@Pittsburgh Penguins

Penguins Hit With A Hard Reality Check

On this episode, the Nick’s discuss the Pittsburgh Penguins notable home loss to the Florida Panthers and why it signals more than just a regular season loss (2:25). They react to Jake Guentzel’s injury and what effect his absence would have on the remainder of this season (8:10).

The guys also discuss whether last night’s loss pushed the Penguins over the edge to selling at the NHL trade deadline (20:22). They finish the episode on a high note, previewing “Celebrate 68” weekend and Sunday’s festivities (41:15). Tune In!

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  1. I feel like there were a couple decent efforts from doc, pj, eller, rust, etc. but there is just no cohesion. The team looks really disjointed and lackluster. Its a shame but I really think coaching isn't helping and needs to be refreshed. On paper this team is good but its not translating to the ice. How do we only get 1 shot on the first three power plays? Again get an energy line together of doc-eller-pj. Let them help build momentum and be hard to play against. Also what's with the sagging defense in their own zone, the put no pressure on the offense.

  2. If we're gonna miss the playoffs regardless, why not move MP, he's got term left and a friendly cap hit, might bring back a decent return.

  3. There's just a small part of me that wants the Penguins to lose tonight to solidify their position, looking outside of the playoffs as a seller at the deadline. I'd rather it at this point of the season than the last 2 games like last season.

  4. the problem with this team is there’s not much u could get value wise with most of these contracts that they have right now and if Jake is hurt right now there a problem right there it’s gonna be a good two to three years before this team’s competitive again

  5. Analytics is not the answer what’s good on paper does not always translate onto ice. It’s a factor but not the answer. You need players that come up from minors that play together. Look at what Sid and the kids did for example.

  6. Lots I can say about the season and game last night but I'm gonna save that for something happy: My wife and I are going to the game on Sunday and be there early for the Jagr ceremony. I cannot wait to see what I'm about to see. As another name I hope we see and hear from on Sunday is Mike Lange. If anyone hasn't read the recent article from the Athletic about Jags and Lange's relationship, its a fun read!

  7. Great Dubas analogy. Not only was he walking into Hextall's dumpster fire, being told to fix it immediately, he was also told to put his hands behind his back, handcuffed, now go and get to work.

  8. The Penguins days of being able to outscore their problems are definitely over. Now all we see are the glaring problems. If Jake goes out the door, can Sid really be far behind? How many wingers has he been through in his career? He's getting a little late in his career to start finding new chemistry with somebody.

  9. Eller is good trade candidate. He fetched two 2nd round picks last deadline, if he could fetch one 2nd round pick for the upcoming draft, that would help.

  10. What should happen … Dubas hires a full-time GM to work under him and then FSG and Dubas issue a joint statement that the new GM is being brought in to build to the future. No more oxymoron statements like, "when you have Sidney Crosby you try and win now, but we're also going to try and get younger and not sell the future." Because when you try and do both, you do neither … and your GM gets caught like a deer in the headlights when things go south, as happened to Dubas this season.

    This way Dubas and FSG can be the "villain" as players get traded, and the new GM is free to do what needs to be done.

  11. Mike Sullivan should be replaced. The amount of sheer loyalty to this coach is just killing this team. It really is. Many great coaches get let go. You cannot be afraid to swap out the head coach. So what if he goes to the Devils or whatever. Maybe he wins another cup or two.
    But he's certainly not doing it here.
    The one thing besides Crosby Guentzel Rust Malkin Letang Jarry and Rhuwedel that has not changed is the head coach.
    Thus organization has completely flipped their lineup many times over, have had THREE GMs, swapped out all the assistant coaches, and even changed ownership.
    But they have decided to not do the very thing that desperately needs to happen.
    It's just crazy to me that Sullivan has not been replaced.

  12. Why can't we dump Carter? Isn't he an FA after this year? Not to get necessarily return but to put some life in the bottom 6. There's no blow this up situation happening! So why not give up picks to make what we have now better. Injured Jake? There's no trading any "top 6" forward now

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