opening segment here this podcast is all about

Alex MLL and the Arizona Coyotes part of this and you know what I’m thinking this whole time as I’m watching all of this unfold you know that great visual it came out years ago it’s Patrick Kane and there’s like 50 pucks around him and he’s thick handling through all of them

And he’s I mean he’s Patrick Kane it’s perfect but it’s like you’re looking at this thing and say okay it’s only a matter of time before he bounces one off another Puck and of course he’s Patrick Kee so he doesn’t that’s how I’m looking at Gary bman right now as he has all

These pucks all around him as he’s trying to stick handle through all of it all of this to try to bring this thing to a certain conclusion there’s an old saying that you get the most flak when you’re directly over the Target and I get the sense that right now the NHL is

Directly over the target to the point where someone you know someone mentioned this to me the other day he said you guys aren’t paying attention enough to one very important thing in that Ryan Smith open letter the other day and I said what’s that and he said all the

Talk in the Ryan Smith note was all about expansion nothing about relocation and as we’ve talked about before we don’t believe that that note gets released without the approval of the NHL much like his appearance on the podcast last year probably you know had to get the okay nudge nud you like photography

Yep EXA yeah exactly right you know what I’m talking about he said this is all very deliberate not one single word from Ryan Smith about relocation it’s all just expansion like this is again this is like Patrick Kane deaking out all of those pucks every every tiny little move

That the NHL makes because they’re right over the target Elliott has to be perfect yes right now and especially in this case because there’s a lot of money at stake and you know the thing is here is that look maybe he pulls this off and he keeps the team but if he

Doesn’t and I’ve said this once I’ll say it a million times bman is not giving mllo any ammunition that the game was rigged against him he is going to be able to say we were supportive you of you 100% this was your fault you couldn’t

Pull it off if he has to sell it cuz like one thing a couple people have said to me is Mel is going to do pretty well on a sale here if he sells it to someone else or he sells it to the league or he sells it

To uh another Market he’s going to do pretty well and the League’s going to make sure that he does pretty well because they are going to want nothing hanging over this so Jeff I’m with you I think that the league is playing nice in the sandbox now if this goes sideways is

Bman going to bear his fangs absolutely he will but his goal is whatever happens here to get it done as precise and cleanly as possible you know we don’t talk about enough maybe because there’s no significant information that we’ve been able to glean I mean a lot of is

Behind closed doors um we’ll focus a lot on the coyotes organization we’ll focus a lot on the NHL and the commissioner Gary Batman uh how those two parties feel about this issue um there’s certainly a lot about how the players and the Players Association uh feel about this as outlined by Marty Walsh

Executive director last Friday we know that the fans are frustrated as well some annoyed um how do other owners feel about this that’s one thing that I’m always curious about they hate this how do 31 other owners feel about this situation right now they don’t like

It they don’t like it they they don’t like it at all and they have opinions but they’re careful um the one thing they do agree with do agree on the ones that Dain to speak to me the one thing they do agree on is that it’s time and

That this is is the last shot they they agree with that uh they did they disagree on what the outcomes might be but they agree on that you know one thing I I will tell you that I had some of the biggest push back on was in

Forbes they say that the Forbes figures and it’s Forbes they don’t see everything but that reporter Mike oanon he’s very Good’s very connect he’s been on it forever but he’s very connected important people talk to him he says and he’s written that the coyotes are cash

Positive and I was like that can’t be true it can’t be true um because you know they they don’t make any money on their Arena and their ticket revenues are the lowest in the league and and what some people have told me is that the league has done well enough in terms

Of its revenues that it helps which is probably true to some degree but I played it safe and I wrote as Forbes reported their cash positive because this is not something I am totally an expert in I got to tell you I got some feedback on that like that’s insane like

I had one person in the league a pretty promin of person send me a picture reading my blog with that line and holding their face in their hands and like no way and I have to tell you Jeff this is an extreme reaction this never happens I had a couple other

People say no way I you know the one thing I’ll say is that uh people do hold ozanian in high regard and I do too but that was the one thing that people disagreed with they said there’s no way the coyotes are cash positive all right

We will uh we’ll see where this one heads we’ll see where this goes but like I said we’re expecting a league announcement and we’re and we’re expecting re to address the staff um and and we’ll see but this is the one thing I stick by is you know if this doesn’t

Work we’ll see where we go so somehow we’ve gone from Judge Redfield t-bomb to speculating about Alex Mel’s son controlling the Arizona coyote social media and putting everybody on blast that’s where thing use Jim Kramer very good okay Pi someone else okay to uh from The Boardroom to the 200 by 85

Um the tronomy beliefs uh not exactly a secret uh Brad TR living very interested in doing something with the blue line we’ve talked about this countless times but very much in question here the first round pick you have a sense of where the tronomy beliefs are at with their first

Round pick what it would take to part with their first round pick do they decide to keep the powder dry and keep the first round pick figuring eh we’re not living in the high rent district this season let’s just see where the skill can take us and where the talent

Leads the Maple eafs and the first round pick Elliott well first of all our draft gurus and you watch a lot more of this than I do but the guys who really watch it are Sam centino and Jason bua they don’t think the draft is really good

After 20 they think there’s a drop and uh after you know there was a big there was a big under 18 tournament uh I get I guess it was in Michigan this week and that was definitely the talk there that you know after 20 it drops and you’re

Seeing that some of these teams Vancouver and Winnipeg have done it already they’re okay with trading those picks and and I do think a lot of the experts agree with Jason and Sam on this so I think in in any normal year like for example I think one team that will

Deal its first rounder another one one is Edmonton I I think Edmonton is perfectly prepared to trade that pick and we’ll get to them in a couple of minutes but again I think the problem with Toronto is that their their cupboard is pretty bare if they trade

This pick they have one pick in the first two rounds between now and the 2026 draft and that’s their first rounder in 2026 they don’t have a second rounder until 2027 so what I think Jeff is ultim Ely I think they’re prepared to do it but what

They’re trying to figure out is they is if they can use it to pack a bit more of a punch than just a first round pick for a rental and you know for example when they were trying to get both tanv and zadorov from Calgary I believe their

First round pick was there they were prepared to do it to get two players and see if they could sign them and so I think that’s what they’re trying trying to do like I wouldn’t it wouldn’t surprise me at all if you know in trying to get tanov from Calgary you know the

Leasers thinking hey can we get a second player with this is it hannahan or is it markstrom or is it you know someone else and like I don’t necessarily think Calgary is going to do that um the kxs tried to see can we get Lind Holm and

Tanov and Calgary was like no we can do more if we split it up so I’m not sure it’s going to work but that’s the kind of thing I think Toronto is trying is there a way that we can use our first round pick to do something

More creative than just one player and that’s where we are so they’ve got time to figure this out between now and then but that’s the way they’re thinking they don’t want to trade Mitten they don’t want to trade Cowen they don’t want to to trade nice uh and you know what the

One thing I do agree with is I would rather trade a draft pick than a prospect I’d seen a little bit like after seeing Cowan and after seeing Minton kind of make the team and seeing what n is and I know he’s been struggling but I think he’s he’s going

To be a really good player I would rather trade the pick than the other guys too hey just as a quick aside and we’ll do a little bit more on Calgary in a couple of moments but um you saw Chris tanov take era stick in the face like

There’s a lot of hu and cry about you know everybody’s clamoring for tanov we saw this last time he got hurt uh in a game there’s a Hu and cry about you know shut him down if you’re going to trade him what are we doing here do you have a

Thought on that one because it’s not exactly like we’re anywhere close to trade deadline at this point there’s still some Runway here the idea of shutting down listen the way the tan of plays every game might be his last game of the season like that’s just the way

That Chris tanov plays now that’s the way that Chris tanov has always played and I think we all make the argument that’s what makes him so attractive to teams but when you see him get a Eric Holla thick in the face like we saw in that Calgary New Jersey game on Thursday

Does a part of you say if I’m Craig conre I might want to step on the gas a little bit here or maybe just shut him down you know I was talking about that with someone today if you actually look at it though in the last five seasons he

Hasn’t missed a ton of games he played I I think almost I think he played every game but one in the year Co hit he played every game the year after he played 82 and 2122 but he played 65 last year and he got hurt this year so the narrative

Doesn’t always back up the the true facts here but I understand what everybody’s saying you know he’ll block a shot with his face and you know that does sources tell me that puts You In Harm’s Way so yeah I I get it you know the the one thing is is

That the NHL kind of frowns on that a bit I get it they only they only want you to take guys out if you actually have a deal now remember last year this happened with gabov and he went crazy over it in in Columbus because they

