@Buffalo Sabres

The Buffalo Sabres Are The Worst Organization In Major Pro Sports

The Buffalo Sabres Are The Worst Organization In Major Pro Sports

At this point I think the Buffalo Savers are truly the worst organization not just in the NHL but of all four major Pro Sports and we’re going to talk about that today on talking Buffalo and on that note welcome everybody to another episode of talking Buffalo your weekday daily driver for

Buffalo Sports Talk and more my name is Patrick Moran thank you very much as always for locking in whether you’re listening to this on the audio side Apple Spotify wherever you get your podcast from or whether you’re checking us out on the video side on YouTube

Which if you are please make sure that you like comment subscribe on the video it is really starting to help us grow this channel here on the video side but regardless of how you’re consuming this I appreciate you very much uh we’re going to spend some time today talking

About the Buffalo Sabers in just how bad they are I mean this is a putrid organ organization completely dysfunctional I hate talking about the Sabers at this point on this podcast quite frankly but I just got too much on my mind and I got a lot on my chest

About this team and we’re gonna get it out today uh I’m G to get to that in just a few minutes for that couple quick things here number one um most of you are probably watching or listening to this episode on Tuesday so actually it’ll be a day removed from there but I

Am recording this right around dinner time on Monday which is the six year anniversary of talking Buffalo it was six years ago exactly on this date uh February 19th 2018 uh that I launched the very first episode of talking Buffalo which if you’re an OG to the show you would know

It wasn’t called talking Buffalo it was called Mor analytics podcast um s capacho was the very first guest that I had on did a nice hour or so long interview with him and then from there it was off and running and uh I’ve said it before I’m not going to get into this

Long spiel again because again I wanna I want to get into the Sabers today I really want to sink my teeth into this team which is very bad news by the way for that organization but um I just I don’t know I want to take a

Minute or so to just Express a little bit of gratitude because I remember being in Florida I moved from Buffalo spent my whole life there moved to Florida in the summer of 2016 yeah 2016 after about a year or so at least at that time I was starting to get really

Bored well maybe not so much bored in Florida but I was definitely getting homesick with Buffalo I had worked in the media a little bit here and there uh throughout most of my adult life in the media mostly freelance stuff or blogs things like that but anyway I was just

Really missing that Buffalo sports and uh media connection so I started watching videos and doing research on what kind of gear to get I knew I wanted to do a podcast at that point that’s what I’m saying so I did a lot of research put a lot of time into it

Premiered February 19 2018 with s kapacho off and running and I’ll tell you what if you would have told me then six years you know later to that day um I would have had 631 episodes in counting that I would have the opportunity to sit down on this show and

Have long form conversations with people like Adam Scher and josen Anderson and Richard D and Ross Tucker Lee Steinberg tons of former Buffalo Bills great that I’ve admired throughout their career and after their career a couple former NBA All-Star point guards that I grew up loving to watch play Kenny

Anderson Rod Strickland you know not to mention all the people National media but especially locally here in Buffalo sports Media news media if you would have told me six years ago I’d have the opportunity to have these conversations with so many of them I would have said that you’re nuts but that’s exactly

What’s happened I’ve had a ton of fun doing this for the most part I mean it is work too but it’s also a lot of fun you know put a couple bucks in my pocket along the way it’s just been uh been a pretty wild ride so for any of you out

There who who are watching this or listening to this today for any role you have played over the last six years or the first six years I should say of this podcast whether you’re a regular listener whether you’re a new listener whether you’re somebody who just watches

The clips on social media whether you’re somebody who just hits that retweet button that Sher button or whatever that’s at any role whatsoever in talking Buffalo still being around six years later I truly honest ly sincerely thank you very much um here’s the six more hopefully God willing Health that I’ll

Still be here doing this uh for quite some time G because again for the most part I really enjoy which by the way I remember being weekly and then I remember going twice weekly after the first six or seven episodes and it felt like such a big deal to me at the time

So time consuming and now here I am years later where this is literally a five per week podcast uh anyway so thank you for that and also I would like to tell everybody who if you did not catch yesterday’s episode I would really highly recommend that you go back and

And listen to it or or watch it however uh you consume the show I had on Greg Thompson from cover one uh Bruce Nolan from the Bruce exclusive part of Buffalo Rumblings and also Joe Marino from lock down bills three of the absolute very best Buffalo Bills content

