@National Hockey League

The Great One

The Great One

by EcstaticDemand2383


  1. Glensky was 17 as a rookie. Maauto was 22 during his rookie season and he sat for a year.

  2. Puzzleheaded-Cow72

    Now we’re comparing Gretzky to Mahonmes? Smh
    Patrick Mahomes is a great quarterback, don’t get me wrong , but did we already forget about Tom Brady? Brady beat Mahomes in the playoffs and in the super bowl the year after for anyone who didn’t know. Brady is the GOAT for a reason and Mahomes has a long way to go just to match him

  3. SomeJerkOddball

    The Great One is more of a personal statistical superlative than a championship monger.

  4. RangersNumber1Doomer

    He’s not even the greatest in his own position let alone in the entire NFL…

    The only major record that is under threat is Gretzky’s goal record, his domination is insane don’t disrespect Gretzky by comparing fucking Mahomes😂

  5. Fun fact, Mahomes lived in Edmonton for a bit while his dad played baseball there.

  6. whiteriot0906

    Wayne Gretzky and Babe Ruth. A class of their own as far as GOATs go. Jordan, LeBron, Brady, everyone else is still a half-tier below. Nobody else dominated their respective sports with such a degree of difference between them and #2

  7. turbo_2tone

    If Wayne was american they would have statues in every state

  8. riko77can

    Nobody in major league sports stands further apart from the pack than Gretzky.

  9. Football is harder than hockey.

    In other news, water is wet.

  10. Sharp-Stranger-2668

    Mahomes is a great qb. Gretzky *dominated the history* of his sport. Let’s not confuse the two.

  11. AnonPlzzzzzz

    Gretzky started when he was 18.

    Mahomes started when he was 23.

  12. InternationalBand494

    He must have been amazing to watch. I’ll have to go check our some highlights

  13. ur_sexy_body_double

    Last time I checked, Mahomes doesn’t even have a single 150 point season… SMH… can you say overrated?

  14. Maverick_Raptor

    While Gretzky’s trophy legacy is great, I’ve always felt his stats are more impressive.

    He just so far away on points its absurd

  15. Cute-Tomato-9721

    Tom Brady is the GOAT along with Wayne Gretzky…Mahomes is nowhere near these two guys lol

  16. MedicalError4384

    The GREATER one (Gretzky) is from the GREATER sport (Hockey)…….. FπCK the NFL

  17. JerbearCuddles

    Who the fuck won the other 2 Finals MVPs during Gretzky’s 4 Cups? Lol. Should also be worth mentioning he won the Lester B Pearson award 5 times in that span. Which is just the best player award voted by the players, which is known today as the Ted Lindsay award. Which I hold in higher esteem than the Hart trophy. Cause your peers are giving you that award.

  18. PROGFAN66

    Wayne Gretzky was better at his sport than say Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods were at their sports. Patrick Mahomes has not passed Tom Brady so it’s too early to say.

  19. And all the while Wayne did that without being a cuck.

  20. T_dot4905

    In an era where goalies couldn’t save a beach ball shot right along the ice at 3.32 mph. lol

  21. PsychologicalPop4426

    They’re not even on the same level son.

  22. AfroAmTnT

    The Great One was playing against insurance agents and plumbers.

  23. Gretzky changed basically every aspect of the game. There were rule changes to keep it as close to fair as possible for the other teams. Mahomes is a monster but he is the beneficiary of rule changes from the past 2 decades which made QBs more prolific

  24. Far-Two8659

    Two weird things being missed by everyone here so far.

    First, Mahomes is the youngest QB to win 3SBs and 3 SBMVPs. That’s why they’re comparing.

    Second, it’s not even a fair comparison even if Gretzky wasn’t absurd because the age in which they could enter their respective leagues.

  25. So you’re comparing 6 years of play vs 10. In different sports. Okay….

    Kerelin’s stats are just as if not more impressive than Gretzky and Mahomes combined: 887-2 record. Undefeated for 6 years straight.

    Let me pull up Don Bradman stats too…

  26. RickyTheRickster

    Comparing Foodball to Hockey is like comparing bikers to sports cars

  27. Canadian_mk11

    Say you’re a fan of the less racist Redskins without saying you’re a fan of the less racist Redskins.

  28. Puzzleheaded-Lead126

    We should start comparing ratings and revenue and relevance of other sports to hockey.

  29. mroe21877

    Goddamn groundhog day in this sub whose next to compare to gretz? Who has the most wins in beer pong? That guy maybe he’s the beer pong gretzky wtf.

  30. DontToewsMeBro2

    Gretz could have won all of the above with just one random (any person at NHL-level?) teammate FYI, football boy is surrounded by guys with $40 million+ paychecks

  31. OneNineSevenNine

    I’ll say the controversial thing: football is overall more competitive than hockey.

    Also as hockey fans we need to stop being so insecure.

    Also why wasn’t Brady chosen. I know why… it’s obvious… this post is making another point, typically unsaid in hockey… especially in comparison to basketball… and sometimes football…

  32. waitwhosaidthat

    This is kinda dumb. Gretzky also played in the pros at 18.

  33. plaidsinner

    This is literally comparing apples to oranges. What an idiotic comparison.

  34. dat_waffle_boi

    To be fair to Mahomes, Gretzky started playing in the NHL when he was 19 and Mahomes didn’t get a chance to start a full season until he was 23.

    That said, there clearly isn’t a comparison. Gretzky’s numbers are fucking bonkers

  35. WarehouseNiz13

    Yeah, but was Kurri banging Madonna at the time?

  36. Heavy_E79

    Different era, different sport, one’s still in the prime of his career, the other is retired and we can examine the full scope of his career. I don’t know what point this is trying to make.

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