@St. Louis Blues

Bolduc Recalled

Bolduc Recalled

by Various_Ad_2549


  1. bleedblue002

    Interesting. Showcase for a trade? Another forward being moved?

  2. seannifer

    I’m all for seeing what we have. Let’s go.

  3. forgetfulfever98

    After watching Blais and Kapanen play for most of this season, I am fully on board with letting him show what he has and cement a spot for next season.

  4. Jawsinstl

    Welcome to the show Bolduc. Show us what you got!

  5. oh shit! we desparately need to energize our 3rd line so I expect to see him with Saad and Hayes to start. Tbh Kapanen is playing too high in the lineup as well so my ideal setup would be Neighbours-Schenn-Saad and then Bolduc-Hayes-Kappy

  6. pappyvanwinkle1111

    On 101ESPN made Zach sound like a complete bust. Things like they have no other options, hope he doesn’t get exposed, etc. The only positive that Rivers could come up with is that he’s not afraid to shoot.

    Don’t down vote because you don’t like the news. I’m just the messenger.

  7. Green-Fox-8774

    Put him with Schenn and Neighbors. Let the youngsters play. Bring up Loof while we are at it. We could use some sand paper

  8. Fresnobing

    Been waiting to watch this dude. Can’t wait

  9. Steel_Bolt

    Zach Dean is from the same generation. Is he a miss? Looks like he’s had an awful year in the A. Vegas might have pulled a fast one on doug

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