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Hulk Hogan vs. Ultimate Warrior: WrestleMania VI – Champion vs. Champion Match

Hulk Hogan collides with Ultimate Warrior at SkyDome on April 1, 1990 in the first-ever match on The Grandest Stage of Them All between the reigning WWE and Intercontinental title holders.


  1. How would have the fans reacted of the champion vs. champion match between Hulk Hogan & The Ultimate Warrior ended in a draw? It was good that Hogan was being a good sport when he handed the Ultimate Warrior the WWE Title after the match was over.

  2. I was 9 years old at the time, I was used to winning, highest grades in school, little league baseball team was # 1, everyone I played basketball we always won. I was and still am an a long life Hulkamaniac, and when I saw him lose and raise Warrior’s hand, it taught me that it was OK to lose sometimes in life, as long as you gave it ur very very best! And to be humble in defeat and give the other their props….Major life lesson for me. PS: I was in tears when Hulk lost. Damn it had hurt. Lol.

  3. Best match ever. The respect towards the end when Hogan hands the belt to Warrior is icing on the cake.. we need more of that in sports, whether it’s entertainment or not.

  4. Jesse The Body was amazing with Gorilla Monsoon just as he was with Vince McMahon.

    Bobby The Brain was just as awesome too with Gorilla

  5. This was the most memorable pro wrestling match I`ve seen in my entire life. I was a huge pro wrestling fan from like the late 80s to the late 90s and at that time I was a 10 or 11 years old kid (born 1979). Yes this might not have been the best wrestling match skillwise since both guys had a very limited skillset (especially Warrior) but in terms of personas, charisma and magnitude, this was the most electrifying match ever in my book. The best skillwise might have been Bret Hart vs British Bulldog at Summerslam 1992, but Hogan vs. Ultimate Warrior was the benchmark in terms of characters. Such great memories.

  6. World 🌍 you all are waiting to see the animal the original cannot be imitated copyright is strickly prohibited just listen to his motivation speech before hitting the gym you ll feel the beast inside you 🙏🌹

  7. I was in fifth grade on that day. I woke up with the Ultimate Warrior's theme song in my head this morning. I wonder why.

    I grew up in a rural area, and we did not have access to pay per view back then, but my dad somehow got a tape of Wrestlemania VI. The leadup to this event was awesome, Hulk and the Warrior were so mad at each other. Then the match lived up to the hype.

  8. Take a screen shot of both guys and zoom on the shoes and pants. Definitely the same guy!
    Should be fired

  9. I remember watching it as a kid and this was one of the most pivotal matches and wins in wrestling history it was more then just the win it was common bond and respect amongst the greatest!

  10. Rest In Peace Warrior and Rest In Peace to my Grandpa Charles Sullivan a wrestling fan since the 70's. I'll never forget the times we shared in the late 80 early 90s watching these greats . I love you Grandpa miss you everyday and i rewatch the old matches and think of the times we had.

  11. People can say what they want to say about the Ultimate Warrior but when it came to showing up at Wrestle Mania, he did not disappoint. Back-to-back, he beat 2 legends. Always Believe Warrior In his short run, he was a trailblazer/ Phenom

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