@Boston Bruins

Nick, Mason & Brett Comp the Top 10 Rookie WRs

Nick, Mason & Brett Comp the Top 10 Rookie WRs

We are here live from Arizona in the house that Underdog fantasy built Super Bowl weekend don’t ask us why we’re in Arizona but we’re here I’m joined by my good friends Brett Coleman Mason DOD over here they need no introduction but you guys need an introduction to the

Rookie wide receiver class and that’s what we’re going to do today we’re going to rip through probably the most popular prospects in the class this is a really good really fun really unique class and give them comps to current NFL players I think could be a little bit overwhelming

For people getting into a new class and I think uh giving them comps of player Styles things like that help to uh ingrain them in the brain and then they kind of work from there and you’ve done a lot of work with the rookie wide receiv receiver class you’ve already

Filmed like 30 videos in the desert in the pool uh make sure you subscrib to Brett Channel because he’s doing incredible X’s and O’s and breakdowns of uh basically everybody in the rookie class defense offense Mason’s doing awesome stuff with both Dynasty and redraft fantasy football both of their

Channels will be linked down below I think we start off with no one other than Marvin Harrison Jr um he is the consensus 101 of the wide receivers in this class he is apparently just the most elite of the elite wide receiver prospects he almost feels like and

Looking in hindsight maybe a bad comparison but bejan Robinson of last year where it was almost like is there a point to watching the tape because he’s going to be the top one off the class Everyone likes him more than everybody else in the class obviously jir Gibs is

A stud but is that what we’re looking at with Marvin Harrison this year do you see any real flaws any real uh downsides to his game he’s going to be a top five pick is there anything that could go wrong with Marv and his career goes down

The hill that way with him specifically no with where he ends up possibly right because if he goes to New England I felt like a sub tweet at New England for sure right and but but they don’t take a quarterback on day two that we think is

Better than M Jones then it’s m Jones throw to Marv and that is a net negative on Marv’s career Outlook right um as a talent though and Mason feel free to disagree AJ Green Vibes like I feel like you’re just getting AJ Green off the

Jump 64 205 to 210 is where he floated around for playing weight great ball skills unreal like everywhere he’s he doesn’t really have a true like you can nitpick some things there’s not like a true weakness and it was kind of like AJ when AJ was coming out he went in the

Top five was immediate producer became an All Pro Caliber like that’s that’s what you’re getting is is that kind of guy the only question is uh and it was it’s actually kind of funny cuz Cincy did the same thing they took the receiver first and then they took Andy

In the second round Andy D in the second round that same and Andy worked out what a hit by them like do you trust New England to do the same thing with like a Spencer Rattler or something could they make a play for a veteran like Russ possibly

Like I wouldn’t be surprised is Marv good enough for a veteran like Russ like cuz right now any veteran they pursue it’s like what pitch do they have for that veteran bring in a Marv maybe they’re thinking a little differently the thing with with Russ and Marv is

Russ Russ is the exact type of quarterback that Marv thrives with because he throws grows deep outside the numbers constantly and we’ll throw up 50/50 balls and give Marv a chance and he’ll pay that off so like I could see him having a similar type of season to

Like say kland Sutton yeah right makes sense but as Russ gets older last year’s kland Sutton season is like the max that you would expect yeah and you know that there’s so much more there so it’s tough I mean as a prospect Mar is like the total package and you’ll see that’s a

Constant theme in this year’s class is like everyone’s 62 to 6’4 everyone’s 200b everyone’s fast twitch everyone’s quick they have their flaws obviously but I I can’t remember really you know hindsight it’s easy to look back and be like wow this class was great that class was great but like pure Prospect wise

These guys are as fun as like any of the top you know five eight 10 receivers that I’ve really looked at in terms of like the uniqueness of their game right now these your 101 for rookie receivers essentially everyone in this class is built like Nick pretty much is that how

We can put it get out of the pool get out of the pool and embarrass me right now yeah I think he has to be one of one I I think it comes down like where do you rank him in among like other wide receivers in Dynasty cuz I think you

