@Dallas Stars

Marchment hit on McCabe – Have your say!

Mason Marchment put a hit on Jake McCabe that some are considering late and unnecessary. McCabe’s face was cut open around the nose and mouth. There was no call on the play. Should there have been? Have your say!


  1. Yeah he was watching his pass but by the current standards at least a 3 game suspension. But we know everyone hates us so probably nothing will happen

  2. The hit was late, not sure if first contact was with the head, but it was avoidable head contact as Marchment was clearly elevating into the hit on a defenseless player. With the stuff that the league lets go, no chance they are doing anything about this one

  3. Certainly questionable. Not a big hockey fan but I think any hit that does nothing for the play (much like a late hit in football), in this case the puck was long gone down the boards, should at a minimum be a minor and maybe make it a major. Marchment also appears to have lifted himself up to ensure he got him in the face.

  4. How they can give Dillon 3 games for a bit that came out of nowhere, and didn't look intentional, but give Marchy $5k fine is ridiculous. Clown show DoPS.

  5. I'm a huge Leaf fan and have been since I started watching hockey as a kid, but this was a good, hard hit. McCabe was admiring his pass and paid the price for not being ready. I realize that these days, you're not likely to get hit hard but you still have to be ready. The only possible question is whether or not Marchment left his feet. I couldn't tell definitively from the angle but it didn't look to me like he elevated off the ice. Marchment's 6'3 and McCabe's a bit shorter. And to all these people who're talking about the luck being out of the area when he got hit, the distance doesn't matter. It's the number of seconds that pass after the puck leaves the stick. The hit was not late by any stretch of the imagination.

  6. McCabe made himself vulnerable by "admiring his pass". I get that he had to see if his pass connected. But by the time he got hit it should have been an interference call. Didn't look to me that Marchment extended or elevated. If you want to see dirty hits then look up Marchment's dad who went for the knees on multiple occasions.

  7. I would look for a Minor penalty here. Marchment got to the check late, but it wasn't a dirty hit, McCabe's face just turned right into Marchment's shoulder. He didn't raise it, feet didn't leave the ice, the only faux pas is hitting the player when the puck was LONG gone.

  8. Late by maybe a second and a half, which is an eternity in hockey, and primary point of contact is the head, how this is 5k and not 5 games is beyond comprehension!

  9. If McCabe was so mad, drop the gloves. Was the hit a little late, sure. But besides that it was a clean hit. Marchment does not raise his shoulder, nor does he leave his feet. Taller players are going to sometimes catch shorter players where their shoulder hits the face.

  10. These comments are hilarious! But had it been a Leafs doing the hitting all we would hear is KEEP YOUR HEAD UP & STOP ADMIRING UOUR PASS 😂OUT PASS

  11. Def a late hit but only because the opposing player made a drop pass instead of carrying the puck forward. I think Marchment was anticipating him being in possession which would have made the hit perfectly legal. He had already committed to finishing his check making this a difficult one to call. I would have given him a minor but nothing more.

  12. Tell me you're a leafs fan without telling me you're a leafs fan:

    dirty hit! 5 game suspension!

    Just as fragile as the logo.

  13. Puck was long gone. I would argue he turned his head into the hit, but his head was the target even if he didn't turn

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