@Boston Bruins

How Much Should the Bruins be Willing to Trade at the Deadline? w/ Joe Haggerty | Bruins Beat

How Much Should the Bruins be Willing to Trade at the Deadline? w/ Joe Haggerty | Bruins Beat

And based on the fact there’s no way in hell they’re going to fall out of a playoff spot entirely um you’re going to see I think wild swings where they’re going to lose a few in a row and win a few in a row and I think we see this

Every year especially when the Bruins or in the playoffs in the second half of the year once they’ve really like assured that they’re going to be in the postseason you start to see this where you know they’ll lose their attention span for a few games and they won’t look

Good and then all a sudden they’ll snap it back together and they win a few And welcome to the Bruins beat on clns media and presented by our friends over at FanDuel I am Evan marowski and joining me today is Joe Hagerty hags Evan what’s up man thank you for having me of course not that much uh it’s just middle of February uh lots to talk about

Obviously the Bruins are struggling a little bit here they had the shootout loss to Tampa on on Tuesday you had the loss to Calgary last week you had the loss to Washington I know you had the win against Vancouver in the middle but they’ve struggled for a little bit here

Uh the Bruins play Seattle on Thursday night we’re recording bright and early on Thursday morning so we have not gotten the chance to see what happens in the Seattle game uh we can only guess that it was a phenomenal game the stars were out it was a it was an incredible

Night but don’t know what ended up happening um I’ll hit you with this hags are you worried right now about the Boston Bruins no um I mean I’m worried in the sense that like some of the things that I think are going to creep up and be

Issues in the playoffs are present when you’re watching these games like there’s some there’s a general lack of sort of toughness and assertiveness I think on this team um that is going to be a problem come playoff time was a problem last year against the Florida Panthers

When there wasn’t enough push back uh against the Panthers in that first round series and I see it in a lot of losses that they have in games where they get pushed around by other teams at points and I just think I continue to think

They need to get tougher on the back end uh get need at least one more sort of big strong nasty customer on the back end uh to play sort of mean and Surly Around the Net and really take it to other teams and sort of put a little

Fear into other teams I think they need another defenseman like that that can play Big minutes uh and also serve that kind of role and and frankly they could use a forward like that too they could use a guy that the Milan Lich role that was supposed to be this year that

Obviously never happened um I think they could use a player like that also fourth line bottom six wise um use at least one more of those but aside from all that just looking at the three games that we’ve seen coming out of the All-Star

Break or uh four games now um I am not concerned I think this is the natural sort of bio rhythm of the Season especially when you are comfortably locked into a playoff spot that they’re not going to fall out of I think there’s a little complacency with this team

Right now and I think that happens at this time of year when when teams are at the top and and other teams are you know hungry to try to get into the playoff structure uh guys are trying to like win jobs for next year if it’s a team that’s

Out of it like you’re getting you’re getting the best shot that pretty much every team is going to throw at you at this time of year every night and I think the Bruins don’t have as much to play for there’s not as much on the line

In a lot of these games and I think you’ve seen a real lack of urgency a couple of times against Calgary and Washington and I think that’s gonna happen I think we’re GNA see Wild for the rest of the season based on where the Bruins are and based on the fact

There’s no way in hell they’re gonna fall out of a playoff spot entirely um you’re gonna see I think wild swings where they’re going to lose a few in a row and win a few in a row and I think we see this every year especially when

The Bruins or in the playoffs in the second half of the year once they’ve really like assured that they’re going to be in the postseason you start to see this where you know they’ll lose their attention span for a few games and they won’t look good and then all a sudden

They’ll snap it back together and they’ll win a few and it’ll kind of go back and forth like this for the rest of the regular season for the final 30 games um I was encouraged a by the response uh after the Calgary game by the Vancouver game and then I thought

They played a really good game against Tampa I thought vasileski really stole that game uh that was a game they deserved to play win and played really well so that was a really nice response coming out of the Calgary game so as long as they don’t get into a lull where

They’re losing five or six in a row really just not showing up uh and they can respond to them and have good games after bad games uh or you know a couple bad games and then a good game as long as they’re sort of playing around 500

Hockey or a little above the rest of the year and going back and forth I’m not concerned at all Beyond like I said what I’ve kind of diagnosed this team as some issues that they’re going to have to address at the trade deadline I think

You hit it the es and flows of a season are always going to be there especially for a team that is in the position the Bruins are in um in the second half you know like yeah yeah you’re going to have your ups and downs um I get that you the

Toughness part is interesting because this is a problem that they’ve had they had at the beginning of the year for parts of it they’ve had in past years for sure and it’s sort of what’s done them in at times you know they were kind of out toughed by the Panthers last year

