@Buffalo Sabres

Florida Panthers vs Buffalo Sabres Full Game Stream NHL Commentary

Florida Panthers vs Buffalo Sabres Full Game Stream NHL Commentary

Hey what’s up everyone welcome to the Flying fluffy hockey live stream of the Florida Panthers and Buffalo Sabers game what’s up mucho mango prago waga hi bosski hi Jam Lee you’ll catch our review after Leaf gate okay yeah Sabers I’m sure are hungry they are 23 25 and four so that’s 11 less

Wins and 10 more regulation losses than the cats the Panthers are at 3415 and four hi Ethan Johnston yeah the Sabers beat the Kings seven to nothing I am honestly not sure how that happened yeah let’s go Panthers so the longest road win streaks this season the Panthers are at nine

Games tied for second longest with Edmonton the Kings have had an 11 game Road win streak but the uh Panthers are the only active road win streak on the list hi Daniel Barry a fly fluffy hocky wait a minute yes this is this is my blanket at the

Moment I think that door is still open hi Daniel brry how are you so do any of the Kings fans have an explanation for how they their team got smacked seven nothing by the sabers so Stars this season has a 2.1 goals against average and a points I think was at 9917 save

Percentage coup he HL apparently has the Panthers ranked number three in the super 16 and said they need to trade for both secondary scoring and a top nine forward are they referring to essentially a a cousin’s replacement and scoring depth I know we need the scoring depth

But I don’t know if we have the ability to get a top nine forward La played buffalo on Tuesday so it isn’t back to that back to them the Sabers are 10 points out of the playoffs Yik praga is believes that the third line scoring is going to start picking up

It’s certainly picked up last night lell with two goals owl says I think whoever wrote the article on the NHL website was trying to say they need more than Reinhardt scoring but they had like four different people score last night yeah the first line didn’t even score last night and we still won

Set up that and that’s all because of the anticipating hoping they know where the floor panther going to go but here so here we go let this play out good pu moving again from low to high up the wall great job of line right now they’re

Breaking down how the power play was so good against Colorado now if we wanted to if we wanted to guess make a guess the trade deadline the trade deadline is not until March 8th is there any specific player on the Panthers or any specific player in free

Agency I mean free excuse me the trade on the trade market do you believe there’s a specific tra player on the trade market who would be better than the equivalent option on the current Panthers team Jeff says this this game is a tough one for me my two favorite

Teams prago believes that if you told lomberg to clean it up and put him on either the first or second line he would Net 10 before the end of the season owls says another big talking point is the Canucks have nine pentin unrestricted free agents they know this year is their best

Chance oh that’s cool space man you went to a Sabers game Buffalo announcers just said they expect the Sabers to score five goals well the bruids are the Bruins are only 2 ahead of the Panthers now so I think the most important thing is the Panther racking up

Wins most of that most of the game we made is not just because we’ve been winning but I guess apparently Boston has been Boston has not been winning enough games to maintain the large lead they had on the division all right there’s a there’s a kitty outside oh what there’s a straight Kitty

Outside hey baby it’s awaits no no it’s it’s a different cat yeah there’s a cat out there yeah well now you can’t see it but a it was out there you should have told me there’s a cat it was only there for a couple seconds fluffy saw it BK pork

BK it did not seem too skittish though wasn’t afraid of me that’s for sure all right let me get my recap going and get all the all the autons going here yeah little nauseous I’m G to have that last little bit of chocolate chips I’ll get some go the

Store yeah show everybody your haircut huh not yet but here it is Tada my my dad is the barber yeah I no longer have to fuss with the infinite curls that my hair gets around the ears isite says my flag came in that’s awesome yeah they gone too they all sold out

Yeah fls are gone JC says not bad for a blind bar yeah so I get I got the haircut and it’s a good thing too because I’m supposed to go to I’m supposed to go to Florida less than a month I got my ni can you hand me the card reader the

Thing thank you okay all right come on fluffy all right I said that all right buddy I’ll get you some is night says Taylor Swift is gonna ditch her man now and give Kyle a call um JC I I did go through the cards um what will I did go through the the

Cards What would most likely happen with those cards you know I’m not sure if my dad has started a collection of panthers cards or not when we’ll set aside the few Panthers cards there were there were a few there were a few cool cards one of the cards is was from a numbered

Series Jeff says you heard someone how um Jeff what Jeff how how does that how does that mix exist like I I don’t I don’t understand how that could even be possible yeah my dad just wanted to take a look at the cards himself before we

Decided which ones we would sell and or give away yeah JC that’s a good theory I’m gonna need a bodyguard to keep the ladies that they that’s that’s funny yeah looking pretty good so I feel pretty good best part is is when I put on the hat My

Curls don’t try to come out of the back part of the hat so if you want to make a prediction for tonight I’m years stars is obviously starting tonight stol Wars has been golded on the road this year yeah Buffalo has zero championships I wonder if they’ll ever get a basketball

Or a baseball team up there all right you good on water um yeah for the moment isite says it looks like Devon Levi got s down to the AHL so we don’t have to worry about the ex their curse gotcha okay who’s in net for them alus guard says hey thanks for

Selling me the Panthers Banner looks awesome oh great it’s a it’s the flag but we do have a bunch of baners actually there we are we are down to like five of the three times five flags and those are going to be set aside for like

A giveaway or something but my dad has a bunch of the giant pennant banners he has no idea how to sell them cuz it’s too expensive to ship through the mail under normal circumstances hi true how many flying fluffy bubles heads Eric cry takes the net tonight for the

Sabers how do you pronounce that last name so londell had the first multi-goal game of the season last night at Pittsburgh and only the sixth in his career londell has six gos this season which means in in one night in one night londell increased his goal total by 100 or excuse

Me he increased his he increased his uh goal total by 50% Funko Pops have never really been something I personally got the enjoyment of um it’s the eyes the the big black eyes like dolls eyes lifeless eyes so they’re comparing San reinhardt’s career when he was with Buffalo and when he’s with the

Panthers youres what in Buffalo reinarts had 0 point 65 points per game in Florida he has 1. points per game and in Buffalo he had 0.10 Power Play Goals per game and now he has 0.25 Power Play Goals per game hello erid fewest games to 40 goals in the season for

Panther bu did bu did it in just 48 games Ry Hart with a goal tonight would have taken 54 games yeah Ryan Hart has an opportunity to score number 40 tonight first overall picks so Joo e blads Ross M and Owen power so both Buffalo and Buffalo and Florida have

Drafted two defensemen at number one in throughout the course of their the last 30 years eron e blads has a plus 19 rating this season eron says Seattle Kraken have a 42 and0 records versus the Panthers all time oh you oh you thought you thought for a

Second that the Kraken were the team we are playing tonight so there’s the Sabers warming up who is the that hey Dad have you ever heard of a guy named Eric cyie the Sabers goalie yeah Eric C so yeah Aaron says the Florida panther are 54 45 four and eight versus the Sabers all time most gos by us sport skaters since 2021 Matthew kachuck 100 Tage Thompson 100 praga says you were watching the Buffalo goals from the LA game it looked like both La goalies were asleep neither

Was moving much in the crease 47 goals last year a first round pick been around but last year was a breakout type year this year not as great to check 29 Points yeah and I think there’s been a lot of ups and downs sort of in Buffalo that team sort

Of on the edge just sort of take that next step but a huge drink of water tough a lot of business to deal with here Craig when you have that big reach very Mar us you know that right-handed shot which is difficult to defend to

Begin with and uh here’s a guy that you know grew up in the desert but really again a second generation hockey player uhal Miami Dolphin says I want play byplay announcing tonight Kyle I pay you Millions to call the games earn it baby praga says so the Buffalo announcers

Were hanging on the Sabers offensive power but it looked more like La didn’t come to play no Jeff do not send us one of those Center Ice only has the Buffalo announcers no B Sports Florida huh but we’re watching yeah I mean we’re watching on who’s saying that that’s prago no they’re saying with Center ice is what I’m hello star all right I got to bring the meat into the fridge and then I can be done what time is it um it’s 657 okay right now Toronto is in the first wild card spot because Tampa Bay has one more Point than than but Toronto has three games in

Hand on Tampa Bay and buffalo is third to last third to last in the entire conference it’s not looking good for them how are how is Philadelphia of all teams in the playoff picture but nether New Jersey or the Isles are I think somebody said today a lot of

Injuries yeah the Isles were always a bubble borderline team anyway you know the last few years yeah hey what’s up cruise control yeah I’m ready for a backto back win too this is a type for Sam bed to get one in cousins hey Chucky um where can you stream the game I am

