@New York Rangers

Wheels out for rest of regular season

Rip to the wheel man

by MyFaveIsOnFireee


  1. Maleficent-Comfort-2

    As I said on r/hockey.. GOD DAMMIT!

    He’s 37 turning 38. He’s made his life’s earning, and for 37 years of age at NHL-level hockey is old, not in life but old. It’s time to lace and hang them up.

  2. jaypeedee1025

    And not as bad as it looked if he has a glimmer of hope for coming back in the playoffs shit glad for his quality of life it’s not worse the Bulls will do fine stepping up

  3. Able-Flan-7381

    Fuck, was really looking forward to his experience and locker room presence in the yoffs

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