@Buffalo Sabres

Okposo + Sabres players disgracing the fans

Okposo + Sabres players disgracing the fans

Another frustrating game and a pretty egregious thing that the Sabers players are doing towards the fans coming up here on the locked on Sabers podcast you’re locked on Sabers your daily podcast on the Buffalo Sabers part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day and thanks for making locked on Sabers

Or locked on drought your first listen every day part of the lockon podcast Network your team every day today’s episode is brought to you by sleeper download the sleeper app use the promo code locked on NHL to get up to a $100 match on your first deposit terms and

Conditions apply see sleepers terms of use for Details four to three the Anaheim Ducks who were 19 33 and two coming into the year coming into this game beat the Sabers by a four to3 score despite only registering 15 shots on goal we’ll talk about the game I’m pretty fired up over

A pretty damn disrespectful thing that the Sabers players are doing towards their fans and it starts with the captain of the team so that’s coming up on today’s show as well also uh insanely good performance from Devon Levi down in Rochester so we’ll update you on how

That’s going as well for Levi down in Roch we are uh G to get to all of your uh best texts from the locked on Savers text line which you could join at join sub loock ons saers um well you get all your updates you get all your

Texts throughout the game love to hear you guys interact uh and get you uh some some thoughts and takes on the show so the sabes in this game I mean they outplayed the Ducks really from the get-go especially the first period they blew the doors off of the Ducks the

Shots at the end of the day go 37 for Buffalo 15 for Anaheim but in that first period the Sabers had 14 scoring chances excuse me 17 scoring chances to the ducks three 17-3 was what you were looking at after one period of hockey and it was a one-1

Hockey game Greenway scored only nine minutes in his ninth of the season on a really nice rist shot over the shoulder of John Gibson to make it one to nothing Adam Henrik within a minute or just about a minute later made it one to one and the game the Sabers never really had

That long of a Le lead even when Tage Thompson scored his 2 to1 goal in the second period it only took about three minutes before the Ducks responded with Frank vrono who scored two goals in a three minute period for his 25th and 26th of the Season he’s been very strong

For Anaheim all year and from there I mean the Sabers responded with Zack Benson you had five goals in the second period no goal scored in the third period the Sabers looked like were sleepwalking at the beginning of the third they kind of got going a little

Bit later in the third but it was a game where Don Granado I think kind of put it perfectly in the press conference after the fact which was they had chances and they just didn’t put the Ducks away that’s a bad hockey team that you were dominating and you didn’t put it away

There were chances Tage Thompson on a breakaway Casey midd stat on a breakaway Dylan cousins had really strong chances they had that one shift early on only a couple of minutes into the hockey game and I have been looking for signs that pton Krebs is worthy of playing on a higher more

Offensive line that he has not had the chance to do and here he do gets going with two games with Zack Benson and JJ petka and only a couple of minutes into the game that line had one of the best shifts that a that a line has had

All year long Krebs had a chance Benson had a one-time from the slot where he just missed the net PKA had a rot from the right wall there was a shot from the point I think that just didn’t get through they were buzzing and that line

I thought had a pretty strong night all the way through if you look at their shot attempts uh as a line they were the best for the Sabers they had 19 shot attempts at five on five Krebs petka and Benson they actually also played the most minutes so don Granado must have

Been impressed that line as a whole played 13 minutes at five on five together the cousins line was second at 11 minutes that line played well as also but by the way here’s another game and Tage Thompson was fine he had his chances he scored a goal on the power

Play it’s another game where I think it five on five and I’m I’m saying this to myself a lot lately that the Tage Thompson Lin’s their third best line here here was the game where I thought this was true I thought Krebs line was better than the Thompson line I thought

The cousins middle stat and Greenway line was awesome as well I think the gurgenson line was horrible uh and the numbers kind of you know show that uh at the end of the day but uh I I thought that that was a lot of good stuff that

We saw from that Krebs line I think they absolutely need to keep it going in fact I mentioned the scoring chances in the first period that line alone so I’ll go scoring chances four versus scoring chances against for each line the gurgenson line had three chances and

They gave up two the Thompson line had five scoring chances and gave up four this is all five on five by the way obviously the cousins line had five chances and gave up three the Krebs line with petka and Benson had 11 scoring chances and only gave up two about a few

Of those that I just kind of ran through were on that first shift that they had but I love that line I would absolutely keep it together but the frustrating thing again is here are the Sabers generating shots generating chances 37 shots on the night and they find a way