Not sure Mike says old Sammy and Nikki better not get in the way of lell tonight I got taken care of your food over thank you prus says I’m all in for lunel to score again maybe he will heat up yeah the most important thing is we do

Not lose seven nothing like like the Kings did to this team I’m having trouble remember how much time do I have you have like five minutes okay yeah nice St gold get red de back All right let’s get this show on the road I forget that I forgot that s rart was a former sabber funnily enough JC funnily enough JC I found a Sam reinard I found a Sam Reinhardt card in among the cards when he was above Buffalo Saber the bottom six forwards combined for three goals and four assists last night in Pittsburgh we have depth scoring at least at least we had it for one night maybe we’ll have it for multiple nights since December 23d Matthew kachuck is had 13 Point goal 13

Goals 13 goals four 24 assists a plus4 rating and a 17.1 shooting percentage yeah okay prago we’ll see at intermission we play fairly hard you don’t feel it we don’t feel it because we had a s day break in the m so we just came back and we we lost our

First game at home we didn’t like that only feels like we only played one yeah if we were to talk about it we play a game I think translates the real question I think is do the Panthers explode in the second periods like we did last

Game jari was uh not good last night I I don’t know how much of that was his fault and how much was team defense just falling apart around him Craig is predicting goals tonight by E2 Chucky laberg and a mystery mystery H hey good boy budy I got okay he’s a good

Oh yes I know I know you’re happy huh so I was nauseous so I had to medicate so I’m a little loopy all right now if you for3 offers I’m jar offer excuse me bu the Buffalo Sabers are currently 10 points out of a playoff spot and third to last in the Eastern

Conference yeah 58 I don’t know how many of us can handle coffee covered Cocoa Puffs at the moment watch out for Tage Thompson and rosma doen two great Sabers less than two minutes to go until puck drops I’m coming I’m coming hi I’m coming oh water

Don’t eat me though okay don’t eat me I never know if you’re going to eat me or not I think you’re going to start Rounding I think I’m gonna get myself some more water I’ll go get it what yeah just you just got to tell me I thought you were I drank quite a bit of it I got to get myself water too all right It’s ni stream shorts of night yeah Ry Hart has to take his stand versus his former team looking to become the 11 team to win he’s won his last three starts on the road and allowed a total of four goals now this morning H peka Lucan in the starting

Goj Le be starting goalie for the Sabres was injured during morning skates so Eric Cy who has a 4.01 goal against average at 863 save percentage in his one and five record start for the Sabers this year so we are facing a not good goalie which is instant cause for

Concern okay hey I made an in time yeah all right good boy here you go it’s hey it’s high up up so the reason Eric Cy is starting for the Sabers is apparently lein was injured during the morning skate so we are now facing the goalie

With a 4.01 goals against average and a 863 save percentage yikes of remember what happened last time we faced a terrible I know didn’t you get a shut out or something no I think it was all right just turn it up a notch let me get my dad going

Yeah let’s see Miami Dolphin says what a dad K you’re so lucky to have a dad like yours never had a never had a mom or dad oh oh wow I appreciate that Miami hey mucho mango gifted the membership thank you hey mucho mucho mucho mucho all right

So the first first period is underway but bro I mean Stars makes the save okay there go oh yeah I was gonna ask you to turn it up one I did already did okay I said I’m a little bit out of it yeah how does a goalie get injured during the morning skate

Well it’s a good question but you know maybe it’s just some minor thing you know loose to run moves in and it’s a save by Eric cry all it takes is one slip maybe he stubbed his toe keys to the gate tonight versus Sabers apparently includes rebounds and Puck possession

It’s supposed to be even colder on Saturday wow Saturday’s name supposed to reach like I think the high is only like 35 or something shot goes wide for Buffalo they take it behind Stars they are trying to circle around longberg and mea defensive work but the Savers Keep It In the

Zone well saved by stars wow you just let him walk right in there hey Ice KN says remember when Trevor kid got hurt in practice during the allstar break and we had to trade away dorak vaguely but yes yeah I remember trading the vorak I know

That fori his shot is wide rard sent it back around but instead of for hakei it’s a saber now the Panthers retake possession fori behind the net loses the puck Sabers cleared to Cent ice forest lead will set it up ahead pther Center The Zone hey MJ thank

You MJ thank you thank you thank you buddy thank you MJ thank you much appreciate it what’s your say Kyle jaws and Kyle happy Thursday hope you had a great Valentine’s day yesterday Kyle did you get a haircut looks nice yep haircut yeah I gave him haircut today thank you

MJ thank you brother wow Rob bford is stepping down as MLB commissioner oh wow wow B far says he just got off the phone with Bill zedo Ken confirmed lellis Kenny don’t make me make another video who knows what I’ll say in that one yeah what happened Buffalo you you

Were supposed to take a step forward not fa to third worst in the conference Sabers have to play defense they send it to the neutral zone oel tried to play the puck got off sides off sides apparently says I feel like Kyle secretly wants Alex lion back but stars is doing

Great I’m good stars is Stars has been doing pretty well especially on the road does anyone do sports betting isite wants to know if he can bets that barov takes a shot tonight I think you actually can I puted around it for a couple of weekends during

Football I made $25 all that money is just sitting in the account now L out there M tried to send it over to londell who was on the other side of Eric of comry B ver say Ceno also told me he wants claw jaru back and Bob is getting

Extended no Claud jaru wouldn’t that be funny all right stolar sends it to Rodriguez Montour tried to give it to Mika no excuse me that was loster Ryan Buffalo now carries the puck through the neutral zone sends it ahead and they lose it in the center of the offensive zone which means the

Panthers have an opportunity to set themselves up stadin battles for the puck with lomberg lomberg chases after the Buffalo puff carrier but Buffalo manages to send it all the way into the offensive zone laberg and gajevic are up ahead gvic probably is not going to reach that puck he does not

The Sabers carry through the neutral zone again they attempt to chip in after they had entered the Zone which results in Veri getting the puck fori ends up with the puck again oel in the center he shoots wide the rebound is only collected by Buffalo kulakov tries to give it back to

Oel oel takes the shot sa we’re right side of the net barov someone help out barov barov forgot how a hockey that came out damn it and kulikov Park he just like you look like me with a hockey STI he also said the Owen tippet trade was great doesn’t care that he’s good

Now Zito also had for some reason Sammy isn’t coming back oh oh jeez you’re right yeah I’m good so Kyle so this is all your fault why is it by fault CA you could have just chosen to not be born at that exact moment you could have

Just stayed in the in the Matrix a little longer and then just somebody else who knows how that works out Spaceman asks have you been to the old Miami arena yes yes is KN says I’m getting nervous about Rhino leaving but if we can win the Cup this year who would make that

Easier that it would that would make it easier yes but I don’t I don’t necessarily think we’re going to lose lose him but who knows what zitto is gonna have to pull off to keep him SP says did you see the Panthers or heat there both both yeah interesting to hear

That Mara before the game tonight was full explanation you know in that age area as well mid 20 to the late 20 buffalo in the offensive so oh no wow what was that was that a save or did he just missed it all a sudden stoar was upside down

That’s all I know I think it was just a Miss okay those uh oh cousin’s got the puck another save we keep we’re going to shoot into the belly of this guy we’re gonna shoot his belly all night what was that a it was a Miss believe

So it’s not a power play why are we leaving F Sky wide open no there’s no clubs I’m hitting in so Flor next Uncle Jean’s plan is to drive you back home yeah he wants to drive back home ohalo so Sabers collect the puck they carry cross the blue line through the neutral

Zone over the other blue line set back to the point stars has to glove it girl would I would bring you up but you try to eat me then see technically you were supposed to sit here on the count yeah I know but I lied how

Shocking well it’s too late to change it now we’re winning with the this setup so technically we are not winning no I mean overall in the season oh I see yeah we change it now to be our fault we’ll just blame Kyle for everything okay Ellie he doesn’t

Care all he cares is he’s got food TK says how do we petition to bring back the coffee cereal [Laughter] punishments oh my God I can’t imagine what would happen to me now now you would be out of commission for a whole day and now I got to try

It it’s been a long time oh right in front there we goe good girl y good girl give me five the first line score tonight yay wagy wagy wagy good girl OE here I’ll give you stuff arov with the steel boom boom there you go all

Right hey it’s on the bed on the bed barov has yet another assist all right that’s good because we were not exactly lighting it up you know what I mean yeah Lucas is at this game too Rats on the ice Lucas is at this game oh that’s awesome