Thought they had a deal with Boston um but generally generally the league doesn’t like that so you’ve got to be close now the one thing like there’s a lot swirling around this guy right now there’s Toronto there’s Dallas there’s um who Tampa Bay uh Vancouver although they don’t think I don’t think

They can do it I I think they at this time at least I think they like them there’s Ottawa there’s been more and more talk about Edmonton which I think is possible I had some people say they wouldn’t be surprised if Colorado is there too I just wonder if this one ends

Sooner rather than later but I do I’ll tell you this Toronto is not the only team I was told this Toronto is not the only team that doesn’t want to do a first for a rental they’re they’re not there there’s so Dallas it’s in Dallas’s best interest to hope that this gets

Better over time but when it comes to the Maple Leaves I think that’s what they’re trying to do is there a way we can squeeze more juice out of our first rounder plus um mentioned Calgary a second ago speaking of of Chris tanov and a couple of things this week for the

Calgary Flames um Andre Kenco has scored in both games this week for doy flame scored against Boston scored against New Jersey on Thursday night so clearly they won the trade right because they won their two games and Vancouver’s split their two games this week that’s how we’re doing that’s how we’re doing this

Victory okay clearly calary has won this trade um but you know one of those players who was outstanding uh the other night against the Boston Bruins for the Calgary Flames was Noah hannahan was like an audition it didn’t it feel that way like hey look over here everybody

Remember me I know I’ve been playing in Canada for a long time but uh just thoughts on hannahan hanahan’s decision uh we know there’s a deal on the table um you know just back in his hometown I would imagine family and friends and various conversations about said deal um

Do we have a thought on Noah hannahan these days I do I don’t have any confirmation um you know the the the longer it goes though the more you wonder that’s that’s what I’ll say um you know I just don’t want to make any declarative statements until I I I know

For sure but the longer it goes the the more the more you wonder but I I do think the plan was to at least let it know by uh the end of the week and we’re getting depends on what deity that you pray to that you choose whether the end

Of the week is Friday Saturday or Sunday very good very good you know you know the one thing too is like these Wild Card races Calgary’s math uh isn’t as good as St Louis’s or LA’s but I give them credit they’re they’re in the race like they’ve put themselves back in the

Race like to me I’m watching the Islanders the Islanders beat up Tampa Tonight more importantly they didn’t let Tampa get any points and and the Islanders are back in this um you know I’ll tell you one thing like barzel you know first of all I don’t think he lacks any confidence at all

Secondly though I I do think when you go to the allstar game and you’re part of that competition and you show as well as he did and I know the last one didn’t go well but he was right there like he had a chance to win and now you’ve got

You’ve got W unleashing you it’s not only that he’s up in his even strength minutes three to four minutes or whatever it is but he’s now playing 20 minutes a game at even strength like like like the one thing that’s very clear to me is when Patrick W met with L

Larella about this job he said I’m going to unleash this guy and like in the game in Toronto Sheldon Keefe had to put his best players he couldn’t find other players aside from his best players to play against barzel CU nobody else could handle them and you know that seems to

Me that it’s one of the keys to the Islanders season here on in is that the chains are off this guy and he’s going to play and he’s going to play a lot and um you know they look they look like a much more dangerous team like that Tampa

Team they’re reeling and they’re going to have some really big decisions to make uh I think they were looking at defense already someone told me they were looking at forwards too um so they’re going to have some big decisions to make but they were reeling after the sergachev injury and you know there

There’s no way like there’s no way we’re going to see him in the regular season I I just think that they’re going to have to have a big run as they kind of indicated for him to come back like that’s an awful awful bad injury and I

I’m really curious to see how the lightning decides to attack this they’re going to have more flexibility his number will be off the cap but deep down and I know they always go for it but I think that’s an honest honest franchise the way I’ve heard they speak to each

Other in the front office there is there’s they talk to each other honestly and I just wonder if they look at it and say is this the year do that we do this and that’s my only question and if they say that though then the question becomes What

Becomes of Stephen stos who’s on the expiring contract there’s no question that’s going to be one of the biggest storylines of the summer by the way I I did want to mention uh something uh last week you know Tampa Bay they do an incredible job of um uh charity uh

Donations yep uh you know what Jeff vinnick has done with there with his Rewards program is is pretty impressive well um Julian Breeze uh he committed $500,000 last week to the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Tampa Bay and that is a great great gesture great gesture that should be applauded and

Broadcast as well uh okay elsewhere around the NHL Elliot what was the most Philadelphia Flyers thing you saw on Thursday night so when somebody does something really well team says here’s our three stars of the game Martin NZ has a hatrick Jonathan huberto played his 800th game tonight the Philadelphia

Flyers sent out a tweet not only announcing that Travis kkny had a Gordy how hattick in the first period but mentioning that it happened in four minutes during the first period yes that is red meat to flyer fans that is a social media team knowing their base

Because they’re going to sell as a matter of fact when I tweeted out that NES had the hatrick in just under 16 minutes I had at least one flyer fan probably a couple more actually I think it was at least two or three saying you got to recognize the Gordy how hatrick

Too and I was like you know what I’ll mention it on the podcast but these flyer fans they were like hold on you think that’s good Travis connect me at a Gordy how hattick in four minutes you know Cony by the way they can extend him

July 1st this is one thing that people kind of mix up people are like well they can’t talk to him before July 1st no that’s not true if he’s your player you can talk to him whenever you just can’t sign it until July 1st I think that the

Flyers and kkny are talking about this extension I I believe they’ve made it a priority and they’re going to try to get it done it’s going to be a big number I don’t know yet where we’re going here it’s going to be a big number but I

Believe the Flyers want to make sure that this guy is a lifetime flyer and I understand he’s receptive to it and why wouldn’t it be he clearly plays like he loves it there um let me ask you more about the Philadelphia Flyers here one of the things that I’ve started to wonder about

On the last little while here um the Shawn Walker situation and we know that there’s a number of teams that that are interested in Shawn Walker and you know who one of those teams are I believe the Philadelphia Flyers so you think they’re going to keep them I

Here’s what I wonder about do you think like this will take some stick handling but do you think that there is a chance and by that I mean a Marketplace and it may mean retention as well for Rasmus rist thean boy it was a real crazy scene

When he didn’t take warm up tonight for about 5 minutes there people were like whoa I mean you got chased this so he was Ill um I’ll say this I spent a lot of time uh talking to people about Rista liion there is no question no question

That his stock has risen and I’ll tell you one thing about ristan the question was never about his desire and his will like this was always a guy who really cared this was always a guy who would do anything for his teammates and this is always a guy who played hard the the

Issue is the contract that’s number one so both if a team wanted him and the Flyers wanted to trade him there would have to be a lot of willing to ban both ways the Flyers would have to agree to eat but the Flyers would also ask more

To eat and some teams will say hey we’re not giving you as much as you want in this part particular case so it’s a complicated negotiation mhm that said the most interesting thing I heard about Rista liion was this is the time of year where teams don’t practice very much that’s one

Thing Rick bonus talked to us about yep that’s about getting getting a player this time of year is tough because there’s no practice time there’s no practice time if you don’t play like Philly does and you don’t like like his rist Lion’s challenge is is his foot speed he does

Not have great foot speed especially on some of the moves that defensemen have to make now the Flyers know that they’ found a way to put him in situations where he can be more successful and they’ve really tailored what they they’ve asked him to improve in certain

Things which he has done but also the people I know who really watch him play say the Flyers do a great job of putting him in the best possible positions where that weakness doesn’t hurt him as much so if you’re trading for him now do you play similarly do you have

Can you put him in those kinds of situations or this is what one guy said to me and I think this team kind of likes him do you trade for him in the summer when you know you get a camp to evaluate all those things and prepare

Him and that is what one team said to me it’s not only how complic ated the deal is because of the contract it’s also is the fitright midseason for how you have to prepare him and protect him this guy like I said this guy likes ristan but he

Said I’m not sure where the right in season fit for him well that doesn’t work with my scenario at all because my my scenario I just wonder if they could move ristan and then keep Shawn Walker that’s that’s what I want because because you because it’s one or the

Other it seems with this situation yeah both it could be you know I mentioned by the way Colorado with tanv they’re really reeling too coming out of the All-Star break and oh boy they started periz on one line they moved him to another he scored um you know they lost

To Carolina on on Thursday night um you could see the steam coming out of McKinnon’s helmet that’s another one I’m wondering just how long they wait before they they get on to things there um Scott lton real quick before I wrap up with the Flyers yeah I I just think it’s

Not I I think you can see the writing here he’s down about three minutes a game like he loves being a flyer and like he’s one of those guys whenever his career ends he’ll be a flyer they’ll take good care of him because he played

