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The Left Wing: Ireland’s fullback question, Jack Crowley’s form and TMO controversy

The Left Wing: Ireland’s fullback question, Jack Crowley’s form and TMO controversy

[Applause] Ireland remain on course for a six nations Grand Slam after a dominant 36 nil win over Italy in the Aviva Stadium on Sunday but Andy F’s men aside the stand out of this year’s competition hasn’t quite hit the heights thus far and on today’s episode of the left wing

Podcast we are going to ask why that is we sty here with you delighted to be joined in Studio by luk forell and on the line by Ken Tracy and Luke obviously Ireland you know comprehensive winers two weeks in a row two bonus Point victories in a row so all is good on

That front but like the standard across the weekend I thought was pretty poor we got a lot of excitement in week one the Scotland Wales come back but just in the cold L of day watching those two games on Saturday media and ochre mediocre and a fair like Ireland seemed to be streets

Ahead of certainly their remaining opponents on the schedule for this competition do you do you agree yeah I do yeah I mean there were fairly turgent Affairs um lots of talk about different rules and stuff you don’t want to be talking about after after a weekend of

Six Nations rugby um although in saying that we still got lots of drama like there still there were tight finishes um and you know that that that was there um but like it’s quite clearly uh you know a rebuilding phase uh for for lots of

The teams um you know you can you can see that fairly clearly from the quality of of of the rugby um so it’s probably to be expected but but as well like to Alli to that the start of the competition you hear me say it every

Year will it’s always a bit more defense oriented anyway it’s hard to get everyone coming in to National camp and get things up and running straight away now I know it’s not that long ago with that we were at the World Cup but it does have an impact you know there’s

Lots of different philosophies you one week together before the competition starts to get on the same page to get your timing right all these kind of things and generally speaking the team that defends the best and kicks the best um I think starts the competition the

Best and um Ireland have been a bit better than that but I still think there’s more for them to go and their attack I think they could be a little bit more accurate there but I think their defense has been the standard thing I think they’ve kicked the ball

Really well as well they’re the two things that have stood out to me um and of course they’ve got most of their set piece right now the scrom is still up for debate but certainly the line out is in a very different place than it was at

The World Cup so um yeah they look ahead of the competition um but I’d be wary as well I think England away still is a big one anything other than a grand slam I’m not just we can be disappointed I’m not trying to be like clipped out as some

Real arrogant Irish like you know podcast something like that like just looking at the fixtures looking at how the team is playing anything other than Grand Sam would be a major disappointment it would be yeah no it would be a disappointment like I still think England away like they ran South

Africa very close in that semifinal I know South Africa were exhausted after yeah no I know completely fair but you still have to run them close and those conditions generally would suit South Africa you know so I wouldn’t I wouldn’t rule them out as having a big defensive

Display and a good kicking display in them which could make things very very difficult and I think their line it might be a little bit better um you know porck is renowned as a brilliant line at operator so he could easily get that that right by that stage of the

Competition so I would um say you’re right I think they’re better than all the all the all the teams that they are facing um better team playing better too uh should have momentum um you know by that kind of key fixture but that is still a very difficult fixture and

Scotland are playing reasonably okay they’re you know they’re confident but I’d expect Ireland to to beat them well as well so look it it is what we expect from this team um and it will be disappointment if they don’t deliver it but let’s not like twick them a

Difficult place to go know that that that’s true that is true like even even bad England teams like at home will be you know it won’t be an easy win but just looking at the team Sheet the way the teams are playing you’d expect Ireland to be too good for the remaining

Opponents but look there’s still three matches to go Kean what’s your perspective on what you’ve watched you know across the first two weekends we did a six nations jury on uh the Irish independent website and the last question was kind of whether it was down to a World Cup hangover or what the

Various factors were at play like what’s your perspective on what we’ve seen from the various teams and and realistically what’s been a very Arland the side a relatively poor start from the the five teams yeah I think it has I think the confidence levels including from you will almost makes me uncomfortable I

Have to say it’s just we’re not used to I think as as Irish people being in this situation I think we much much prefer to be The Underdogs but it’s the reality of the situation that Ireland find themselves in and it’s not just off the back of the last two games it’s what

They put together in the leadup to the World Cup obviously unfortunately fell short at the quarterfinal her but I think there is a World Cup hangover we spoke about it quite a bit after the the game in Marc that it looked like France had a World Cup hangover but to me it

Looks like the rest of the teams have a hangover as well and L kind of touched on it there I think you have to I think consider the the physical I think and mental preparation that goes into and Again Luke will know way more about this

Than I will but that goes into preparing for a World Cup so when you put put that in it’s I’d say it can be difficult to get back up to that high even though like if you look at at France for example like their Club teams have been

Going really really well so it’s hard to put your finger on why it’s been so disappointing it for them it’s easy to kind of point to I suppose Anton Dupont but I see the knives are out still in the French media for galtier I don’t think you know they won in in

Murrayfield last weekend but I think the pressure is still very much on him considering the the kind of rugby that he played obviously a moment of magic ended up winning it for France Italy under a new head coach I was really disappointed I know we’re going to get

Stuck into talking about the game on Sunday I thought they were very poor to be honest H Scotland to me don’t look like they’ve kicked on from the World Cup they seem like they’re still in that kind of middling scenario and Wales even though they put it up to England look I

Just don’t think they’re they’re in a major transition um at the moment with all the kind of the young players they have in England I agree with Luke I don’t think we can take for granted that arand are going to rock up twickingham and win wins in Twickenham have been few

And far between over the years okay on paper there is a distinct you would say difference between the two teams but you still got to go there and and win and by the time Aran get there England could be three from three as well albe it maybe

Not playing as good rugby so I wouldn’t underestimate the scale of that challenge either will but I think internally we heard a lot about it last year how Ireland weren’t showing away from the fact that they wanted to win the Grand Slam and I think having had a

Taste for it most of the squad were there last season they want more of it more of the same again Scotland on the last day Patty’s weekend in Dublin it shaped up uh really really nicely but overall yeah it’s been a bit disappointing whatever the opposite to

Super Saturday was what we saw at the weekend it was just so flat and I couldn’t wait to I kind of cleared the decks um to make sure I was on the couch for the day and just wasn’t really great wasn’t I know you had the controversy at

The end of the Scotland France game but just the style of rugby I think that we’re seeing as well and okay Ireland scored some nice tries at the weekend against Italy but probably wasn’t the contest we were hoping for well certainly from a neutral point of view

