@National Hockey League

It was 4 – 1

It was 4 – 1

by Only-Highlights


  1. DistributionSilly597

    Family day big sales on the house ha ha

  2. Nier_Perfect

    I don’t know how they let Desmith suffer through eight goals without pulling him.

  3. KingKillerKvvothe

    I had tickets to the game and didn’t go. Got off work at 8am and didn’t have the energy.

  4. eiileenie

    Ah yes, this is the quality shitpost I come to reddit for

  5. Here comes the “the refs…” comments from the whiney Vancouver fans. I’ve noticed they can’t handle a loss and it’s always the refs fault, they’re have become insufferable

  6. I thought this was gonna be a rag on the isles from yesterday. Holy fuck what happened over there In Minnesota today

  7. landartheconqueror

    That’s not a hockey game that’s a football game

  8. That game was bonkers. Lol. GG, Wild. Well played.

  9. KevinBrevin

    It became 10-7 with 3 hat tricks, that has to be some kind of record

  10. Falconflyer75

    Lol way to pull a Leafs guys

    ….. I’ll see myself out

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