@Buffalo Sabres

Trade Deadline 24 – Mittelstadt, Jenner, Parayko, Tanev

Trade Deadline 24 – Mittelstadt, Jenner, Parayko, Tanev

Well it’s that time of year again it’s the countdown to the NHL trade deadline that’s Dennis Bernstein I’m David panota and our coverage here on the fourth period will carry on over the next several weeks leading up to March 88th on dday DB let’s Dive Right into this on

Friday there was talk of Casey midat being available in Buffalo now depending who you talk to the Sabers say they aren’t actively shopping him teams around the league are saying he’s available uh so this is going to be an interesting little scenario doesn’t necessarily have to happen before the deadline but he is

A restricted free agent he’s got AR brights the sabes are looking for a talent for talent kind of swap here if they can pull something off he’s their leading scorer this is going to be an interesting one yeah you see those feathers flying around that’s the feathers that you ruffled I think on

Friday Dave so uh yeah he’s their leading score but let’s be real Tage Thompson would be the leading scorer if Tage Thompson wasn’t hurt the most disappointing team in the league I had him as a top three team in the Atlantic this was going to be the Year Dave the

Team was going to break through and they didn’t so now you hear conversations about a 25y old who’s really emerged last season was his breakthrough year I think he had 59 points this year he’s Fen up with another solid season he’s a plus eight for a team with a negative

Gold differential so uh yeah but it would have to be a situation where you’re getting established Talent right they don’t need any more Futures in Buffalo they need the presence right right so if you’re going to do that it’s really got to be a quote unquote hockey

Trade for Casey midd but I don’t know I I think he’d want a reward the guys who are actually producing for this team they supposed to the guys who are under producing but we’ll see what the next couple weeks uh head up for Kevin Adams yeah he’s got a lot to to deal

With Eric Johnson is out there gurgenson is out there Olson is out there and a lot of these guys on our trade watch list as well um as as we shift to a team that’s looking at a few players on the trade watch list the Toronto Maple leaks

Yeah Brad for living has been doing the rounds uh over the last week and yes he’s interested in Chris tanv and he’s got his his da he’s been interested in forever right exactly um him Sean Walker a few others IL lushin kind of spreading things out but my understanding is he’s

Not exclusively looking for guys on expiring contracts and one name that I’m very curious about he had interest in him when he was the GM of the Calgary Flames Colton parade comes with a big $6.5 million capet he’s got a lot of term on his contract and

While he does have a full no trade clause St Lewis has been exploring the possibility of moving him along with Tory KRW who they almost traded last summer and there’s some chatter that Toronto has at least poked around to see what that might take so we’ll see kind

Of how things go from there but this is going to be an interesting One DB the Blues in the thick of things in the Wild Card race in the west this could be a different kind of hockey type tra yeah well certainly Colton pereno is a guy

That Toronto would need on that backline without question Phils a need but the blues said not so fast maybe it’s 2019 Redux Dave maybe it is they got red hot when with Drew banister behind the bench they scored a touchdown yesterday to use a Super Bowl analogy in Montreal I’m not

Sure you want to break up that team right now so a deadline deal for K pereno I don’t know if it falls apart again they miss the playoffs then you could certainly explore that but that would be Dice and again that would have to be established Talent right I mean St

Louis is in think of it they’re an older team bennington’s bounced back so it’s going to be really interesting to see and I always go back Dave to what Dean lardi told me way back in the day I want a sign from my team that they need help

At the deadline now the Blu is sending old signals to to Army that we need help we want more we don’t want to trade away we don’t break break up this team but it’s going to be interesting to see over the next month how the Blues play and

Does that open up par R go for a trade yeah certainly this team right in the thick of things as I mentioned Toronto trying to solidify third spot in the Atlantic division this could be an interesting one we do know the blues want to free up a little bit of money

Especially on that back end we’ll certainly keep tabs on what happens here and maybe that does escalate shifting a little bit to the Dallas Stars DB we know that Dallas likes their forward core they’re strong and net with AER between the pipes but this is a team

That I’m told will make an addition on their back end by the time they hit the trade deadline it really comes down to whether it’s going to be a depth piece or if they can get their hands on a top four right shot defenseman doesn’t necessarily have to be a rental although

Another team in the tan of race shocker um but it wouldn’t surprise me if Jim nil does something a little bit bold here and tries to really solidify that back end they’d like to do it not exactly sure on the additional options outside of the rental market but this is

A team that I was told wants to add and if they can go big game hunting on that back end they’d like to do it yeah and you mentioned leushin as one option uh another option that nobody’s really talked about if because I think you’re getting a situation right now where some

Teams going get more desperate there’s not a lot of inventory so you’re looking at guys with term like all one year remaining on the deal and a guy I really like who you know maybe they pull it off again with this type of player is Davis

Avard in Montreal he’s got one year left he’s less than a $4 million capit he’s a sturdy right-handed defenser remember back in the day Tampa traded for him he’s part of the championship team in in Tampa so he had the experience of a of a long playoff run that might be

Another option but I agree with you I have Dallas going to The Cup Final against Carolina you don’t need to add anything more up front without question I think one more insurance policy on the right side would certainly make sense for Jim Mill and Pete dor another guy

That’s going to draw interest has already drawn interest and you you always look for the Bottom Feeders because teams like the vulture in and try to you know kind of scoop some scoop some pieces away and one of the pieces that a lot of teams are kind of looking

At their Captain the Blue Jackets captain in Columbus Boon Jenner and this is a player who’s got some term left on his contract he’s a he’s a guy that brings physicality can play offensive he had a great time over All-Star Weekend DB there are some teams that you think could be of

Interest absolutely if you look at the Rangers now philipo’s not coming back unfortunately he’s back home with concussion issues so he’s not going to be returning great would be a great fit and another team would be Colorado and I’m not sold on a second line day you

Know it’s funny to talk about Georgia and they like what he’s doing he wins games but he’s a Sub 900 safe percentage don’t kid yourself this year’s Colorado Avalanche as good as they are isn’t close to what they had in when they won a championship that second line with uh

With Nas cadri and Brandon s that was was a way better team so I think you’re G to need more now you might go and get a backup goenda need anyway in Colorado but Boone Jenner either at two or three if you move Johansson down to the three

Se but this is a guy that the issue was he’s your captain he’s a leader in the room he’s got a great cap hit so if you want to make other Moves In in Columbus now would this be the guy to leave like Peno you would this be the guy to trade

When you have other options to trade but again if I’m one of these teams like the Rangers of Colorado I would be hot and heavy for Boon Jenner he’d be a perfect ad for them he’d be a perfect ad for a lot of teams I got to imagine if they

Are seriously considering moving him teams like Edmonton Toronto might enter the mix as well we got a lot of coverage here over these next three and a half weeks leading up to the trade deadline we’re going to get more of this type of content every day that’s Dennis I’m Dave

We’ll catch you tomorrow

As we sit 25 days from the 2024 NHL Trade Deadline, TFP’s David Pagnotta & Dennis Bernstein discuss the latest surrounding Buffalo Sabres centre Casey Mittelstadt, the Toronto Maple Leafs expanding their search, the Dallas Stars looking for a top-four defenceman, and teams calling Columbus about Blue Jackets captain Boone Jenner.

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