Creators in the game period end of story it was a great conversation it was our fourth annual uh Buffalo podcasters round table and what we do with these annual shows is we talk about everything and anything except the actual Buffalo Bills so if you’re a fan personally of

Any or all three of these guys if you’re podcaster if you’re somebody who has thought about doing a podcast or somebody who just has an interest in how podcasts work this was definitely a great episode for you to go and check out man I mean these guys took you

Behind the curtain uh they talked about some of the challenges they still have doing their shows even after all these episodes all these years some of the things that they’ve gotten comfortable with their process um navigating social media all that comes with having hit podcasts like all three of those guys do

So like I said if you haven’t checked that out already please make sure um you do that it it was really good um as far as Today’s Show all right let’s just dive into this and it’s not going to be a very long show two things number one I don’t talk

About the Buffalo Sabers very often on this podcast anymore and I think that’s for two reasons number one uh you know is somebody who who’s the uh the publisher of this podcast I also have to be mindful of the audience and I can’t turn my back on the fact

That you know I go back and I know what the numbers are I know generally speaking what my audience is and for the most part what they want to hear what they want to consume and this for the as much as I wish it was a little more balanced this is

Primarily a a podcast where the audience wants to hear about the Buffalo Bills which I completely understand so when I have a guest on most of the time I mean every now and then I’ll have a Sabers related theme with the right guest or the right topic and it still does really

Really well but generally speaking when I had Buffalo Bills topics the shows do much much better than when we spend a day primarily talking about uh the Buffalo Sabers that’s just the way it is that’s the audience and that’s what the numbers are and as somebody who you know

Puts the work in to do a show every day I would be absolutely foolish to not uh serve the audience and primarily what they want so as a result not as much Sabers coverage as we’ve had over the past couple years another big part of

That reason is I used to have Joe uran on every week and of course Joe who covers the Buffalo Sabers he he’s at every practice he’s at every game uh he has his own substack now noted just doesn’t have the time to be able to do the show with me so it’s

Very rare that I get him on so I lost kind of that connection that I had to have somebody come on and be able to talk Sabers each and every week uh most of the recurring guests of regular guests that I have are primarily bills

People which is the way I want it but anyway so just the opportunity to talk Sabers isn’t there as often as it used to be uh like I said the numbers just dictate that the audience wants to hear more bills and less Sabers which again don’t blame them the Buffalo Bills are

Really good and the Buffalo Sabers are complete and then quite frankly the other reason is when it comes to the Sabers I’m not as knowledgeable with the inner workings of this team I don’t watch every single game from opening whistle to final horn I don’t follow

Them as closely as I follow the Buffalo Bills so for me to come on and do something especially solo like this where I don’t even have a a hockey minded guest to kind of back up some points and elabor on some things that I’m going to drop for you all in in just

A couple minutes it’s just a a weird space for me it feels a little bit um awkward almost uncomfortable which is funny because that’s one of the topics that Greg Joe Bruce and I talked about on the podcast yesterday when it comes to podcasting but I’m going to proceed with this today

Because I spent my Monday afternoon watching the Buffalo Sabers at home President’s Day game here Madden a against uh the Anam H ducks and I tweeted about this before the weekend kind of Let It Go on Saturday night the the Sabers went into I almost said the bills bad habit anyway Saturday night

The Sabers go to Minnesota and they beat the Minnesota Wild in overtime they score a goal with less than 30 seconds left to play the tie the game get it to overtime and then they win it then on Monday the Sabers are at home and they’re hosting the

Anaheim Ducks which are one of the very worst teams this season in the NHL and the Sabers in true Sabers form lose at home to the lowly Anaheim Ducks four to3 and a game that they outshot the Ducks 34 to 15 I’m pretty sure that’s what the shots

Were and by the way if you happen to be watching this on the video side I I got to let you know this to I’m going to be referring to notes because again I like the bills where I feel like I’m just much more locked in on the bills and I

Could just riff with a lot of right off the top of my head when it comes to the Sabers and the shitty ass team and franchise I’m going to be referring to notes an awful lot so if you’re watching this on the video side and you happen to

See me looking down I’m not like veing off into space I’m just going through some notes because I had to write a lot of down because otherwise I would never remember it um off the top of my head but anyway last week on on social media on Twitter X whatever the you

Want to call it at this point I put out a tweet saying and it was after another loss and they’ve lost so many games right now I just can’t even keep track anymore but I said lowkey and I think it flies under the radar that the Buffalo Sabers may be the worst organization

