@Boston Bruins

LQR Game 54: Now lets be smart here :Kraken @ Bruins

LQR Game 54: Now lets be smart here :Kraken @ Bruins

So I lost to you because I sucked yep I lost to you because I didn’t show up yep and I lost to you even though I played you the whole game yep so then how do I consistently win in this league I have no idea right wrong people to ask wrong people to

Ask lowquality fans of a high quality de Bruins team welcome back I’m not even going to say it I’m not even going to say it I got to say it that’s not a dub a lot of you cringed at the high quality Brewing steam part I get that I get that look I’m

Going to challenge you for a second here because this is the type of game where we get to show how smart of a fan base we are right we get to show how smart we are because we’re smart you can be upset you can be frustrated frustrated is the perfect word right now

Frustrated but if you want to be angry you be angry about the Calgary game or about the Capitals game or even the Lightning game if you feel like it all of those I can be like be pissed yes fine I’m I am more of the the calm side

Of things on most of those the Capitals game obviously but you can be angry and upset and this team and this is a game where we get to show how smart we are by not being angry frustrated sure a little concerned not me but like I get why you would be

The Boston Bruins played a really strong hockey game tonight a game where I’d say you win that game eight times out of 10 which is also four times out of five which is also 16 times out of 20 Math Man more often than not you win that

Game it’s hockey we know what hockey is we like to pretend we don’t we like to get in the comments here and talk about how every single game this is what I saw during this game this is why this team won’t make it anywhere those comments don’t do a ton of

Good when it’s an 82 Game season and you go through highs and lows like crazy because you know what hockey is and it’s highs and it’s lows and what have we said all season Once we realized the team was solid like it was good enough to make the playoffs we said that this

Team needs things to go right in the playoffs that hasn’t changed we’ve also said selling the farm to get a little help this year doesn’t make a ton of sense we’re walking a real weird line so we get to show all the other stupid fan bases they’re so dumb they’re so dumb I

Have a lot of respect for basically all of them we get to show them how smart we are by not tossing this team under the bus for losing four or five being frustrated absolutely but for this game the reaction of this game hey sometimes that’s the way it

Goes and Seattle’s over there going ah dord dord had three empty Nets that we missed three and one really really excellent save he had a couple excellent saves I can’t even dord played really well I don’t want to take anything away from him this wasn’t we got goalie

Though we simply didn’t finish and we’re going to talk about the guys the lack of finish that these guys have I mean marshand misses from God 12 feet out on a wide open net jvr misses from a foot in a half out that’s not a lack of finish that’s just some days the

Universe goes boom sit on it it’s just what it is you want to be butt cheeks be butt cheeks to the universe how does that make sense I don’t know but the universe decided that one Karma or something I don’t know did we do something bad were you naughty maybe that’s it

Maybe that’s it either way I just I said it in the last video I won’t be mad if this scenario if the Bruins play a great game and we get goaled or we just don’t have the puck luck or whatever I don’t even remember what I said I’m not going

To remember that was days ago but I do know I said something along those lines not going to be upset if this is the if the team is rounding back into form and of course they’re just going to have this kind of result as they’re getting

Out of it because why not make us all a little more frustrated what not guys this team’s not in a bad spot we are now second in the division which sucks but let’s be real whoever we face in the first round things have to go right whether we are the president

Trophy winning team or not and whoever we face in the second third and fourth round things have to go right the goal tending has to be playing out of its mind the role players have to be scoring that you could say that about any team but you don’t exactly look at Colorado

And go well with that roster things have to go right you don’t look at Dallas like that you don’t really look at Edmonton like that because McDavid and dry cidal and bushard and Skinner a little bit right now which is kind of weird we’re a different type of team and

It’s okay to admit that we’re not we’re not that team we’re not last year’s team and we’re we’re we’re closer to the 2011 Bruins than we are the to the we really are we that team wasn’t some dominant Force they weren’t physical and aggressive and the game was different 12

Years ago 13 years ago but we’re kind of closer to that team I don’t think this roster is built to be some incredible Juggernaut and I think we need help with you guys on that but take a step back take a deep breath be frustrated but recognize that hey this was a hockey

Game that didn’t go our way it just was and that’s okay that’s okay let’s talk a little bit about this Kraken team three six And1 in their last 10 it’s the first Mee of the season with them they’re pretty bad they’re pretty bad they’re just under middle of the league in power

Play and penalty kills the special teams are eh they would go almost perfect against us 28th ranked offense in the league but the way they can four lines has them with a 10th ranked defense there’s plenty of NHL players on that team remind you of anybody but just not enough star

Power you get it they don’t even have a poster do though so you know they they they kind of remind me of Bruins West a little bit except for we just have a little more than they do particularly excellent goal tending which they got tonight there was a second when they

Looked like they were going to make a push back into the the playoff race and hey they might they’re not out of it by any means just they’re battling with a lot of teams right now for a slot but losing three of their last four including getting shut out by the Sharks

Has made that outcome a little Bleaker on that end dord as we’ve already mentioned continues to be excellent and his likely nabbed or has literally nabbed the starting gig even though guow came back recently looking very strong and he’s going to get dord is going to get the uh the start tonight there’s