In that the second half of that series and they lost because of it or was one of the big reasons that they lost along with some others um and it’s one of those things you want to see them Shore up at some point in the regular season

And I agree with you I think you know when the deadline or as the deadline approaches going out and getting someone who can fill a luch type role I think it’s a great thing I I completely agree with that um and you know whether it be

A guy like Pat maroon or Liam O’Brien with the coyotes like someone that can kind of be tough and you know when he’s on the ice he’s not GNA take any crap with Minnesota is another one like those kind of guys uh yes I I I think those

Kind of guys can help and to be honest with like the trade they made last year at the deadline when they got orav in halfway that it it doesn’t have to obviously be one deal with one team for two players but I think those are the kind of Acquisitions that I think they

Should be looking to make again this year obviously it didn’t work out last year with those particular players but I do think there needs to be a stress for heavy uh playoff style players uh at the trade deadline like you mentioned Liam O’Brien who is limited as far as what

He’s gonna do so I don’t that’s the guy that you want from Minnesota I think he’s a good player maroon obviously I think would bring Swagger uh obviously this the cup experience toughness size like and he he pops a few goals in too in addition to all that you know he’s

He’s scored a few times this year so he would help you a little bit on the ice as well like somebody like that yes I I I think those are the kind of guys they should be looking at uh to stock up on at the trade deadline my only has

Because I agree with you I think you should go out and get that but I don’t think that does it I don’t think it’s like oh Bruins said Pat Mar they’re set they’re going to be tough throughout the playoffs I mean look at with like Ryan Reeves and Toronto right I mean this

Dude just keeps coming out and talking talking talking and then I saw he got taken down by someone the other night um and it hasn’t really shifted the Leaf’s culture at all um because one person can’t typically one person especially a fourth line player is not going to

Completely change everything in front of them um to me it’s it’s also the team toughness and maybe that comes out in the playoffs like you have the guys you you do have some players who are capable of that Charlie makoy Derek forbert Trent Frederick um you know those guys

Can mix it up for sure uh but I do think you do need to see and and again I know it’s the end of the regular season so I I don’t know if now is the time but you’d like to see a little something before the playoffs start that this team

Can be tough that this team can be the aggressor that this team isn’t going to get pushed around come the playoffs and I don’t know if we’ve if if if we’ve seen that of late I I know it’s a bad stretch of hockey so that’s partially there and you’re going to have the

Urgent you’re going to have as felger used to say the wet fart nights it’s going to happen you know you’re going to have kind of the throwaway games that they they don’t you know bring the urgency in but I do just that toughness element I’m still like uh I’m not sold

Yet that they’re not going to get pushed around in the playoffs what do you think yeah I I just think it’s a mindset thing to a degree and you know it’s a tough balance for the Bruins and it’s a tough line to walk I think for them because

They also have major penalty issues um and it’s one of the real problems on this team as well that they take a lot of minor penalties they allow a lot of power plays to the other team um and I think it you know I think they’re cognizant of that and I think that’s

Part of the problem is not wanting to just like allow the other team to be on the Power Play constantly every single night um and if you’re the aggressor and if you’re the ones that are constantly looking for the fight or getting up in somebody else’s face and you know

Pushing them around you’re going to call for some penalties occasionally um less so I think than if you’re the Retaliator of course um yes this is true a traditional sort of hockey hockey Axiom that you’d rather be the initiator than the Retaliator looking at the ref being

Like did you see what he did did did you see what he did exactly UHA happens to Finn it probably happens to Finn oh he yes it definitely does and he gets his share of retaliation penalties there’s no question about it um so like I I I think you know there’s a delicate

Balance to walk there but like I would I think more often than not especially if they’re tired especially if they’re like hearts aren’t completely into it with urgency and like you know like that Calgary game was the perfect example they got pushed around by Calgary big time like Calgary every whistle they

Were in the Bruin’s face they were initiating everything they were the uh aggressor you know they were very assertive about you know taking control of that game making a physical statement like all of that and the Bruins were kind of like just looking around at the

Refs like are you going to call anything they weren’t really doing anything to respond to it and I i’ I’d like to see more consistently the Bruins be the team that’s initiating and the Bruins be the team that is assertive and making the statement and going at teams and waiting

For them to respond retaliate and get penalties where I think there’s too many times where the Bruins are reacting rather than initiating and I think that is something that happens a lot it’s something that definitely happens in the playoffs where I feel like they’re reacting more to what the other team is

Doing it happened against Florida last year big time uh they were reacting with kachuck and and Sam Bennett some of those other guys were doing gutus in that series uh and they weren’t initiating it and they weren’t sort of setting the tone physically and you know uh taking it to Florida and letting

Florida respond to what they were doing I think that happens too much especially against good physical teams from my liking for the Boston Bruins so like yes team wide I think they definitely could use a little bit more of that but there’s also a degree of like you know