In all of the four major pro sports right now maybe not this team this year that’s not what I mean like they’re not even the worst team in the NHL this season let alone all sports this year what I’m talking about is the totality over the course of the last say

Dozen years or so I don’t think there’s an organization in all of pro sports that has been more consistently inep than the Buffalo sabes and a lot of people responded whether they agreed um they they had other candidates which before this show was over I got five teams from

Other major pro sports that I’m gonna hit on and kind of contrast in compared to the Buffalo Sabers because again at the end of the day I truly think between on the ice coaching man management ownership a crumbling shitty Arena that I think the Sabers in my opinion are the

Absolute worst organization in Pro Sports but anyway so and I think that goes under the radar a little bit and I tweeted about this last week and it kind of has been rekindled today like I said that last week and then I kind of put it

On the shelf and then the Savers go on they beat the wild a good team on Saturday and I’m like yeah maybe I’m overreacting in a little bit but then they lose at home to a shitty ass team where they outshoot him by over 20 completely Sleep Walk

Defensively and loci it Anaheim Ducks which by the way the Ducks are two- 0 against the Buffalo Sabers this year they swept them just unbelievable but anyway it’s kind of reignited that thought in my mind about this team being bad and I just wrote

Down a bunch of that I I I want to share with you and uh we’ll start I guess you look at the team this year and actually hold on before I even get to that real quick I said it flies under the radar and I do believe that like I

Think the fact that the Sabres are the worst organization in sports is something you really hear about in Buffalo and I think the biggest reason is because this is such a football town and everybody cares about the Buffalo Bills so deeply including myself that’s not a criticism at all for Bill’s fans

Bill’s Mafia and I know some people watching are Bills fans and Sabers fans some people a very small amount of people are probably hardcore bills and hardcore saber fans like they watch they live and die with every Bills game and they live and die with every Sabers game

Which God I can’t even freaking imagine if I had to do that but I get part of it I get I get the bills part I get why the Sabers fly under the radar and why more people aren’t haed on them that makes sense because you live and die

With every forget about the season you know of course the bill is losing the playoffs it’s it’s a punch in the gut but even every game every week is either a punch in the gut or the coolest Victory lap ever that’s what it feels like in the time right doesn’t

Have to be a playoff game a season Ender a Super Bowl none of that you know the bills lose a Thursday night game against Denver in improbable fashion and it makes for like the worst 3-day weekend ever that’s just the way it is the life

Of a bills Mafia you know you can’t say Bills fan anymore right isn’t it bills Mafia now exclusively but that’s how it feels right conversely the bills smack the out of Miami or they go to Miami and they win the division title in week 18 it’s the greatest week ever it’s just

The way it goes you live and you die with the Buffalo Bills so you have that plus the component that the Sabers haven’t made the playoffs in forever and you get to a point where you don’t even hate on the Sabers no more you just check out you don’t even give a

about them so to say that the Sabers fly under the radar I think is completely accurate 100% And I know I’ve checked out on them you know I mentioned Joe Juran used to be on the show every week with me and I remember going back a couple years ago

And it was like a weekly thing kind of what I’m bringing back here right now today where I just absolutely hate on the Buffalo Sabers like the team has made me hate them that’s how I felt when I would talk to Joe everyy week and then last year they were good young team

Upstart one point away from making the playoffs like let’s go finally you know we’re ready to see some good Sabers hockey a team that’s going to be dead smack in a playoff mix and then you have this year and for the most part it’s just made me

Completely checked out like I don’t even care I don’t give a Mo for the most part about the Sabers anymore and I apologize for vulgar language by the way I mean to be fair it’s in the you know the show notes when when you have the

Podcast at least on the audio side you see that little e so there’s some cuss wordss here and there but I generally speaking I try to keep it to a bare minimum but I’m sure a lot of square words are going to come out this episode so I’m warning you now if you’re

Listening to this in your office or anywhere else but yeah man just completely checked out on this team anyway let’s let’s talk about this game today so they lose to Anaheim four to3 I still can’t believe they lost this game and to me I started thinking and I

Tweeted this out again on Monday afternoon here shortly before I recorded this podcast I’m like the Sabers going to Minnesota and they beat them and then they come back at home against the LLY Anaheim Ducks and they lose at home if that’s not the perfect microcosm for

What the Buffalo Savers are now and what the Buffalo Sabers have been for the last 12 13 years and I don’t know what the hell is uh the Buffalo Sabers are 24 27 and four this season theyve played 55 games and during those 55 games they’ve won consecutive games exactly