Have everon Chase um lamb ahead of him but then it’s like right there with the mod a St Brown already for sure I think he’ll I think a lot of people will take him at the back end of the first round in Dynasty startups he’ll be in that

Like 1 n to you know 202 range and probably not the latter part of that one uh so we’ll move on to the next receiver who I have as my two I think people have gone back and forth between Malik and Rome of Washington Malik of LSU uh

Malik’s my twoo I think realistic the only flaw in his game he’s another one with the size with the speed he can play inside outside uh we got a DJ going on so AP he’s in the background right now they’re excited about Malik neighbors is

Malik your two in this class and can you give a a little bit more of like a physical breakdown of what you see from Malik Malik is my two but I I understand why people would have adun as their two they’re they’re kind of different players I think Malik is is a better

Field stretcher uh physically he reminds me of Odell okay in terms of how quickly like he can get up to speed like the the vertical burst is just unreal his feet are super quick he didn’t have the same route tree as adun who was asked to run

Everything at all areas of the field but that’s mainly just cuz Malik was so good as a vertical threat like why would you want him doing anything else so it kind of depends on what you’re looking for but I I could see Malik going as high as

Like five to the Chargers yeah I mean it should be a perfect fit and like if you look at him analytically he’s the youngest wide receiver in the draft class he was a pretty much the most productive if you’re looking at yards per route run he played alongside

Another guy is going to go round one in the NFL draft so he had like top competition more productive than pretty much anybody else at a younger age than anybody else going to get the draft Capital he’s another guy that checks literally every single box yeah and what

Makes me most excited I think about is like what he does with the ball in his hands he when you watch him play you get a lot of like the AJ Brown feel where it’s like you get the ball in his hands and first guy’s not taking him down be

Lucky if the second guy’s taking him down I think he averaged like three M tackles forced perception which was amongst the top in the class it was the guys like Malachi I think who might have ranked a little a little bit higher because the natural progression of all

Those screens will obviously lead to that but he is like unbelievable with the ball in his hands I would say the only um the only downside realistically was he’s a little bit iffy in contested catches situation especially when you compare him to like Rome Rome is just

Like a monster 80% contested catch rate on which is insane and like you do have to start comparing him because you’re looking at like hey these guys are all going top five top six it’s like we do have to kind of pick and piece where their strengths are where it’s like you

Know just segueing right into Rome Rome when I’m watching him is like for me a lot of people about his separation skills he reminded me a little bit more of like a Jamar Chase type or like aari Cooper type where I’m not I’m not really necessarily blown by his uh Blown Away

By his separation but he can separate kind of anywhere like when the ball’s in the air there are different points of Separation when you’re a wide receiver and he can hit every level of the field he can get it all done and the contested catch is just like unbelievable when

You’re watching him play he’s bigger Keenan Allen to me and and Keenan like people don’t give Keenan credit for how big he is he’s like 62 you know 208 which is not small right that’s that’s pretty it’s pretty solidly built and Odun is even better he’s like 63 212 I

Want to say is about his playing weight and the thing that reminds me so much of Keenan is that he wins late in the route like obviously guys like neighbors can win early just with pure burst but adun will win late he will separate as the

Ball is getting there uh he’s a great route Runner again ridiculous contested catcher like 80% contested catch rate is that shouldn’t be possible like that is not normal like you look at guys who are like 55 you’re like that’s good m like 55 right you like conditional format on

Excel and everyone just turns red immediately cuz Rome’s bright green on that sheet and he’s again he’s another guy in any other class he would be wide receiver one but he just happens to be in a class with Marv and he also happens to be in a class with Malik

Neighbors who is pretty much just another younger Odell so it’s like yeah it sucks but he’s still great yeah and if you look at like the trend of all three of the top guys in this class they’re all hyper productive and just like neighbors and Harrison he had top

Competition in Washington they’re wide receivers that are going to go top 100 in the NFL draft in that same wide receiver room you know so you look at his production and you go okay that’s impressive but then you also consider the fact that he’s going up against