Some of these players I think just aren’t that style of player and I don’t think you’re G to ask players to do things that they’re not sort of that’s not in their toolbox that’s not gonna be you know that’s out of their sort of area of expertise or out of their

Ability to do it and once you start asking too many players to do things that they’re just not capable of doing or like is taking them way out in left field from what their game is and what they do I think you’re also asking for trouble in that uh sense and in that

Degree tooo so that’s why I’m more in favor of bringing in a couple of more physical heavy players because I think not only will it add to what they already have and allow it to be a more of a team toughness situation but I think when you do add some players like

That especially if it’s a guy like Maroon that’s big and tough and is gonna always be like the guy if things get heated on the ice that’s gonna have something to say or get in the other team’s face I think that makes everybody a little more courageous I think that

Makes even the players that aren’t you know comfortable stepping up as much are comfortable really like playing the physical game it allows them to play that game a little bit more if they have the big brother Pat maroon on the bench that’s ready to take care of things if

It really gets out of hand on the ice and ultimately that’s why you have those guys and that’s why you want those guys that’s why they wanted Milan Lich this year to be that guy where the buck stopped with him if things got really crazy on the ice and I think they are

Missing a player like that and I you know as good as Charlie McAvoy is uh setting a physical tone and throwing big hits and as good as Trent Frederick can be like standing up for his teammates and and other things um you know and and obviously forart Carlo those are big

Strong guys but they don’t have that sort of Big Brother type player that’s gonna you know that the other team when he says it off the other team’s gonna stop doing what they’re doing they don’t have that kind of guy on their roster right now and they could use a player

Like that well well it’s interesting with you mentioned Frederick and I like Conor and I mentioned this a lot this year um you know he’s good when he H finds the balance if if he goes a little too much in the physicality tenacity aggressor uh Direction the rest of his

Game suffers and vice versa and so it’s a with him it’s a balance and he’s found that balance a lot this year but I agree you don’t need him out there every shift looking to start stuff looking to uh be that aggressor you he’s someone that has

That a little bit of a skill upside we’re starting to see and I do he’s one that you you want to keep on balance when you really need it see I disagree because I don’t think him playing a physical game and him really playing on the edge takes away from everything else

He does and I don’t think it makes him a lesser player I think no I mean more I mean more looking for fights that’s what I I I’m going more there physicality wise sure I’m okay with looking for fights because like it’s the NHL there aren’t there aren’t that many players

That g to take you up on it if you go looking for a fight instead you’re gonna end up like scaring the other team and making them back down like I’m okay with him if he was like even more of a player that that was looking for a fight out

There and was really like getting in people’s faces and and starting stuff because there’s there’s not a lot of guys that are gonna fight him you know like he’d be able to do it without a lot of players responding to him I just don’t think he like wants to do it every

Single night and I think that’s where the issue comes in uh with him and he’s he’s been great this year he’s been a much better player I think he’s been a much better from a skill perspective production wise he’s on course for his best season like 20 goals um you know

He’s doing some really good things and I think he’s made a really breakthrough season and he’s using his size and strength and like the speed that he has to really be effective in a lot of ways and I think you offense Wise playmaking Wise just being a hockey player I think

He’s gone to a whole different level that he’s ascended to this year and he’s become you know an important part of that Core group based on the way that he’s playing you know he’s gotten Center time more this year than he has in years past because he’s he can drive a line

Now with the way that he plays and you know it’s that’s different than the past but I just think it’s I don’t think it’s like a discipline thing where he’s like trying to tow the line and you know trying to you know not distract from his

Game or take away from his game by looking for fights I just don’t think it’s in him to be like that all the time he’s a pretty nice guy he’s a pretty oh yeah I don’t think it’s in his temperament and his personality to constantly be doing that and going at

Other teams and really being like nasty with them uh and you I kind of wish it was a little bit more you know I wish that he played with a little bit more of that attitude on a consistent basis like I think Lich was always a pretty like

Nice guy too and and not a guy that went in Surly to every single game and his teammates used to like do stuff to piss him off before the games to get him ready to go and to get him to act like that when he was on the ice during the

Games kind of looking for a fighter or you know with with something to prove or a chip on his shoulder or whatever I kind of wish some of Trent Frederick’s teammates would do that to him so he would play like that a little bit more like right out of the gate instead of

Being sort of riled up into it by the circumstances of the game or somebody you know thrown a hit on Martian during the game or like something happening that he felt like he had to answer it for I would like to see him come out and

Just be that guy to start with and be pissed off to start the game um and that’s what I mean when like I think there’s more to to come out of him and I think that’s where it comes from I I don’t I just don’t think temperament

