@Arizona Coyotes

At what point do we start blaming coaching?

Every game we hang our goaltender out to dry while we have multiple people on the ice simply watching a game. My sons 12u coach could see and fix this

by ajonesaz


  1. Npierce06

    I’m with you on this. Although I have never played in the NHL it was always an absolute NO NO in my playing days to leave a man in front of the goalie untouched. Whether it’s pushing them out, stick checking etc. you do not get to stand in front of the goalie without being agitated.

  2. NoNameBrandContent

    Since it’s still technicially the rebuild I don’t entirely blame Bear. GMBA is looking to offload some of the lesser desirable players for picks or other players so he needs to play them as much as possible so teams can get a good look or these players can turn it around enough for someone to make a bad decision on them.

    There is still one, maybe two more seasons before we can bring out the pitchforks and torches.

  3. FatherFenix

    It’s tough.

    The ups are largely a factor of coaching getting the most out of a mostly-bad roster. The downs are…also largely a factor of coaching not driving the players to do more than stand around and puck-watch.

    I’d still caution patience before we start raising pitchforks and torches. If Bear wasn’t at least decent at his job, this season would’ve been this recent losing streak the whole way through.

  4. terminalhockey11

    You do understand the team isn’t that talented and most players are playing above where they should be in the lineup in the dog days of February for a team that is out of it and is run worse and worse with each subsequent ownership group. Talk about being professional etc but most of us in that job situation would find a new company.

    That’s great that a 12U coach is better than one who was coach of the year in major jr twice and also won silver and gold as part of the staff at world jr’s. Better lock that dude up!

  5. AdSmooth7992

    Take a look at rosters that compete for the cup annually. How many yotes players could crack those rosters?

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