Twice only two times this one season 55 games have they won two in a row guess how many times this team has had a three- game winning streak zero zero three game winning streaks this entire season as I record this right now the Sabers are tied with Montreal for the

Seven fewest points in the NHL so you can go ahead and you can break out that old because it is mock draft season time for the Buffalo Sabres it is Lottery chances now for the Buffalo Sabers I can’t believe we’re seeing this again instead of being

In the hunt for a playoff spot which they were last year and looked at build on that the only thing the Savers ear in the hunt for is a very high draft pick right now they Legit by the end of this season the Buffalo Sabers could end up with a bottom five

Record in the entire NHL it just it blows my mind and especially because mind you you know th this is a team that was supposed to be on the come up you know this was a team that had actual playoff expectations this year I remember conversations with Joe over the

Summer like playoffs were the expectation a lot of players said that I don’t know if Grado said that or not and I really don’t give a but I know a lot of media people a lot of national media people a lot of local media people who covered the team supposed to be

Playoffs were the expectation this year and boy oh boy man have they ever let down the fans of this team yet again so what is it you know last year this team was explosive if nothing else they were fun to watch it was entertaining now they can’t

Score 21 or they’re 21st in the NHL right now in goals four they were third last year same cast of players if anything a year older and a year more EXP experience but they’ve went from 21st in the league and scoring or I should say they went from third to

21st um Kevin Adams a disaster of a summer Conor Clifton he Pi he sucks he was terrible today and he has sucked since pretty much opening night and the worst part is you wish you could give him away before the trade deadline but I don’t

Know Kevin Adams is going to be able to trade him I don’t think he could give him away because he still got two more years at $3.3 million left what a terrible terrible contract Kevin Adams gave Conor Clifton over the summer just awful and then you bring in Eric Johnson

Who is absolutely wased you know you often hockey’s a team sport it’s five on five out there and it’s not often that you could say other than when a goalie is really really good or really really bad that one player doesn’t NE necessarily influence the outcome of the

Game but I think on Monday against Anaheim Ducks I think you can make a very fair and reasonable argument that Eric Johnson was close to being single-handedly responsible for the Sabers losing to the Ducks just absolutely brutal what a complete disaster that guy great career you know

Good leader good player good career but he is washed he is cooked right now with the Buffalo Sabers you got to expect maybe you get a fifth sixth seventh round pick whatever anything you can get for him you get rid of him before the deadline but anyway that was Kevin Adams’s two defensive

Pickups this summer and they’ve just both been terrible uh you know you bring back kyoso and gergus maybe at the most you bring back one of them but Kevin Adams brought him both back uh never traded Victor olivon when maybe he would have had at least some Seance of trade value

I mean I know he’s never going to have a lot cuz a shitty contract but the guy scored 28 goals well it was a year ago 20 28 goals 23 goals something like that kind had some kind of value something now you stuck with him for the rest of

This season anyway it’s just it’s bad Casey midd say has been one of the best players on his team Savers might lose him in 18 months because we go around giving out long-term deals all these guys Casey middle say not one of them he is incrementally improved every year

Throughout his career and now he’s getting close to he’s going to be a restrictive free agent after this year he’s going to get paid and might not be by the Sab so they might lose him who knows what they do with him but that um

Didn’t go out and get a a veteran goalie over to summer because Kevin Adams banked on Devon Levi being ready which he wasn’t that’s not a long-term indictment on Devon Levi Devon Levi might be the next Ryan Miller fact I’m confident that Devon Levi eventually

Will be a star but he’s not now and he wasn’t ready so all that plus they can’t stay healthy and this team just freaking stinks they stink this year but that’s not even the topic of today today’s topic is mainly about them just being the worst organization in all of sports

And we’re going to talk about Beyond just this year here uh real quick after the break all right I am back here on talking Buffalo today and topic is me just flat out thinking at the Buffalo Sabers very well may be the worst organization not just in the NHL but of

All of major sports over the last 10 uh 11 12 years or whatever again I’m referring the notes here if you’re watching this on the video side and you’re wondering where all my eyes are going from looking at the camera to down here on my laptop because I don’t know

These off the top of my head had to write them down didn’t have time to memorize them don’t give a enough to memorize them and quite frankly some of these numbers and facts are are so freaking ridiculous that I have to take a second look at them because it’s