Yeah maybe for an occasion when we both are ready to feel ill uhhuh we try each other’s evil ridiculous insane desserts okay so MJ thank you for the two hey thank you MJ for Hy thank you MJ thank you MJ what nothing cats y what’s your thing the chocolate with you know the

Cocoa Puffs Cocoa Puffs coffee coffee and all that yeah you know what mine is God help me oh God you take you take a small bowl you scoop out ridiculous amounts of peanut butter and jelly you put chocolate chips then so then on the nights where I

Really am insane I take some of that crystal cane sugar oh my God and and some maple syrup oh my God you got it for you learned it from watching me yes oh no oh that sounds good yeah oh yeah oh so I have a confession to

Make I got pretty nauseous after I ate my dinner so I medic at and I might have medicated a little too much I might have medicated a little bit too much but I’m okay I’m here I just the recap should be interesting I we baby I can’t get you up

Here I’m sorry oh hey thank you eyes did we miss that while we were talking s thank you eyes thank you eyes thank you buddy thank you thank you Ellie no no no watch Ellie come on Ellie come on baby back up back Great Gazoo is trying to put great Gazo

Is a trying to ask for a ban you know what he said Kyle who will you be supporting between the Leafs and Vegas in the Stanley Cup Final a g be the Leafs in Vegas oh come on now this isn’t the NFL it’s not scripted yeah how you’re a good girl how many

More wins do the panther need to make the playoffs see we are at 18 Road wins and last season we had 19 roads wins yes I got a haircut I got a haircut a good haircut from my dead yeah see I I could so says jaw’s good news we’re

Averaging more fans in attendance on average per game than teams like Colorado the rers Vegas Calgary Ottawa Buffalo yeah we’re 10 10 attendance 10 attendance according to hockey database that’s excellent all right Ellie lay down or lay down next to Kyle okay make sure last time the Leafs won the cup the

Dolphins were a brand new team yes no Ali bear 9 minutes to go in the first period so far the energy and momentum if SE to be pretty good for the Peters oh it was trying to set this Rina free there she might come over there and go the couch Really come here Ellie bear mola gets a shot lell oh lell got a shot off but it wet wide oh wow lond Del got no that waser got Rob lered got robbed repeatedly in in a matter of seconds go ahead Ellie get on the couch baby hello Trey hey

Trey Ellie there’s no Foods there yeah lucer red was so close says third line cat score should have SED Cory Perry Here Comes lomberg Here Comes laberg he has to give over the puck to gajovic oel just sends it behind the boards again longberg over to oel oel takes a shot

Kula COV over the oel maybe he should have taken that shot yeah maybe we maybe he should rebound loose it won go in the sabers take possession after an insane sequence of opportunity this kid gonna turn into Patrick W tonight yeah C oh nicey with the loose Puck what that was

Saying that was a terrible giveaway and now the Sabers are headed the other way stol ours with the save for hay reinard and barov are all charging down the ice up and out of play he ain’t passing that puck he’s just getting in position to shoot Flyers up one nothing on Leafs cracken

TI with the Bruins if the Bruins lose and we if the Bruins lose in regulation we win will’ll be tied we’ll be tied yeah lay down baby good girl go get up there Eddie be up I think I see some bread up here Edie owl says that coger bodard will

Indeed make a surprise early return against the Penguins to oh wow all right Sabers the puck ends up tipped out ped first try to get the hug he MJ thank you hey thank you m for the 581 thank you brother thank you says I just remembered that spring

Trading started this week I’m excited already Kyle and everyone else who are the favorites for the World Series just keep your foot there so she doesn’t thank you MJ thank you buddy I definitely have no answers on baseball less than five minutes to go this first period is when do the baseball Channel

Start huh pararo asks how did the Jets barely win yesterday yeah winipeg scored against the Sharks a grand total of one goal and they won yeah jeez all right Ellie lay down baby go I’m waiting to see how long it take you to figure out what I was

Doing what the hell were you doing just making I just wanted to see how long it would take for you to figure out what I was doing that is what I was doing that’s funny Ellie will you lay down Maniac why can’t you be more like your

Brother no Ellie you can’t get up there let me try to do this whole thing let me tell you something Kyle I can’t believe the way you spoiled these dogs come on Ellie the way I spoiled these dogs come on Ellie let’s go hey come on do the thing I’d like to

See come on get up there come on come on go go okay good girl all right hopefully you’ll stay what do you want huh why do you want you just sit all pretty did you just sit all pretty and give me this sh okay is with the wifi cord what what

Happened no it no it just is a annoying where it’s laying on the floor all right then maybe she’ll settle down I like big but I cannot lie hey dois stolar is doing fine Ellie if you get down I swear ell lay down in the game

She’s is she doing meanwhile in the game the Sabers are controlling they send it to the neutralized neutralite neutralite Kyle has lost it plays in the panther Zone oh yes Sabers are currently cycling around bvar says if jaaw a seing baby got that he must really be baked another shot and St absolutely

Robs Buffalo blind from the side of the net with the back of his legs ell lay down stoar safe once again and he just trapped that’s crazy a great save Bill Sabers win the draw I’m so distracted that I almost called the Sabers the bill because Ellie won’t lay down it is very

Distracting sabers go through the neutral zone and into the panther Zone cousins ends up with the puck he Lofts it over the Bennett kachuck at Center Ice he BRS it into the saber Zone he tries to pass as he’s falling down Mika from the neutral zone dumps it in londel plays

Pursuit Sabers send it to the Zone immediately dumped back in have that puck go out of play go she’s looking to me she she thinks you see what’s happening is instead of me training her to get on the couch by giving her bread she’s trying to train me to give

Her bread and then she’s just getting back off the couch so I’m not moving now I’m on to you Ellie Jesus Eric Johnson looks not looking well he’s grasping the side of his face what happen here oh the puck went directly into his the area where the ear is

Ell Boston is Ty Boston is the ti ell lay down Lay Down For Heaven’s Sake two minutes to go in the first period no Ellie hey MJ thank you for the two thank you MJ thank you brother thank you MJ what’s you saying let’s see who is the best owner in sports who is the worst um well I wouldn’t know about best owner in sports up until recently dad Snider was the worst

Owner at least the big four leagues isn’t there um one of the baseball owners that you hated um well the it’s the baseball owner everyone hates that’s Ry Marino okay David teer is speed running his way to be the next dead steer the owner of the Carolina Panthers cause someone here said that

The Rangers owner James Dolan has been accused of sexual assault and human trafficking good those are some very serious charges right obviously yeah the the lightning owner is pretty cool Jeff Jeff Vick I guess that’s his name yeah at least Dan Snider never threw stuff at fans it’s true he safe

That kind of stuff Penny stuff for members of his own management that he was upset at like he puts gallons of what are you doing gallons of ice cream on someone’s desk to let them know that he does not like vanilla he end of the first period what

Are you doing Ellie she wants to cuddle with you you doing you promised you would be on the couch and you you li I love you too I [Laughter] I gotta go to the recap I can’t help you Kyle you’re the reason I’m in this mess

If you would have never been bored none of this ever happens yeah Jeffrey lauia was horrendous all right look girl I don’t even think I can edit them let’s see High WEA and low let’s see all right so the F mission the Panthers have a one nothing lean

Over to the Sabers courtesy of Carter ver hay and Ellie has hijacked the live stream is this because the heater is pointed towards the couch and not towards your own bed so the Panther’s energy level does not look very diminished panther look panther look pretty good so far

Stars has made a couple of ridiculous saves the effort from the bottom six is is ridiculous they have not let up at all since last night is that right Dad whatever you say son I’ll be back so how many how many more goals how many more goals do you think

The Panthers are due for in this in this game who do I think will score in the second and third period how about another goal from the third line and Hell throw in one by lomberg yeah yeah we turned on the energy in the second period last

Night MJ believes the panther are going to get two goals in the second and a goal in the third so just penciling Bennetts longberg and how about cousins I wonder for how much longer this will be a clean game because there have been no penalties called so

Farot as well I like the pressure game Craig it led to a goal here that four check that coach marce talked about uh stolar made a couple big saves sort of later in the game but their Puck control not giving uh Buffalo and their offense very much

Craig I was really good start on on second game of a back to back absolutely I think the one thing that has uh the one difference between the Panthers winning one nothing and winning two nothing or three nothing is the fact that uh Eric comry came to play barov with had another excellent