Wise he’s he is like some you know he’s as mean as some of like Tom Wilson say I just don’t think he approaches the game the same way uh game to game and I think he’s a different kind of personality and I think that plays into it much more

Than anything else well I mean we’ve seen nice people in the past be mean guys on the ice McQuade I mean like McCade is off the ice but on the ice he was the meanest toughest baddest dude that there was most Knights on the ice

So I agree with you in the sense that uh you know Frederick’s having a very productive season and I’d like to see a little more of the the toughness element but I do think I think his game has shifted cuz when he was coming up it was

Very much oh he’s he’s probably a fourth liner and he’s he’s very tough and he’s going to you know you know drop the gloves here and there and we’ve still seen some of that but I think his and and this goes to your point his game is ascending into that area of there’s

Production there there’s potential you know there are times he can fit in the top six um and I agree with you I don’t know if he’s the kind of player uh that can do both can be a top six guy with the added getting in people’s faces whether it’s not in him

Whether it’s a coaching decision it hasn’t that that hasn’t always been there see but I think it’s in his best interest to do that because he has the tools because he can produce the offense if he puts that other piece in there he becomes that Mythic NE me nasty power

Forward type oh I I would love that everybody wants perect like his his earning power goes up like the desire for for every team to have him goes up his you know his his um marketability as a player goes way up if he starts doing

All of that stuff you know like if he he’s once you’ve shown the ability that you can score 20 goals and Be an Effective actual player in the league and you have his size and strength and you have the ability to drop the gloves and play mean and and you know play on

The edge and do all that stuff you do all that stuff together you’re G to be making a ton of money and everybody’s going to want you every team wants a player like that you’re every team would want that guy at the deadline right right so that’s my point is like I think

He’s putting things together to really become like something special if he can consistently bring you know everything and I think he can do it and and that’s the thing I think I’m seeing this year is he’s showing that he can hold up the end of the bargain that’s tougher

Frankly for my mind which is being a 20 goal scorer being a guy that offensively can produce being a guy that consistently can drive a line like if you can do all that stuff and you have the other things going on the physical element element of it and the the power

Forward elements of it like you know all that’s holding him back from doing that is is playing that way in a consistent basis and if he does that I think he really becomes you know a a a Bruins player that fans will absolutely love and adore even more than

They already do you know you’re talking like you know a fan favorite type player uh in addition to being a guy that’s valued across the league and it really becomes an X Factor in the playoffs too like how much more and I think this postseason is going to

Be big for him because he’s not been great in postseasons in the past you know and he hasn’t had the best playoffs performances to this point but I think he’s the kind of player that is a big-time exactor in this postseason if he can play that nasty game and play

With the effectiveness that he’s had this year as a potential you know top six forward top nine forward that can score and make plays and and do a lot of different things if he puts all that together he becomes somebody the other team has to worry about in the playoffs

Big time time and he becomes a massive Factor given his size and strength and how much that plays in postseason hockey so that’s why I kind of look at him right now and I sort of break it down and I even want more than what he’s

Seeing right now because I think if he can take it to a another level you know he’s got the potential and he’s starting to show the potential to be even like a um you know a kachuck level factor in the playoffs If he if he can consistently play that way night in and

Night out and play with a little more attitude and and you know be a guy that really gets in your face a little bit more and find that way to do that like I just think all the elements are there and we’re starting to see it develop he

He’s even a better player than I thought he was gonna be at the NHL level now he’s shown this year every than everybody thought yes 100% but but he’s showing enough that like you watch him and you’re like I want to see even more because he’s capable of it now you’re

Starting to see that he can really be a kind of a GameChanger in the postseason and he could become a playoff type player he just he has all the elements all the skills all the attributes to really become a factor a big factor in the postseason he should I completely

Agree with you he should um real quick quick word from our sponsor quick break in the show to tell you about our good friends over at FanDuel get buckets with your first bet on FanDuel America’s number one sports book because right now new customers get $150 in bonus Bets with any winning $5

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Deadline and and what the Bruins should acquire obviously it’s something we’re going to be talking about a lot I imagine you’ll be talking a lot about that over at pucks with hags and um we’ll start with this what are you willing to give up because every deadline for the last bunch of years

Pretty much every deadline uh we’ve said all right go all in last year uh it was hey go out you give up the first give up what it takes you know potentially a Last Dance type situation best team in NHL history do what it takes that’s what

You got to do do what it takes and a lot of years you know Sweeney has been fine giving up the first um and typically it’s for players who he can hopefully acquire with some term like a hampus Lindholm um obviously like the Rick Nash thing didn’t really work out but that

Was sort of Rick Nash in his concussion history that wasn’t so much you know a true rental um Taylor Hall that was a guy you traded for with the idea that he was gonna stay and he did so y that’s another one category too yep yep and and