Other NFL caliber wide receivers to get that production and it’s puts it to even like a greater extent that makes sense yeah for sure um the top three guys they all I mean it’s easy to say this I guess every year but they feel like can’t miss

Prospects at this point like any team will be super lucky to have them I don’t think they last the top 10 picks in the draft at seems like you took all the running back talent in this class the wide space jamm the out of his class well some of these guys in

Previous eras would have played running back but because of seven on seven they play receiver you know they grew up catching 10,000 Balls by the time they were 18 you know so now they’re receivers yeah so number four this is going to be a little fun CU you and me

Both have him as our four right now and you are a University of Texas guy so we’re going to need to get your take on ad Mitchell okay this is this is interesting because if you look at his like production profile it’s horrible the numbers in the analytics are bad it

Was like the first note I was like Analytics guys are going to overlook this they’re going to wrongly overlook this guy because of that you got to trust your eyes he is yeah he is the person to ask because I look at it it’s like okay TD rate obviously in the Red

Zone he’s kind of the guy if that makes sense and yeah he did have competition obviously Georgia going up against Bowers going up against another receiver we’ll talk about later on Texas he went up against Xavier but I don’t know I mean I know he’s projected to go round

One of the NFL draft so that’s going to at least give him sub type of floor with the role that he’s going to see immediately so if like the film guys are willing to sign off on them they kind of have to be excited but you’re a Georgia

Guy right I yeah I’m not like a Die Hard Georgia guy my younger cousin goes there so I’ve gone to the campus gone to the game so you know I’ve just kind of deao became a Georgia fan wager but I came in like literally I mean my cousin got to

Go there for back-to-back championships like sophomore uh junior year and then Senior Year probably should have won again but regardless like a unbelievable three four year stretch for her it’s nonsense but um Ed Mitchell’s a guy that yeah I looked at the production profile after the film and I was like ah

This is going to be a problem for a lot of people out here Ed Mitchell another guy with size and the tape is really what just yells at me here well he’s loose and he’s fluid for a bigger body receiver which a lot of guys that are

His size and especially his weight have a lot of stiffness to himh and he’s not he’s got really loose hips like really quick feet you know those like piston feet and his stop start ability it’s not Malik neighbors but there’s a couple routes where he was like faking running

A bender to draw the safety down in quarters and then he just put the foot in the ground and go and you’re like the ability for him to run cuts at full speed or to stop and start quickly like Malik is Malik and Marvin are the only

Two guys in this class that do it better than him yeah and especially to do it at that size I almost it’s funny when I was watching ad it made me not like ERS as much because there was so much meat left on the bone that could have been there

I’m going to be honest that’s how I felt about almost every receiver in this class like watch Jan Daniels all he do is really run all the time like all these guys I’m like I’m a little bit lower on all them but the receivers make them look so good and it’s funny

Like there’s only a couple quarterbacks in this class or a few three quarterbacks in this class that I feel really good about but there’s like 20 receivers right but a lot of those receivers played with the other quarterbacks they’re pretty big names that I’m kind of like I I don’t know

Yeah Edie Mitchell’s like um the way I kind of comped him was like he’s he’s he’s big right he’s got that long lean but he’s he’s quick twitch again which is something that you don’t see in a ton of receivers but there’s so many of them

In this class and I think one of the reasons he’s so great in the Red Zone he becomes like their primary threat is cuz he’s so good at separating in tight spaces right there’s not a lot of receivers that could do that I also think a big thing with the production

Profile like a lot of the uh percentage like shares of the team uh I think the reason that it was down so much is like a lot of their scheme and I’m watching them they have them run like a ton of go routes and they just open up the

Underneath like it’s a ton of dump offs to running backs a ton of just like drags over the middle type of thing and it’s like he gets shots but not frequently and I think that skews the numbers but when they take shots towards him he’s so good at coming down with the

Ball his speed’s going to be there and like I said to you he’s he feels like a Terry mcen type who was really underrated and he’s fast as hell but you don’t think you don’t think Terry and you’re like Speedster you’re like great route Runner who also has really good