His heart out there but you you can kind of see where this is going and I think there’s an understanding here that I don’t know if maybe even understanding is not the right word but I think there’s definitely a realization here that it might be time I wonder about a

Team like and people are looking for Sanders like look at what’s being traded for Sanders I I don’t disagree I I wonder about a team like the Buffalo Sabers as well for uh for Scott lton again maybe off season but that’s probably a team that’s looking for a

Little bit more snarl and some veteran presence uh we’ll see what didn’t hang on just I just off the top of my head here I think Kyle dubis had some some interest in lton when he was running that year that lton signed his extension as I understand it it

Was it was basically either he signs an extension or he gets traded to Toronto that’s the story I was always told and I’m sure the Philadelphia Flyers would love to make a deal with the Pittsburgh M uh what about Columbus and Boon Jenner that’s an intriguing name Elliot I just

Think it comes down to just someone knocked their socks off that that’s what it would be I like I’ll tell this people out there they love Jenner yeah I know he’s got great respect um but you got to you got to knock their socks off and you

Know I I I think teams have definitely called but it’s it’s going to take a big deal okay one of the teams that you know might be a fit for Boon Jenner the Edmonton Oilers uh what is the latest of them coming off that devastating loss against the Vegas golden knights the

Streak is over at 16 first of all what a great game that was um that was fun the emotion in the building the fans were great that night Edmonson played great Edon played great they look they got goalie uh Aiden Hill beat them I think

You know McDavid like it was so it was it was so good to see how pissed off he was on the bench it just shows you how much that game meant to both those teams and you know how much the golden knights wanted that game too they just they just

Loved being the team that ended that streak for sure um you know first of all one thing about eel is um he saw the surgeon over the All-Star break and from uh from what I hear he’s on time the good news is no setbacks no

Concerns so I think it’s going to be end of February maybe beginning of March at the latest but you know he’s he’s on the right path to returning so that’s good news except for the west of the Western Conference I was going to say good news

Good news for who good news for eel in the golden nights that’s it that’s what stops you know there’s been a lot of talk we mentioned earlier about Tanana being connected to the Oilers like I said I think the olders are going to move their number one pick and there

Might be other things they move but I think they’re going to move their number one pick to me the the question is what do they think if the number one pick is the best asset they have what is the most important thing for them to get now they might have

Another good asset here in broberg he’s playing 25 minutes a night in Bakers field and he is playing extremely well so I I’m curious to see what happens there but he could be another very good asset but to me it all comes down to what Edmonton values the most and the

Thing I really believe they value the most is forward depth and I just think that after that game in Vegas it’s a reminder you have especially if they get them in the first round you have to be a true four-line team to beat Vegas if you go back to a lot of the

Interviews that we did with the Vegas players and the Edmonton players at the start of the Season we asked about the difference in that series I think the thing that came up the most was the depth particularly from the Vegas side UPF front and I I believe in that

Game Edmonton was reminded of that that they have to get another forward or two and now I do now it’s it’s money in Money out for them so it’s tricky and I do think they might like I think Edmonton could have a really interesting deadline I think there could be trades

To bring something in and as part of like when they got aolm last year they said Tyson Barry had to be in that deal so maybe a player that goes out is a player that they include in the deal or maybe they make another ulterior move to clear the cap

Room whatever the case is I think they’re going for a forward now I really do believe that they like if if gendel is available my opinion is that’s their guy that’s the guy they would like to get that’s my opinion but that’s the guy we just don’t know where that’s going to

Land right now but I watching that game the other night I think the Oilers look at it like if we’re going to beat these guys in a seven game series we have to be a four-line team and and I think they see that as a bigger concern than their

Blue line where they want at least at least one more piece a right shot D so there’s still a there there’s still a menu there for Ken Holland there’s still a menu yeah but I I I do think especially watching that game I I I

Think it’s got to be forward for them I do and I like I said I think they’ve got two pieces here they’re looking at their first rounder for the biggest swings right their first rounder and and broberg uh who’s a first-rounder himself as we all yes all right Washington

Capitals um are people going to go goofy trying to get Nick Dow I’ll just ask you bluntly well first of all he’s a good player and and secondly look a first-rounder for rentals and he’s making one three this year and one three next year like that’s a good player

Yep that’s that’s a really good player a really good player so yeah I I think there’s there’s definitely interest like who are the centers left Henrik Dow you know we don’t know about Jenner yet or if that’s going to happen I do Wonder hang on I wonder about Casey

Middle stat that’s what that’s that’s who I wonder we’re gonna talk about buffalo in a second let let let’s get there but you know I think for Washington you’ve like anyone who’s got a center has got to be looking at this and saying how can I not listen to

What’s out there number one I think Washington’s got to decide you know what their their plan is they lost the other night they lost again tonight although keer had a big game I I I to me it’s first of all they have to set a plan and

Secondly the other thing is right now you know ketov is off the cap right he’s you know and everybody wishes him the best but he’s off the cap right now and that could even add to what Washington can do you know can they facilitate things can they can they get an extra

Piece by doing something and so you know I I really think that they could be a a fascinating fascinating team and look who’s scoring Again by the way uh oetkin got a pair well one in each of his last two games scored against scored against the Florida Panthers here’s where it

Gets even more problematic for the Washington Capitals like they lost 42 doubled up by the Panthers on Thursday night it ain’t over yet Elliott they got Boston they got Vancouver yeah they got Colorado it’s not getting any easier here you’re not wonder if they’re close to having the conversation about making

The decision on the season and the direction like we’ always that’s what I mean like that’s exactly what I mean they have to set they have to set their like where are they going and what’s their plan see we had always assumed at least I had always assumed Elliott that

As long as oetkin was chasing Gretzky that was the plan surround oetkin with players that are going to that’s going to get him the record I’m not so sure that’s the plan anymore is it well you reach a point where that has to change but secondly

The other thing it does if he’s scoring again it sells out your building because people want to see the chase right they do they do want to see the chase okay uh a couple of more things here let’s just let’s let’s let’s get to Buffalo um I’m again I mentioned

I’m curious about Casey midd like there’s always there’s always players that you look at and you say okay they’re doing well but does the team look at that success and say this player is doing well so that’s great for us we’ll keep him because why trade him if

He’s doing well or there’s the he’s doing well that’s great he’s now a trade chip for us like something’s got to change in Buffalo like that mix needs to change where that change is going to come I would suspect probably you know a lot of the veteran guys that are on

Expiring contracts we won’t see next season there’ll be different veterans that they bring in um but I I do wonder about Casey midd stats presence in this sort of sea of you know Thompsons and Quinns Etc up front and cousins for me it’s not as much about middle stat as it

Is about the some of the even younger players that are on the cusp of playing like I’m not talking about kulich I think he’s going to play uh for Buffalo but if you take a look at Buffalo’s Prospect base they have a lot of them and there’s just there’s simply I I

Think when I was looking at the list like what are the chances like you look at these names well Benson he’s different he’s he’s a saber but you look at you know kulich Rosen osland wallberg seavoy like there’s a lot of players here and are they all going to play in

Buffalo well in a perfect world you hope they do but one of the other things you realize is not everybody can and everybody gets there at different points and you know the thing that you get there is you start to say okay who do we think cuz you have to

Like you know like like I know someone who went down to watched their game against Dallas on Tuesday and I’m not saying they played good they played really good they should have won the game but a beat them was fantastic yeah he beat them and they had

A they had 48 shots like I think half of those were really good chances you know the thing is though is that it’s really like I’m a patience patience patience guy you can’t ask these fans to be any more patient like that’s one of the best hockey markets anywhere in the world

And my buddy said you can feel it in the building it’s just it’s not there he basically he said this is not the way you should be experiencing hockey in Buffalo and so you can’t wait any longer you can’t tell these people be patient and I think the sabes know that

Obviously so I think they’re looking at some of these players and they’re saying okay who’s going to be here next year who do we think is an absolute can’t miss okay if if you’re not on this list or you’re not on that list who’s left and those kind of players are valuable

And I just think that that’s what they’re doing I think they are starting to ask themselves do we have to move out a player or two that is value to someone else but maybe isn’t going to be one of our guys our top guys and say we just

Have to do this because you’ve got to do some CPR on that team you know the one thing about middle stat um I was just thinking about this is I’m looking at their their cap situation and you know obviously the Sabers don’t have a lot to worry about

There um but the one thing that happens is look they’ve paid a lot of their guys they’ve paid Thompson they’ve paid cousins they’ve paid delene they’ve paid Samuelson power um you know they’ paid power like people aren’t going to disagree with a lot of those but I’ll tell you what