Yeah like I agree with a lot of you said there I actually I would be surprised if England won another game and the Six Nations I think they lose their last three I think they’ve been dire like they’re way to Scotland then home Wildland away to France I don’t see them

Winning any of those but just to go to Ireland for a second you know how do you analyze the Italy game you know I suppose you know Keen mentions you know my confidence levels and like I’m judging this team by really high standards like so I look at 36 new win

And I know your prediction before the game was what was it like 60 60 or 70 I would have been more no but they they had enough ball in that game like Italy didn’t get closer to scoring a try they had one shot a goal didn’t have anything

In terms of ascendency or or key moments irand boss the ball so I kind of look at that performance I think six tries three miscon conversions left a lot of points out there like that’s how I’m looking at I’m not looking at it thinking oh you

Know a great win or a great performance it was great moments some players play really well it was obviously an easy comprehensive dominant win box tick but in terms of what I’m judging this team on at this stage I’m judging him as like we would have judged the All Blacks you

Know under Steve Hanson on Graeme Henry that’s the standards they should be aspiring to and how I’m looking at it so what did you kind of see from them in that regard like sorry yeah know that’s the end of the question was it sorry yeah um

I I completely agree I judge them by the same standard too well I think the team deserves that uh they’ve earned that right I think to have the expectation um they don’t shy away from it from what I can see um look I think they I actually don’t think I would have

Been that far off if they had kept that that I thought I thought there was a that is kind of the marginal difference between these two teams I do think uh and I think they fell a little bit short on the attack side of things um

Yeah a little bit sloppy you know Italy can do that to you I thought at the kind of point where they were breaking Italy they did make a lot of changes h no not all of them were bad I mean Gibson Park coming on does make a you know he is

There’s definitely a difference there Keenan obviously getting injured is a bit of a worry H he makes a massive difference but I thought the two like I didn’t I thought the two props weren’t great when they came on actually and and that’s um there’s still a big gap there

Between Porter Furlong beum I think and the rest of the chasing pack there H thought kellerer was excellent when he came on that onew punch is still a real strong point for the team but that was a bit of a mixed impact I thought versus the week before where I thought the

Bench were outstanding against um against France so um yeah it is difficult when you come on on mass at that period and as I said I thought they had just kind of broken the Italians um and they were about to kind of put a lot of points on them I I would say

Something I have noticed a little bit about lster and the reason I say it is that there was two lenser players did it on the weekend I think sometimes they’re going for that try a little bit too early a little bit of wh line fever at

Times Gibson Park uh henos was a little bit more controversial I think but I could see why he went for that but at the same time one more phase they definitely score as well Gibson Park one more phase I think they definitely score there as well and lenser have had a

Quite a few of them you think of the leester match you know there wasn’t a problem for the end yeah there wasn’t so I I that was one thing that I kind of Wonder will Andy farles say to the guys right let’s have a think here where I

Want you to be going for those tries but too often um you know cuz ler do make up the majority of this team I think it’s fair to say and too often they’ve kind of been held up and it is it is a bit of

A punch in the goat when you get held up and you’re getting a drop kick back to Fran we under Fleer in the first half when the game was still in the bounds yeah so I just wonder is should should the should they be kind of having a look

At that and say you know what are we leaving a few too many points out there when when we’re in really really good positions um goes what without saying when you’re getting H over the line um but should we be waiting should we be thinking I’m on the edge here let’s

Retain it one more time I just feel I I have so much confidence in Ireland’s who whichever 15 take the pitch for Ireland for the most part I just think there’s loads of really really good players I think they really are good at finding space they’re good at beating men

They’ve strong Runners they have fast Runners theyve elusive Runners they’ve kind of they’re the full package and theyve great passes of the ball some good kickers too for Crossfield kicks I feel like they’ll break teams down and I just wonder sometimes are they going for

It a little bit too early that that was one observation I had will um and I think I know it sounded crazy that the 60o difference in my in my little it’s always hard to bloody predict those things but um I do think if they had

Kind of kept their core on for another 10 or 15 I think they might have put up a score like that and if they weren’t as wasteful I I think uh the really pleasing aspect of the weekend was that the line out still held up I thought was

Very strong but also the defense to nil them I don’t think he can underestimate that I think that’s really important just on the white line fever element of it really didn’t like Dan trying to like go over like like did we not learn our lesson from the black Jord B like just

Because it’s a back it doesn’t mean you know hooker’s now automatically going to run over he obviously did on that occasion but no I think that’s a good point because as you said I’ve noticed it we’ve all noticed it a few times we ler this season Ken you were writing

About the Irish defense Luke touched on it there not only to keep a team to nail for the first time in this tournament since the 80s late 80s against England but I don’t Italy didn’t even get a sniff like they didn’t even have a chance they had one kick goal as I

Mentioned and then after that it was just they barely got into the 22 it was just a complete Suffocation you know Joe McCarthy was hounding garbes but across the board it was a really kind of impressive defensive showing what kind of stood out to you from that

Element well I think coming into the Six Nations one of the questions I suppose around the defense was how would the would the lster players adapt because obviously they’re trying to get their heads around Jack nen Arbor’s new system which is probably still a little bit slightly different to Ireland in terms

Of how aggressive it is and how high you’re getting your Wingers but there are similarities as well I’m thinking of James low shot up um in the second half and made a really good an important interception so I think that’s been hugely encouraging because I was wondering was it nean Arbor used the

Phrase that the players would have to rewire their brains you know so that’s how different um that he saw it so I think it’s been really encouraging that the defense has been so good and look to be fair Simon Easter has been doing an excellent job with the defense over the

Last few years you’ve got a head coach who was one of the best uh defense coaches in in the world rugby before he took over so I think at the heart of everything that arand done it’s been a really solid defense and I don’t think Andy farell is ever going away going to

Go away from that even though the attack is probably the thing that’s gotten most of the headlines because that’s I suppose the sexier aspect of the game but um to keep it Le nil like is is really impressive like they scored three tries they outscored England previous

Week scored three tries in Rome they only conceded two tries to France um in Marseilles the previous week but you look back to the previous uh couple of Six Nations their defense has been very very good and I know it’s a bit of a cliche but defense wins Champion

Championships and it is true I mean if ardan keep up this kind of record for the remainder of the tournament then absolutely they’re going to win a grand slam you mentioned Joe McCarthy there will um I think it was really interesting to see how much he was the

One who was being asked to set the tone in defense normally that’s your 13 Gary ringrose does it quite a bit Henshaw I thought did it um a lot in Marse did it a lot for ler in wford Road a few weeks ago but it was blatantly obvious that um

