@New York Islanders

In nine games, Roy already has the Isles playing a much more possession oriented game at 5v5, the PP is humming again, and we know the PK is a major work in progress. We have to be patient and look at the bigger picture going forward. Unfortunately we don’t have the luxury of time and cap space.

Rankings pulled from Natural Stat Trick.

by golfy_m8


  1. hopefulbeartoday

    I’m honestly shocked how different he’s got them playing in such a quick period. The pk sunk this team and I have no clue how he can fix that.

  2. Mansionjoe

    I’m happy with the progress. The season was lost after the mid-west trip. A few pieces have to change before next season and some contracts need to be dumped. Getting some picks in the future would be a plus.

    If we can get some more quality players and change out some of the old guard, we will be in shape for next year. These numbers will only get better.

  3. USAJourneyman

    We could sneak into the playoffs – just have to play the right guys at the right times

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