Speed that’s kind of the way I look at in ad Mitchell and I think he’s going to go very very under the radar because most people especially in the dynasty space look uh you know stats and profile first and then they’re like ah this is

So bad that I don’t really want to watch a film and kind of write it off or ad Mitchell’s a guy I’m happily going above consensus on so youall are going to take him ahead of Brian Thomas Jr cuz from what I can tell it seems like Thomas is

Kind of becoming the consensus wide receiver for at least what I they’re right there with each other and I think it if you’re drafting before the NFL draft I’m betting more on ad Mitchell okay but I mean I’m talking barely like it’s wide receiver four wide receiver 5

But if after the draft Brian Thomas Jr goes to a better situation like if Brian Thomas Jr like let’s say the Chargers take Joe all at five and then they trade back in and then take Brian Thomas Jr in the first round like I’m going to take

Him over Brian Thomas Jr like one of the we’ll just go right into him too I think a lot of these receivers will be in that discussion of like end of first early second where we saw the T Higgins the Michael Pitman where it’s like ah why

Are they not having first- round draft Capital then just become studs in the NFL because like we knew they were good NFL receivers and that is something that we saw we’ve seen in classes before if the depth is so good at a position you will see NFL teams decide like oh maybe

We can get Pitman in the early second maybe we can get in the early second whereas in a different class Maybe would have been Juiced up just because they look at the draft board later on and they go okay well if we kind of miss out

A wide receiver here in the mid first there’s not going to be someone in the midc we’re excited about 100% let me ask you both this question actually if ad Mitchell or Brian Thomas Jr go to the Chiefs in the first round and Marv goes to the patriots who are you taken first

It has to be Mar it’s still Marv it’s still Marv yeah situation damed in D I mean redraft like may be a different discussion but probably still not then in Dynasty situations change so fluidly that they could have a new quarterback next year they could have a rookie they

Out you know what I mean like I I think drafting especially that big of a talent Delta based off a one-year thing is probably a mistake that I don’t think many people will make but I think it’s worth probably having the discussion I think you could make a more reasonable

Argument like if Harrison goes to New England and neighbors goes to Los Angeles yeah then it’s like then you’re talking about it exactly because then they’re both is I view Brian Thomas Jr I view Mitchell as essentially guys that yeah have pros and have positives on

Their profile but in my mind they’re not neighbors they’re not Harrison where they check every single box and it would be a massive surprise if they weren’t the guy at the next level yeah Brian Thomas like when I first watched him I was like man if he goes to a strong

Armed quarterback my first thought was have him be what people wanted Gabe Davis to be for a long time cuz the first thing I noticed on film with Brian Thomas was like his strides he’s like a lion he’s like a a a gazelle

Like the way he just eats up 10 yards at a time with like two or three steps he gets downfield so quickly also another quick twitch guy you know what I mean like another guy that’s like surprisingly fast around the line of scrimmage where I don’t think he’s ever

Going to be the one I think there’s like flaws in his game where he I don’t know if he’ll ever be the alpha but you put him with momes with a Herbert with an allen you can say that with a lot of wide receivers but I think his skill set

In particular is like what the Chiefs have tried to do with MBS it’s what the bills have tried to do with Gabe Davis it’s what Herbert and the Chargers have tried to do with you know somewhat successfully with Mike Williams but whether it’s Josh Palmer or Quinton

Johnson last year like that’s where I feel like Brian Thomas will excel in an offense with a strong armed quarterback in a role where he’s not the primary guy my physical comp for btj and I know the production comp is wildly different coming out of college my physical comp

Was Christian Watson with better deep ball tracking ability o okay big body 6’4 legit down the field speed and you loved Watson last year I remember that years right and if he could stay healthy like he’d be great right especially now that we know that Jordan Love’s good um

But like I think Brian Thomas Jr is is a very similar physical profile it’s just he was in a better situation in college to show that whereas Watson was in like a run first North Dakota State team where it’s like he didn’t really get to show what he could do till the Senior