McCarthy was the one doing it and poor poor Pao garbes I mean every time he caught the ball and looked up he had a 120 kg lock H steaming at him so I thought it was another really good game I have to say from Joe McCarthy I think

In at the stad Val drone we saw more of his powerful ball carrying but this was a bit of a a grittier side of his game and it’s it’s no harm to be able to see him doing doing both but um yeah like they were dominant at the breakdown will

Luke has already touched on the set at their kicking game I mean James Low’s left boot I don’t know if he’s been like if he’s actually drastically improved or or what but I mean it is insane I mean like when you’re in the stadium you get a proper appreciation for it but I

Really like the the Inplay stats that come up on the TV now where you can see how far he’s kicking the ball and stuff like that it’s remarkable to see um what a weapon to have and irelander using it brilliantly um what else the yeah the

Line speed what other points that i t on the fact that they were doubling up in in their tackles like a real Hallmark I think of lenser over the last few years there was one incident in the second half where Craig Casey and Jack Conan absolutely smashed Kat so Casey goes low

Conan comes in and targets the ball and stops him getting the the offload look there’ll be tougher tasks will will lie ahead in terms of you know different attacks that you’re going to face Italy as I said didn’t pose much of a challenge in that regard but I think

Luke is dead right to touch on how good um ardan’s defense has been because if they are going to win the Six Nations I think are the grand Stam I think that’s what’s going to do it for them joh McCarthy is very quickly made it kind of

Joe McCarthy plus one in the second row like he seems to be nailed on already just two very strong performances to start this campaign oh I no sorry I know he’s been really good I actually thought he was um he kind of had more moments this time than I think the French game

Where I thought he was just brilliant throughout I thought his body I thought his body height wasn’t as good against um against Italy at Rooks I didn’t think he was as effective in that area obviously we saw the highlights where he was getting after the 10 you know you

Know quite a bit and put in some really big hits but yeah look he he is outstanding I mean I still think it’s probably in faroh’s mind it’s Ty burn plus one if I’m being completely honest um he’s just been outstanding I think and he’s so effective uh was so good

Against the French I thought um McCarthy brilliant still young um gives them maybe something that they’ve been lacking a little bit um so he looks like a CT as well bit mad because I would have had James Ryan like my first nearly my first name

In the team Sheet um I just think so highly of him but he looks to me like he’s number three now you know which is uh saying a lot I think um about the quality and how good those other two are playing so we’ll see how that all pans

Out over time over the competition um McCarthy certainly has been brilliant I think he’s a breath of fresh air he you can see the enthusiasm you can see the impact he does make when when his when he’s got his foot feet right when he’s not kind of overextending himself and

When he’s really app you know good technique to all that power that he has that we really need so uh yeah he’s a great player will I’m delighted I can’t wait to see how far he goes yeah hopefully you know come twicken him himself and at toj like that’ be that’

Be a good battle like you know I know to be fair at toj is not as good as he once was but there was a time where he he really did kind of similar enough in some respects just destructive you know and annoying to play against the power as well yeah Kean one

Player that we want to talk to you about Jack Crowley I I feel like Matt Williams made like one comment and now it’s become like you can’t say anything about CR the monster LS mat will Matt Williams in particular no one can get like you know the world of rugby talking like

Matt Williams like I got so many texts I was like but oh you know this is about CED C like I’m pretty sure this is all based on like one Matt Williams comment that’s like God anyway you know Keen what what what have you made what did

You make of his performance like for me like obviously the kicking was a disappointment the M Tre out of six conversions that’s not a good day but like I think in general play he was very exciting some of the were lovely in particular in that first half I thought

He ran the backline really well I thought he played better than he did okay the standard obviously was drastically worse but I thought he managed the game better than he did against France outside of the kicking issue off the deck I thought he played really well so I don’t not that there is

A clamor for him to be outed after two matches but uh I I just I have actually been really impressed with them I think the good people of monster were maybe disappointed that the Virgin panel was all lster heads really and they didn’t have someone speaking up for them that’s

All can I can assume but yeah there seemed to be a bit of a narrative developing off the back that I didn’t see the full coverage I have to say I only saw the clip down the rounds on social media sorry it’s just to cut across one second I didn’t see any of

The coverage so that’s why I was completely perplexed about the nard of even emerging I was like I haven’t even heard anyone say this and then apparently it was Matt Williams sorry just to but but I I see it in like it’s never a good place to judge but I see it

In my mentions on Twitter um people being unconvinced by by Jack Crowley and things like that but like I could couldn’t agree more with you will um I think as starts to his look I know his Ireland career had already started before this Six Nations but this is kind

Of the you know life after Johnny seon and two games into the six Six Nations I don’t think it could have went much better okay he could have nailed his kicks at the weekend but um I made this point in the podcast with Roden chenade earlier in the week I think the biggest

Compliment you can give Jack Crowley is no one is really talking about Johnny seon yet over the first two weeks like that is serious serious going um two very different challenges um I thought how he his composure that he showed in Marseilles in what was a really hostile

Atmosphere how he bounced back from the couple of Errors didn’t let him phas him at all was really exceptional whereas the game against Italy at the weekend was obviously very different he had plenty of front football to play off and what I liked about it was you touching

It there already will is the fact that he had the confidence to to bring his own flare to it he understands the importance of slotting into the system but some of his passing was just a joy to watch I mean that nol passed he true for Hugo Keenan in the buildup to Dan

Shein’s try just speaks to a guy who’s full of confidence he’s able to reload over the far Sid thr beautiful off offload to Robbie Henshaw so he’s adding these little bits on top of the the basics I suppose that he’s doing look I think he will be really frustrated with

The the shots at goal that he missed particularly having kicked so well in Marseilles albeit he did miss one there that he probably should have got as well and there has been a couple of issues in Monster games over the season I think back of back to the game in exitor that

I was at he missed a few there but I think he showed at the vome that he is a good kicker Under Pressure so I don’t have too many concerns I have to say will there will come a time maybe it won’t be it could be in twickingham it

Could be in the summer tour where it is going to come down to a one- score game and and those penalties are going to be absolutely crucial or conversions whatever it is but I mean I’m no expert at all on plays Kicking technique but to me he’s a beautiful kicker of the ball

Really nice strike so um I wouldn’t be overly concerned I think that will come and like I said as starts to the Six Nations go it couldn’t be much better for Ireland 10 points from 10 and betting in a new 10 who I think is is fizzing with confidence and you can see