Happens if you’re not going to pay somebody you’ve got a problem so middle stat is at two and a half he’s a restricted free agent um he’s got ARB rights and his counting stats are are good so it’s not like uh you know I mean you know you’re going to

Have to pay him he’s a he’s got 42 points in 50 games you know you’re going to have to pay him um but he’s getting closer to UFA you’re basically at the bleep or get off the poot stage and the and the thing is there Jeff is if you’re not going to pay

Him he’s not going to be happy and that doesn’t mean Casey Middle’s a bad guy but what it does mean is that he’s going to look at everybody around him and say all these guys got paid and I didn’t so you have if you’re not going to pay him

You almost have to move them what you just heard was Elliot Freedman talking himself into my point so now you’re with me on Casey mad well like I understand right get honestly I’m I’m agreeing with you all the way here on everybody else around him getting uh getting a nice dollar and

Getting term as well and I just wonder if this season the Buffalo Sabers are saying this is great for what we have to do or what we want to do with Casey mad again I’m just wondering I’m just like you I’m looking at the players that they’re building this entire thing

Around and I’m saying I’m not sure where the room at the end is for Casey midad here we’ll see where it goes but that’s one of the things uh Eric Johnson never thought there you talked about him I I I will say this I will say this the Sabres

Are getting followed a lot like they started to be I’m very careful about uh scouts because they’re they’re everywhere and because the unbalanced schedule there tends to be games where 20 people show up on nights when there’s only three games being played but there’s definitely a certain teams are starting to watch the

Sabers Vibe out there Elliot I’m really glad you wrote about the goalie Market as well and that is Led by one of the great stories in this generation the NHL Mark Andre flurry and boy is that a huge game on Friday between Minnesota and the Pittsburgh Penguins celebrating Mark

Andre flurry against his old team uh Elvis Mur leans Jacob markstrom John Gibson and I was really pleased to see you mention cappo kakenan of the San Jose Sharks would you like to start there well I like I’ve been I’ve I’ve watched him a little bit this year and

His numbers have started to drop a little bit but when you’ve seen as much rubber as he and black would have this year blue line is tough man that’s yeah like like I’ll tell you this like when when the Sharks came through Toronto a few weeks ago they knew it was a big

Media stage and by the way I love the teal helmets those things look fantastic they knew it was a big media stage and they made a point of letting everybody know that their Goenda considering what had happened in their games this year and that night they got blown out by Toronto and it wasn’t kenan’s fault like they just weren’t very good but you know he’s he’s been good and blackwood’s been good um they they simply said you know like they’ve been besieged

And that’s the thing about Kenan he’s he’s had really good numbers you know the the money Puck goal saved above he’s dropped a bit but he was very high and the the only issue is he just doesn’t have the runway right like that’s that’s the issue but people have noticed how

Much better he’s gotten there the one thing is we’re not talking about goalies as much right now maybe because you know Toronto isn’t as a disaster as much of a disaster in net as they were um but we aren’t talking about goalies as much but

To me flurry is you said he’s going to be the guy that’s going to determine what the market is out here by the way Winnipeg has completely forgotten how to play hockey no they’ve forgotten how to score in hockey specifically you know what I I yeah that

That’s a problem but like all that structure that they played with all year it’s it’s Mia I don’t know if it’s a post Allstar thing I didn’t think they played too badly in those two games against Toronto right before the break but since they’ve come out of it um

You’re right that you can’t win if you don’t score but their structure has completely broken down like just they are doing things that I have not seen them do all year Elliot Rick bonis will never talk to us again it’s before the two game series against the Maple Leafs he spoke to us

And then he spoke to us at Allstar he will never talk to this program again Elliot um another thing raising eyebrows this week um hit stats in the NHL and the NHL audit of hit stats and the NHL making the appropriate adjustments now the first place my brain went to was uhoh

What does this mean for wagering but as you’ve pointed out bigger story here bigger story here yeah I think this was about some agents uh potentially flagging it um about some of their clients being maybe short changed on hits now I did get a note after I wrote

It on Thursday morning that the NHL may have also looked at it and said and this is not someone from the NHL offices this is someone from a team who told me but they think also that there were people at the NHL who noticed a difference that

It wasn’t only um like agents and players who might have noticed it but it was also that someone was looking at it and they said Boy Hits are really down and probably much more than some of the other categories and so I think it was a it

Was a couple of things like I wrote um I wrote that uh like one of the guys I I’ve wanted to get on the podcast for a long time is Roland Lee and Roland Lee is is basically the he is the brain power of the nhlpa like basically if I think if if

His brain isn’t hooked hooked up to the computers the lights don’t turn on in the morning um like he’s he does a lot of their research for salary arbitration contract comparables but he is Media phobic he does not want to ever talk to anyone so uh I just figured I’d throw

Him in there just to see like react at all ellot ellot just because someone doesn’t want to talk to you doesn’t mean they’re mediaphoto Jeff that’s true but you know so I I wanted to see if he would come up for air if I put that in there but basically

I did get a note that it wasn’t him but I do I I do think there were some agents but I also heard like I said from a team that the league notice there was a discrepancy and um you know it’s funny it made me wonder a little bit you know

We talk about how we’re missing some of the edge and the physicality and it’s kind of gone in a lot of regular season games that says to me the league doesn’t like that very much so they didn’t audit and it and a lot of like Jeremy lazon I

Was on my Nashville radio hit this week and they were telling me that I think Jeremy lazon who’s number one in league in hits suddenly had 29 more hits I think Sima benois uh went up a a couple of hits per 60 um and Ben was one of the

Guys I was thinking about because like I think that’s a guy the Le should be extending right he’s he and he’s found a home and he’s been a very good player for them and he’s not a UFA he’s an RFA but so he would have arbites and

Everything right so like that’s the kind of case like he’s the kind of player you would look at him and you would say if his hits go up that could really benefit him in comparables and an ARB hearing so he’s the kind of guy that I was really

Thinking about but I understand why you went to gambling and it matters for gambling I’m not denying that and what I thought was really interesting was that they promised more up-to-date audits now like on a daily basis but I think this was a combination of some agents and

Also the league saying these numbers look really off I I’ll tell you this I thought it was really smart of them to announce it when a lot of us weren’t expecting it and the reason is if they didn’t announce it someone would have noticed there are a lot of very smart

People who go through these numbers very closely and if they tried to change it without telling anyone someone would have figured it out hit stats uh insert your own private New York Islanders joke as you see appro there were there was a lot of that I I will say that there was

Definitely a lot of that right away with mr’s uh cus and Martin and Clutterbuck pacifically as we say in the Atlantic okay Elliot before we wrap up this segment of the podcast want to make special special um mention of two very special people who are taken from us far

Too soon um Matthew spa and Logan Hunter are condolences to the speta and Hunter family uh Logan Hunter is someone that I remember covering when he played with the London Knights and the Peterborough pets uh of the OHL he was someone who listened to to the podcast as well and

Was just such a a wonderful wonderful presence around Junior Hockey and a great family man in life as well and condolences to the spas on the passing of Matthew and Jason um Spa his brother delivered just a beautiful tribute at the funeral on Thursday condolences to the spas and the Hunters listen to the 32 thoughts podcast ad free on Amazon music included with Prime all right welcome back to the podcast time now for the Montana’s thought line Montana’s barbecue and bar Canada’s home for barbecue Elliott try the ribs at 32ths at that’s the email 1833 311 3232 again 32 thoughts at 1833 311 3232 we have kind of a by the way before we start I just wanted to announce yes that I’m four push-ups behind Brody oh for a 2,000 push-ups in February yes so he’s doing 80 a day I my Thursday number was 76 so yes four push-ups away from a

12-year-old for those who don’t know what we’re talking about Elliott and I are doing the 2,000 push-ups in February Challenge and uh my 12-year-old son Brody is doing it with me and uh much to Elliot shagrin although I keep telling tell you like by the end of this month

You’re going to be doing like 200 a day and you’re going to lap both of us I got to tell you this morning I was really not looking forward to it after the 76th push-up I was I was thinking I’m not going to enjoy 200 a day of this so

Brody and I are just doing 80 a day to keep it consistent Elliot is following the app so by the end he’s going to be doing like 250 a day and his arms are going to be like spaghetti it’s going to be like your arms going to feel like

Angel hair pasta is what it’s going to feel like always my goal month I think I wrote that in my high school yearbook arms like angel ha pastaa um something I wanted to mention before we get to a couple of questions here um Kimberly Weiss is a assistant