To lose in past games it’s been their best players simply just not scoring and you had a little bit of that tonight what you had tonight is two things working in concert you had the you had the guys that are paid to score not scoring not burying the amount of

Chances that they should have buried and you had a rare off Night by ukap peka Lucan four goals allow on 15 shots is pretty tough that’s a pretty tough night uh for lukanin at the end of it I mean that is I mean what the expected goals

In this game for uh for Anaheim were 1.5 so he gave up two and a half goals above really what he should have they can’t lose a hockey game listen to this how do you lose a hockey game where shot attempts all all situations I’ll include power play for this this whole hockey

Game the Ducks had 29 shot attempts the Sabers had 71 now I think there’s someone rightfully here to tell me about the quality of chances right like get more quality but hey I’m looking at some of the heat maps and the Sabers we getting around the net a little bit in this game

So I don’t know if the tonight’s the night for that I think John Gibson had a really strong game I think the Sabers top players came close and weren’t able able to finish and I thought Don Granado was looking for answers he got pushed a little bit by certain media members uh

After the game and my impression of what Granado said was that he needs more from his best players but he doesn’t want to just come right out and say that because he’s a good coach and he doesn’t want to throw his guys under the bus but without

Saying it I think that’s got to be what you you’re thinking in that spot of hey we played well we’re better than that hockey team it’s clear as day the sabes are a better hockey team than the ducks but if your top players aren’t going to produce and be consistent then you have

A talent problem that needs to be questioned do the Sabers have a talent problem because the top teams in the league very rarely lose games like that sometimes the Sabres often lose games like that recently where they look like the better hockey team but they’re not capitalizing on their opportunities and

Therefore they’re not winning hockey games so not a great night overall Greenway got his ninth Thompson got his 16th starting to pile up the stats a little bit for Tage Zack Benson scored his sixth of the Season only his second home goal of the Year another strong

Shift by that line a r shot from Yoki Haru from the point who would have thought it would have took the 18-year-old right how often have we heard in recent weeks while the Sabres are getting shots from the outside and from the point but if you’re gonna play

Like that you got to have somebody in front of the net and you you generally think about guys like Greenway or aoso for that big body physical players there’s 18-year-old Zack Benson camped in front of the net with a perfect tip to get past John Gibson that tied the game at that point

For a 3-3 hockey game uh but it wasn’t enough the Sabers fall four to3 to the Ducks I was in attendance did not get to try the hot dog of the day um it was the wildwing dog but it was kind of like a beef on wack dog so I don’t really know

What the the correlation is there this was a Monday 12:30 game on President’s Day when all schools had off it was a deao kids day it was every time they bang the dun dun dun dun dun the let’s go Buffalo was one of the most high pitched let’s go Buffalo you’ll ever get

Cuz it was straight kids that were uh that were taken apart and that that will kind of get me to my next thought here coming up in the second segment this mind melding story to me about the Sabers and no longer saluting the fans after games especially on the heels of a

Game where they lost in front of a lot of kids the next generation of saber fan I got to get to that when we come back here in the lock down on Sabers podcast we are presented by Camino Consulting how would you like to get to know

Someone better in an hour then you would in a year understanding one another better prevents small misunderstandings from becoming big ongoing fights after providing more than 20 years of service to small and midsize businesses helping management groups navigate conflict and onboarding new employees Camino is offering a digital seminar for families

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Discount code locked on for 25% off for the rest of the month at www. Camino when reaching out for a business seminar and receive the first five profiles free back here on the lock on Sabers podcast not a great game to be talking about after the fact but you know we

Have a lot of those uh locked on sports today check them out first ever National Sports 24/7 streaming channel it’s on YouTube it’s also available on Amazon Fire TV you can find it in the free Fire TV channels app little reaction the NBA Allstar game and a bunch of other stuff

That happened over the weekend you had a 17 goal game in the NHL uh on here between the Wild and the Canucks maybe they’ll even touch on that a little bit so 43 Ducks over the Sabers what can you say just That’s How The Season’s gone right who’s surprised

That they lose at home to the Anaheim Ducks as bad as that ducks team even is much worse than the Sabers if you ask me Greenway gets a goal Benson gets a goal assists you had on the night two by cousins he’s he’s starting to put the