And you know what that was another one that was basically it was handed to pretty much I mean he just wanted to kind of come here um but this year it’s a unique situation uh you know this team is overperforming a bit I think I think

You and I both had them as playoff teams I don’t know if we necessarily had them as you know first in the Atlantic near first place in the NHL they were wild for sure yeah I had them as like three I had them at the in the third spot in the

Atlantic start of the year um but again you’re not making a first or second round pick this year yet those matter uh how much are you willing to give up at this deadline I I don’t want to trade the 2025 first round pick um I don’t want to trade a

First or a second round pick um you know they don’t have a I don’t I believe they don’t have a second round pick until 2026 that’s good um I know uh I I don’t want to trade um Mason lorai I don’t want to trade Matt ptra um you know I I

Don’t want to trade any of the top picks or the guys that are going to be impact players you think at the NHL level or any of their high draft picks um you know I and I think we’ve talked about this a little bit I’d certainly be

Willing to look at um you know a guy like uh some of the expiring contract guys Matt grizzli Jake debrusk um I would certainly look at a guy like Fabian lysel who has played well in Providence in in the AHL um and will have some value as a prospect like sometimes you develop

Prospects and you bring people up through your organization that you don’t necessarily think are ever going to play for you they’re just they’re not the right kind of player they don’t play your style they don’t fit mesh with the coaching systems whatever um and I think lysel

May end up being one of those players that he got first round Talent um he got value around the league and like there are probably places that he could go and have success but I’m not sure the Bruins Target him as somebody that is going to

Be a Bruins you know player for 10 years years in Boston so like those guys have value as trade chips when you develop them as prospects so I lel’s a guy I would definitely look at um you know beyond that I I don’t know I it would

Depend on what other teams think uh is valuable I you know I remember that athletic piece where they were talking about Matt ptra and uh Trent Frederick and a first round pick oh that was for lindol right ridiculous right like no way like Frederick they not going to trade he is

A bruin style player like I wouldn’t Frederick for Elias ly Holmes straight up like forget about all the other stuff in there um you wouldn’t no I would not um I I just Elias ly holm’s around 30 he’s gonna be starting to make big money

I’m not sure if he’s like you know still on the upswing in his career you may be getting him uh when he’s starting to regress as a player um I just I think Frederick’s more of a Boston Bruins I think Frederick is more valuable to the Bruins

Um now and moving forward than than a guy like lindol would be uh for the next five years so um I I you know so I wouldn’t trade Frederick in any kind of deal I I’m not interested in you know trading any young impact players uh you mentioned Loco I hadn’t read anything

About that um that’s interesting if he has value but he’s a fourth liner I’m not sure how much value he has around the league but bottom line is I I don’t I I think there are some pieces they could look at and say maybe we’d trade

This but like you’ve also if you’re a Bruins fan I think need to be realistic they don’t have a first round this year they have a first round next year they don’t have a second round pick until 2026 they have a couple of young players that have a lot of value that they’re

Not going to want to trade maybe they will be will willing to trade a lysell but what are you gonna get for lysell and maybe something off your roster like a grizzli or a debrusk that’s going to expire in contract I I don’t know that

You’re going to get a ton so it’s it so just to reference cuz you you mentioned it the fluto shinzawa piece on Loco literally dropped like this this morning before we recorded and basically the whole fluto point was um the Bruins look at Loco as a fourth liner yep maybe who

Could play third line minutes when he has to um you know is there a sentiment around the league that he could be someone that could do more uh than just that and that he’s not so pedestrian I think one NHL executive was quoted Anon anonymously as basically being like

There’s a of Loos around the league that might be the case but so I agree with you I don’t know how much you could get for loo um and also he does have a little bit of toughness to him do you know he and I think what was that he

Plays with a little attitude absolutely he does he does and I think you do need that so I don’t know if I’m totally ready to deal him off uh again unless you’re getting way better if you if you’re going to trade current roster pieces you like so this’s my thing with

Trading grizzli and de Bros more importantly Evan who is going to call me over in the locker room and want to break down what’s going on in the MCU the Lord of the Rings uh you know Game of Thrones like this is your kind of guy like Sci-Fi series on Amazon Prime

That he watched they really liked like loo will literally say Hey Joe come over here and we’ll start like breing down Eko because we just watched it on uh on Disney Plus or you know whatever what was he he we were talking about the Marvels the other day when I was in the

Locker room like I I hope they don’t trade him because I I enjoy little pop culture sessions well I was gonna say in that case that I don’t want them to trade Loco that can’t happen I agree with you he’s that because he’s that kind of guy and and and uh he he’s

Outspoken about it on Twitter with Lord of the Rings and and all that stuff and that’s right in your wheelhouse that’s like your that’s your like exact taste um if uh if you were an NHL player you would be just like yakob blo uh in terms of media things like that so

