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Gotta See It: Vermette gets game misconduct for Abuse of Officials

Anaheim Ducks forward Antoine Vermette gets called for “Abuse of Officials” which is exactly what it sounds like, as he swung his stick hitting a linesman when he wasn’t looking.

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  1. Had to watch it over 3 times before I realized he actually hit the ref in the back of the leg, I though they where talking about the early swipe at the puck

  2. I don't think there was any malicious intent or "abuse of officials". Looked like he lightly tapped ref to get his attention.

  3. Ducks fan here. Definitely a dumb move by Vermette. Gotta keep a level head, especially in the 3rd period. Would love to see them reduce the punishment but if the 10 games stick, so be it. Can't touch the refs.

  4. So He Gets 10 Games for Love Tapping a Linesman but Nyquist only gets 6 for two handing someone to the face?

  5. That was a $213,000 slash… 1.75 mil / 82 games = $21,341 per game x 10 games forfeited = $213,000 & change … ouch.

  6. trying to get refs attention? Then why did he swat then skate off? Ref blew his whistle but Vermette never comes back to say anything! He knew he was wrong!

  7. I have to admit I'm actually a little surprised that this would happen in the modern NHL.  I'm not sure what the punishment should be but it must be severe enough to send a message to all the other players that there is going to be zero tolerance for this kind of behavior.

  8. Dumb but, c'mon NHL! common sense…that was a "hey! ya screwed me" TAP. I know that they can't just let it go and that ALL contact between players and refs need to be avoided..but I've seen players slap refs on the butt harder to joke with them. should have been 3 games (the minimum) There was absolutely no intent to injure.

  9. This is easy – intentionally swinging at, and hitting, an official should be a game misconduct, 20 game suspension and 10% of annual pay as a fine. Suspend the fine if no injury occurred. Second offense – lifetime suspension, forfeiture of all pay remaining on contract and lifetime bar from entering a NHL arena during a NHL game. See, easy stuff.

  10. People forget that when Vermette was with Ottawa, he missed a penalty shot in the Stanley Cup Final vs Anaheim and fired the puck at the linesman in frustration.

  11. This type of behavior was never ever seen in hockey or sports in general now you see it more often than not… it's a sign of these new generation of athletes who can't control themselves…

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