Points up a little bit uh petka gets an assist on the night Dalene Yoki Haru Dalene at one point threw his stick up into the air in frustration because of that penalty that middle stat took at the end of the game denene is you’ll always notice when he’s mad he is going

To show you um and some fans like that in fact most probably do like somebody out there showing emotion and Dalene often is the one that will do that speaking of emotion I got a little emotional in a negative way when reading Mike Harrington’s story this weekend over at

The Buffalo news about the Sabers players and the salute that they do at the end of games after wins which I can remember when they started doing that which was in the 2011 season that they would go to Center ice and I think the Rangers were the first team to do this

Consistently maybe right before that but they would go to Center ice raise your sticks in the air a little salute to the fans for the night that was um and they’ve been doing that ever since through a lot of bad times still been doing it ever since and I’ve never

Remembered them stopping that uh after after games even when they were in dead last I don’t think they stopped that someone correct me if I’m wrong on that but I don’t so here is a group of fans that kind of let Mike hno Mike Harington and Paul Hamilton and others that go to

The games consistently and say Hey you know after these games I’ve kind of noticed they’re not doing this anymore have you noticed the same thing and even Mike said because I know this from you know the once or twice I’ve been up in the Press Box the the way it works is

You watch the game in the Press Box but generally When there’s less than a minute to go or right when the buzzer sounds as a media member you’re you’re all the way up high you know you’re like you’re up there in that you you can see

The Press Box in the arena it’s way up there and you got to get down to the locker room and those player interviews start like within minutes so you’re hustling to get to that elevator that will take you right down to the ground floor and then you do quick quick walk

Over to the locker room so minute you hear the but the W the the Whistle the final whistle you got to go so Mike even wrote that after the last couple of games especially the LA game I think he said he stayed you know let let me see

What’s let’s see if anything’s happened here and he noticed what other fans had pointed out it’s not really happening anymore now the Kings game as he mentioned they won seven to nothing and you had a couple of players that came out like six or seven maybe that came

Out to center ice kind of like a you know not a complete team out there thanks fans for a great night 7 nothing a lot of energy in the crowd you know it was uh I don’t remember how many 16,000 people you know it wasn’t half

Full a little of that not much and before that nothing zilch so Harrington writes about this and the one quote the one thing he writes that I want to take out of this more than anything there’s a lot of good details in it I don’t want to give the

Whole thing away given animat knew I knew I was going to mess this word up the second I at Britain given anamin so he could speak freely a veteran saber said simply that the team made a decision to stick together in support of its coach basically an admission that they’ve stopped doing it

And they know they’ve stopped doing it that and there’s more details in this but you can kind of pick up the tea leaves go back to the Columbus game in December where the Sabers lost nine to four I was in the arena that night a

Tuesday night game and it was bad it was it was half empty because Tuesday night games generally are not that full in the first place this was December 19th um although the attendance I saw is announced at 14,000 when I looked it up they got their doors blown off 9 to4 it

Was 71 at one point I think around that point second period they’re down like 7-1 and there’s the fire Donnie chance that are scattered throughout the arena but you got a little of it I’ll say this I’ve heard a lot worse I’ve not heard them at any game since but I’ve heard a

Lot worse I had forgotten about it because I only remembered hearing it one time or seeing it referenced one time and it was that game and I thought oh fire Donnie chance wow but it wasn’t that loud and it didn’t last that long 20 seconds maybe it was probably even

Shorter than that and then you had Rasmus Dalene reference that that Thursday after they lost to Columbus where they beat Toronto scoring nine goals and he made the point that they took it personally and they were playing for Donnie in that Toronto game which is

Fine you know you if you do hear that all right play hard for him then I thought it was it there was nothing more to it how could there be I forgot that it even happened because it’s you know it’s not like Don Granado

I there are calls for his job I mean I see the texts all the time um I hear the listeners all the time ask about it talk about it it’s not as ugly as it’s been there I’ve seen a lot worse man when Howley was in year 2 everyone in the

World was after him and then you had Krueger of course EV 18 game losing streak whatever everyone was after him it was ugly it was it was pretty mean spirited towards those coaches get out of here basically and with Granado I think it’s a little bit more fair it’s a

Little bit more timid and Granado remember has coached more games in those guys he is the longest 10e coach during the Sabres drought and the sixth long longest Co tenur coach in the National Hockey League any question about his job is fair if you want to be mad that they’re