Takeaway on that on that play that he was able to pass the Veri and that’s how we got the goal Robert says wonder why they don’t use the nickname Sunrise assassin for fory more it’s pretty cool is that that is that an actual nickname that someone came up with let’s See fluffy is in front of the couch he is off camera Ellie Ellie is probably going to fall asleep out here you’re either lunch or you’re enjoying it the all powerful Kia SUVs Georgia lease the new 2024 Sportage LS for 259 a month all the parts you need the prices

You want guaranteed to fit every time so you can keep Your I’m a guy who lost the bet and my dignity out of as if watching my lose wasn’t punishment enough what are you looking at huh what are you it’s a one speed Cut Rate car insurance OD draw you be pay for that yourself hey TKD

Mike um ver hay had a goal in the first period thanks to an excellent take take away by barov and a pass that’s set up for haggy right in front of Eric comry they did not go to the river today ay Roger saying hello from Wallace Nova Scotia that’s awesome

You made a awesome pizza today but your stomach is in shambles oh no B far I’m sorry Man So you won’t just see Mar’s time on this you’ll see where he SP you won’t just know Matthew SC you’ll know how hard shot and you won’t just get OB shot to you’ll know where he shot it from even if they’re all from the same place you’re checking out the games

Online yeah right now the Panthers are winning one nothing for Hy with the goal barov had yet another assist thanks to thanks to playing like he wants that suky trophy I you’re oh my goodness you did the fluffy flop now I’m stuck on the floor with you oh no not

The Lightnings are lightning are up a point Leafs down a point and Bruins tide Leafs better be careful all that separates them from Detroit in the final wild card spot is is two points yeah know those last three spots underneath us they’re playing musical rotating nobody wants it yeah no no

Nobody wants third place because that means they got to play us a Lightning win Leaf’s loss and Bruin’s loss would be ideal probably their Che their pressure gain uh giving Buffalo what they expect Hello sleepy ape how are you one Panthers after let’s go back to Buffalo here’s Katie with Carter Carter a strong for che led to your opening goal what can you say of Alexander barkov’s persistence to help create that turnover yeah it was all him

I think uh he was hard in the four check I was just trying to get in there and so this season for py has had 27 goals and 27 assists a an even splits for 54 points in 54 games I guess ever since I’ve been here so we love playing together he’s awesome

Teammate awesome captain and I mean it’s a lot of fun out there second night of it back to back can always be a challenge how do you manage the energy especially considering the style of game you and your teammates like to play yeah we play high energy physical game and

Yeah it’s always a challenge but I think uh it’s more mental right now think the best best news from this game so far is the first line scored let’s see so get this ver Hai scored his 27th goal tonight which combined with his 27 assists gives him exactly 54 points in 54

Games great let’s give him his 10 million too eron says we don’t want Florida we don’t want Florida yeah it didn’t sound good set for the second Period all right Wake Me Up When It’s Time 0.9% search locals you going the to your potential you need cels every drop is essential wake upake up man I am doing my best and we we’re doing pretty good PS are up one nothing well at least now Ellie isn’t going to

Hopefully distract us the whole second period yeah chicken enchilada burrito oh that sound pretty good right now yeah want chicken in Salada so there was a longer version of this commercial during the Super Bowl where literally everyone was imitating Christopher Watkins voice Lon Ori hey MJ thank you for the

Two hey thank you MJ YY thank you brother he says if the if the Chiefs don’t win next year then who will Bengals I was just gonna say the Bengals yeah that’s what I was gonna say was the Bengals I agree with Kyle you’re not just parodying

My no I was just getting ready to say to when you said it I’m just a little slow right now Jo will be back and he’ll be back for vengeance everybody who can beat the Chiefs is now my new best friend I know it’s not gonna be my

Dolphins hey maybe we’ll win the playoff game yeah we gotta avoid the Chiefs in round ones maybe don’t blame don’t low the division this year that would be a start yeah maybe I think the most hilarious outcome the most hilarious tragic outcome would be we win the division get

The number two seeds and then we play like against the Steelers and then Steelers cont shut up Dana says did you guys see that thread on Maple Leafs daily no on Morgan Riley saying that he if he was a panther he would have escaped suspension oh my

God Jesus Christ that’s a lot of salt jeez TK that’s a that’s a tiger that’s where the bengle is oh yeah yeah this is the best of Panthers have looked forever yep they are slowly ramping it up it’s I think the second period is about to start right think

So for that game tonight it’s Anthony star good in the first the pan Randy at the pressure on the yeah they’re working in a five bvar says so if I beat Master Chief am I your best friends that’s the wrong Chief wrong Chiefs saak says Leafs will say that but

Completely disregard that Lockwood three games were barely grazing flurry right exactly Halo was everywhere for like a few years right I’ve never I’ve never played it obviously unfortunately I think it’s been an XBox exclusive the whole time tonan apparently we have the tie break against Boston because yeah we have the

Regulation more regulation wins but Boston would have to lose in regulation against the uh Kraken Kraken saers keep it in they try and Loft one Past St oh that was a bad give away oh no sto ours with another save are we trying to get him used to Fe

Workload we usually put on bosski I think so Montour breaks in but it’s taking call hey MJ thank you for the two hey thank you MJ thank you brother thank you MJ thank you what’s you got says Kyle you mentioned Halo what’s the best video game ever Coaster

Tycoon mafas would probably say the best video game ever is the original Atari 2600 Adventure oh that’s the best video game ever mine is is the portal portal series portal and Portal 2 right a stoar with another one yeah p win in the Boston regulation loss tonight the Panthers would be in

First place in the Atlantic for at least 24 hours Right all right buffalo in the panther s Tampa Bay beating Colorado 2-1 at the end of the first first Philadelphia beating Toronto one nothing early into the second period Montreal is beating the Rangers one nothing londell shots it bounces off already 10 slot shots unofficially gajic helps prevent a

Scoring opportunity but we ice it hey Dana thank you for the five thank you Dana thank you Dana thank you thank you thank you this is what the streaks look like basically in January is is when we nearly overtook them and now we’re back to almost overtaking them the graphs are

Almost exactly the same Right all right saber skating around they send it to the neutral zone stenland over to I presume that’s Mika lomberg tries to fight for it stenin joins him Sabers R take possession the zone that the goalie is in is is your zone right your goalie it’s your Z no stolar

Ends stolar and I believe mon monor collaborate to make an amazing save so this period has been pretty much all Sabers all Sabers yes we’re back to playing our normal second periods damn it that would be off sides yeah with a save by stoar Swifty assisted of Montour it

Appears that the Sabers just iced it excellent awareness of where that puck was by Montour stolar took a Second Jeffrey Curry is here he says Leaf fan here we play shitty hockey so I’m adopting the Panthers hey oh we’re glad to have you welcome to the party yeah now now you know we’ve really made it other team fans want to adopt us as a

Team what I can say is that it’s a different sport but but as a Dolphin fan I can empathize considering jumping ship on your team after enough years Fanatics jerseys getting criticized by baseball players they are saying the jerseys look and feel like replicas One Step Above counterfeit not

The news you want to hear when you collect Panther gear no I wonder what I wonder what bribe or black Reinhard Reinhard rart oh oh Reinhardt nearly had it just floated I wonder what’s bribe or blackmail Fanatics Maids to become the official jersey supplier of the

NHL Jeffrey it’s one thing if the fans complain but when the players think it’s crap that’s not the good sign no oh eblad so egl again we have a sudden a sudden flurry of offensive shots and a an effort and now it’s out forsing unable to reach

It now here comes Buffalo the other way they’ll just dump it in probably want the change hey Chris is here Chris and Christopher they both say jaws Kyle love you guys go Panthers right back got you guys thanks for joining us yeah both Jeffrey and Roger are Leaf’s fans glad you could join

Us yeah Jeffrey said that you guys bossed us last year Well we went on a tear there’s no doubt about that now we have to hope that everything falls into place again for us to recreate and improve upon that run yeah well there’s unfinished business yeah

But it’s been a long while since a team lost the Stanley Cup and then made it back the next year that’s true I think it’s been at least 15 years I think the last team to lose the cup and then win the cup the very next year might have been the

Flyers there’s another save by stoar that’s why thought Chris and Christopher the same guy how are you posting the two accounts at the same time RS all right she was happy over there yeah Chris has two phones kulakov with a nice hip check kulakov with a nice hip check and does

Not get called for any penalty which is nice Penguins lost in 2008 and then won in 2009 Okay so was the Penguins Dynasty tuck gets robbed by star all right and then oh it just yeah it’s great to see suffocating hockey played by the Panthers yes Tampa won backto back but