Almost hard to believe that they’re actually real but they are all right so now here we go here’s some facts the Sabres are and I guess I’m kind of supporting my case here from this point forth that the Sabers truly are the worst organization in all sports

So here’s some facts folks the Savers are locked into to a 13th year of missing the Playoffs which already was the most in NHL history so now at this point they’re just extending their own record the Sabers have had seven head coaches in four GMS since this drought

Started they’ve had the fewest points in the entire NHL not once not twice but three times during this drought uh they had they were dead last in the NHL in 2013 2014 they followed it up going back to back worst team in the NHL 2014 and

2015 and then a couple years later again in 2017 in 2018 uh they’ve had a winning record twice during this drought twice that’s it so it’s not even like they were coming close a handful of times they’ve only had a winning record twice and one of them was last

Season the only other time they had a winning record besides last season was 2011 and 2012 which was the first year of the drought so they had a winning record the first year of the drought they had a winning record the last year of the drought not counting this year

Which is surely going to add to it and that is literally it um they finished dead last in their division six times just think about that dead last in your division six times during this drought worst record in the entire league three different times and then they had the worst

Owner introductory press conference in 2011 that I’ve ever seen which is funny because back in 2011 during that conference I was there I actually was I can’t remember who it was I was I think I might have had a Blog at the time and I that was credential though and I was

There at that press conference in their fourth fifth row and I remember Terry boua talking about the sole purpose from this point forth is the win is St the cup and a lot of people including myself to some extent bought into it and it just felt awkward even on day

One and I remember him crying when he was thinking about jabber Perell and the French Connection and it just felt from day one that this was just a a SA Fanboy who owns his hockey team that was a disaster literally from uh day one and

You know you just you look at you know Terry beula ultimately is responsible for hiring a GM as a role if not a direct role and who the head coach is going to be and they have just whiffed time and time and time again ever since especially since Darcy Reger got fired

In a 2013 Tim Murray GM 2014 to in 2017 and again I’m note referring here Jason botell May 2017 through June 2020 and now Kevin Adams June of 2020 to present you look at the head coaches terrible Man Dan BBA wrong coach for Jack eel wrong coach for Sam Reinhardt early on

In their career more on those guys in just a second then they go to Phil Howley uh you know Phil Howley just what he wasn’t ready to be a head coach and he hasn’t had an NHL head coaching job since so kind of tells you there what

You need to know who else you want to include on this we’ll just get to the highlights all about Ralph Krueger Ralph Krueger may be the worst head coach in the history of the Buffalo Sabers the entire history of the Buffalo Sabers since birth ever I mean this guy had

Jeff Skinner playing out of fourth line worst ever Terry Beulah h and now you get to Don Granado now you know Don Granado feels like a good young developmental guy but it also feels like last year was as evidence by what we’re seeing this year I

Think is he’s a guy who could only take you so far like he’ll make you a better player especially if you’re younger will get you to that next gear but he can’t get you to the Gear after that that’s how it feels about Don Granado right now

And you could see and I don’t even hate Don Granado by the way one of the few people in this organization right now I don’t hate but you could just see the he had optimism like his press conferences his pressers they were a lot more insightful last year and even early

On this year summer conversations with him training camp just much more insightful and ambitious and energetic whereas now he just looks demoralized resigned I think he’s a guy who knows that his time might be up here at the end of the season which it should be

Because I mean this team needs a whole bunch of but they really need a veteran coach who could bring some some discipline and fundamentals to this organization because it lacks really bad so anyway the GMS have not worked out some cases they’ve sucked diddle for the head coaches

Uh you go back during this drought and I’m not going to go through all of them because it’ll be your all goddamn day but look at some of the awful free agent signings and trades just some of the big ones that they have missed on so badly

Of course Billy Leno I mean we could talk about him an entire episode he is the poster like when I sit here and say it’s too late now because I didn’t think of it I wasn’t smart enough on the fly but when I did the graphic for you know

Sabers worst organization in sports God that I miss the mark by not having villy Leno on the cover of that graphic and they gave this guy a six-year $27 million deal because he had a good playoff series for the Philadelphia Flyers year before that come on Darcy

That’s as bad as it gets uh kind of fast forward Taylor Hall thought the Sabres were all in for winning thought they were going to be good you sign signed Taylor Hall to a big ass one-year contract like 6.4 million in 2020 do even like the season he gets traded uh