Bowl right that’s fair um so he’s a secondary piece on that team now if we go back to Washington where Rome’s the one we also have Jaylen pulk where I think he’s going to go a little bit further down the draft boards but he gives similar Vibes where he can eat up

Chunks of the field he’s a bigger Target again I I find myself when I’m doing Prospect uh comps now rather than trying to settle on like one guy cuz I think that like pigeon holes you is more going with like a an upper Lon comp a mid comp

And then like a flop comp where it’s like okay he can end up being any of these three guys so for Jaylen pul it was like don’t see the crazy burst off the line of scrimmage but I was like his upper tier comp could be like a t

Higgins where he’s good at kind of separating across the field if you give him enough time to get there and he’ll make really tough contested catches down the field but he could also end up being someone who just looks like he should be good at wide receiver because there are

The flaws in his game so Hulk another dude that’s huge right like 63 uh I don’t know if he’s going to measure cuz Washington can sometimes be a little generous a fake 63 possibly but it’s still you know six plus like he’s still a bigger body than a lot not last year

Where it was like Josh D Jaden Reed all like five T yeah tank right I I think the upper echelon for T is like is exactly he said the upper echelon like if everything goes right 100% right high end number two because it feels stupid

To be like his comp is T Higgins it’s like it’s not going to be T Higgins probably but like for this for all intents and purposes that’s his style of play I think if he plays really really well and translates from college into the NFL you know what I think he

Actually will be and I for forgive me if this sounds like an insult Jobe Myers ooh okay like you know if you for Fantasy purposes like hey we need to throw him in there or like a Tyler Boyd of like Jobe good player will he ever

Get like number one or number or high in number two production he’d have to be in the right spot but like skill set wise like I think jacobe Myers has always been a better player than the numbers have shown so you can sell me on that I

Mean that would be a great hit like if an NFL team takes him third round if you take a third round wide receiver and he turns out to be chobe Meers pretty good pick yeah that’s the thing like the majority of re receiver the majority of any NFL draft prospect is going

To be at best to jacobe Meers so it’s like it’s fine to comp people too that people get mad cuz they only see that uppon comp goe I like that a lot it a good one can we go back to Texas real quick Xavier Xavier let me know what you

Think of this comp at least from a production profile perspective okay this is who I see another big 12 wide receiver great as a true freshman 18 years old tails off he looks like Marvin Mims to me okay for the record I I was not a fan of Mims coming out speed

Though it makesense and and I’m not saying how he looks on the field I’m not saying if you turn on the tape I’m saying if you just are looking at a spreadsheet a little Google sheet that you got and you’re going to do a 30 second side by side comes out we

Are all so excited after his true freshman year and then nothing really happens obviously Mitchell comes over two years later and that is going to cap you a little bit what you can do as a true Junior but I I don’t know it just seems like the last time we had a wide

Receiver that went through dominated early on in his collegiate career trailed off near the end and turned out to be a phenomenal asset in dynasty was the last guy Juju you know oh man how often are we seeing that profile yeah more often than not we see that

Profile with like Brian Edwards and those guys where it’s like breakouts really young but then they just never really improve I got burned by Brian Edwards so a lot of people did like I loved him yeah and it’s like most of the time it doesn’t work out it’s like if

You’re not going to dominate at the college level you know you need to do it like you’re likely not going to do it at the NFL level but I’ll ask you like do you like if you’re sitting there at the 2-1 worthy or Mitchell cuz I think they’re probably going to get similar

Draft Capital right and they’re probably going to be picked in around the same spot in rookie drafts do you have a preference on one of them I don’t I’m an idiot if Brett saying Mitchell probably leaning Mitchell but do you have like an explanation on why worthy wouldn’t have

Gotten any better and actually probably got worse from the time he was 18 years old you know drinking problem well there were there are some guys in this class that applies to I don’t know if I can say it on camera um I will say it felt

Like and again not to like completely dog on Quinn yers like I I think Quinn ERS is fine we didn’t really get to see worthy stretch his legs as much as he could have if he was in another system with a different quarterback well I mean yours would take deep shots they would

