@Washington Capitals

[VA Sen Lucas] For decades cities and states have competed for stadium deals that were terrible for taxpayers. So I have a challenge for Mayor Bowser let’s compete by both offering $0 in taxpayer dollars to these teams and let them decide where they want to pay to build their own arena.

[VA Sen Lucas] For decades cities and states have competed for stadium deals that were terrible for taxpayers. So I have a challenge for Mayor Bowser let’s compete by both offering $0 in taxpayer dollars to these teams and let them decide where they want to pay to build their own arena.

by SiccSemperTyrannis


  1. SiccSemperTyrannis

    Virginia State Senator L. Louise Lucas has emerged as one of the most vocal and powerful opponents of the plan to move the Caps and NBA Wizards from downtown DC to the suburbs in Virginia. She’s the chair of the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee and therefore has a lot of power to influence what does and doesn’t get through the Senate on financial issues.

    She just got the state budget passed through her committee without the arena funding, setting up a battle with the House’s budget which included that money.

  2. NavigatorGator

    Literally what the Coyotes are trying to do and people are still mad lmao

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