@Los Angeles Kings

Post Game Thread: Los Angeles Kings at Pittsburgh Penguins – 18 Feb 2024


LAK wins, 2 – 1 .

[ Boxscore](

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by HockeyMod


  1. henreiman

    Good teams win the shitty games

    Simple as that. GKG

  2. I was getting worried until late in the game, they looked a bit flat until Kempe decided to do it all himself. Still, a win’s a win, and I didn’t think we’d pull this one off. So call me pleasantly surprised.

  3. GrassyKnoll95

    Juice is a God. Great for Talbot to get the W

  4. Past two days reminded me of the 2021-22 team. Very gritty

  5. BlandBenny89

    Don’t look now boys. W’s in 5 out of our last 6.

  6. Branzilla91

    I want you to put the word out there that we back up

  7. ZiggyPalffyLA

    Talbot earned that one. His first win in his last 11

  8. raymondliang

    Talbot first win since like his draft year, it’s been so long.

    Kempe is back, we’re back. Let’s keep it going.

  9. ItsVibrant16

    Comeback kings strike again. Fuckin love to see it

  10. Finally! A game where Cam Talbot got goal support and the W

  11. Kings comeback win.

    Kopi and Arvy getting assists which might yet claw my fantasy team to a win.

    It’s a good day. GKG!

  12. My dear friends.. I know it has been a rough while. Testing our faith in our lord and savor Racoon Jesus and his disciples. However, let it be it known that the best time to be hot is not before the all-star break. Nay. That is not the way.

    The time is nigh..

  13. LiftbackChico

    I love how how the announcers, post game guys, and fans are like “Damn were doing great except the buffalo game”

  14. makesmashgreatagain

    wow that was another great comeback. kempe got some justice for that iron the other night vs boston

  15. #Road Warrior Kings are back!! 👀

    Still the best record ever to start a season on the road. Historical team. 🍻

  16. may_or_may_not_haiku

    Kempe has the strongest back I’ve ever seen.

  17. the_last_third

    Great end to a road trip that started just gawd awful. Real happy for Cam Talbot – he really needed this game.

  18. The-420-Chain-Smoker

    Fantastic. Hiller has done a great job so far (minus Buffalo but that wasn’t necessarily on him).

  19. TheWayDenzelSaysIt

    Now that the Kings have seemed to level themselves, it’s really nice to not see certain names show up in the game and post game threads. For a while there was waaaaaay too much negativity here.

  20. spooky_ed

    3 in a row! The ASB did them good (we don’t talk about the Buffalo game).

  21. Sirtopofhat

    Hey Luc Hiller reminded me what I love about hockey….WINNING!

  22. Sufficient-Soup-5160

    Think it was only one or two shifts, but the line combo of Kempe, Kaliyev and Kopitar generated some solid scoring chances

  23. Odd-Most-9186

    Seems Kopitar has had an extra step, maybe his grandfathers impending passing had him down. Great win, Hiller seems to have righted the ship. Just need to figure out how to play better at home and we will be good.

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