Just wouldn’t be anywhere close to where they were supposed to be right again it’s another one oh you put Xavier worthy in LSU it’s like he’s probably eating right so you put him with a guy who can who has really good deep ball placement and like I I’ve seen people

Compare wory upper echelon comp to like a Desa Jackson catch four balls in a game but they’re going to go for 85 to be fair though how many times does a Deshaun Jackson comp actually work out very rarely zero times but it’s used about four times a year exactly and

That’s like every once in a while you’ll have like the comps that’s like Hey we’re going to chase this outlier player and I never see it work out no you know what my actual like more likely comp again upper echel on deshun Jackson realistic Echelon Travis Benjamin there

You go which is fine that’s fine emphasis on fine you know best ball like Travis in Travis Benjamin’s Prime in best best ball he would have been like priority later round Target cuz four four games a year he’s going to win you the week yeah you know and that’s what

Worthy’s going to be yeah I agree with that I think there’s that that’s when you start getting to that tier where you’re like okay there are some serious flaws in this game I kind of got to choose the guys that I like guys that I

Really dislike um I also I don’t want to overwhelm the audience because if it’s your first time getting introduced to the rookie class I think we’re like eight wide receivers deep you’re not going to remember all 15 of them so I will kind of wrap up here with allowing

You guys to Stage if you have any prospects that you are unreasonably high on that you think people should know about that should be in this like top five seven or eight range that we didn’t discuss yet I’ll give the floor to mace for this I don’t know if this should be

Like an exciting Dynasty guy but in terms of the 20th round of Underdog baseball drafts right now rip it if you are at the very bottom someone that’s not getting drafted that I think could go day two of the NFL draft could find himself in a spot is Johnny Wilson oh

Lad’s going lad has we should actually yeah you know what Johnny Wilson and then after let’s jump into lad I did say I wanted to a little bit lad Coleman are two guys that are already they’re both going day two they going excited about but if I’m having to

Dive deep Johnny Wilson is somewhat interesting in that if you look he was productive at Florida State he played alongside Keon Coleman he’s definitely a much older Prospect and if you check out mock drafts obviously BR would know significantly more than I do but I do

See a lot of people going through and trying to slide him into round three and if he were to get that kind of Capital if you’re draft them as like wide receiver 80 on Underdog I think that is someone that could get steamed up just a

Bit and go from being someone that’s not even drafted in 20 round drafts right now to eventually being someone going in round 12 13 14 yeah a guy that could maybe score like five touchdowns over the back half of the Season or something like that John Wilson what is he like 6′

Seven he he’s 66240 which is why I think the biggest jump to his ADP is when he gets drafted and then converted to a tight end and thatp everybody’s going to be like Jimmy Graham and it’s like yes but no so Johnny Wilson and Keon Coleman both

Played at Florida State Keon Coleman is like this 63 215 athletic freak Johnny Wilson is 66 240 uh they I mean they use them around the line of scrimmage but obviously a jump ball guy huge body huge frame Keon Coleman’s another dude where I think people are probably looking more

At his like analytical profile now and a little bit more scared off but throughout the season as he’s making these unbelievable catches you know highlight real Sports Center top 10 things where like Keon Coleman might be the wide receiver three wide receiver four wide receiver five in this class I

Still think depending on his draft Capital he could be that he played a lot better at Michigan State before he transferred over had a tough year that’s another one where I’m like kind of watching the film I don’t love the way that he was used it was kind of like I

Don’t know it was like almost like a boring it was like boring tape to watch because I don’t feel like they used his athleticism in a good way my my favorite Keon Coleman story I was talking to some of his teammates at The Shrine bow right okay uh reonardo green Jordan Travis his

Quarterback uh Jerry and Jones a bunch of FSU kids there and so I asked him all about Keon right um and so he came in in the summer and uh norell their head coach Mike Norvell was having a cookout at his place invited Keon over none

Nobody on the team had met Keon at this point and so he shows up in like a T-shirt and jeans and like Vans and norell has a basketball court at his place and so a basketball game gets going and so Keon again in like skinny jeans and vans starts windmill