It in the rest of the players as well are playing off that yeah it’s a good point about like how little Johnny sexon has been mentioned considering a generational player stepped away and just because of the nature of the start and he’s played well that it hasn’t been

A talking point and I’d much rather that Crowley was playing well excuse me and you know off the deck was a little iffy than him kicking you know 10 out of 10 and struggling to get the backline moving or struggling with his own General play I think his General play

Has been really good like what what did you make of as we discussed him last week but even you know the continuation on Sunday oh yeah I’m really impressed with him yeah I mean I think he’s he looks like he’s going going to be a

Cracker of a player to me I think we’ve kind of seen saying that for a while about him I think um one one thing I would say is that you know the kicking off the off the deck needs to be world class you know um it will be it’ll be a

Point of focus for him now I think he looks like to touch on kean’s point I think he looks like he he gets the big he gets the big ones so like you know and he looks like a pressure kicker to me so I don’t think I don’t see it being

A problem I think he gets it sorted out uh what I would say as well to people who haven’t played internal rugby as well it’s the extra bit of running in the legs and the energy that it takes out of you um that that takes a while I

Think for for guys like trying to perform a technique like say you know throwing into the into a line out like a you know something quite quite technical kicking off the ground um kind of these pressure kind of moments um even kicking the touch all these kind of things that

That are really skillful and hard to execute Under Pressure you’re a bit more tired doing them an International Rugby as well so it’ll take him time to get used to that element too so that’s something that I haven’t heard anyone talk about but if you’ve played International rby you’ll know and that

That is a thing so um he’s dealing with lots of stuff at the moment I’m not surprised that some part of like I I feel like week to week there’s going to be something that’s going to fall out of his game and it’s not going to be as

Good um that’s just part and partial of learning how to play week in week out as an international rugby player it takes it takes a long time to to get really good at that but what I really like is that he looks like he’s the the one

Thing you don’t want to see is that the kind of mentality in the head and the confidence go that doesn’t look like it’s going any and that’s really really important because that feeds through the team um and I think as well I will go back to the point I made before the

France game he’s playing in a great team they’re playing well he doesn’t need to play great to actually really fit into this and that’s probably more important is that he fits into the team rather than really showcasing some fantastic skills which he does have and what I

Thought on the weekend is that he looked to me I know that it was easier opposition as was mentioned but um the magic moments were there but he didn’t go searching for them will that was really what I liked about I me I thought for the for the Nash particularly that

Was a beautiful bit of play the little Loop and the little pop that was almost kind of no look I think it might have been to I don’t know who gives the last pass to to to Nash there but um that was a beautiful bit of play as well so like

He had all these moments through the game but he didn’t look to me like he was like looking hard for it obviously the little one underneath to MOSI I think it was um was was a bit of magic in the first half as well so like he’s

Got all those bits to his game I think he looks like he’s settling in really well and I’m really pleased with how he started I think I’d love to see him he he does need to get more of the kicks but I feel like he’ll get that sort out

Yeah maybe get a get a Dave aldd number and send him a text maybe for I I would assume he’s probably got access he he’s crazy not to get access to him literally every single person who’s worked with that guy H even Luke Donald was number

One in the world in Gulf I think at one point wasn’t he so um yeah he needs to get on to him if he hasn’t already because everyone he’s worked with seems to have gone on to another level and and SE always said that wasn’t always just technique stuff he had brilliant drills

Remember Raj gone through some of the drills even with me um at the end of training a couple of times like really really good stuff but he was great at the mental aspect which is kind of the key thing I think four kickers at this level everyone can kick the ball most

People are good Strikers of it have a decent technique maybe some tweaks here and there but it’s the mental aspect that’s that gets you into the Dan Carter the Johnny Saxon the Lee half pennies that that’s that’s the difference with but even on Johnny seon like when he

Started his Ireland career his kicking off the deck was spotty remember the World Cup in 2011 he lost his place even start of his career I remember there was a game in twick when Johnny Saxon first started his Ireland career and Ireland won and played really well and he was he

Had a lovely grber kick through for Tommy B but I think he missed like two out of the three conversions so even though he was playing great rugby for Lancer and playing great rugby for Ireland his kicking took a little while so maybe to your point about the fatigue

That builds up International Rugby so I think when you take all those things in it’s been a very positive start brilliant all T all 10 Miss kicks that’s the reality think of Johnny seon in the World Cup quarterfinal but you mentioned Dave aldd there will who’s obviously the

The kicking Guru maybe it’s this is Johnny seon’s way into coaching he could do a bit of kicking coaching genuinely with someone like crowy crowy keeps saying how you know he’s at always at the end of the phone if he has any advice or anything so could be something

Worth thinking about going forward I don’t think he he’s I think he’s doing great in work already so I’d say’s yeah I know I think he’s doing he’s got a heavy back coaching in in a years time do you think I don’t know you know he’s doing really well in work seriously

Transition yeah he’s got a bigger job he’s got a big job like seriously yeah he’s got a really good job yeah yeah he’s like I don’t know yeah it’d be hard to go back like you know I think that’s to me that sounds like it reminds me of when

Joe Schmidt left Ireland and he said he was retiring from coaching like sure no I think he’s doing really well so yeah because like you know you know even coaching you’re still like away from your family loads it’s a lot of work a lot of brain power you know you’re not

Playing you’re physic physically but in terms of it’s still a very busy lifestyle like you know you’re still have to be on top of everything like so and they get the worst of it too cuz they’re going to have to work weekends as well do you know so it’s like it

Actually is yeah like a down day for a player the coaches are still working away coaches are working away they’re kind of chopping up training getting stuff ready for for the next day like it’s uh it’s a fullon that like the arrows you put in on the screen and and

It does matter more work for Less pay than when you were player no for most of the guys appetising PR you’re just a kick don’t know what your salary is but I he was massive alled yeah like he’s M like he flying him around either that’s

Right that’s right ad do fly around but like it’s something like mental for a session like you’re talking I’m not going to say 10 or but I remember it like 20 or something something crazy for like one session yeah I went to um years ago as part of when we used to actually

Get nice PR things um I was at I thing with Dave aldred I think he was doing it with probably Johnny at the time and a few media were invited along and we got to kind of watch a little bit of their session actually got a pair of predators

Out of it as well so are the days they were the days did you log that as a gift um another talking point I want to get get to is a fullback you know Hugo Keenan picked up a knock at the moment we don’t know whether he’ be fifth for

The Wales game but whether he is or he isn’t I think it’s an interesting conversation about who would play that game if he is real dat there’s a few different options you know obviously with Jimmy O’Brien injured and Matt Hanson they out of commission Jacob Stockdale Jordan lmer both been kind of