Christian aof technically the Sabers traded for him it wasn’t technically a free agent signing but for all intents and purposes it was they gave that guy who might be one one of the worst contracts in the history of the NHL forget about just the worst in the

History of the Savers 10 years $40 million in the uh 2011 2012 season JW got bought out in 2014 just a flop disastrous um I don’t know how I feel about including Kyle Lo poo on this list because he’s been with the Savers now for what eight years or so he’s the

Captain I get that but he’s been a fourth liner who doesn’t score for almost his entire Sabres tenure and he never got paid like that when he got signed from the New York Islanders he’s supposed to be a really good top six forward has KY posto been a good top six

Forward for the Buffalo Sabers no I don’t think so and we already talked about Clifton and Eric Johnson this year what disasters they are and then again you go back in the vault and some of these trades getting uh trading Zack casian for for Cody Hudson and the Sabres gave that guy

After trading for him a sixy year 25 I had to look this up I’m looking at my notes right now six years 25.5 million extension that year 218 games for the Sabers 99 points never had more than 44 points and the team bought him out in June of

2015 and you get Matt Molson and picks for Thomas banic in 2013 he was in flip to Minnesota then he resigns with the Sabers five years $25 million in 2014 never one scored more than 14 goals as a buffalo saber got demoted to the AHL after the Sabers waved him in 2017

And never played in the NHL again again just historically bad trades free agent signings and my statement about this team being the worst again it isn’t this year it’s this era this generation of Buffalo Sabers hockey I just don’t think there’s a worse team in sports than the Buffalo Sabers is

Consistently bad for as long as this um Eric stall I I’m just looking at notes at this point again I don’t keep going the whole episode if you want to go this route man he comes from Minnesota uh in a trade a deal in the Montreal same season then nothing to

Help this team then you look at some of the draft picks which by the way the Sabres have hit on some draft picks that said when you’re drafting first second second overall you’re going to get a bunch of good players when you are consistently drafted in the top 10 you

Better hit on some but they’ve had a lot of flops and of course we’re not going to talk about any guy who’s been drafted within say the last one to even three or four years because you got to see how that pans out but you go through this

List they in this drought um Alex neander eighth overall in 2016 utter flop Nikita zerov 16th overall in 2013 uh grigor ranko 14th overall in 2012 uh Joel armia who 16th overall back in 2011 bunch of second rounders it just never worked out rasis Asin Marcus Davidson Brenan ghouly

Brendan Lemieux Hurley who the is even Conor Hurley sorry no disrespect to him I don’t remember who that is Eric Cornell these are all Sab second round picks during the drought and again you know you got some good talent that I mean the Sabers have had good grades in

Their farm system especially over the last handful of years but what has that translated to at least to this point on the ice and I’m not going to give Murray or any GM credit when for drafting Jack Mich second or Sam Reinhardt second in their respective drafts or Ras stene

First overall you or I could have been GM and the Buffalo Sabres and made those selections so you get no credit for that and then you look at his team good players it’s not like this team never had good rosters and good players they just either underachieved or were

Unhappy as to be Buffalo saers and couldn’t get out of here fast enough and that’s all evidenced by what some of these star players have done once they left this organization I mean Ryan O’Reilly he leaves the Sabers he has lost his passion or his enjoyment or whatever it was for playing

For this team who the hell blames him do you blame him anyway he gets traded he goes to St Louis he wins a Stanley Cup he was a con SM trophy for playoff MVP Jack eel Center controversy you know um can’t say his name around these parts without people getting on your Jack

EO leaves go go to Vegas and what two years later he’s a Stanley clup Champion Sam Reinhardt as of this recording he’s got 39 goals with Florida this year 39 goals probably gonna finish with 50 goals this year lus omark he goes to Boston he he literally wins a

Vzna a Vander Kane whatever but you know he was with Buffalo never made the Buffalo Savers better and by the way every player I just named they were all on the 2015 2016 Buffalo Sabers roster just want to point that out there O’Reilly eel Reinhardt olar

Kane um that team also had Robin Leonard know Robin Leonard has finished in the top six in vzna voting three straight years he finished top six in the vzna after leaving the Buffalo Sabres made it to a cup with Vegas back in 2019 2020 so I mean come on guy after guy after

Guy just leave and Achieve success and how many good trades have the Sabers really made I mean it’s easy to look at some of these good players as younger players on the Sabers will say oh they were great traits were they though like Tage Thompson Tage is a stud I love Tage he’s