Chanting fire the coach one time all right but to still be carrying that around into February when the team isn’t producing that’s where I have a real problem with this if it indeed is a conscious decision which this report is implying it is a ious decision by the

Players to not salute the fans at the end of it essentially saying you guys you guys aren’t being patient enough Elliot Freedman put it perfectly last week when he said on 32 thoughts it’s not reasonable to ask these people to be any more patient no fan base in National Hockey

League history has ever been asked to do what Sabers fans have done the last 13 years no no one has ever been asked to go through a 13-year playoff drop because it’s never happened in the NHL before and with that are increasing ticket prices are an arena that is

Crumbling dirty seats you know I mean they’re finally going to put some renovation into that so that’s that’s going to maybe be back on the way up a team that for half the drought I think the last couple of years this has been a lot better but for half the drought all

Of the the fan relations stuff the 50th Anniversary season and a lot of the promotional stuff just a total and epic disaster for half of the drought as well and teams that have repeatedly let the Sabers fans down it’s not fair to ask them to be

Patient and I think in my opinion with this coach and GM given the circumstance they’ve been pretty patient I think they’ve been pretty patient it’s 250 games it’s not 82 it’s not 50 it’s 250 games with this group and the guy that I point

To the most for this is Kyle aoso how in the world does the captain of this hockey team that has been a part of this it’s not like he just showed up you know if it was year one it’s he man we’re getting a tough ride from the fans we

Just got here this drought’s not on us eight years kylo poo has been here for eight years and I’ll point to something that is not I don’t think being shown by okposo or by the Sabers organization on this front as much Shawn mcder the Bill’s head coach showed up and on day

One when his introductory press conference happened as Bill’s head coach in 2017 they were in a 17-year playoff drought and he said that we own the drought he said that the minute that I take over as head coach of the Buffalo of the Buffalo Bills that’s on

Me it’s you’re the coach of the bill s you own the drought and he he represented the right attitude he he basically said I have to how could I how could I do any different and that attitude is not represented by the Buffalo Sabers and especially I want to

Say right now they’re Captain because that’s the guy I would look to to nip this in the bud I don’t even know maybe he’s the one who orchestrated it one veteran Source uh according to Mike Harrington is the one that says the team made it decision I mean a how can I not

Look at aoso right but you’re the captain of the team you are the leader of that locker room and even zus gearson is next to him because he is also seen as a leader of that locker room he’s been here for 10 of the 13 years those

Two should know what fans have had to deal with they’ve been there they’ve been in that building for a decade to see it up close and personal they should know I don’t know I wonder I start wondering about aoso a little bit and how he’s you know he’s been I’ve never

Been you know someone that’s want to be critical of him for this he’s been a defender of Jack eel and Sam Reinhardt and I think maybe rightfully so he went to the finals last year to support them and I remember him talking a defense of ecel when his surgery thing was

Happening uh when the Sabers were trying to trade him so does aoso carry uh does does he rub him the wrong way the Sabers treated eel when they came back and then that in addition to the fire Donnie chance and the booze at the end of every first period when

They’re losing like is all that add up to we’re not saluting you anymore whatever it is it’s shameful to me by the group of players on the ice it’s a it’s a it’s downright disrespectful and it is a complete and utter embarrassment and it’s a complete complete lack of

Awareness to me of what your fan base has had to endure and it’s especially embarrassing and disrespectful to me if it is LED or has been signed off on by the two veteran leaders in that locker room that have been a part of most of the Sabers playoff drought those two I

I’ll say this I mean this might happen anyway the deadline’s coming up and if not offseason where there’ll be free agents in my opinion if you’ve kept around a Kyle aoso and as zus gearson to be the leader of men in that locker room to to help shape that young group to be

The veteran voices if the end result of keeping those two around to be in that role is they decide we’re going to stop saluting fans at the end of the game because they’re being too mean to the coach then they can’t be on this hockey team anymore they shouldn’t be on this

Hockey team anymore that guy shouldn’t be the captain of this hockey team plain and simple if it’s going to be fans versus the rest just I I don’t even I don’t need to do any more than I just said you can’t be you shouldn’t be the captain and the two leaders of this

Team if you have allowed signed off on or orchestrated that move Kevin Adams has worked very hard in the last couple of years and he’s even talked about it job one was repairing the relationship with the fans he’s been saying that for years and I can’t I can’t believe I got to

