@Montreal Canadiens

Should the Montreal Canadiens Build Through Draft, Trade or Free Agency? | The Basu & Godin Notebook

The boys are back to break down what has proved to be the best way to build a Stanley Cup winning team. Is it through the draft? making a big trade? signing a high value free agent? or could it be a healthy mixture of all three?

Originally aired: January 8th, 2024

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  1. Happy new year! Hope your holidays went well! I’m going to my first game at the Bell Centre on Jan 24th! Can’t wait to see habs live!!!

  2. This has been going on for a looong time…missing on the draft and/or not being able to develop star players…anybody remember the last time Montreal had a player finish in the top 10 in the league in points? I do…Mats Naslund in 1985-86! That’s a long time without turning over or being presented a diamond…granted, for a long time management/ownership refused to go to the bottom, preferring instead to barely make or barely miss the playoffs, resulting in drafting 12-20, but still…

  3. Yes they should build through the draft… unfortunately they’re incapable of making good decisions in the 1st round…

  4. We can forget building with the draft…they still prioritize winning useless game vs tanking 2 years to get elite player … this rebuild will fail

  5. This shows that the Canadiens problem is prospect evaluation. If you look back at Sam Pollock you see a master of that art. Even with goaltenders trading Plante for Worsley was a master stroke. The Canadiens need scoring and should draft anyone who can score regardless of size. Caulfield fell into their lap and now teams are focusing on him shutting him down, however to his credit he is getting more assists. If the Canadiens are to go anywhere they need to focus on their player evaluation and of course get “lucky”. This was an excellent display of what it takes to be a winner. Well done.

  6. Most members of the media are totally sold to what HuGo are doing…so they are quite bias to what HuGo want to do. Obviously, Chantal Machabée has been doing a pretty good jobs with her former work colleagues !!!

  7. Draft for about Five more Years. Arizona is just starting to turn the corner. They drafted their current #1 center in 2016. They hopefully drafted their Great #1 center of the future last year with Logan Cooley. They have been at it for ten years and are just starting to turn it around. I'd say next year they should add a couple UFA pieces, maybe a scoring winger certainly they'll need a defenseman or two.
    Montreal has been unable to stay the course for the last 30 years. Stay the darned course and see how that works.

    If Montreal is bad at evaluating talent that will take longer. So 7-8 years.

    Montreal hasn't even managed to finish the tear down. Once they do that then think about trading for some of the guys you need.

    Toronto quit too soon. They moved on Tavares too early. Toronto is the cautionary tale.

  8. Montreal has a plethora of young prospects that will do well in the NHL especially on defense. It's time to bring in the right players that will put points on the board. I'd like to see them keep Monahan and bring in another elite scorer for the second line, then bring in the young talent as well. I'd love the see the 2nd line Dach, Monahan, and a high scoring vet. then Roy, Mesar/beck, Newhook on the 3rd line.

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