Playing hurt this year it shows too I mean he’s not played well this year but I also think he’s played through a lot of injuries but anyway how can you say ta Thompson was a great trade when you had to give up Ryan O’Reilly to get him and you could say

Well R didn’t do with the bubble receivers well you know what maybe if the culture was better maybe if they won more maybe if the coach was different maybe if the locker room was different maybe these guys would have more of a passion to want to be in Buffalo don’t

Say you know Ryan O’Reilly didn’t work out with the Sabers but don’t say Ryan O’Reilly wasn’t an elite player because he absolutely was he was before got here and he was after he left yes or no so don’t tell me that t Thompson was a

Great trade when you had to give up Ryan O’Reilly don’t tell me that getting Alex tuck and Peyton Krebs is great move when you gave up Jack eel Yes again jack EO didn’t want to be a buffalo saber Jack EO kind him an I think we could

All say that wasn’t the best locker room guy also probably didn’t have the best leadership around him either the best uh you know guys to help him develop and mature sure as should have been Evander Kane I can tell you that but how can you say that getting rid of Jack eel

What ended up being such a great move because you get Alex tuck who’s been pretty good and Peyton Krebs who’s been a fourth ler who’s got some skill he’s playing up now we’ll see what comes of him but don’t tell me that’s a great trade when Jack EO goes to Vegas

And helps him win a cup isn’t that what the Buffalo Savers are supposed to be doing hate it man I I really do so don’t don’t don’t tell me these are great trades man just don’t do it and then don’t even get me started you know we’re

Talking about on the ice stuff don’t even give me started about the arena itself what a pile of KeyBank arena is the experience of going with Sabers game and sitting in those seats and the concessions and prices and just the condition of the seats and some of the sections is embarrassing it’s

Embarrassing it really is let me finish off with this again some people disagreed about the sabes being the worst um sent me some candidates or I put some thought in the other candidates and there’s five and if I’m missing somebody I’m sure you’re going

To let me know I’m sure that you are G to let me know um one of them Carolina Panthers all right sure look the Carolina Panthers are on a six-year drought and running and Counting they were two and 15 last last year dead last in the NFL and then to make matters

Worse they traded away what would have been the first overall pick this year because they moved up to get Bryce young I mean taking Bryce young over CJ stoud is gonna haunt this franchise for a long time man just an absolute freaking awful abomination of a front office decision

To take Bryce young over C J shroud so five years in running or six years in running I should say might get up there a couple more years Al love the NFL the turnover could be really quick but haven’t said all that you cannot say the Carolina Panthers are the worst

Organization in sports over the last dozen or so years because the Carolina Panthers have made the playoffs in four of their last 11 years including the Super Bowl in 2015 you cannot compare a team that has been in the championship in their professional sport in the playoffs four times to the Buffalo

Sabers who haven’t even sniffed either of those so Carolina Panthers you’re out the New York Jets this immedately is the one team where a lot of people say it and I and I could see it I get it this is the one team that maybe the Buffalo Sabers you can go

Head-to-head with them and it adds up but the Jets they’re in a 13-year drought right there at the bills or Sabers I’m sorry most in sports theyve had just one winning season during the drought they were 10- six back in 2015 even the Sabers have had two winning seasons during this drought uh

The Jets have only had two campaigns besides that where they’ve been 500 2011 in 2013 so over the last 13 years the Jets have had 10 losing Seasons but you know I’d say the NFL is a little bit different because in the NFL six of 16 teams make the playoffs

Until the past couple years because now it’s up to seven because they added the third wild card team and only the first SE gets a bu so that’s 37 and a half perc of the teams during mostly this draw for the Jets have made the playoffs compared to the NHL where it’s literally

15 or 50% half the league uh the NFL’s up to 44% now but still no in defense of the Jets if I was making a defense if I’m a Jets fan I’m saying no no they’re not the worst I would say they’ve been stuck behind Tom Brady for most of those

Years you know the greatest quarterback of all time although Pat moles might eventually have something to say about that but it was a given you know you were not beating the Patriots that’s pretty much two losses and no chance of winning that division right there most

Of the career most of the the drought now was Josh Allen they ain’t beating you know they can’t get past Josh Allen in the Buffalo Bills but again and being fair here I would say the Jets are probably the one team that I definitely would give strong consideration to uh

The Oakland A’s 100 games they’ve lost I should say 100 games each of the past two years they might be the worst team in all sports over the past two or three years but they actually made the playoffs three straight years 2018 2019 and 2020 they made the playoffs they’ve

