@Washington Capitals

Eric Gryba destroys Lars Eller – May 2, 2013

Eric Gryba hit on Lars Eller. Gryba gets a 5 minute major and a game misconduct for this hit on Lars Eller.

Eric Gryba
Eric Gryba
Eric Gryba hit
Eric Gryba hit
Eric Gryba hit lars eller
Eric Gryba hit lars eller
Eric Gryba hit lars eller


  1. CLEAN HIT, no suspension should be awarded. yes, there's contact to the head, but main point of contact is the body. If anything that bonehead Diaz should be suspended for giving such a horrid pass

  2. you are wrong, there…and please where is the elbow? get your facts straight before posting. Bob Mackenzie clearly explains and breaks down the play as well

  3. lol i know right? watch the replay you habs fans! if you know hockey, you can see that it was a clean hit, and just a dirty outcome. plus you guys got a good chunk of power play time

  4. It looks like Gryba got the elbow up right at the point of contact as though he was trying to disguise a premeditated head shot as a legal shoulder check. If I were Shannahan, that would be two games. It would be 4-5 five if they were regular season games, but playoff games are a more significant penalty. The way he hit the ice face first reminds me of the injury that ruined Kevin Stevens career. Wonder what Melnyk's position will be on the hit after all the eyre he's directed at Matt Cooke?

  5. Thanks…those guys out here are fucking retarted.

    SO FUNNY to see a guy bleed on the ice…. surely a legal hit. Are you fucking kidding me?

  6. prusts stick contacted andersons head when he stuck it up his mask. OMG IT MUST BE ILLEGAL THROW HIM IN A DUNGEON. lol habs fans, stop complaining

  7. Yeah the guys is bleeding because he received the shoulder on the chest. Come on man… If you dont clearly see an elbow it's because there is no good view angle.

  8. That aint true, you can get a clean body check WHILE hitting the head as well. As long as the main point of contact is the body, like Mike said.

  9. Anyone calling that scene a fun time is exactly the type of fan who gives hockey a bad name. It's a sport; not the Roman Coliseum.

  10. I've yet to see the "5 mins for a bloody nose" penalty in the book. Habs fans should be more upset about the hospital pass Eller's teammate gave him.

  11. The brad Stuart hit on Landeskog was not awarded a suspension, so just because ellar is bleeding a suspension is warranted? come on people

  12. There is zero body contact, not sure what some if you are watching. It's all head shot. Could have been a great hit but turned into dirt.

  13. Si vous regarder bien quand Gryba donne sa mise en echec , il se dirige vers Eller et commence a linsulter

  14. start freeze framing at 0:17 buddy. don't call me a dumbass for you're failure to interpret with your own eyes.

  15. I don't like Montreal,but I hate seeing players get injured like that,it's unfortuante but it comes with the game.Hope he recovers..but I hope Montreal loses the series!

  16. you're calling me an asian, and yet you're fucking english is worse than mine. I'm probably twice the hockey player you are as well. Maybe you should see how hard he face planted afterwards if your wondering about the facial fractures. go back to drinking beer in you're mom's basement

  17. Completely clean hit. It was a hockey hit. It sucks to see the guy get hurt but you can clearly see he makes initial contact with the hip/mid area of the body. As he was hitting him, he did happen to hit the head but it wasn't the initial contact and Gryba had his elbows down. wasn't a charge nor did he jump. Clean hit to me.

  18. no the skate to the neck was a lot worse and I know what you are talking about , it was a goalie that got it to the neck, I just forget who ,,

  19. Skating Hard = Good ; Hard body checks = Good; ANY hit where the head is the primary point of contact should be an automatic one game rip with the possibility of a longer suspension of the hit shows intent to injure. Medical fact: If Eller wasn't knocked out before he hit the ice, he would have shielded his face with his hands. Savard, Lindros, and Pronger have all had shorter careers and Crosby has lost 3 Art Rosses and at least one Hart because of people who want that kind of play in the game.



  21. I guess Shannahan saw it my way… it was a hit that targeted the head… the ice did additional damage. But the elbow in the face is what rendered him unconscious and helpless to defend himself during his decent to the ice.

  22. OOOH, looks like its leading him to ending his career, probably not but that is a serious blow. thats why my dad didn't sign me up for hockey when i was small. Hockey is perfectly fine, its just that ti slips in boxing very easily, if you know what i mean

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