Dunking over people like I I I don’t think he’s going to run fast but I have heard his vert is going to be insane utterly absurd you see on some of the posts over the middle that he goes up and gets he’s like one of the most pure athletes you’ll ever come

Across but his numbers are a little bit iffy again same point with like the ad Mitchell where I felt like put a little context behind it and I think those numbers go a long way in explaining like why we see a little bit of a fallof like

That do you have a comp for ke Coleman because I don’t think I really have a good one he’s such a weird player upper echelon like this is best case scenario less refined Mike Evans for Keon Coleman not Johnny Wilson oh Johnny Wilson no no I’m talking about no for Keon Coleman

Yeah okay similar kind of frame jump ball ability everything like that but Mike was faster and eventually turned into a much better separator I don’t know if Keon like it’s hard to say oh he’s going to be a Hall of Famer like Mike Evans but that’s the profile

You’re shooting for right is is that kind of 64 Ball winner like put him on the backside uh you know because a lot of teams are going to run trips most of the time so you’re going to put your big body guy on the backside it’s going to

Be one-on-one you say go win you trust him to go win that’s what they’re hoping for I’m not saying he’s going to get there but that’s what they’re shooting for got you I have I have none I do want to hear what you have to say about lad though

Cuz lad you can’t really look at his production profile he ran like 146 routes last year you know so he’s kind of like a black box in that respective but I do know like film guys love him yeah I will say I will say um I don’t I

Don’t I think he’s a really good route Runner I think he’s super crafty like knows how to use his head his body all that kind of stuff I think he gets bitching around as soon as he faces press coverage if a team uses him in the

Slot I think he’ll be one of the nastiest route Runners like in the NFL very very quickly but he was I think a lot of people just look at him and they’re like you know white guy slot receiver he ran like 75% of his routes on the outside yeah and when they you

Know when they let him develop a route it was awesome but it was always like Brock Bowers ASAP every single play he’s 185 so it’s it’s hard for guys that size to survive outside yeah and again he’s so good at Route running and he’s so quick twitch within like a 10 yard space

Like you you want him operating inside yeah anytime he got space anytime they gave him like three yards of space it was like you’re not covering him and that’s that’s what you want him for which is why I think my top end comp upper echelon comp is Emanuel Sanders o

Okay I like that a lot where it’s like there’s some years where it’s like hey man you’re going to get 95 catches for 1100 yards like eight or nine touchdowns and that’s great like there’s going to be some weeks where they feed him relentlessly as that slot receiver and

Emanuel I think was better outside than than lad was but like similar size similar speed similar quickness the production profile is way different obviously but like that’s what you’re hoping for is is getting that type of receiver I love that comp cuz I I went into the film thinking I was just going

To walk away and be like it’s Hunter rro again you know what I mean but it’s easy to do Hunter rro yeah not the same player emanuel’s such a good comp I like that a lot you want Hunter rro by the way Drake STS Drake he know

He knows all too well Drake STS here’s the thing I don’t want hun rro okay I have to ask you this because I know we’ve had like the train all video it’s like big body wide receiver big body wide receiver is that still what NFL teams want cuz I mean if you

Look at the trend as of late I don’t know if it was just cuz the recent draft classes that we’ve had but it has seemed like more and more these smaller wide receivers based off just how much leniency they are getting with defensive holding like you don’t have to win

Through contact nearly as much as you would say 10 15 years ago that like tank Dell is the smallest wide receiver we’ve ever seen in the NFL to have this kind of success you know so is that like a trend that we are seeing and maybe these bigger bodied guys aren’t necessarily

Like what teams are going after or is it more so there just hasn’t really been anybody they can I think they still want them I think they’re just more open to the smaller guys The Meta is you want a big body receiver but you want one big

Body receiver because you want to build your receiving core like a basketball team you want a variance of skill sets right cuz if you only can do one thing that means they only have to play one style of coverage against you so for instance if you don’t have any big body