Talked about you know calan Nash potentially an option Kieran froley has played there for laner albe he’s been let go to play this weekend for l so he’s probably not in the Reckoning like what way do you think Island should go if Keenan Israel out well I would

Thought Zebo was the obvious one um I think he’s injured though isn’t he um but uh Zebo would have been the obvious choice playing great um he wasn’t in the squad so he no no but he that’s if you’re asking me who my choice would be

That’ be it if you’re asking me who I think Andy farell will pick um I’d say he might go with Stockdale on the wing but actually maybe low back there I I I would think low might be a good addition there I think he still has the freedom

There I think he’s pretty good under the high ball now uh and he’s got the cannon of a boo you know what I mean that’s always handy back at fullback and it doesn’t mean like that would actually be an easier position for him to get into particularly off those um off those kind

Of clearances from uh restarts do you know way he has to sit back as the left Winger in behind The Rook which means he can’t actually Chase um so you could leave your left Winger up and keep low at full back like that’s not a hard move

For for him so um I think he would be the one that fits in most easily um I do think he’s kind of more a power player versus fullback you probably have a little bit more running than you do on the wing um so I’m not sure he’s as

Suited to but like I mean look he’s a serious athlete so I I’d like to have low there I love his passing game too so yeah low for me and stock down to the wing Kem what’s your perspective on it um well we’re gonna have a piece about

This um up online in in the arish independent my understanding is that Hugo Keenan is going to be ruled out of at least that um that Wales game thankfully it doesn’t seem to be the injury as serious as maybe they first feared from initial scans but uh yeah it

Sounds like he’s going to miss the Wales game so this is a live conver ation um the Reliance on him just before I get into the options is like absolutely incredible I’ve been doing a big piece around this um Addy far has been in charge of 45 Ireland games Hugo Keenan

Has started 38 of them 34 at fullback so I think Andy farl has done a brilliant job of developing the depth chart across the board but fullback I think is the outlier um that’s down to Hugo Keenan’s remarkable levels of consistency I’d say but also his durability because we’ve never

Sorry no absolutely incredible like and he’s been arguably arland’s best player over the first two weeks as well certainly one of them so it’s an unusual scenario that farell finds himself in because he’s had ample opportunity over the years I think Jimmy o’brine probably would have been the guy to played or

Even Matt Hansen like you said would have been in the mix but yeah I I I can see the logic to moving to moving James low there I did look at it he has since moving to laner in 2017 he hasn’t started a single game at fullback for

Laner or Orland so that would make me that would make me wonder Calvin asash played there once this season definely hasn’t played one for lster no I don’t think he started unless maybe okay maybe he didn’t start okay sorry um Calvin asash started there against Bayon for

Monster but to me I think here in Fry despite the fact that he’s been released to ler I think he’s been been released to ler to start at fullback this weekend um against benett and the talk is that Ross burn could be back and maybe he’ll

Start 10 and I’d be surprised if you don’t see froley at 15 look he came on there albe it only for a minute um in Marseilles when Calvin Nash picked up that late injury they actually shifted Hugo Keenan across to the right wing which you don’t you don’t often see H

Happen as in Keenan moving out a fullback so um I I think they could start him there he’s broy has started nine lenser games this season sorry for throwing so many numbers at you Lads I’ve just been looking at all day they’re not big numbers we’re okay

Exactly as well but for all these nine starts this season six them have been at fullback for lster including the first four games of the season so I know he doesn’t have the experience at test level but in terms of Club level recently he’s the most experienced

Player in the squad I have to say I’d be unconvinced by putting Jacob Stockdale back there I’d be unconvinced by putting Jordan armor back there I think they both have defensive issues and I’m not sure farell would would trust either them if I’m being honest um farell could

Have put Jordan armor there at the weekend he was on the bench but obviously he opted to move Jack Crowley back to 15 and get Harry burn 25 minutes to 10 I can’t see him playing Crowley who has who has experienced a 15 I can’t see him starting Crowley at fullback I

Think it’s really important that he gets as many minutes and starts as possible at 10 throughout this six Nation so there are options there I don’t think there’s an obvious one but for me I think if Kieran froley plays this weekend which I expected he will I think

He could be a good option for that Wales game I thought kieren froley was completely shafted getting dropped his Squad after the French game like you know he got a minute Off the Bench and then Harry burn comes in and gets 25 minutes against Italy a nice showcase

Which I didn’t actually think Harry burn took by the way but it’s a nice showcase that probably was kind of denied I don’t know why I I presume was kind of more bench split no it was yeah I actually I asked Andy farl at the press conference

About this last week I mean pretty harsh in a guy who was deemed good enough to go to France and then would have been a last week as a chance to get game time preferably a 10 um and then bombed out at the 23 I thought it was pretty harsh

As well what did he say he basically have said it he pointed to the bench split and also the fact that he did want Harry burn to get game time seemingly Harry burn has been training the house down and look I think the one thing

You’d have to say about Harry burn is I didn’t think he played too badly I have to say when he came on okay as well yeah the one thing you’d have to say is ler and Leo Cullen and Andy farell consistently see something in Harry burn and they’re certainly far better better

Judges than I am so that played into it as well but but I still think fry was pretty hard D but I have to say yeah it’s I’m kind of find it hard to be too sorry for him because I think he’s made a big mistake with staying at lanster I

Think it’s been a big problem for him you know I think you have to specialize I’ve been saying this for years you’ve got to specialized to play um International Rugby everyone is too good everyone is perfectly built for their position like the only people who get

Away with it are kind of the freak shows like Jason Robinson Shane Williams these guys are kind of tiny or kind of huge men like um you know there’s too many to to go back on not really relevant but my point is you’ve got to specialize so you

Got to be playing 10 every week Harry burn is a 10 he’s always said he’s a 10 he’s never really shifted around and by virtue of that you know he gets you know he’s viewed as uh being more effective there he’ll get more reps and training

You get all those kind of things that you need to catch a coach’s eye um and and I think it’s been a big mistake so I think for all his International career as I said was was always going to suffer because he didn’t move um and there’s

Plenty of places where he would make a serious difference um because I think he’s a really really tough well you kept her probably bit late now but I do think that like olster he is he looks to me like he’d be perfect for up there like he’s got a

Cannon of a boot uh be able to take pressure off the pack pressure off the nines who massive kicking burden pressure up there I think he’d be strong for them defensively he’s a great defensive player too I think for a 10 particularly um yeah so look moving