Imagine what does Kevin Adams think of this where he’s working tirelessly you know mostly through the roster but other areas as well he’s trying to win the fans back they were starting to do that last year Adams is trying to win the fans back and then he sees this and he

Sees my captain is basically giving the fans a middle finger am I wrong for viewing it that way you tell me the listeners if I’m wrong if I’m going too far with it but that’s how I view it I view it as the captain and the assistant captain of

This team the veteran voices because they should have the respect of everybody or the the the respect to stop it and stand up in that locker room and say we’re not disrespecting these fans especially the ones that are left in the building there aren’t that many left they should be

Untouchable the ones that are left there that are paying the money and taking the hiring the babysitter to go out to watch them lose four to two to the Canadians those are the ones that you’re yeah we don’t we don’t want to give you any respect at the end of the game when

You’ve stuck around and you’ve you’re into game 900 of this drought yeah we don’t care I just it’s I can’t believe it I can’t believe it and again if it’s true I think you need new leadership on this hockey team you need to make Dalene Captain you need to do something you

Need to do something all right time out here well we’ll get to uh more positive uh storyline when we come back down on the farm in Rochester Devin Levi is balling we’ll tell you what’s been happening coming back here on the locked on Sabers podcast we are presented by

Sleeper past the halfway point of the Season you just heard it it’s not uh it’s not going great uh want to remind you though that while the team might not be winning you can win big by playing daily fantasy hockey on sleeper the official daily fantasy app of the locked

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Availability final segment here on the locked on Sabers podcast thanks for making us your first listen every day okay so Devin Levi who has not been starting in Buffalo they called up Dustin tarski just to beat the backup Eric comry was sick it looked maybe lukanin and him kind of pass back in

Illness back and forth whatever uh so no comry to back up lukanin got the start again in goal Levi has been allowed to cook a little bit down in Rochester and Levi has been really strong really strong for the Amar since going down there his numbers

In 12 starts for excuse me uh 10 starts for the Amar leading into Monday’s game against the Toronto Marley’s 10 games a 2.38 save percentage a 930 save percentage 238 goals against excuse me 930 save percentage and a 622 record 62 and two Levi has been tremendous then Monday shows up and

They’re playing the Marley who are always great right in the AHL Devin Levi stands on his head the AMS win two to one in overtime led by number one star Devon Levi who had 52 saves on 53 shots 52 saves on 53 shots the guys on fire in Rochester and

If you look at safe percentage right now he is 0.001 away from the number one goalie in the AHL this year in save percentage he’s played fewer games than most guys um usually about half or a third but by the Numbers he’s like the best goalie

That the AHL has seen all year and I have pointed out that just keep this in mind you might think his season didn’t go that well for the Sabers he’s down Rochester mostly because Lucan took over because Lucan got rolling and you can’t take Lucan out the way he’s been playing

Otherwise Levi be here and he’d probably still be getting the number one work or the onea work now how good would it be going let me just say this if Levi lucan’s been great lucan’s been better than Levi would have been doing probably almost almost I think

Undoubtedly last year I like using go stand expected he’ll use it again here last season goal tending let the Sabers down it was the number one reason that they missed the playoffs uh that in the blue line just the careless mistakes but the goal tending really really let the

Sabers down so last year where did the Sabers goenda above expected okay let’s look out of 79 goenda at leased 10 games last year ukap peka Lucan ranked 52nd uh behind him was Eric comry 69th and Craig Anderson little bit higher 38th but he only played 26 games

Now let’s go to this season how good has Levi been in comparison to those two where Lucan and comer were two of the worst goalies in the league and Anderson was a little bit more average but he wasn’t able to play that often this year out of 69 goal tenders Levi ranked 37th

He’s basically played at Craig and Anderson level this year but he’s 22 years old and if Lucan in hadn’t been performing Levi could have played a lot more than Anderson would have been able to play last year and I said this most probably said it last year that if

Anderson was younger but able to give them the production he did he would have been their number one goalie and they would have made the playoffs we all knew that right all they needed was Anderson to be able to play more and they would have been able to do it they would have

Been able to make it but he’s too old Levi has been a middle-of the road goenda average goal tending it hasn’t been that bad I look through his game log there’s not that many bad starts there’s a couple there’s not that many great ones either which is I think the

Big difference between him and Lucan and lukanin uh this was one of his first bad games of the year against Anaheim he’s had some amazing games um Levi hasn’t had a ton of those you had a couple you had a game against Montreal uh in early January but if you look through his