Wide receivers you know if you’re if you’re running a bunch of guys that are like six foot max out there uh and and you’re one guy that you could put outside isn’t as good against press coverage guess what you’re going to see constantly you’re going to see either

Quarter quarter half so we’re playing a cloud corner there it’s going to beat him up and then force him to to win vertically against a half field safety after getting hands on them or if their Corners are good enough you’re just going to see like one rat or one cross

All day you’re going to get bump and run all day long and if you don’t have a guy that can beat that then you’re kind of screwed they don’t have to change anything that they’re doing whereas say with tank Dell you know obviously tank was was the smaller shiftier speedier

Guy and but you still Nico Collins out there who could beat that one-on-one so you couldn’t just play one thing against Houston because all of a sudden if say you are just playing Cloud Tano all day that means that you’re leaving a whole bunch of wide open space Elsewhere for

Tank Delta operate so you you want your receiving core to be a collection of different skill sets which is why Keon’s always going to have a home in the NFL and lad’s always going to have a home in the NFL and to be honest they should play on the same team together because

They do different stuff yeah I also think it’s probably a testament to going back to like the theme of this draft class where it’s like most of the previous draft class the big body guys like weren’t quick twitch they weren’t good separators where I think we’re

Seeing like a kind of an abnormality of a class here where we have a combination of both and it’s going to be like really fun to see this class kind of play itself out so we will leave you at that I got to jump in the pool cuz I am I’m

Like it’s roasty in I’m dying in here right now my face probably looks like a tomato but make sure you are following Brett make sure you are following Mason I will link all their channels and their socials down below thank you guys for joining me in the jacuzzi can we get a

Flex can you no this is your show Brett take us away I this channel will get shut down the moment I do that love you can’t post war crimes on YouTube

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0:00 – It’s rude to skip introductions
1:00 – Marvin Harrison Jr – Ohio State
4:28 – Malik Nabers – LSU
6:27 – Rome Odunze – Washington
8:50 – Adonai Mitchell – Texas
12:32 – Brian Thomas Jr – LSU
16:10 – Ja’Lynn Polk – Washington
18:12 – Xavier Worthy – Texas
21:54 – Johnny Wilson – Florida State
23:11 – Keon Coleman – Florida State
25:32 – Ladd McConkey – Georgia

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this video is about (dynasty fantasy football,fantasy football,dynasty,bdge,nick ercolano,nick ercolano dynasty,nick ercolano fantasy,fantasy football dynasty,dynasty rankings,dynasty mock draft,rookie mock draft dynasty,brett kollman,mason dodd,mason fantasy flock,fantasy flock dynasty,wr rookie rankings,rookie WR rankings,2024 dynasty rookie rankings,2024 dynasty rookie mock draft,2024 rookie mock draft,2024 rookie wr rankings,2024 dynasty wr rankings,bdge flock)


  1. Never thought I’d be spending my time watching three dudes in a hot tub talkin about ball 🔥

  2. My comp for Keon Coleman is Courtland Sutton. Not a good separator, but great red zone target. His points will heavily be based on TD's.

  3. damn collab was sick but i need to know if Troy Franklin is legit ! expect the deep dive now BDGE!

  4. Keon was sick in the three basketball games he played at MSU. First player in a while to score against scUM in both football and basketball

  5. Brian Thomas is this years DK Metkalf. He was ovef shadowd by AJ Brown (Nabers) due their system revolving around them but have pretty darn great speed and can unlock an offense

  6. In regards to MHJ going to the Patriots why not bring in Jacoby Brissett? He's got ties to both new OC Alex Van Pelt and the Patriots themselves. He could keep the fort held down for a year or two.

  7. Keon Coleman was on the basketball team at MSU too… that’s not some slouch basketball school that is the record holder for the longest active tourney streak at almost 30 years in a row. Keon’s vert is different

  8. This should’ve been just a podcast. Nobody wants to see three dude hanging out in the hot tub. But love the content.

  9. AJ popped off the screen in college. Marv doesn’t have the speed or athleticism of AJ. He’s a slower over hyped tee Higgins

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