Around has not been good for his career uh no like you know people I ended up on the wing because it was the one place I knew I did make a decision at a point going okay well I’ve got to play somewhere I’ve got to play somewhere

Regularly week and we where can I play so that’s that was why I like I I kind of know myself because I’ve been in the situation so I could see it happening to him I’m not surprised um and he’s going to suffer yeah he will he’ll continue to

Suffer but just by virtue of being adaptable well it be interesting to see if he does get the N Keen just on Jacob stock there like I agree with their kind of misgivings about him in terms of you know few errors against har Quinn’s recently kind of magnified that part of

His game that has R his head when he’s been in Ireland Duty as well but I do feel like you know Andy far has kind of always had him in squads when he’s been fit and if Andy f still thinks he can get back to the heights of 2018 when he

Was six nations player of the year I think this is a good opportunity to actually give him a shot like you’re playing a weak Welsh team at home as Luke said earlier when about Jack crowy like he’s surrounded by worldclass players in form like this could be a

Great opportunity to give him this chance in a team playing well and he could go out and ReDiscover some of that spark like I don’t really think he his form maybe warrant necessarily but Andy far clearly likes him a fair bit with the way he selects his squads I actually

Think it might be a good day to give him this chance it could be a great opportunity for him but do you mean at fullback on the fullback fullback oh no fullback is too big away the wings sorry I thought you meant the wings he played a fullback

Before know not not a great r unfortunately well that’s the that’s the point will this has been tried particularly in the early days yeah that’s what I’m thinking in the start of France in 2020 he had a he had a bad blunder again I went down the rabbit

Hole of looking at this earlier um he yeah they tried to play him at fullback and olster tried it a bit but his last start for olster came in May 2021 off the top of my head I think that kind of tells you everything you need to know

About what the coaches think about his fullback prospects now not obviously on the wing if he was going to play I think you’d have to do what Luke suggested I think you’d have to move low to fullback and have stockta on the wing but um it

Goes back to it’s a fair point that you make uh will it goes back to the the point that I made about Harry burn and look Andy far clearly sees something in and we’re not seeing training and all that and Andy farl has proven time and time again how much of an excellent

Selector he is so I don’t don’t think many people can quibble with the decisions that he makes but it’s hard to you know you’re watching that harlequins game that you touched on you look at that laps in concentration is probably the best way describe it for Jacob stock

Then you’re just wondering how could you put a guy like that into a six Nation setup um I’d be I’d be concerned I have to say I think he’s such a he’s such a talented athlete but you you feel like he could be probably getting more out of

Himself um so yeah I’m not sure will to be honest um look they could easily put him there but like I said low doesn’t have much experience at playing at 15 and I think when it comes down to it is farell going to be willing to change the

Whole makeup of his back three or is he just going to look to change at fullback because I think Calvin Nash and James low have both been excellent we haven’t really touched on Calvin Nash but he’s had a brilliant start to his iring career as well I think he’s been very

Good over the first uh first two games so I think that will factor into faroh’s thinking rather than making two changes make just won in the back three so um look it it could happen but I still think think a guy like froley would probably be my preferred option at

Fullback rather than Jacob sockel who has had defensive issues yeah kind I get get where keen’s going with it the one thing that the reason I didn’t go down that route is because I think probably just based on the importance of the position I just think fullback just a

Little bit more important to have the solidity there and someone who’s kind of used to playing and playing well at International Rugby um but completely get K’s Point actually and I think he’s making good ones there hard to argue with that my my belief on that is that I

Just think likes dodil he’s big he’s quick um he doesn’t have to be he doesn’t have to be a leader in this Irish team he just has to kind of go out and play his own game catch High balls which he’s been pretty good at for for

The most part when he’s not letting theming ball issue but actually his defense I think has approved a little bit too as well I think um for the most part and he was good the last time Andy Farrell saw him in an Irish Jersey as

Well so that might play a part too you know he was pretty decent in the warm-up games I thought um so look um yeah I just think he’s been waiting to give him a chance I think so too my sense of it is that two that’s my sense of it like I

Like and I think this is a good opportunity like you’re getting whales as a good time you know in a game where Ireland are going to be Mega favorit Full House deiva strong team you know it’d be very interesting over the next couple of weeks as Keen said when we see

The lenser selection on for the weekend if Ry is playing fullback and how that feeds into into next week because it’s not just you know the Wales game that’s kind of almost a tune up potentially for twickingham if Keenan is still injured so it’ll be vital of game to get the

Confidence up for whoever does play fullback cuz twick him away you know going up against maybe Freddy Stewart in the air who we saw at the weekend like was you know very effective there one of the few areas where England really did Excel so yeah that that certainly want

To watch over the next two weeks might discuss the Scotland France game now Keen obviously let’s go straight to the TMO decision at the end it was one of the jury questions as well uh like it was such a dramatic moment it actually it made up for like the 25 minutes of

Like you know pain for kicking in the second half depends which team you’re supporting yeah well as a neutral as which I thought I was just watching it all unfold at the end it was just unbelievably dramatic there’s no way by the way sorry to interrupt but there’s

No way you can claim to be neutral watching the Scotland game they’ve just you couldn’t after all of the ab I wanted to win no I I wanted them to win I’m not anti Scotland I just find it funny when they lose sometimes but I actually wanted I actually wanted them

To win like cuz if they had won it could it could have set up a potential you’re explaining you’re losing I’m doing a lot of explaining right now H so let’s just move on go back to your question to Keen sorry to interrup sorry you know was

That the right call for you cuz for for me you know we’re not it’s not a it’s not a murder trial like we’re not trying to send someone to death row like I I feel like that was conclusive evidence of of a try being scored Brian MCN TMO

Said himself that the ball had been grounded because there was an angle that did show that the ball was grounded like you know if I put my hand over the bottom of the microphone here and you can’t see it’s on the table but it’s on the table that’s what the ball looked

Like you know for all money that’s what the ball looked like on those clips the ball was down for me me that is conclusive I did Google the dictionary definition of conclusive just just to see if there was someone at a quiet weekend if it was matching up well like

Keen I cleared the deck so I could watch all this but H ke what’s your perspective on it yeah I I think the try should have been awarded I think Scotland were very harshly d by especially with the TMO himself saying that he saw the ball on the ground and

Then kind of at the last second getting a little guny and kind of going back obviously the question that was asked was was kind of dictating it a little bit but I still think there was enough evidence there to give that try what’s your perspective on it

Yeah I was just going to say that I think the question that was asked because Nick Barry said that he didn’t think that the ball was down so therefore you need conclusive evidence to use your word will um and to me I couldn’t see the ball on any of the

