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Li Dayin Has A Big Problem

Li Dayin has a problem. Despite being a world champion and world record holder in weightlifting (-81kg) he is struggling to make it to the Olympics. To qualify, Li Dayin needs to gain around 8kg in bodyweight to fill out the 89kg category. Li Dayin already has a lot of muscle mass and can’t gain any more. He has very low body fat percentage and so if he gains weight it will probably all be fat. So what should he do?

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  1. For a simple reason, just as the Russians in the Olympics abused the use of steroids for decades, it is unfortunate that it is thought that this physique is natural, it is not, it is another experiment by the CCP regime to show that China is superior in everything, another example of archaic propaganda rubbish that only serves them to continue doing the same thing.

  2. i would pay whatever to know a 1 year full cycle of what he eats and whatever he takes.
    i know he is taking a blody hell amount of steroidstesto , i wont, but i must realize mentally what is his cycle routine in training day by day week by week month by month and what the fak he eats in terms of cal and macros

  3. more mass does move more mass its pretty simple that whoever goes on a cut ends up with less pushing strength than they had before the cut

  4. China leads the world in untraceable PEDā€™s. China doesnā€™t have crazy genetics, they have clever chemistsā€¦

    Itā€™s nothing against the bloke, the ccp is hungry for any soft power win they can get, and if he didnā€™t heā€™d probably be a nobody and have no money.

  5. your body frame pretty much caps your total amount of muscle weight, so unless he can grow taller, it really is a problem šŸ˜‚

  6. body fat does help to add strength as adding fat can also help to increase muscle size. The literal strongest people in the world are all pretty damn thiccc so Li Dayin would probably gain a noticeable amount of strength, even if it was mostly fat

  7. he's not 9% bodyfat lol Li Dayin is walking around with 6% bodyfat, ask any bodybuilder lol we know how 6% looks like, when the face get kind of TOOO LEAAN, HEALTHY LOOKING LEAN, the water distribution changes and the face COME OUT from behind the skin, making it look nicer so he has the facial atributes enhanced, and guess what my friends,, what makes possible to Li Dayin to walk around 6% bodyfat lean as a cheeta… ALL TOGETHER NOW! IT IS A DRUG CALLED TRENBOLONA! this chinese man is ON TRENBOLONA BIG TIME! ESTERLESS PROBABLY thats how weightlifters take it but nonetheless, the ones who do it get the same perks of bodybuilders and that! is! walking around with lean muscle mass squary, angled physique, wich girls LOVE lol thats why the colombianas were all around him like the video tells.. theres no doubt about it, you dont get to look like this on orals only, this is the look you get from constant usage of serious androgen like TRENBOLONA.. now dont ask me about doping tests, as he's chinese they are probably using molecules with slightly changes so the luminoscent test CANNOT detect it..because the wave lenght the drug he is using is different than the wave lenght the test search for,. as simple as that…of course all of this does not change the fact he's good athlete…but this fella is HORMONIZED TO THE T… AND HE HAS TRENBOLONA SWIMMING IN BLOOD

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