Coach of Trinity College uh she’s a wonderful coach uh she’s part of the uh Colorado Avalanche mentorship program as well so she can pick the brain of Jared Bednar real smart she’s going to do great things in in hockey and she already has her and I exchange notes

Every now and then and she submitted one for the thought line and I haven’t been able to find an answer and it’s becoming another white whale For Me Elliot and it is this she wants to know why the Chicago Blackhawks like tell me this isn’t right up my alley like her and I

Like our brains are symbiote on stuff like this why the black be a miserable failure after that last sentence yeah she might be I may have I may have doomed you Kim um why are the Blackhawks not using clear sock tape for games she said she noticed it and went down a

Rabbit hole on their social media they use clear tape and practices but she says I don’t recall seeing NHL players let it on a team using Color tape on socks for games what’s the deal now she did go on because she kind of went deep

On this one too um to point out that there are some individual players whether it’s uh Anthony mantha William neander David Pak there are some that don’t use a clear tape for games um and the Chicago Blackhawks themselves use white tape for games like you know how I

Love love stuff like this Elliott I have no answer I’ve called people in Chicago no answer I’ve called people around the team no answer I’ve called people to report on the team no answer I cannot find an answer other than this is the way we’ve always done it in Chicago so I

Have a new white whale courtesy of Kim Weiss the assistant coach of Trinity College thank you for that one Kim now then Elliot for you I know welcome to my there’s a peak inside my life right there okay lar Larry from Los Angeles um hi I’m a millennial who grew up in Southern

California the only way this guy’s name could be any more perfect would be lounge lizard Larry from Los Angeles all right let’s go all right loung lounge lizard Larry from Los Angeles it’s a lot of L’s hey Jelly D nice so I’m a millennial who grew up in Southern

California and unfortunately didn’t even know we had professional hockey teams until I was in my 20s my dad’s into baseball doesn’t speak English very well so I don’t think hockey at the time had the best Outreach for his demographic however once I discovered that hockey wasn’t just for Disney movies I could

Learn and root for the sport and join the hockey Community I finally become a DieHard fan and have avidly rooted for my Kings for the last 15 years well you’ve seen Stanley Cups my friend you’ve seen Stanley Cups uh goes on to talk about finding the podcast during

The pandemic Etc uh thank you for teaching me more about this Sport and for being my surrogate hockey dads anywh who here’s my question when teams change and or fire coaches midseason how do contract negotiations work I assume Jim Hiller would get a bump since he’s

Sitting in the big chair now but how much leverage do coaches have when they are interm and what kind of terms go into these contracts thanks so much gang go Kings go lounge lizard Larry from Los Angeles that’s a it’s actually a really good question for a lounge lizard it’s

It’s an excellent question um in in Hiller’s situation where the Kings announced he’ll be the interim head coach for the rest of the year he will get a bump um you know the highest paid assistant coaches in the NHL as far as I can remember I’m doing this off the top

Of my head Scott Stevens was very highly paid when he was an assistant coach in Minnesota I think he was around 700 a year I believe John Stevens and a couple of his stops was one of the highest paid assistant coaches um in the NHL when tet

There we go that’s the one that’s the one yeah go ahead when Rick toet was a free agent a couple years ago the leaves tried to make him uh an assistant coach in Toronto for a million a year they offered him around there it was it was

About a million a year I believe I don’t have it right in front of me so I’m going off the top of my head which is never bad but I think it was around a million a year and he turned it down and he went to Vancouver as the head coach

But the leaf did do that so like the the average assistant coach is in the few hundred th000 range and there is a spectrum there you know if you’re an associate coach it tends to be a little bit higher Scott arneal I believe when he was with the Rangers I think there

Was a time where he was the highest paid assistant coach in the league and he was associate coach and also it was New York so those high high paid assistants tend to be somewhere between 500,000 and 750,000 that kind of area um so what they’ll do with Hiller

Is I don’t know what he was making before I I assumed he was pretty well paid he’s been around a bit he’s got a good reputation but he will get a bump and usually it’s a bump to pro-rated what the lowest and uh head coaches in

The league would be so I don’t know if he’d be at a million but I think he would be not far and he would get that pro-rated bump for the remaining games in the schedule now someone like John Hines he comes in he replaces Dean Evon

He got term so he would get a contract more in line with um an NHL head coach with term but Hiller would probably go pro-rated rest of the season based on some of the lower-end head coaches that generally tends to be what happens okay let me ask a followup on this one and

We’ll stick with the Los Angeles Kings as well how would for people that may be unaware how would it work with DJ Smith so DJ Smith The Smith’s head coach of the Ottawa Senators goes to Los Angeles to take an assistant coaching job he still has term left on his Ottawa deal

How do those negotiations go it’s it’s pretty simple what would happen there is that uh first of all anything that DJ Smith would do where he would get paid um would be subtracted from his Ottawa salary unless he had some language in there protecting him but but in most cases

Most cases it’s written in there so let’s just say like I like I know people who’ve come in to do TV and who’ve been let go or fired out of their jobs and the team will say okay you can do it but any money you make from television comes off what we owe

You that generally tends to happen again there are exceptions but a lot of teams say look we’ll give you permission to do it but we’re not paying you for that so that does happen so I think the way this would work is unless DJ Smith has specific language in his contract

Protecting that Ottawa would give him uh a market rate for an assistant coach uh especially one of his experience like the league says you can’t just pay a guy $1 it has to be a fair number and that would be subtracted from what Ottawa owes him so the Senators would probably

Be very happy with DJ going to get another job there have been teams that have tried to do that to see low that that that does happen oh yeah essentially saying to themselves hey look free coach yes H you can’t just pay someone a dollar and as you know the league couldn’t moderate

This stuff League steps in right like League steps in so hold on a second no this is market value this is what you need to pay this guy yeah now sometimes they will give a break to a team that’s a high Revenue team versus a lower Revenue team they’ll say you know hey

You you’ve got to accept something different here but I will tell you this there was one time someone from the league heard us talking about this on the podcast and they say if this gets to the commissioner he’s like really it’s like when you leave your kids home with

A babysitter and you’re out for dinner and the babysitter has to call you cuz your kids are misbehaving you’re really mad at your kids so you don’t want this to get to the commissioner is what I was told right uh all right yeah get get off your wallet uh spend your communion

Money uh get rid of the alligator arms don’t throw nickels around like manhole covers pay your coaches pay your coaches I’ll tell you what happens too okay um and I believe Batman has had to mediate in these situations before there have been situations where coaches have been fired and whether it was the

Circumstances or something there’s a fight over how much they still have to be paid and I know bman has had to mediate those was before okay uh Max in moan Wisconsin I hope I’m pronouncing that right I think it’s mosan he’s a player on the mosan paper makers of the

Great Lakes hockey league there you go there’s your blood Max all right gentlemen and Elliott oh I like them already my my wife and I were watching a game this season where the equipment manager was hovering his hand over the backup sticks of the players on the ice

I love that visual my wife was fascinated by this and requested tickets to a local Milwaukee Admirals game near that end of the bench so she could watch this instead of the game it is hypnotizing you’ve seen it before right where the the trainer will wave his hand

Over the stick in case the stick breaks and he’s right there to grab it it’s awesome uh she believes the equipment manager should have an ISO cam where we can watch some of the fine work they do amen it is so cool watching that I don’t

Know why I’m so fascinated by it can you mention this is some broadcast teams for me this gives me an excuse not just to tell an interesting story and praise praise equipment managers but all and trainers but also Elliott Max and moisan Wisconsin here references the Milwaukee Admirals I

Don’t know how much longer Carl Taylor is for the American League he has done an exceptional as we record this that game is that team is on a 12 game winning streak now we’re recording this part of the podcast Thursday afternoon 12 game winning streak right now for Milwaukee and they

Are tops he’s been excellent behind that bench he has been very good and and they interviewed him last year for their job before they gave it to brunette um but I had started to hear his name a bit more there’s there’s no question about that he is on people’s

Radars I’m not going to argue with you about that at all okay uh voicemail time let’s get to Brian what’s up boys Brian from Mitchell have to say thank you so much Jeff for the hoe moren’s shout out from Mitchell Ontario love that here in here on first yeah I have two questions

For you a couple weeks ago Elliot talked about his favorite statistics that are never going to be touched I’m a baseball guy and I have to say the statistic that is never going to be touched is Sai Young with 749 complete games the next closest active player is Adam way with 28 so

That got me thinking what is your favorite stat that you love to spout out off the top of your head at the bar if you’re talking to somebody and you have a hockey stat that you have in the back of your head that you think is funny or

Coincidental I’m just curious what are those stats that you left us spout out love the Pod boys and fr whoa didn’t expect that one in there Brian for Mitchell thanks for that one uh um I think Elliot I’m not much of a stats person I’m not much of a numbers