Replays on the line and by all probability I think the ball was on the line but I couldn’t see the ball on the line in any of the replays now like I watched it back a few times because initially I was wondering you know you often see referees like literally

Sticking their heads into you know the places where the sun don’t shine like that and I was wondering if Nick Barry should have done that but to be fair he was in an excellent position and I’m not sure what went on in Brian MC’s head to

To kind of change his decision I think that’s what’s you know even angered the Scots even more interesting to read today um I saw Tom English from BBC Scotland was reporting that Scotland are seeking admission of officials error from World rugby so um the Scots aren’t taking this lying down that’s for sure

But um I thought yeah well in all probability it was a try but I did have a degree of sympathy not full sympathy but a degree of sympathy for Brian mnes in particular because if Nick Barry had said try yes or no we might have been having a different conversation but the

Fact that he ruled that it was no try on field I think you have to see in the video the ball touching the line and for me I couldn’t see it even though it looked like the ball was down yeah I agree with you to a degree but you know

As I said earlier with you know no one’s on tral for murder but what it’s beyond A Reasonable Doubt isn’t that what you have to do to convict someone of a crime like for me that the clip is beyond a reasonable doubt that that ball is on

The line I I I just think there’s no doubt about that and I take your point if the question was different but if it was try yes or no I don’t really see like the clip is still the clip he still couldn’t maybe see the the 100% thing but it’s like it’s

99.99% that that’s a TR but is it sorry okay so but is that conclusive or is that Beyond A Reasonable Doubt like are we what for me it’s both they’re now the same are they H I don’t know yeah like I I you think that was a try no sorry do

You think the try should have been given obviously we all I prese think it was a try but like no I don’t think Detroit should have been given I think they made the right decision um based on the on on the wording um and what they’re supposed

To have given the decision on the criteria um but we all know that was a try so that’s that really um it’s really disappointing that that’s that we’re kind of put in that position you know but look at some point we have to accept that like we can’t make it like we

Decisions are never going to be 100% right all the way through through our game and we are analyzing these things to death now this is obviously a really this is an obvious one to be talking about because it’s it’s it’s obviously the last play of the game huge it’s a

Huge two from two with England next at home like this is it’s really really unfortunate for them that it wasn’t a conclusive try um sadly you know but um and it’s awful that it’s kind of come down to that but look you’re you’re going to have a few of these decisions

And we’re going to have to live with it and Scotland will have to live with it I don’t really see what the value is in trying to get some kind of admission of Guild like I mean they were doing the best they could they were the home team

So like it would have been the easy easiest decision for them to get out of Dodge and give it to the home team there was no no malice there was nothing like that or like I I I don’t think anyone got I don’t think any of those those

Referees uh who were kind of like making that decision I don’t think they got flustered by it I just think they couldn’t they they it would have been easier for them if this try had been given I think um but they didn’t I think they made the tough decision I think

They stuck to the rules that they’re kind of operating under um and they’re going to deal with a bit of flack for but they got to be tough on this one now as well like if the TMO said the ball was grounded and then he won back you

Just can’t see it he said it no he said the ball was ground he said we had footage of the ball being ground and then he kind of like seemed to waiver and then kind of changes mind it cuz he’s allowed do that in there until he’s

Made the call no I don’t know he said it was grounded and it was grounded but like we’re not looking at a looking at the transcript isn’t really like he’s obviously seen you know he’s obvious seen something that’s changed his mind like he’s allowed to do that in there

Before he makes the call it seems like he it was kind of a push pull between him knowing it was a try and then thinking oh protocol oh should I but like he’s not he isn’t so looking at the transcript is not really that helpful at well listening to it I wasn’t just

Looking at the transcript no my point is that so we’re obviously going through what he’s saying all the way through this kind of process but like that’s him kind of thinking out loud um you know maybe that’s something he probably he might learn the next time it’s probably

Not he right like good his judgment was right but why did he change his mind then if he was right because I think the all ultimately I think he thought maybe the protocol trumped what his eyes were telling him potentially I don’t know we all watched it and thought it was a try

Yeah yeah exactly and that like I think that’s the point I mean he is human at the end of the day and I think we not we on this podcast but in general need to be careful because I think the fact that we’re able to hear the tmo’s

Conversation is brilliant for the game because I look at what happens in VOR and football and the fact that you don’t have a clue what’s going on in terms of what are they thinking what are they doing and I think that that’s a a strength of rugby I know a lot of people

Might prefer if the you know the TMO was Anonymous or whatever like that but I think it’s really encouraging that we can hear those conversations and I think probably need to allow him a bit of leeway in terms of being able to think his way through it because I think

You’re right will I think he was probably like us and on all probability that ball is down and then he was like oh hang on but I can’t see it conclusively exactly yeah yeah so like and he’s got to think about like the repercussions for him if he can’t like

So he’s got to watch that back with whoever is looking at his performance and say well like yeah we think it’s a try but can you see it and if he’s looking at all those clips and saying he can’t which is obviously what that’s but where is the ball the ball’s hardly

Levitating like the ball is on the line able to see it he has to be able to see the ball being touchdown that’s it well like he you know as much as we can kind of analyze this to death he has made the other decision for obvious reasons he

Obviously can’t he can’t 100% say he sees the ball going down that’s what that that’s clearly what what’s after happening you know I mean like like regardless of what he said and his and his thinking before while he’s making this decision he has obviously said I

Haven’t got a camera angle where I can see this and I’ve got to be able to justify that to all to everyone watching this game afterwards and it’s it’s an awful awful position to put someone in I think he’s made the right one I think

He’s you know I didn’t see it either I didn’t see it go down definitely even though I know I know it’s a tribe but I can’t see it go in and if I can’t see it unfortunately can’t give it so it’s really really tough it’s awful for us

Too because I think you know we were talking about at the start of the show in all probabilities you know if Ireland play to their potential or close to it we get to that last weekend and it’s a grand slam decider that could have been that could have been irel Scot could

Have been Ireland Scotland you know for a grand slam so like it’s it’s it’s a bummer for the competition but it’s really tough for Scotland to take and France get away with one like they really get away with one up there they were they were arly worse against

Scotland than they were against Ireland and Scotland were decent too though like they were they made it tricky for them I thought they were very good at The Rook for for large Parts the game made it really tricky at different periods but yeah France just not looking themselves

At the moment taking nine and 10 out of a team is always going to be uh tricky you know at least for us we have Gibson Park who a big part of what this team is about and the identity of the team SE obviously was the key man but you know