Games like he’s got one game uh two games oh I should say two games all year where he’s allowed more than four goals you know he’s got a bunch of games where he allowed two even early in the year they beat Tampa at home where he only allowed two goals they beat Minnesota

Were you allowed two goals two goals against Arizona two goals against Vegas these are wins one goal against Boston he’s had a up and down year but the quality start percentage is a 42% that’s not bad that’s not bad so I think Levi I

Want to go from not only is he having a normal developmental season for a 22y old I want to say he’s having a good one he’s having a good Development season for a 22y old average NHL goal tending Elite AHL goal tending that’s good two years ago before

All the college hype you would have taken that everybody would have taken that so more power to Levi what are they going to do though coming up is a big question I’ll say this any idea that he should have been Rochester all along so you got to let him stay down there I

Disagree with that I think you can have just as much development at the NHL level playing at an average level than getting Elite production at the AHL level and they have a back they have a couple back-to-backs coming up they’ve got a back-to-back March 2 and third against Vegas and Winnipeg and then

Another one the sixth and the seventh against Toronto and Nashville I say you let Levi get a few more starts in Rochester and then when you have those two sets of back to back you throw him back into the rotation you give him two games there and if he plays well you get

Him back in the NHL rotation if he doesn’t you let him finish the year down in the AHL but especially with lcan in having a bad game here against Anaheim and Levi playing so well at the AHL I do think he should get another opportunity to reestablish himself as part of the

Rotation in the NHL and I think those two sets of backto backs in the first first week of March are the time to do it all right it’s going to do it for us today here on the locked on Sabers podcast some fire and some Fury we’ll

See maybe I’ll be a little bit calmer on tomorrow’s show but I don’t know this aoso uh not even a post story this saber salute story I think is uh I think it’s a big deal personally that’s going to do it for us today here on the locked on

Sabers podcast hopefully hopefully we’ll get better things uh for the Savers coming up they play Montreal on Wednesday thanks for listening today to the locked on Sabers podcast you’re try to get the rest of your sports F in locked on sports today so first everal sports 247 Channel on YouTube it’s also

Available on Amazon Fire TV and the free Fire TV channels app we’ll talk to you tomorrow you’re on the locked on Savers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day

Sabres players have apparently stopped saluting fans after wins as an act of defending their head coach, Don Granato. Sneaky Joe is hot and bothered by the idea that Sabres players would disrespect fans that have endured a 13-year playoff drought in this way, especially the leader of those players, Kyle Okposo. Especially given that Okposo has been around for eight of the 13 years.

Plus, how did the Sabres lose to the Ducks, despite tripling their number of shot attempts?

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  1. Trade Krebs And Thompson Both have being traded to the Sabres because of Poor talent poor ceiling we got fleeced Entire NHL GM give the Sabres scrubs scoring finesse is a skill we don't posess

  2. They expect us to celebrate mediocrity, when we haven’t seen the playoffs in 13 years. They act like we care about mediocrity, no fucking play better. Learn to keep us in the building


  4. This organization lost games on purpose in 2015 for McDavid. That’s 9 years ago. We don’t want to hear about youth, injuries, bad puck luck, or whether or not the players feelings are hurt. Just win. And if the Adams/Granato duo can’t get it done, show them the door like any competent organization would do. Enough already.

  5. I don’t like when granato says “we didn’t put the ducks away” we screwed ourselves defensively, we gave away these ridiculous high danger chances off of stupid turnovers

  6. Tuch just plain sucked in this game. I hope they trade him. These idiots aren't doing much to save their coach. Knuckleheads.

  7. I haven't seen them win at home like the last 8 games I went to…. Not like I was seeing salutes anyways

  8. Kyle Okposo.
    Next year's President of Hockey Operations.
    Book it.
    The kids love you, Uncle Donald.
    They cant live without you.
    Dont leave us!!

  9. Wouldn’t a better way to support Granato be showing up every game ready to compete. Once again these players take the easy way out.

  10. Every business has a boss who signs the huge checks. If Pegula wanted the players to salute the fans they'd have to do it every home game. Blame the owner for the chaos.

  11. Sell this bullcrap team … owners don't care , management doesn't care , players don't care … Buffalo doesn't deserve this crap

  12. This disorganization has been a dumpster fire since Scotty Bowman was the GM. Nice to see all the kids there learning why their parents don't want to buy them jerseys

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