Person I’m more of a stories person do you have any stats that what your favorites I mean you mentioned the Glenn Hall one from a couple of a couple of weeks ago and that’s the the one that will never be touch especially when you factor in his American Hockey League

Streak as well and you put those two together and you say to yourself my goodness Mr Hall come up for a breath um but are there any like I’ve just got some stories and I’ll I’ll share a couple of them here really quick but do you have any stats you just love

Dropping for Brian and Mitchell well look like the he’s right by the way about that saong like that that’s a great great stat there was one for a long time I don’t even know it’s if it’s a stat it’s more of a trivia question but I I don’t think I think

It’s now been changed but for a long time the trivia question was who was the last switch hitter to win the American League MVP award oh uh I don’t know I have to go through I’m sure there’s been another one since then who was it but but the answer was V blue

In 1971 Oakland A’s that’s right and he was a pitcher so nobody thought about it right so I like I always like that one okay let me jump let me jump in after V blue here you just get get your the the hamster wheel in your brain going here

Because there’s a few and whenever I hear someone whenever I hear someone say three words I always perk up you know what those words are Elliot what’s that I’m a traditional whenever we’re talking about progress in hockey or doing something different someone will always say well you know

What I’m a traditionalist so blah blah blah blah blah blah blah to which I always come back with a couple that I really enjoy which is well if you’re a traditionalist then you want face offs done differently the way that faceoffs were created when the game first started

To be played in a significant way face off started with the puck on the ice I’ve talked about this before with you it kind of makes a lot more sense in a ways I know the drop is is fun and we all dig it but face off started with the

Puck already on the ice and the official would stand between the two players and would say something along the lines of play or start or go or something like that the problem was officials were getting their shins and kneecaps banged in and bashed in by the players so there

Was an official by the name of Fred waghorn who came up with the idea of the puck drop and it wasn’t to do with with like to make the face off more fair it was just a way to save official shins so whenever I hear I’m a traditionalist I

Say okay well let’s go back to the beginning then if you’re a traditionalist and we’ll start with faceoffs with the puck on the ice the other one that I love and I like I believed it when I read it but it wasn’t until I heard it on a video that I have

That I really that this story really warms me in Canada when and this was all I believe in Nova Scotia is where this tradition started brawls were just insane and you could not stop them there would be like police on the ice trying to separate people and what they found

Was the only way to get players to stop fighting in Canada was to play God Save the Queen which at that point the rule of the land was SL ey the three of you guys you pull one thing you’re out of this game I run aan game here I have any

Trouble I’ll suspend you I’m when you yeah that Elliot that’s where that’s from I’m convinced that’s where that’s from when you heard God saved the queen you had to stop whatever you were doing whether you’re walking down the street whether you’re having lunch whether you’re fighting at a

Hockey game and you would have to stop doing what you’re doing and stand at attention for the entirety of the song and I remember reading this like years and years ago I thought okay well that’s interesting and then I went back and watched a video of the 1965 Memorial Cup

Final between Edmonton and Niagara Falls and there’s a huge brawl and cops are hitting the ice and at the old Edmonton Gardens in the background Elliot sure enough they start playing God Save the Queen to try to get the players to stop fighting they don’t but there it is

Playing in the background and it is one of the warmest hockey moments I’ve ever had I’m like wow that’s a real story in Canada they used to have to do that to get players to stop and one more one more quickie this proves that once upon

A time the NHL was actually a very creative force on the ice because what the NHL used to have and we we talked a couple of weeks ago about players freezing the puck on the boards and how boring that was and how really it should

Be a delay of game penalty well what the NHL would do uh for that they experimented with in in Pre I think it was just in pre-seasons though what they did is they had something called the free faceof and what would happened is if you were guilty or freezing the puck

In your own Zone to get a whistle the other team would get a free face off I’m dying to see video of this by the way I’ve never found it um the free faceof was the other team wouldn’t be on the ice and the play the offensive player

Would get to take a draw like take the puck at the faceoff Dot and could either skate outside of the faceof circle and take a shot or could grab the puck and pass it to any of his teammates who were lined up outside of the faceoff Circle

For a shot they also had something called the free shot which was if you were guilty of that infraction of delay of game with your skates you would get a free shot at whichever side the infraction occurred they would put a puck at the faceoff Dot and you could

Take a wrist shot Slap Shot backhand whatever you choose on the goalie but it had to be from the faceoff dot only one player ever scored was a guy by the name of Kelly Pratt for the Pittsburgh Penguins scored the only free shot on New York Islanders net minder Billy

Smith this would have been 1974 it was the only goal Kelly Pratt ever scored in the NHL I think he only play like 15 games but it didn’t count in his stats because it was preseason he later went on to play in the wh but Kelly Pratt of

The Pittsburgh Penguin scored the only free shot goal in the history of the NHL those are some of my favorite stories when you’re sitting around the bar to get the juices flowing and it always Elliot it always starts with well I’m a traditionalist I love to come in with

Some of those stories you know who I really feel badly for Claire well that her too yes but Dom has to edit that like Dom how long is that going to take you to edit long enough that it’ll be a minor inconvenience don’t touch a thing Dom it’s all genius

And touched by the Divine oh my God yeah like holy smokes Elliot Elliot I am uh I’m an artist not even the players who played in that era knew as much about that face off as you did so uh see I don’t consider these to be words I

Look at them as sound shap as an artist Elliot you just use words I use Sound Shapes Elliot yes evidently well those are some of the ugliest Sound Shapes I’ve ever heard okay we’ll finish up with Ryan uh good day Dom Jeff Elliot faithful Lister you guys do a great job

To the point I wish there were more podcasts for per week you’re killing us Ryan you’re killing us uh you guys spark oh you like this Elliott you guys sparked me to join the push-up challenge for February to achieve 2,000 by month’s end with my weight gain maybe we call

This attempt to get in shape quote find the ribs I like that that’s good that’s good okay this is really really good okay so here’s this question I have a question for you in regard to Puck possession because it has come up a few times recently I’ve tried to look it up but

With no luck when a player has the puck in their feet even if they’re not touching it does that count as having possession by that I don’t mean sliding past them through their feet but actually within the possibility of controlling it we’ve had players with the puck in this position get body

Checked hard with no penalty because technically had possession by some calls and then the opposite with the same puck in feet situation but awarding a penalty because the argument is the player did not touch the puck so did not have possession I’m wondering which it should be another knowledge attempt to make me

Look a little bit wiser again so this is actually a good question because I think in a lot of ways it depends on the referee like some referees will say if you touch the puck uh you don’t that that’s enough like that blows the play

Dead but I have seen you we’ve all seen plays where maybe it hits someone and they don’t control and they say well he didn’t have control and I think I do think there has been a one referee told me a couple years ago that there has

Been more of an effort to go to control as opposed to just touch so I think like if a player was to if it like just hit your skate I don’t think they would blow dead as much anymore but if you made a play with your foot or something like

That I think you could see more of a chance of it getting blown dead the the way that it’s been described to me is for the if you’re if you have the puck in your feet for the purposes of things like offside or delayed penalty it’s not considered possession but for the

Purposes of being eligible to get hit it is considered possess does that sound fair that’s the way it’s always been described to me yes all right we agree on one thing and we agree on two things this is a wonderful segment thanks so much for contributing 32ths at 1833 311 3232

32ths at 1833 311 3232 the Montana’s thought line Montana’s barbecue and bar Canada’s home for barbecue Mitch Marner of at tronto M beliefs joins us next [Applause] You know one of the great things about All-Star Weekend in toron was Elliott and I last Friday had a chance to sit down with a number of players uh and also as you heard last podcast coaches was great having a catch up with both Rick bonis and Rick toet and loved

Interviewing them at the same time today another one of those interviews Mitch Marner of the Toronto Maple Leafs and if you know anything about Toronto sports radio it is always fertile ground talking about Mitch Marner and as he’s matured through the map Leafs organization he’s turned into one of the

Better interviews of anybody on the team here’s Mitch Marner on 32 thoughts the podcast enjoy uh Mitch on a scale of 1 to 10 how impressed are you watching Elliot work on his phone right now that’s what we’re were just saying yeah I mean walk in here I hear a trade

Breakdown so what you want to handicap Monahan to the Jets you think it’s yeah it’s a great trade um he’s a great player he’s he’s uh you know he’s had success in playoffs as well and um it’s obviously a piece that was very helpful to any team you how much do you watch

Like great players and I know you love hockey how much do you watch other teams and who do you watch um I’d say I more so watch after our games when I get home just the the Western kind of times um it’s kind of hard to watch the the