They did not lose a Stanley Cup in the year immediately before they won a cup yeah kulakov carrying on the number seven from gas yeah Avalanche are losing to the to the lightning correct I hear you fby puffy this is ridiculous Behavior it is should see the looky G you missed It JC says sadly even the fanatic site sells fake jerseys under the guise of labeling custom jerseys Bruins are tied with the Kraken Kraken can you get it see dug Sabers he almost got it oh I think the Kraken might be the only team in the

NHL that their name doesn’t end with an S it’s not Seattle Krakens right um i’ had to think about that for a second Amy thank you for the5 thank you Amy thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you what she got to say well she did not

Say if he she did say good evening gentlemen gotta tell you your intro sticks in my head let’s go Panthers let’s go Panther let’s go much appreciate thank you Amy that’s right the lightning wild and Avalanche also are teams without an S at the end yeah I was going to say it’s got

To be more than one I just kind of forget about those teams naming conventions why don’t NHL teams get a buy when they win the division because it’s more fun that way in order to have one team have I mean I guess you could have the top two teams get a

Buy but then you would need to add two more teams to the playoffs because you’d have an uneven amount after the first round CU you’d have three teams that would have won series and two teams that hadn’t even played a Series if the Panthers were playing the Stars instead do you think the Panthers would have won we were very oh who did that was that you londelle that was terrible londell you’re fired try cross ice pass like that what’s wrong with you we were still injured to hell in

Back mon shot that was way high and Wise High and wise oh oh M decided to back up and play defense instead like I remember not wanting to play the Stars CUA because of how the Western Conference finals went oh you mean in the finals yeah I mean I do I would not

Have wanted to play against the team that just came off of reverse sweeping the opponents right uh there’s no way to know I mean you know Kazar doesn’t hit kachuck if kachuk doesn’t hit EO so where was stoar if if they’re not playing Vegas just who knows what

Happens nine and a half to go in this period Panthers managed to keep it in the zone only for a couple of seconds Sabers charg in to the panther Zone once again the Sabers have to reset and they’re gonna get Bennett they’re going to yeah s Bennett gets

Cold which teams do I think will never never win a Stanley cup well I don’t want to name teams and then watch as they win the Stanley Cup and the Panthers don’t yeah I can’t that’s just asking for trouble I can tell you which teams will never win the Cup teams like the

Uh Minnesota no Earth Stars can Kanas City Scouts oh the hartford’s Whalers especially not the Atlanta Thrashers right well done well now watch watch the Atlanta Thrashers reforming make me eat my words it could happen to Erin says talking about the intro what was the story behind the part where

Jaws e the cake and shoves the plates that is from crazy bills um everyday all day Casino if you go to the playlist of the Crazy Bill stuff that’s from uh the one that’s the casino so Sam Bennett in the first seven 17 games we

Were 26 on PK in the last 36 were fourth with an 87% be that’s an improvement of 133% on the PK between those two different stretches rather 22 the power only score short handed this year out there with here’s Thompson deflected stolar makes the save who is the girl who taught Maas

Spanish in the Crazy Bill videos that’s uh of Karen’s friends Carolina yeah all right so 824 to go in the seconds 127 to go on the PK for the Panthers Buffalo’s out shooting us now just saying yep yeah they played a good second period I mean it’s only one nothing

We need to get the Shand the goal here every time Reinhardt scores short-handed we lose so it can’t be reinard oh another no my God it won’t go in for the and makes yet another save this is another save another save come on guys get it

Clear Bo we had not played good this period at all clear it clear thank you clear successful yeah stolar stolar gone crazy yeah I can’t praise him too much I can call it when it’s happening but if I longberg gets embellish on it you know what’s gonna happen yeah hi beex how you

Doing all right one second left we’ve killed it yeah Bennett was like immediately on the ice the moment it ended 644 left in the period been a kind of a fast period it’s been a fast game yeah Toronto has tiedes Philadelphia at one of course they did I saw true earlier

Yeah Nick was here earlier he might have had to work that I believe that’s eblad who dumps it in cousins tries to lay the hit Buffalo has been maneuvering that puck everywhere nice nice by barov Cy Trophy candidates I think that puck might have gone off of monor I’m not

Sure barov takes a shot that’s blocked that’s enough takeaway for the Panthers someone tell Reinhardt Matthew scor oh they’re going to call Buffalo for a hit on Reinhardt who do I think is the best player on the pan there’s loaded question if I say a certain player his

Value is going to rise by half a mill you’re going to make my one leg fall asleep let’s put it this way we’ll we’ll generalize the best player on the Panthers needs a contract now we bear that joint and swell in and PSA relue for and jointa leave or almost roke can lower

Your ability to fight infections including TP Ser MJ says Jaws that’s a fair way of putting it OCC people and with a heart disase risk factor have increased risk of death serious allergic reaction can occur tell your doctor if you are or may become prant sing ask your rist for R and take

Back what’s yours AB could help you sa MJ says Ellie snores make me laugh you’re a good girl huh must be 18y older to play play responsi one pan lead now the cats that was Clifton’s Yeah is it just me or do the Sabers outfits have too much blue it’s a little blue like like break it up on the shoulders break it up a little bit yeah I mean I love the gold striping that’s pretty cool maybe they look better in person the Panthers are on pee time

Kachuck looking over the barov who’s behind the net Montour moves in shoots and clear Montour catches up to the Buffalo player who is still able to get a shot off what what are we doing here guys it’s okay f MJ says the old Sabers jersey with the sword in the S was way

Better all right well nothing do it on this power play so far Reinhard ryanard over barov over to reinard they tried the bumper thing again barov is able to keep it for hay from the slots unsuccessful barov kachuck tries to wrap it around rebound shot is also unsuccessful still out there Reinhard

16 seconds left bov has it again oh he flubbed it so that’s the end of the power play Mr Ryan shot is Stopped we got stolar and Eric cry in the other Nets Toronto is now taking a 2-1 lead over Philly great the Sabers are going to get called for another penalty it’s a delayed penalty at the moment yeah all right got it is it the Chucky chuyu all right lindell’s in front so I thought May deflected it but I guess

Not wait a minute I think that was I think that’s londelle wait it’s hard to tell from that angle okay yeah no maybe it’s hard to tell it might have gone off of the uh it might have gone off of the uh yeah saber hey thank you thank you much thank you

Thank you mucho mucho much mucho thank you thank you bud and MJ thank you thank you MJ thank you MJ text my dad though thank you Chucky thank you well Bales could you tell us if L if it was londell or I guess they will at some Point two minutes to go in the first the lead feed is to far they called ice seed no it hit yeah it did not hit so it is a kachuck goal it is a Chucky goal we did not just curse the bells exactly exactly yeah iing is

When you explain it you know icing better than I do it’s icing is when if you have the puck in the defensive Zone okay or at any point before the red line yeah in your half of the ice if you if you dump the puck down the

Ice without one of your players chipping it in you will be called for icing unless one of your players beats one of the defensive players down the ice or at least it’s it’s a subjective call hey John thank you for the two thank you John who’s this

Gich monis with oh oh that hit the cross oh hey I and night thank you for the membership thank you eyes thank you guys thank you thank you thank you thank you how did this not go in let’s see oh oh it hit the crossbar it just hit the crossbar and stayed

Out Montour all of that hustle end he gets crossbar having a conversation with him now cin says the crossbar and post are undefeated did against the right so we have two goals on 20 Shots he mucho mango gifted a membership hey thank you mucho thank you thank you thank you buddy thank you much the Sabers player had nothing between him and stolar but couldn’t handle the puck Sabers are gonna take one last opportunity that’s going to be held against the

Boards and that’s the end of the second period the end of the second period two nothing oh what are you saying over there so that’s a goal for kachuck in consecutive games yeah good periods Jeffrey says Austin Matthews has a hatrick Le Leafs fans wet their pants Leafs loes in the first round

Anyway and that that’s a Leafs fan saying that can anyone translate fluffy speak Robert um according to Bali their play men the replay men said that the puck did not touch lundell yeah yeah it it it deflected off of’s glove they think they believe it deflected off of the goalie’s

Glove so two nothing Panthers in spite in spite of the fact that the Sabers seem to have more momentum before they took the penalties the Panthers don’t just weather the second period they actually add to the leads which is a rarity nerl says lundell got credited let let me see let’s see Yeah they are they credited londell with the goal second second goal was credited to londel on the tip of the kachuck shot but it doesn’t make sense balies balies you need to do your job you told us that you told us that that the puck did not touch londell