I definitely would be and and you know and on the ice I do think I believe he to your point and to what fluto wrote I do believe he’s a fourth line player right now or bottom six forward that’s got some offensive upside and has shown

It in the past he’s got moments where he shows a little something offensively and I think those guys have a lot of value I think that’s what you want in your bottom six is guys that not only will play the physical element and the gritty element the energy element that’s needed

In a fourth line role but have that ability to contribute a little bit and have that ability to like flash a little bit uh in addition to playing that way like that’s what you want you don’t want like God Bless osaris but like that guy has really much of anything and he’s

Been played for 30 or 40 games and I just don’t think he I think the thing he shown is he’s not really an NHL player he’s probably that tweener between the AHL and the NHL I don’t feel that way about Loco I I think when you see him

You see flashes of something and he’s shown it consistently I agree that’s what you want in your bottom six you don’t need the guy who you kind of know what you’re going to get I mean sometimes you need that but in a younger player you want someone with uh a little

Bit a little bit of upside um but in terms of trading players off the current roster right like we talked about loo uh but grizli expiring contract de Bros expiring contract uh there doesn’t I mean de brusk has been vocal about wanting to stay here G obviously does

Considering he’s from here um I think the Bruins at the point of no return with those guys in the sense that they’re first in the Atlantic there’s not a ton they can do trade-wise not like they have all these young pieces or or draft picks that you can deal off to

Supplement them I think you almost have to keep them if you know and that’s that’s where the addition is right it’s sort of like the Krug situation uh from a few years ago where um you know again they kind of pulled the contract offer

Off the table from him uh and I know the pandemic impacted things back then um but again I think unless you’re packaging de Brusque or grizzli for a much better player and you’re improving it’s hard to justify that and at the beginning of the year I I kept

Saying you know if they’re a middle of the pack team you know trade de brusk and oror grizli for draft picks get assets for them but now I think you’re at the point where you can’t do that I I think the Bruins are in a situation where they’re not gonna be players for

Like the big ticket items and that’s I think what you essentially be mentioning those players because you would have to trade somebody to clear cap space to bring in a big ticket item or a guy with a big cap hit you would need to clear

Some money to do that and and I think that’s where that sort of whole thing comes in um the the players that we’re talking about like uh you know a defenseman that potentially might be a bottom pair guy that you know can drop the gloves and and throw hits and block

Shots and and play nasty and a fourth line type um you know the pat Maroons of the world like those guys aren’t going to cost you a ton of assets they’re not going to cost you first round picks they’re not going to cost you your best Prospect so like those are manageable

Trades both in terms of assets given up and salary cap gymnastics for the Boston Bruins I don’t think it’s going to cause them a lot of problems now the one player that I think would change all that if it became real that the Bruins could get him and would get him is Noah

Hanahan and I think that’s when you would start to see some maybe pieces move that you wouldn’t necessarily expect to move or would have to move in order to make that happen and I I think they would do it with Noah Hanahan because they want Noah Hanahan they want

To sign Noah Hanahan they want Noah hanifen to be a bruan long term he would be in a hampus lindol Taylor Hall like whatever situation where yes worth the stretch for them to do it because it’s a player that would be there for a while you know and that’s when they I think

They decide that it’s okay to give up um more future assets so that’s the one where I think those kind of names could still be in play both both to make the salary cap work and to make the trade happen you might be looking at something

Like that um as part of the deal but I think he’s honestly what I from what I look at he’s really the only player I see them trying to bend over backwards to make something like that happen and there’s also the the the side of it where

Um would would they would other teams trade for a guy like Noah Hanahan like thinking that the Bruins probably are going to make a huge run for him in free agency after the season’s over if he’s not signed you know and that’s also true maybe that’s part of the reason you know

Like I think that’s part of the reason why he’s not gonna sign in Calgary I don’t think we’re gonna see him sign an extension with the Flames uh because I think he wants to move closer to home be closer to his family and like I think

There’s a lot of teams around the league that feel like he it’s already a done deal that he’s gonna sign with the Bruins and that he’s gonna come back to Boston um after it’s over so like after the season’s over so I and does that affect like play teams trading for him

As a rental his value does it become a situation where it’s like Taylor Hall where everybody knew Taylor Hall wanted to go to Boston and they could Buffalo could only get a second round pick for Taylor Hall because he really made sure made certain he was gonna go to the

Bruins could something like that happen with Noah hannahan where he makes it known that he’s not gonna you know through channels that he’s not gonna sign anywhere else and he wants to be with the Bruins and he sort of makes it so that he gets traded uh to Boston or