Eastern teams a little more more obviously with our schedule so um but at the same time I mean I feel like our minds are always on hockey so I try to get away from it as as much as I can as well and kind of get my mind off it and

Um you know I try to play video games with my buddies from other places and connect with them and um you know try to stay in touch with them as much as I can so I’d say you know every odd night I’m watching hockey and you know trying to

See um maybe more to the end of the season I’m watching a little more to see teams and see what’s going on is it hard to unplug like is it hard to like just park it and I’m w from the rank and I’m not going to think about it yeah I mean

I think it I think it’s easier now definitely was at the start especially living downtown you know you never kind of get away from it um just with the buzz going around which is what you love and what you like to see but um definitely is a little hard sometimes to

Get your mind off it but I think um you know that’s why you need to have people around you and pieces around you to help you get off in uh my wife’s been amazing with that and obviously my dog Zeus has been amazing with that too so um it’s

Nice to just go home to that and you know kind of take your mind off things go for a walk with the dog and just kind of enjoy outside and um you know try to leave your phone and just get away from everything what’s your video game of

Choice Now Call of Duty Still Still Call of Duty yeah massive Call of Duty guy it’s kind of always been that um fortnite got in there for quite a bit but the building now in fortnite has got a little too far advance for my liking and um I’m more of just I’ve always

Grown up a firstperson shooter kind of guy and um Call of Duty was always a game growing up I played were you ever a GTA guy a little bit yeah very excited about that g the new game coming out um it’s been a long time so um yeah I’m

Sure we go through phases me and all my buddies we go through phases where we buy a game play for about a week and a half and then decided to go right back to Cod and get very mad at each other through a microphone that we’re not

Playing good enough is are there NHL players in this or are these friends from outside of hockey um a lot of guys I play with are friends from home um I see I I talked to guys on our team about Call of Duty but it seems like no one

Really plays um I play with Ral quite a bit um after games he’s cuz you know usually it’s tough to go to sleep right after hockey and your mind and adrenaline are just rushing it’s so why not just keep the Competitive Edge going and go play Call of Duty for an hour and

A half so we do that sometimes who’s better you or Reeves I am I am yeah I am I think Revo would would say the same he’s we played with a couple times he would agree but um revo’s got a good game too he’s he’s he’s a lot better

Than I actually thought he would be so kudos to him that is the most backhanded com no kid yeah it really is and it could could come back to haunt me especially with that man but uh no I mean just so he’s got the two kids

Obviously the wife so I you know it’s a couple guys that have kids it’s usually hard for them to get away and play Call of Duty and um but he plays with his brother I play with my brother too so it’s it’s nice to kind of get on there

And just relax and talk to my buddies that or also from out of town about just other things going on in their life and you know another way to kind of check out and get away from everything you know it’s interesting you mentioned sleep a couple of seconds ago and we

It’s funny we were having this conversation this morning about uh the nature of hockey and like how do you get rest like how do you get sleep like this is this isn’t like uh football where you play one game a week and you know then and then you recover for 6 days like

You’re always playing and these games are at night and like you mentioned like you’re still wound up there a lot of adrenaline going still like how do you do it like think I’m sure like by now you have like your Mitch marer formula for sleep try it yeah I don’t know I

Mean um usually when I get home is try to get a tea cam tea or something like that relax with that um just get on the couch of my dog again and just relax with him and just try to mellow out as much as you can and just

Kind of uh you know rather put a TV show on that you like um a movie or something like that just kind of ease down and try to get in bed around 1:00ish or so and hopefully within that time frame of tourish or so be able to fall asleep but

Yeah it’s it’s harder some nights than others and um you know it’s definely a bit of a grind sometimes to get to sleep a lot of guys would say probably s we interviewed Nate McKinnon a little while while ago and the one thing that we heard about him was that his dog runs

His life and it’s apparently it’s this cute little dog like you wouldn’t imagine the guy who plays like Nate McKinnon does has this kind of a dog that runs his life what kind of dog do you have and does he or she run your life yeah I got a chocolate lab named

Zeus so I mean I would say yeah he kind of runs our life uh he runs a show of the House of just doing whatever the heck he wants to do um but he’s great also I mean uh he’s chocolate lab so he’s very understanding with kind of

Commands and and stuff going around and um he’s also a very lazy lab which is great he’s not afraid to just kind of hunker down and you know sleep until whatever time you want to sleep that’s kind of the nice thing about our off days is that’s kind of the time to check

Back in on sleep schedules and sleep in a little bit cuz I a got to wake up for kids or anything like that still so um he’ll he’ll sleep right till whatever time we want to get up and that’s uh it’s it’s a nice thing to have we were

We’re talking with nander about how this year has kind of been weird for you guys like in the last few years generally you know where you are in January or February you’re in the playoffs you kind of know who’s around you this year it seems to have been much more of a roller

Coaster than we’ve been used to in in Toronto you agree or disagree yeah I mean um definitely I mean it’s been a bit of a roller coaster of a season um ups and downs through it all um some games where we’ve played really well some games where it hasn’t been

Particularly good and um I think that’s just that’s just the season though I mean the grind of the season um it’s always not going to be you know rainbows and butterflies it’s going to be um some tough times in there and that’s probably good you know you want those tough times

To hit you so the adversity comes and you can battle through that with one another um feel closer to one another about it um but I mean it also thinks it stands out for our division our division is very competitive we got a lot of

Great teams in it um and you know it’s um it’s it’s good to see that I mean that’s that’s what you want you want your division to be competitive and every every Point matters so um it’s um it’s going to be an exciting second half and you know we’re we’re excited for it

And looking forward to it craziest game of the year the one where you guys went into the room after the game and said I just cannot believe what we went through oh dang I mean the craziest one I’ve ever been a part of was that Carolina

Game on Christmas um I think that was two years the next gen game yeah the next that was a wild one that one uh that one I was talking about all Christmas that was crazy I mean I remember uh slaving and were talking

About it at uh at I I don’t I think it was maybe the St Louis allar game I think it was that year um just how crazy that game was to be a part of but this year um I mean obviously that Columbus game was a pretty big holy kind of crap

Moment um you know I think that’s something I I talk about a lot about our team is that uh we’re not obviously you don’t want to be in those moments you want to be down in those moments uh especially that score-wise but we have faith on our team to you know come back

In any kind of game and and swing momentum back from our favor and obviously we didn’t win that one but that was kind of one after when you go home and you’re like kind of what the hell just happened moment um but um that was probably the one for me outd say

Yeah it was a wild game yeah I want to ask you about skills coaches and like you’re one of the most highly skilled players in the game period And I always wonder because I’m you know I’ll I’ll follow skills coaches on Instagram and watch stuff and I’ll always say to

Myself I wonder what someone like Mitch maror would think watching this like how often do you find yourself whether it’s on Instagram social media somewhere looking at skills coaches and you say to yourself what the hell are they doing can you pick out frauds yeah I mean I think with what technology is

Nowadays um obviously it’s a business thing now I mean you can make a lot of money on on on social media wise so that’s what everyone’s trying to do now I mean they’re trying to endorse their own brand endorse what they do yeah um but honestly like do you look at some of

The stuff and go like what’s going on yeah I mean I definitely do and I find it hilarious I I won’t lie I mean I watch video yeah I don’t want to name who we’ve watched um I don’t want to expose the person on here um you can

Tell them about their name Ryan yeah exactly um if any of my teammates see this he’ll definitely know who I’m talking about but um I think it was a lot more so during covid year there was a guy on Instagram that we were sending his videos back and forth to one another

And it was outrageous watching oh yeah I think I know who you’re talking about it’s just like I don’t I was just sitting there I was like and then you see like I mean it’s I I’m putting this person on blast if they ever find out

Who it is but uh posted videos on them and then you know you get the comments of people asking how is this guy not in the NHL you know he’s doing all these things he looks great and it’s like well obviously you know there’s a lot of

Other components that you have to work on and do and everything but um I at the same time I give kudos to all these people I mean everyone’s trying to make a name for themselves and grow a business um and in some way somehow I

Mean I’m sure it is helping a lot of kids and helping people develop um but yeah I mean for me I’ve always been with one guy my whole life since I was four his name is Rob dvo and um he’s been very obviously helpful in my career to

Make me who I am and and um I’m sure people if they watched me when I was growing up when I was five or six doing some of the skills we were doing they would also say what the hell is this kid doing on the ice um

I know I I post that one video of me on the jump board that’s something I’ve gone on for a long time in my life doing and uh remember when I got to the rink saw all the guys are like what the hell are you doing on this like this isn’t a