We can’t go raining the cowbells for kachuck assists are yes please all right I Kyle doesn’t even share his blankie with you does he come here I give you blank or just sitting there freezing Kyle’s got a whole Winer blanket on him look at this huh doggy abuse this is not

Shez no wonder you can’t get a girlfriend you don’t know how to take care of a woman huh there you go there you go you’re a good girl huh where did you learn how to take care of a girl did you text Grace for Valentine’s Day yeah

What you did yeah I said Happy Valentine’s Day I think I just gave that a heart attack you displayed competent social skills with a female holy [ __ ] Kyle it’s your good point I’ll be back all right I’ll be back well I won’t be back with pancakes nobody made me

Pancakes oh no what a tragedy oh that’s how it’s be all rightor you got CLE I was Joking okay see you in the third period MJ yeah we have a good team the Bruins are losing we’re yeah we are one period away potentially from being number one in the in the East well this will be this will be fun I believe Panthers have a two nothing

Lead Panthers have a two nothing lead and we we’re looking pretty good yeah I heard they gave the gold to londel but I still haven’t seen an angle that conclusively shows that londelle scored it the Blackhawks already got scored on in less than three minutes Christ did Bard come back

Shipot Bara if know know you could go a to or to yeah I have not I have not seen the tip Ellie Ellie ah ow out the elbow I’m sorry baby your elbow is in the not a good spot Ellie you cannot Crush my leg ESPN gave the gold to

Londell if we win in Boston loses in regulation we will be tied in points and we will have the tie breaker there are unlimited possibilities in front of your child we believe everyone should have the opportunity to save for college with a risk-free inflation proofed Florida 529 prepaid plan and now

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Today when it comes to comparing players the backs of their hockey cards just won’t cut it if the stats behind the stats with NHL Edge Fe it’s one of kind comparison to so you’re not just comparing the D is in the lineup tonight he wants to be traded to the

Panthers comp STS at least not yet sh and NH all Right praga says boy that saber’s Captain aoso plays like a panther he would fit in on our team he’s Gritty all right got quite we’ve got quite a few reasons to be excited this year not least of which is just just look at how the peners are playing absolutely dominant in the majority of games yeah com comry is doing a much better job than you would

Expect in what Universe did I predict that the Sabers would score five second intermission Seattle two Boston one there um you know going to the third this is what we want Anthony star with some big saves especially in your team was short-handed how have you seen it be

A stabilizing Factor yeah again they’re both so comback there they battle you know on every shot every every rebound every play um and especially him very vocal which helps us a lot someone someone was saying that a good 20 minutes left to make straight road vict no someone had said that the

Uh someone had said that the Buffalo announcers had said that the the Sabers would score five that’s that’s what you heard that’s a good question prago where is Raven londell has been credited with what will be his third goal in the last two games which means dad and I ring the bell for

A kachuck and assist I still I still want to challenge that by the way I want I want to see where and how the puck touched lundell as it made its way as it made its way to the net we’ve never spoken but you’ve told us many things you told us you love

Stargazing almost as much as you hate parallel parking that heavy right foot of yours we got you Alexis es didn’t begin in a studio it began with you get special offers on the 2024 ES350 if working hard is essential you need something that gets you going and

Keeps you going on the path to your true potential you need Celsius every drop is essential Detroit playing at Vancouver tonight yeah that ought to be a good Game out here you e lunch eny SUV over Philly 3 to one did a Austin Matthews got a hatrick correct expi most of the time they might just play games with your so don’t put your case in their hands your insurance attorney fights to get you the money you may deserve

Roof issues water damage and more remember before you call your insurance company call your insurance attorney third period Colorado tied with Tampa to all what is the team record for most consecutive Road wins well if the Panthers win tonight we just become just the 11th team in the

History of the NHL to win 10 consecutive Road games yeah we got got I think we beat the franchise record now that we have not all right be out in minutes start of the third period is here what’s that shimmering colorful structure they keep showing in Buffalo is that some kind of light

Show I’m pretty sure that’s not Niagara Falls no we are not watching the NBA Allstar game week those long home run string passes and here Panthers missed on their for check with cousins and there’s the long pass we’ve seen that numerous times in the second period of buffalo getting in

Deep and then get work and getting some chances here again clean out and then they fire a pass right up the middle Panthers just have to be prepared for that and for those long passes if you get you so they credited londelle with the goal which means they we ran the bell

For a kachuck assist that’s okay I don’t I don’t know where the hell they say he hit it but okay well one needs the goal more than Chucky does yeah but the cow bells were supposed to re them for K Chuck it’s fine it’s fine he got an assist it still

Counts good enough yeah I mean yeah I’m still waiting for the evidence that londal actually scor final period of the game at least of Regulation bouncing Puck Reinhardt back to play it the Sabers carry the puck around ryanard is pressuring them reinhardt’s able to take advantage of a slip up And now the Sabers carry through no excuse me the Panthers carry the puck they send it ahead comry plays it around with saers go for the neutrals though it was bounced Away by lucer Ryan Matthew still good boy that’s enough now Puck out of play Buffaloe fluffy you are ridiculous in the National Hockey League Detroit is knocking on the door this year Ottawa playing a lote Buffalo bosski says Jaws you know what this team reminds me of the 2122 Colorado Avalanche second place in the league

Didn’t win the president trophy but we’re probably the best team in the NHL that year yeah that’s the year they won the cup correct yeah Yes can’t believe Austin Na’s got a hattick to to blow for philadelph the Philadelphia game is now 3-1 in favor of Toronto well that’s good let Reinhardt not lead the league in scoring that’s less money we gotta pay him Seattle still up over Boston two to one Anaheim is beating Ottawa three to

Nothing stolar has to make yet another Save ow says do you think it’s getting in reyan Hart’s head that he can’t keep up with Matthews I doubt it 17 minutes to go in the third Dallas is beating Nashville four to nothing at the end of the Verse hi Christian Sabers tried to set up a man directly in front of solars but they were unsuccessful Let’s see kulakov who stick went flying I have no idea yeah fluffy is the one doing all the Talking did you know there’s a game going on Fluffy’s doing the color commentary is that so yeah okay I’ll take that it means I have to talk less Bennett oh Bennett had a amazing opportunity but now the puck goes through the neutral zone they’re gonna give Mika a penalty on

That Mika getting called for a penalty come on fluffy got mad that they took the goal from Chuck yeah that’s a garbage call yeah they did not call that huh and then Bennett just hits the pad fluffy is not the Husky you never know if how much he talks

Good he’s a ridiculous fluffy St Bernard yeah good boy oh no stolar absolutely robbing the sa what are you whining about there no [ __ ] okay how the stolar do it I mean he he’s made some saves tonight that he’s all right he kind of sucks though I ain’t praising him during the

Game I’ll tell you that right now Pro you gotta keep proving it to him wow Tage Thompson it deflected off of Daring skate and out so the Sabers had to reset come on come on I’ll help we get another clear come on let’s go come on okay good

Boy okay all right now he gets the bed good boy now he gets the bed yes we have oh no sh so Sab player could not Tee It Up where did the puck go that’s a good question it’s somehow teleported to behind Eric cry just another

Clear the crowd is starting to turn on the home team don’t start whining at me you got the bed now you got the beds and the breads he doesn’t know what to do with that one 15 seconds left on the PK I’m going to cut a out of context Montage of this star makes yet another save at the end the PK Ellie meanwhile Ellie Hasn’t yeah kid fluffy do the Recap [Laughter] B you’re funny bro there’s no hockey tomorrow okay we can go outside and do our walking after the game and we’ll have all night tomorrow okay we’ll go do you want to go park at the kitty now 58 says yesterday Jaws said fluffy isn’t human but tonight it’s closer to Jaws isn’t Human he’s getting up for that one he don’t know what to do with that one h no so game is back Up come here come Here come here come here where you going I don’t want to rub your ass sit come on sit on my feet oh my gosh okay all right I got you okay it’s just just because he wants Mage this is just because he wants attention because Ellie is on the

Couch Dolly with a chance it goes out of play I mean the Sabers are out shoting US 35 to 21 now I see youan all happy now must be a nightmare to play against yes how many saves can the goly make and it’s not even like Eric comry

Has been terrible he’s made he’s made all of those saves he’s getting a hip massage okay all right are we good now there’s fluffy fluffy briefly appeared on camera what are you doing come here Ellie is trying to pinch the blood flow into my left leg until it falls asleep all right okay