That is nice for Crowley to have that for you know obviously for the French game and for parts of the uh the Italy game so um taking nine and 10 out bloody difficult so there are that is a tricky one I think for them to to get over will

You know that ball was down I’m just thinking about it again I’m just replaying the image in my mind’s eye like where else is the ball other than on the try line in that in that in that clip like it’s a try definitely a try but can’t see it yeah Will is just

Trying to win back favors from the Scottish listeners if there’s any the Scottish listeners ban on this show long ago I’d say there’s only so much they can take um but ke I do agree with your point about Nick Barry like I saw John Bley I watched it on BBC saying

Like oh he should have been the one to make the call but we only saw that that the potential H you know tribe from like a you know a real like intricate camera angle like it’s not feasible for the for Nick Barry to shove his head into into

The Rook like you know we we’ve been telling those those people for a long time Keen that we don’t want to makeing that call isn’t that right we’re kind of technology technology is there you should use it like I don’t think it’s feasible like he doesn’t have X-ray

Vision like they get a human wouldn’t have been able to see that in real time I don’t think from unless you like 100% certainty you know and he’s not supposed to be like he if he’s 99% sure he should go to the technology isn’t that right what do you

Think couldn’t agree more the technology is there to to use it for a reason can you imagine if he did give it and we were looking back at these replays and we couldn’t see conclusive evidence of the ball touching line he’d be absolutely slaughtered so look he was in

A bit of a no situation I think that well it brings us on nicely to the the left wing moment of the week in association with Bank of Ireland cuz this actually was my moment of the week just the kind of the five minutes at the end of the Scotland France game because

I don’t if you remember like France had a scrome on their own five so just get the ball out kick it off all of a sudden like Finn Russell actually came in I think probably like in from the side and like kind of scragged it out and all of

A sudden Scotland were pushing and then the 5 10 minutes I actually thought it was unbelievable drama you know listening to the transcript in the back and forth cuz you know it looked like they weren’t giving it then it looked like they were about to give it and then

No and then yeah just the devastation in the stadium I I just it made for unbelievable drama so that’s my moment of the week Keem what was yours um I touched on it earlier but I’ve gone for Jack Crowley’s nol look pass for Hugo Keenan in the buildup to Dan Sheen’s

First try um I just thought it spoke to a player who’s absolutely briming with confidence it reminded me of kind of P Quaid Cooper or Carlo Spencer I mean just the audacity to to pull it off and it also worked really effectively as

Well so um I just love to see it from a foury old who you know difficult shoes to step into adding you know different kind of layers to ardan’s attack and yeah it was a beautiful moment of skill yeah M was actually a crowy moment as

Well I was hoping that wasn’t going to be the same one it was the the kind of you know do you remember Peto mahan’s pass to BND key kind of in around the back I think it might have been against Italy as well um he had Crowley had one

Of those type passes beautiful kind of one-hander in behind the Italian Defender I think it was into mosi’s hands it was a great replay of that the Italian Defender kind of going around his back like it of skill like you can tell he was kind of briming with confidence he

Saw that thing I’ve been kind of saying about him he just saw saw the thing to do and just backed himself and delivered it and it just present the opportunity just presented itself perfectly and it was a like it was a shoe and of a try from then actually well finished off by

The Irish team after lovely lovely bits of skill and and technique and the passing and fixing players um that was my kind of moment of the um of the week I’m I’m really pleased for him I think he’s playing great so hopefully he continues it for the rest of the

Competition well on that now two wins from two for Ireland and on course for A6 Nations Grand Slam plenty to look forward to over the next couple of weeks in the meantime sham will have an interview with Andrew Porter out later this week so make sure you listen to

That that’ll be on Spotify Apple podcast or on so until next time thanks so much for listening and goodbye

Hugo Keenan’s replacement at fullback is a big topic of discussion on the latest episode of The Left Wing.

Cian Tracey joins Luke Fitzgerald and Will Slattery to go over all the main talking points after round two of the Six Nations.

Jack Crowley’s performance, the major TMO controversy and the standard of this year’s competition are all on the agenda.

Listen & follow on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.


  1. On the Scotland try issue … could there not have been a hand under the ball? You couldn't see that either … so given the call of the ref, there was actually nothing else the TMO could do.

  2. Crowley needs work, and shows amazing potential, make sure he knows what he needs to work on , kicking , decision making, angles etc… but he will improve, or he will be out… full stop for Ireland… 2nd best is not good enough for us…good thing he has what it takes .. to replace Sexton..( Decision making expert)!!lol

  3. Jaysus Cian. Some of the Irish commentary is cringeworthy. "As Irish people we don't like being favorites." Kearney and Horgan with the same shite on Sunday. Grow up, man! Ireland are comfortably the best team in the 6N. What's the point in competing if you only wanna be an underdog and why do you (Kearney and Horgan) feel the need to speak on behalf of the entire population?

  4. Scotland played not to lose and lost, they Blew it plain and simple. They put the outcome of the game in the refs hands and he ruled against em.

  5. A judge said to me that he instructs a juries to send people to jail on less evidence ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  6. Larmour really looked like he was forcing things a bit when he came on. This happens with players coming in after a while out, especially when he only has 20 mins and is out of position. He didn't get close to his leinster form. This was a pity for him but understandable

  7. 45:05 van der merwe was offside and what looked like a high tackle seconds before hand in the first half, and what was a try scoring opportunity. Meters out from the Scottish try-line. Dont hear anyone talking about that

  8. Crowley has an 85% kick success rate with Munster. Was over 90% with the u20s. He's 8/12 in the 6 nations so far. He's clearly a class player with room to grow more. He's the clear number 1 now.

  9. A lttle frustrating that you decide to discuss a comment Matt Williams made about Crowley, and not tell us what the comment was.

  10. Manages to watch 4 mins then had to turn it off.. fuck me such absolute bollocks ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ
    Look Ireland are a great side and currently in great form but anything can happen in a game !! To say anything other than a GS is a major disappointment is just complete tribe !!
    Irish pundits are currently a complete laughing stock for speaking like this, Jesus lads ffs will you please wind your neck in

  11. Stockdale is Jekyll and Hyde, his attack skills are top class, but sadly, despite having 6 years to improve his defence frailties, he has barely improved in his defensive reads, his concentration and focus drops at pressure moments, but worst of all he often tackles in a half hearted way, sometimes this is causes enough of a delay for other defenders to get there, its frustrating as he can clearly do it, he has made a number of dominant tackles, its just too inconsistent for a world class team.

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