Skill this isn’t anything but I mean again it’s all balance coordination everything like that so um you know like I said people are probably getting better from these videos but at the same time watching it now where I am it’s pretty funny to see some of the stuff a

Little cringe very cringe a lot of cringe yes last one uh they’re announcing the World Cup today and likely the Olympics I know you and McKinnon have skated together before about the possibility of being a linemate with them what would it like to plan a line with Nathan McKinnon and how

Would Mitch Marner set him up for the gold medal winning goal um I mean first I just to be named of the team would be amazing um just growing up always wanting to wear a team Canada Jersey wanting to represent your country um I’ve been fortunate enough to do so in a

Couple events um it’s always amazing so to but you know obviously want to try to make the team first and then decide where where you slot in on the lineup and wherever you slot in you’re happy to be there you just want to help the team

Win so um obviously the dog’s a special player he’s uh he’s an intense man I’ve been with him as we all know as we all know um yeah I mean I skated with him a little bit at the bi that bio steel Camp a couple years ago remember I didn’t

Make a play to him and he you would have thought it was the Olympic gold medal game how he was talking to me on the bench I was like Nate we’re we’re sitting here at at this Camp it’s like you know we’re 3 weeks out from the

Season like what do you want me to do I’m trying to make a play myself and he’s I’m open in the slot you got to find me I’m like okay but um no it’d be good I mean we’re both competitive guys we want to win um obviously what he does

With the puck his speed and and skill with it finding open Ice making open Ice plays um you know for me it would just be trying to find him in open Ice to get his feet going up ice and um you know find him in areas where he could succeed

And he succeeds in a lot of them in the offensive zone so um just try to find him put him in places to score goals and I don’t know I mean if I had to pick I’d probably be like just give him the puck from the red line and just let him do

His thing and go 800 miles at a d man and quickly make a move and you know go short side or something that’s still a primary assist exactly and what I just learned from this conversation is it’s not Nate Dog it’s the dog yeah the dog

The dog yeah this has been quite eye open Mitch thanks so much for this good Lu second half yes thank you thank you and there he is Mitch Marner of the Toronto mate belief so you Instagram hockey trainers beware Marner has put you on Watch and you could watch Mitch

Marner and his Toronto Maple face off on Hockey Night in Canada Saturday against the Ottawa Senators also you can see the Pittsburgh Penguins take on the Winnipeg Jets and the late game sees Conor McDavid and the Edmonton ERS take on the Los Angeles Kings that’s it from our

Little podcast Corner uh we’ll join you again Monday morning for the next edition of 32 thoughts the podcast have a great hockey weekend and oh yeah that football thing too

Jeff and Elliotte kick things off by focusing on the Arizona Coyotes, whose future in the desert hangs by a thread with a looming threat of relocation to Salt Lake City. The guys then shift focus to the Toronto Maple Leafs, should they move their 2024 1st round pick before the deadline at the risk of further depleting their pipeline? That, and more, in this edition of 32 Thoughts!
0:00 – Focusing on the Arizona Coyotes and the looming threat of relocation to Salt Lake City on the horizon.
14:55 – The Toronto Maple Leafs and their impending decision on their 2024 1st round pick.
21:48 – Andrei Kuzmenko has made an immediate impact in Calgary. Plus, Jeff and Elliotte ponder the future of Noah Hanafin.
27:16 – Travis Konecny and his Gordie Howe hat-trick which only took 4 minutes of game time to collect. Also, diving into Sean Walker, Rasmus Ristolainen, and Scott Laughton’s future with the Flyers.
34:48 – Elliotte also provides the latest on the Edmonton Oilers following their devastating loss to Vegas.
42:48 – The guys get into the Buffalo Sabres and what they might do with Casey Mittelstadt.
51:27 -Finally, we deep dive into the NHL’s audit into hitting stats.
57:13 – The guys answer your questions in the Montana’s Thought Line. 1:20:48 – They end the podcast by sitting down with Toronto Maple Leafs forward Mitch Marner

Email the podcast at or call the Montana’s Thought Line at 1-833-311-3232 and leave us a voicemail.

This podcast was produced and mixed by Dominic Sramaty and hosted by Jeff Marek and Elliotte Friedman.

The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the hosts and guests and do not necessarily reflect the position of Rogers Sports & Media or any affiliates.
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What Are The Leafs Doing Before The Deadline? 32 Thoughts NHL Podcast
#nhl #hockey #32thoughts


  1. The section of kuzmenko and hanafin was 5 seconds then Elliot goes on a islanders Roy Tampa tangent lol get those timestamps figured out lol

  2. The Lightning need to be sellers at the deadline. Unless Stamkos takes a very team friendly deal, let him walk. A luxury this team can’t afford.

  3. Toronto’s 1st for Tanev and Hanifin or Tanev and Markstrom? 💀💀 Elliotte has gone full Leafs homer 😭😭

  4. Wont the NHL BOG require a minimum amount of FULL TIME season ticket holders at this new arena? I go to ALOT of games at the Mullett and on any given night, the opposing fans outnumber the Coyotes fans…next Monday when the Oilers come into town there will be 1000 McDavid jerseys alone…Coyotes need to grow their fanbase…

  5. Aside from assets named Matthews, Marner, Nylander, Rielly, Knies and Woll, the NHL’s most valuable franchise the Leafs are bereft of talent. Their tradeable support players are interchangeable journeymen who are worth a dime a dozen. Their cupboards are more bare than Mother Hubbard’s.

  6. The leafs were try to land an experienced D and possibly, a goalie like the flower if the current goalies are not consistent.

  7. Get rid of Phoenix already. Its been 25 years and they still dont have a strong following. Put the team somewhere people play hockey. This bad joke has gone on long enough

  8. Elliott you have a great talent to yap your head off and say absolutely ZERO! Coyote fans give you one collective huge middle finger. You have never been on our side! . You love to stir the pot with fear and blow hard faux intelligence. Your Canadian bias is obvious and low vibrational. Go Muerelo!!!!!

  9. The NHL will NEVER return to Arizona if the Coyotes leave.
    The is not a single person on Earth who would pay an BILLION DOLLAR expansion fee to put a team into Arizona…. ever ever again.
    The NHL is considered a circus in Arizona, and we can put a huge amount of blame on Gary. He allowed the NHL to look like a total bush league for decades in Arizona.
    He allowed it to look like a joke and nobody there takes it seriously any more. They can barely "sell out" there tiny 4500 seat arena for a reason.

  10. Traditionalist with puck on the ice … what an amazing story (followed by the "God Save the Queen" story…)

  11. If I was management in The Leafs Organisation, I would not make any moves.
    One player is not going to make this team get by the first round.
    They have had a goal tending issue for 50 years.
    At best, Samsonov and Jones are good backups to Woll.
    So if I was making any moves, it would be Samsonov for Tasev and Hanavin.,and a bucket of used pucks.

  12. Shanahan and Treliving got nothing. Leafs won’t make wild card. Shanahan needs to be fired along with Treliving, as all they know how to do is over spend on bad contracts. Shanahan is poison for this franchise, 10 years with 1 second round loss. MLSE is a clown show and the Leafs are not a serious hockey team.

  13. I find the obvious is sometimes overlooked. Because of the stupidity of Shanahan and Dubas, combined with the greed of the core 4, they are getting what they deserve. No secondary scoring, good dmen and goaltending. So because this rotten spoiled bunch wanted every damn cent they might not even make the playoffs! And will get worse next year because you damn well know Shanahan, who should have been fired THREE YEARS AGO will give MM whatever the hell he wants, thus cementing an already overpaid core 4 with ZERO rest of the team solidifying no playoffs or first round exists for the remainder of this core.

  14. BtW Elliot , its not you arm that will get bigger, that will immprove also nut more than anyting it will be your back that gets stronger.
    I know , i have done 3000 pushup a day,
    You are jut bebinning Eliot, somm you will be up to 3oooo a day also
    You will need to buy new clothes to fit your body. Thats expensive. !
    You are not in a compitition with others, this is in a compitition with yourself.
    And it is for LIFE .

  15. The Lightning need to be sellers at the deadline. Unless Stamkos takes a very team friendly deal, let him walk. A luxury this team can’t afford.

  16. And here we are after the
    Caps played Boston & Vancouver, they’ve picked up 3 points. The game against Colorado will be intense, given the Avs blew out the Caps just a few weeks ago and that still has to be rather fresh in the minds of the Caps players and I’d definitely expect this to be a close game on Tuesday.

  17. Thee top 20 are going to be good picks according to this podcase.. Toronto will have a top 20 pick. So, they are giving up a good prospect.

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