Good boy okay all right he’s just off eyes Shadow Wolf we got a Sabers fan saying let’s go Sabers Tariq photo man good play by eblad yep oh no you pra de blad that means he’s about to take a penalty sto again grief okay fuffy good boy okay I’ll

Massage you all right do I think stars is the most underrated goalie I don’t know I would have to take a look at the upper goalies across I mean he’s really improved with us this year you know you you come here and you have a certain you know you got barovsky

And you’ve got the culture yeah and you don’t want to be the the the odd man out you know what I mean yeah well we have an actual culture and not owners hemorrhaging six figures per day right right or yeah the promotions that used to be put used to put butts

And seats in Amir another save lovey all right time to get that third goal now Co says how does zlad not have a penalty yet yeah the Panthers are really in Florida they’re named after uh they’re named after actually a a big cat that lives in the Everglades the Florida Panthers yeah the

Only mountain lions you’ll find east of the Mississippi fuffy all the other Panthers are gone it’s just the ones that went into the swamp so Savers once again have their offensive efforts stying gajovic popped the puck into the offensive zone you can’t mean that what are you doing careful oh jeez geez

That’s not good great now I know I know I know I wasn’t I couldn’t stop him kachu unable to handle the puck quick enough just when he goes to get I mean I’m stuck he’s laying on my foot I can’t even move he’s laying on my foot

And Ellie has my Au leg that’s great so fluffy somehow managed to lay on one of each kyl’s feet Ste oh man so when he goes to get up he’s GNA unlock that table careful fluffy yeah you got to keep your foot there guy you’re the only thing keeping his head

From going right into the table fluffy what are you doing fluffy fluffy his his head is gone behind my foot I think yeah I know he’s just spoiled because he sees Ellie cuddling and he wanted to cudd Dana says now we’re cuddling okay just a year ago the fan base wanted Spencer

Knight as starter what a difference a year makes yeah of tight tied to lightning not to get the lake okay buddy you good all right I’m gonna sit I’m right here I’m gonna rest my feet right on you so you feel like you’re getting cuddled with

Okay Shadow Wolf says I’m hoping for a panther’s victory tonight for my birthday tomorrow oh happy birthday how old are we a Rosado see that’s the false they keep showing something difference oh 37 that’s a good age 37 is still a good age that’s when I went to massage school Seattle three

Boston 1 10 minutes left go ahead buddy go ahead Budd come on go go go go go go go good boy all right I think he might be content now okay owl says the sad part is the lightning could lose tonight and then lose to the cats on Saturday the Leafs

Are crawling back to number three yeah Knight’s making four and a half million playing in the AHL oh all right Panthers remember we played last night so we’re just shutting this down now another save another one another one all right sabers dump it back in Forest lean will take the clear for

Haggy helps him out but the sabes are right there at Center Ice to prevent us from going back into the offensive zone for haggy he’ll just dump it in now we engage in neutral zone battle Sab carried in reinh Hart almost tried to drag his Man Down cousins chips it down the

Ice darene tries to set up the on the opposite side go we got a three on two Bennett nearly runs into his own man cousins dang it and it gets buried into Eric comry excess denied LA right now is tied at one with New Jersey stedin is in the faceoff Circle and we lose the draw we bat it down at center ice 715 left yeah but this guy com’s played a good game tonight too yeah he not nearly as many shots but all right they are going to call a penalty on

Aoso so Dallas was beating Nashville four ning at the end of the first now it’s five nothing early in the second and Pittsburgh is beating Chicago to nothing Calgary is being San Jose one nothing oh yeah hope gadv is okay yeah come on Rhino get your 40th goal against your old

Team yeah let’s let’s make it three nothing barov for haggy I see Montour that’s Reinhardt for hay will be in the face off Circle and we lose the draw and buffalo immediately clears yes big for they reard jumped on it quickly after barov sent it around the board and that

Went back the other way around the boards and out now rard with barov to break reinh oh Reinhard knew had a Reinhard desperate to get that 40th goal look at that pass from kachuck though that’s just Oban yeah battle faceee to the for rard every time he shoots it goes up

And out of play 109 left on the power play 609 left in the third period and darene swatted it all the way on net barov looking kachuck from the circle over to barov and a save save yeah great Puck movement just know no goals a decoy and open up somebody else

Isan a little B ather let’s see if we can score before this power play is over oel just sends it well wide oel he looks and it bounces off of comry and that is going to be the end of the power play EAD got back on time nice job X power play

Over less than five minutes to go in the third period I assume they’re going to take the goalie out here at some point So stenland was looking for that steal yeah Mr Ryan is able to send it over to longberg longberg shot possibly deflected ler ran I don’t know if it should be loster ran or loster Ryan less than four minutes to go three and three4 of a minute exactly they still got the goalie

In they’re just they’re two down they’re not making the playoffs I’m really surprised that they’re not just trying all right s goes wide conry is still in the net still in the net yeah less than three minutes to go and there’s clear there’s a clear I guess they’re going to leave the dude

In down the ice to lead pass T Thompson stolar makes another 28 left and we gotta go commercial now yeah with 228 left to goid symptoms with mytic arthritis symptoms but just okay isn’t okay and I Wasing if you still have symptoms after like okay to fight infections including TB

Serious infections and blood clots some fatal cancers including this isn’t even massage this is just slapping the back who’s my number one star well I’m going to wait until the end of the game to tell you but I know who the number one star of this game is

After tonight if provided we win the peners will be eight and one since their losing streak jez Bruins down 31 with three minutes to play at p goalie Darius says about to start gaming with my roommate but had to stop in to say that sto ours is simply insane now we got empty

Net the the bill the Sabers have the empty Nets yeah so we are essentially on the PK for the rest of this period can’t clear oh the official is saying no goal not go in it’s it was under St under him he just snow angeled and the puck never

Crosses that line oh my God it never crossed line oh my God so come on bro first first B brosi sits on the puck and now stoar is doing snow angels on top of the puck jeez that was great yeah that woke me Up stolar with another save and a quick sticking aside now if we could just get a clear it bounces backwards foring with an amazing defensive play but we still can’t can’t clear may maybe now get it clear now yes we get the clear and Reinhardt Reinhard for

Fores all right we’ll take itard didn’t won number 40 all right we’ll take it did Kyler Jaws call the pan first tying Boston for first in the division no not not in the pre-season no so for hay gets the empty net to make it three nothing with a minute 33 left all

Right ryanard graciously set him up for that the Bruins lost it did yeah well dag dang it we’re going to be in first place again in the minute 28 seconds the Rangers are beating the Canadian 6 To3 so no it well it says Seattle three Boston 1 with 2 minutes and 12 seconds left Anaheim is destroying Ottawa 5 to one Mika and gvic oh backhander in front does not connect get back guys get back it’s a breakaway another safe less than a minute to go minute to

Go there’s a clear it’s icing oh they’ll be icing all right Christian says the Panthers need to lose the next week and give back Boston first place I don’t want first place like I said about first place if we win first place in the conference in the in the

Division if we win first place in the the division it means we uh oh gadit a puck hit him in the face you were say I was saying that means we will play Boston or Toronto instead of possibly Boston and Toronto I see oh that’s brutal yeah he’s still down he’s

Okay it’s either his jaw or his shoulder his shoulder neck type area he be all right nerl says I trust somebody as a full receipt of all the experts that picked Buffalo and Ottawa to keep the Panthers out of the playoffs season yeah 40.2 seconds left Panther take the

Puck lucer ran will just carry it dump it in let’s keep the puck down here now cross ice feed that’s another oh they kept it they kept it moving yeah There’s a penalty oh come on they called it on the Sabers with 16.6 seconds left I mean didn’t have to call that Jacob says I have the receipt of when John said this team need needs Eric [Laughter] stall hey I still wouldn’t mind Eric stall being our fifth

Center I still wouldn’t mind Eric stall over Steph Loren I stand by that comment Spaceman says it means a chance for Rhino yeah but that’s the second line out there yeah only have out there goal all right wow and it was a power play goal hey all right

Lber oh that’s something else man that’s crazy Lamborghini yeah an excellent pass from forsley rebounds and then yeah lber Lucas is there getting to watch this hey I and night just gifted five memberships thank you oh lomberg lomberg was F lomber and Genson thank you eyes thank you eyes

Thank you thank you thank you buddy thank you thank you brother I will have a podcast out tomorrow by the way way I’m I’m going to do one from the yard with the dogs in the morning the Bruins lost 41 okay he was chirping he’s chirping [Laughter]