Or you know makes it easier or ties Calgary’s hands Craig Conroy’s hands where he has to you know do business with the Bruins I think all that stuff is interesting and it’s gonna be really fascinating to see how it all plays out one thing I can tell you is Noah Hanahan

When he came to Boston with the Calgary Flames he played like he wants to play for the Bruins and like he was trying to impress them and like you know he was at the bean poot the night before I think yeah like there was a lot on the line

For him you know he he looked like a motivated player that wanted to put on a a show and show the Bruins what they’re missing and what they want and he looked good and he looked really good um and I think he’s exactly what they need I think they need another defenseman to

Add to lyol and McAvoy that’s you know that could turn into a big three similar to what they had with orlov last year um and I think he’s the kind of guy to do that and I think obviously like I think I who was I joke was I joking with Conor

Ryan about this where it’s like uh don Sweeney’s Thanos with the Infinity the the stones every time he acquires another 2015 first round pick that he missed on uh he gets uh you know he does the whole thing and and gets a little more power and Juice like Thanos every time he puts

A stone in the glove so I think hannahan would be another player like that you know like uh after getting zaka the Hanahan would be another big one for him I was gonna say they’re getting everybody from the 15 draft I will say also if they did get Hanahan or if and

When they do uh that’s my guy in the locker room sebs we can talk sebs we talk about how sebs has fallen and they didn’t live up to the expectations or the cover um all that you you jinx on them Evan you put them on the cover and

You put all that pressure on them I did I did but they are I not to get too far into the prep world but they are getting back in the Elite 8 conversation they’re like right outside so there if they make a comeback I how are the how are my boys

At Rivers doing right now uh they’re good they’re young they’re up and down they have some really good games they have some eh games you know like but that’s a young they’re very young team so that’s kind of the way it goes with them they had a big win over St Marks

Last night like six to five so good for them um h no hannahan though this a really interesting take by you that I know is informed because I know you haven’t said anything to me about that but I know there’s a little information um but I it’s an interesting

Take because and and I’ll push back on this though if you know you’re probably going to sign him in free agency do you want to give up the Assets Now to get him or would you rather wait cuz that’s cuz if if you’re going out trading for Hanahan obviously like and

I’m fine with this if you’re trading for Hanahan if you want to trade de Brusque Andor grizzli that’s fine also lowai is probably going in that deal because it feels like a comparable thing um yeah I don’t think they’re gonna trade lorai I think they like him I well

I’m not saying they don’t I’m saying that for a Hanah what if Calgary says we want lorai in return then you don’t trade for him and you let them try to trade him to other teams that you know are going to low it’s going to degrade

His value if they think he’s not going to sign there so you know that’s what I mean about like tying their hands where they have to you know do business Bruins and they want to get something for him that’s right like know it could turn into a situation where they don’t have

To give up anything they really don’t want to and get him um if if that’s where he wants to go and he kind of makes it known like it’s gonna be interesting to see how that whole thing plays out but I just I I don’t you know

If you think he’s going to come here in the in the uh summer anyway you really don’t you’re not GNA feel the need to overspend for him in at the trade deadline that’s for sure what’s your prediction what do you think happens with them I think I think I I think he

Ends up signing here as a free agent I’m not sure the Bruins are going to give up the assets to get him at the deadline um and I’m just not sure they’re going to want to go like you know even like we’re talked about like they don’t even have a

Second round pick to trade like if if if Calgary says all right we won’t take a first we’ll take a second instead they don’t have one they don’t have one until like 2027 I think or 2026 so like you know you’re not even gonna have that to

To give them uh I just don’t think you have the assets um unless you trade the I mean you’d probably have to trade the 2025 first round pick just to make it work because there’s so many other things you’re not going to want to give up or

Can’t give up and I that’s why I think like lorai comes in yeah I just I think I think they like lorai I don’t think they want to trade him no I’m not saying they don’t I’m saying that I feel like to to get a deal done Calgary might say

We need low rot return which is why again which why you don’t do the deal right which is why I don’t think I I don’t necessarily think he be comes here at the deadline I just I think the Bruins given where they are salary cap wise given where they are assetwise

Given the things that I think are most important for them to get given that this whole year I still view as a transition season going from the old the guys that retired and the old crew uh to the guys that are taking over now I still view this whole season through

That prism given all that stuff I just don’t think they’re going to be huge splashes at the trade deadline I think they’re going to make a couple of moves for guys that are more sort of role players uh that add heaviness physicality attitude all that stuff um rather than like overspending for the

The big shiny objects that are going to be available on the trade market you know I I just don’t think they’re going to be Big Spenders when it comes to that even though the East is wide open even though they’re in first place even though it looks like they’ve got as good

A chance as anybody else of getting to the Stanley Cup Final I I just maybe lesson learned from last season to that they went out they they spent in assets they traded for every need they thought they had and the chemistry wasn’t right in the playoffs you know so maybe they