Actually made the playoffs six of their last 12 years so to me it’s B crazy to say the Oakland A are the worst franchise in sports when they made the playoffs half of their last 12 years uh the Pittsburgh Pirates another team I heard a lot about eight straight years

They have not made the playoffs they lost 100 games in 2021 and 2022 so they backto back 100 uh lost campaigns but again they made the playoffs three straight years 2015 2014 2013 and they never have any real expectations to to begin with very few true star players on

The Pittsburgh Pirates very very small Market team very low budget as opposed to the Sab who aren’t afraid to spend money Terry Mulo spend money he just spends it on the wrong people and then the last team I’m going to hit on is the Detroit Pistons the Detroit Pistons are

Headed to their fifth straight year of winning less than 31% of their games that’s just absolutely disgraceful man uh they haven’t had a winning season since 2015 2016 they went 44 and 38 that year uh they’ made the playoffs just twice over the last 15 years they’ve won

Fewer than 30 of their 82 games 10 times over the last 15 years but again they made the playoffs twice two times over the last nine years which is two more times than the Buffalo Savers will have made the playoffs over the last 13 years so going by totality I just can’t get

Behind it so I guess to wrap this up to conclude um if you want to tell me the Jets are the worst organization in all of sports major sports for major Pro Sports I’ll listen to you uh I I’ll concede that you have a fair point but

Anybody else no shot no way the Buffalo Sabers whether they’re worse or whether they’re second worth I think there’s one thing if you’re being completely honest with yourself and I know a lot of true hardcore saber fans who really want this team to be good so bad they don’t want

To hear this but it’s the truth they are just absolute disgrace the Buffalo Sabers are absolutely disgraceful it’s disheartening I almost wish they sucked last year because if they would have sucked last year I’d have no expectations that they would be good this year because of last year they

Teased us and we had expectations they would be good which makes the fact that they absolutely suck again this year even more annoying so that’s what I’m going to end the show coming back tomorrow I think tomorrow’s show we’re getting right back to football because I don’t think I could take two backtack

Episodes of talking about this organization the Buffalo Sabers Back to Football tomorrow and we’re g to talk about Brandon bean and we’re going to go back to last year and we’re GNA evaluate Brandon Bean’s 2023 off season the free agents that he signed the draft picks he

Made a couple trades stuff like that we’re going to set the table back to setting the table it’s just say for the bills 2024 offseason because I think this is going to be a very very very critical offseason for uh for Brandon but anyway it’s gonna be on

Tomorrow’s show thank you very much for watching thank you very much for listening and I’ll be back talk to you tomorrow

On this episode of Talking Buffalo, Patrick Moran is completely fed up with the ineptitude of the Buffalo Sabres and goes on several tangents outlying why he thinks they are the worst organization not just in the NHL, but of all four major sports.

Over the past few days the Sabres went to Minnesota and beat a tough Wild team in overtime on the road, only to return home and inexcusably lose to a terrible Anaheim Ducks team, a team that actually swept both games against Buffalo. It led Patrick to realizing both games are a microcosm of a Sabres organization that perennially finds ways to blow anything good they got going.

Patrick backs up his case by reciting tons of notes, ranging from their woes this season and going back throughout the entire drought that sees no end in sight. Along the way he throws out a bunch of terrible free agent signings, extensions and trades GMs made, Ralph Krueger playing 30-goal scorers on fourth line and a host of Sabres from the 2015-16 that all went on to achieve great team success— after leaving the Sabres organization.

He also goes through five other major professional sports organizations that deserve consideration but arrives at the conclusion that only the New York Jets even belong in the same conversation as the Sabres. That and plenty more on today’s extremely animated and opinionated episode. #bluewirevideo

To listen to this and every episode of Talking Buffalo Podcast in it’s entirety, Subscribe/Follow on Apple or Spotify.



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  1. Title of this video "Sabres are the Worst Organization in Hockey" Then it takes NO LESS THAN 18 Minutes ton get to your take on the Sabres. WTF dude.

  2. Disagree they arent even the worst in their league

    Toronto Maple Leafs
    Ottawa Senators
    Arizona Coyotes

    Cleveland Browns
    Washington Redskins

  3. I feel you, went through the same thing w the giants this past season in terms of losing interest. We don’t have it nearly as bad as the sabres in the grand scheme of things but the reality check feels just as cruel when you’ve been a laughing stock for years.

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