Him and then that that looks like gurgenson initiated yeah I think yeah the the Sabers were not happy and then beautiful absolutely beautiful two point and a shut out and a shutout and a Lamborghini Power Play goal and our 10th consecutive roadwin joining the club of 11 teams in NHL

History with 10 plus consecutive wins on the road hey thank you MJ m thank you thank you two points Victory we won that’s the third most in the shutout in franchise history a 45 save shut out is third most wow wow wow wow and star you missed the rest coming stolar gets the

First shut out as a panther unbelievable two points Victory we won we beat the Sabers we’re in first place too tonight is a good night let’s let go Panthers it’s it’s awesome all right all right all right so now it’s 10 straight I gotta get these numbers straight for the

Recap so that’s 10 straight road wins right 10 straight road wins we are just the 11th team in NHL history to do that stolar had a 45 save shut out which is third most in franchise history hey John thank you for the two hey thank you John thank you buddy pancakes for everybody

Yeah I’m getting chocolate chips tomorrow I want pancakes on Saturday thank you John I want pancakes so that when you go to your mullers I got pancakes and you want it all right thank you John thank you thank you thank you and MJ gifted five members holy crap

Thank you MJ thank you thank you thank you MJ yeah he needs to do the recap right yeah the Leafs blew their three to one leads they’re tied with the Flyers at three now wow I wonder if that game is still going I wonder where well well well so

Now we’re in first place yeah first first place in the division and I think at least temporarily first place in the conference right yeah we are on the verge of something special I couldn’t agree more Dana what pancakes for a fluffy FL and Ellie should definitely do the [Laughter]

Recap well here Ellie yeah Ellie’s on camera you guys can see her yeah right right hey JC thank you thank you thank you JC thank you JC Florida panther Phantom best Panthers collection Inplay Instagram on Instagram yeah yeah you guys check out check out JC’s Instagram absolutely absolutely JC we still got to

Get together on that thing we were gonna do man try to keep try to remind me and we could do that next week hey I and night which channel is Leafs versus flyers on um just we got Center ice so just put on the guide we get all the games yeah

Let me try TNT night Aaron oh he’s got ESPN plus I see that’s one thing well is he what about Hulu anyway I’m gonna go do the recap okay okay all right I’m gonna go do the recap if I don’t see y’all before I come back

Out thank you all for joining us thank you all for the super chats and everything the memberships really appreciate it and um I will be live tomorrow at noon for the review and uh I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with myself I got nothing to complain

About I’m gonna have to start making [ __ ] up I’m gonna have to start imagining players we don’t have the [ __ ] about something oh you could just complain that reyin Hart didn’t get his 40th goal against his old team or that it was only 45 save shut out and out of

50 save shut out that’s the sort of yeah that that’s about what I got left yeah yeah that’s that’s all you got to complain about it’s it this is awesome the Panthers the Panthers are looking great we are able to pretty much take it to the house against every

Opponent please hold on for a second as I try to locate Leafs Leafs and Flyers let’s see these fires Gab the Leafs Flyers game has gone to overtime I am trying to find it let’s see TNT is too busy showing bucks at Grizzlies yeah I am currently attempting

To find out where Leafs and Leafs and flyers is being broadcast Avalanche capitals no so yeah I wonder what lber said said to those Sabers Bench Sports Net or TN TSN Penguins Blackhawks no Al that’s also Penguins Blackhawks new give me one second folks sharks Flames no oh finally I finally found it

Okay um those are those are VM boxes for the sports cards behind me I I sorted through them and we’ll be either probably will end up either selling or giving away those cards we might we might keep some of them I found it on the NHL channel

All right so I just tuned in to Leaf no yes Maple Leafs and flyers the Maple Leafs had a 3-1 lead and proceeded to blow it and now the game has gone to overtime Matthews sets up his teammates so I’m I’m just seeing I’m just watching and seeing because I

Think did the Lightning win their game can anyone tell me and it took less than a minute for the Leafs to win an overtime that was anticlimactic so the Leafs Leafs get another overtime win that goal just went directly through the goalie that was uh that was a bit too easy neander

Scored so so yeah the Leafs Leafs beat the Flyers 43 in overtime which means I will go ahead and see how that Lightning game is going let’s see now where did I where did I see lightning lightning are winning four fle yeah three on three in the

Playoffs no no three on three in the playoffs that is correct let’s see I just bolts bolts winning with less than four minutes to go yeah no kidding John that was fast thanks Flyers the Panthers there there’s not much to complain about the panther have just taken first place

In the Atlantic over the Bruins it’s wonderful here we go Avalanche at lightning yeah the lightning are winning the lightning are winning four to three with less than three and a half minutes to go Jaws will probably continue to recap for another few minutes Dallas is destroying Nashville

7-2 Pittsburgh is beating Chicago to nothing Calgary is beating San Jose one nothing so dolphin’s Twitter is probably roasting the Sabers dolphin’s Twitter needs something to distract themselves from the agony of of knowing that the team is probably handicaped by either Tua or McDaniel or both ows that is fake

News but I am at least taking a look at what happens in the remainder of this lightning and Avalanche game game it appears the lightning are wearing their a special Jersey tonight what Jersey is that that the lighting are wearing I think it’s I think it’s their new third Jersey they

Announced okay I just want to see if the lightning are hanging on to this uh what do we got 48 left Colorado just emptied the Nets okay yeah it is a it is a black Jersey I was going to say what’s with the black but that’s that’s the Lightnings yeah the

Lightning have have a new third Jersey it’s black and that’s white I think there might be elements of navy blue they wouldn’t wear those when we’re in the red right they would still wear right white right cuz ain’t no way if they weree those jerseys and we were in our red

Jerseys that I could tell the difference between the two I guarantee that it’s a pretty cool Jersey oh it’s very cool yeah praga says we can’t be shy about taking first place and then facing the bottom wild card no I mean that’s what could happen look either way we’re playing

Toronto Tampa or Detroit like 99% chance one of those three teams is the team we’re playing in the first round you know I don’t think it’s going to be Boston and there’s oh missed the empty net so Colorado is still got a buck 58 to try to come back all right I’ll hang

Here yeah that’s okay I didn’t want to start the recap anyway we might have to face the Flyers um only if we got the first seed and they were eight which is exactly which is not really possible Flyers are in third place in that Division and nobody’s coming close to them they’re

Going to be three in that division so the worst they’re going to be is the six 158 to go in the Avalanche and Lightning game Colorado has emptied the Nets in an attempt to to tie the game ID dog says I kind of don’t want to play Detroit just because of Lian yeah

To be honest with you Detroit’s the team I’m not that interested in playing oh they’re giving Tampa Bay a penalty dang they’re really going at it it’s Hegel is not happy is he getting a penalty it looked like he was he’s not and he was really bitching at the

Rough Boy that Ru is pissed about something he needs to get his anger issues under control and missing the empty net once again the lightning I it because they missed the empty Nets this is going to be the longest minute in the half ever yeah itd be impossible for you to

Tell that Jersey apart from yeah no I cannot tell the jerseys what you do call time on now yeah I’m just curious to see the outcome of this game because Toronto won in overtime less than a minute in neander oh of course they did made a fool out of the goalie

And just phased the puck through him so the lightning have to win in order to keep third place in the Atlantic I think so this will be very interesting to see who comes out on So the the Avalanche have to reset they skate across the blue line through the neutral zone They dump it in the lightning are the first to reach it but they don’t clear at least not on the first attempt there we go what was that what was that shoot for the net you

Dummies and Colorado is still alive and it’s out with 48 seconds left yeah of course if we’re two and they’re three we play the lightning yeah but if Boston’s two here we go there you go all right Wy Wy Wy okay T wins so now the series would be and we’re still playing

Toronto [Laughter] we still be playing Toronto the Lea well no we wouldn’t we would be playing Detroit or I think it’s the last Wild Card yeah Detroit’s the last Wild Card Toronto would end up playing the Rangers well it depends on who’s the one and who’s the two so

There’s a long way to go it’s going to be a lot of movement so so all right I got to get the recap going butd okay okay yeah go ahead and mute it mute it so I can hear myself saying goodbye all right everybody thank You’ all for

Hanging out with us thank you for the super chats thank you for making sure Kyle has hair and like I said I’ll be I’ll be live tomorrow at noon here we’ll just fix it like this there there we go now it’s fixed huh I’ll be live tomorrow at

Noon and then I’ll be back over here with buck head at 4:30 on Saturday afternoon all right everybody good night good night everyone

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