Do it a different way this year I agree with you I don’t think they’re Big Spenders uh but I do love the idea of Hannah Finn and I would love him in the offseason cuz I think my God that would beef up your defense quite a bit and

You’ll have the money to do it um hags it’s always a pleasure uh where what should people be on the lookout for when it comes to your content um well obviously you’ve got the pucks with hags podcast um I think there should be one dropping today that I did with MC kagio

Um there is also obviously my stuff at substack Joe hager. substack docomo’s writings and content sent directly to your inbox uh I think I’m gonna write today a little bit about um the ludicrous find that lenus alar got for high sticking what the hell was that I’ve watched it like a hundred

Times I haven’t se I like did it did it clip his helmet I I I don’t know top of his helmet but like h no penalty no fine for Isam nothing for the shoulder check he threw into elar that preceded that and started that whole thing like wasn’t

Pushed At All by the way was not pushed oh he just he just threw a shoulder into Omar head and did you know they obviously waved off the goal which they absolutely had to but that like there’s no penalty there’s no fine for him like you know crashing

The goalie like that like I think if you’re not gonna like call a penalty on Ison if you’re not gonna like do anything to him don’t find all Mark just like let let them wash each other and can each other out and you know wash

Your hands and move on so I think I’m going to write something about just how ludicrous that was today uh as a quick aside but um oh you’ll also find my stuff on Boston Sports Journal after every Bruins game I think this weekend I’m going to have an NHL notebook that’s

Going to feature a lot of stuff that people have not seen read or heard uh from Patrice berson because I talked to him a couple days ago um about how retirement’s going for him about you know his future plans about you know a lot of different stuff I I talked to him

About Marsh’s thousandth game and he was great about that uh but he also like uh you know talked a lot about and in the comeback rumors obviously he talked about and had some fun with that as well um but you’re going to be able to read all that stuff at the Boston Sports

Journal this weekend it should be good stuff and you want to start a youth hockey team with I think that was the big thing you want Finn to go against Zack berson that that’s Finn’s a few years older Zach’s much younger Zach’s much younger actually skated with Zach

Um a couple weeks ago when there was no school the teacher strike uh we put together like a little skate uh at fezen for all the kids that weren’t going to school so they could skate for a couple hours like a Friday morning when uh it

Towards the end of the strike but there was no school so Finn and Zach were out there together and Finn was like one of the older kids uh taking care of Zach a little bit and making sure he felt like he belonged with the big boys and the

Older guys and uh it was cool to see the the two of them out there together having fun but he actually Zach plays with my daughter Zoe on uh on the M team so they they they have fun together uh that’s fun that’s fun um is your dog in

The room by the way I can hear it scurrying around is it uh yeah I went that back downstairs he was I was gonna say I was going to say bring it in if the dog comes in you got to bring it on camera it’s a rule on this podcast um

But anyways uh hags always a pleasure uh and for Cals media I’m Evan marinovsky you Bruins beat listeners have a great rest of your Week

Bruins Beat w/ Evan Marinofsky Ep. 414

Joe Haggerty joins the show today to discuss the up’s and down’s of the Bruins recently, and if fans should expect more to come. Evan and Joe also go through possible trade scenarios and debate how much the Bruins should be willing to give up to acquire some extra pieces for the playoffs. That, and much more!


– Time to be concerned with the Bruins?

– The evolution of Trent Frederic

– How much should the Bruins be willing to trade?

– Would Jakub Lauko get anything in a deal

– Haggs breaks down trading for Noah Hanifan

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  1. Give up first rounder in 2025. Trade Gryz, Forbort and everyone in their minor system except Lysell, Lohrei and Beecher.

  2. What about a guy like Gudas? Isn’t he with the Ducks? They’re not going anywhere this year

  3. Trade Gryz,Forbort and Lysell and go get a complete animal on the ice. Someone who is feared that brings a big presence

  4. Trade forbort, gryz, our 2nd round this year, and any prospect other then lohrei, poitras and Beecher, maybe Lysell if it’s a big asset coming back our way.

  5. I would move Forbot, Grezelcyk, Heinen, Beecher and Debrusk in a big trade or 1 for 1 with a Western Conference team

  6. Duhaime and Middleton in some type of trade wouldn’t be crazy. Might be able to give gryz or forbort a goalie prospect a second maybe your B level prospects. Idk spit balling here

  7. No deadline deal is going to fix this team. This will take the summer.

    The ultimate humiliation is coming with a 1st round playoff loss to Toronto.

  8. how hard is it to be up to date with the current game days with uploading????? I will die on this hill because it is crazy to upload something 9/10 times that is already outdated to current games already played

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