Only so much dord can do when that team is scoring an 8% of their shots when we talk about their goals in this game you’re going to kind of understand why they were able to score as well as they were a lot of tough luck the Bruins Marian Cole Frederick debrusk zaka pook

Jvr geeki Rashard Heinen Bist Stein Grizz McAvoy Lindo Carlo forbort wat spoon Swan and as I mentioned the Bruins are now second in the division after losing 405 okay okay I honestly hate our home ICE most of the time anyway the Puck’s so choppy I hate it I don’t hate TD Garden

But I just wish the ice was better that’s a pretty well-known thing at this point let’s just Crush through this game for a little bit but then I do want to talk about a couple of points that I think are pretty important right now but

First as always P Dr and we are 5 minutes in and the team looks great they high energy there quick Puck retrievals excellent Puck movement and there’s an asterisk here because Seattle’s coverage defensively was absolute butt cheeks to start but still we should give credit what credit

Is due because the Bruins get set up about five minutes in and it gets the puck to zaka up on the top of the slot and he hammers a low hard wrer I don’t know why I said hammers it doesn’t really work with a wrer but either way

Sends that low onto cord looking not for the goal but for the play that is in front of the net because pasta and Nebraska are there save made goes to Pasta he shoots and it gets saved again and then he shoots again and it somehow squeaks through takes a river likee

Process bouncing off a couple things into the net it’s one0 we’re 5 minutes in 1 Z 5 minutes in that’s exactly what we asked for effort in the beginning the shots are like 11 to one this is what we needed unfortunately the first isn’t going to go great after this because 6

Seconds later McAn trips Carlo and we’re going to go to the power play now look the power play wasn’t actually bad that wasn’t a part of the Badness here but Maran had the wide open net and I mean wide open net on a great pass from pasta

But he healed the shot and it skittered away and that’s one get jot down right wide open net one wide open net shot skitters away bummer they kill off the rest of the penalty and just about a minute after they kill that off Carlo is going to go for high sticking we’re

Going to go the penalty kill shots are 11 to1 right now and now the shots are 11 to three and it’s a tie game because the penalty kill continues to be egregious we’re going to talk about special teams in a bit the Kraken moving through the neutral zone do a simple

Give go on the right side unfortunately Lind Holm decides to sell out completely on the give portion of this and attacks and the go side that launches Eberly behind Lind Holm Freddy doesn’t pick it up fast enough because I don’t think he expected lindol to completely sell out

On a pinch on the blue line on the PK really weird decision making there either way Eberly Gets behind everyone is a sharp angle on the right side to San swan makes the initial save but the way it hits his body he feels like it’s

Going right and so he looks right but it bounces back to the left and Everly goes okay and just smacks it in idiot it’s 1-1 power play goal for them and again our penalty kill is egregious so fun so fun the period will end that way I do want to point out that

That goal means we have allowed 16 Power Play Goals in 16 games so second period starts 913 left of the period we’re skipping through the whole first half pretty pretty tightly fought battle there larsson’s going to go for hooking second power play in a row where the Bruins have a wide open

Net and they flub it this time it’s jvr who again clever pass from pasta and tries to deflect it into the net and deflects it not only not into the net pass the post behind the court it’s you can’t you can’t make this up that’s a that was the moment you jot

That one down you just go okay maybe this is going to be a problem tonight maybe it will be so that’s two wide open Nets that are missed good stuff with 225 left of this period the score is still the same we have hit two posts and missed two wide

Open Nets at this point in the game it’s still one one shots are 20 9 to 17 and Carlo has the puck on the offensive blue line and he catches an edge and he eats [ __ ] face ice everyone’s laughing Until you realize oh it’s a three-on-one the other

Way maran’s the one I actually thought that he was quick-footed on this and really tried his best but a couple of quick passes leads to a wide open net and guess what mccan doesn’t miss it and it’s 2-1 just because and this is what I wanted to point out they scored a power

Play goal that was totally misre read Bruin’s fault and then I don’t want to call this luck because Carlo like fell over and how often are you going to get have an NHL defenseman who literally just trips on his own feet while having the puck as the almost last guy

Back you’re not going to shoot 7% on three on ones is I guess my point here so they go up it’s 2-1 we go to the third and you just you just need the dam to break at this point you have 30 shots on net you have one goal just need the

Dam to break and two minutes in a well executed play gets coil the puck in front of the net and dord makes the first save but the puck bounces past and coils right there and the Nets wide open that’s our third Miss net of the night

He also hits the post on it so I don’t know whether to call it a post shot or missed wide open net how about both he just wanted to marry the two good for good for coil three missed empty Nets and two posts technically three posts it was one

Of those nights and we move on 8:36 in water spoon [ __ ] it biffs it he he screws it up damn it w spoon I wanted you to stick in the lineup and this was one of your worst efforts I wonder if getting sat every other game

Is [ __ ] with you I said I was going to work on my language it’s just not working he gets the puck on the right point and he doesn’t keep it moving he looks to keep it moving then holds the puck which he did in the last possession

As well and then as he doesn’t have any more options rather than wrapping around the boards to get the puck in deep he goes to his other defenseman forbo and he passes to him fine forbo a compliment I’ll give him if he doesn’t think he can

Get it into the net he’ll wrap it around the boards he does it too often but immediately wat spoon smacking his stick on the ice give it back for gives it right back and he one times this into the first defenseman we’ve talked about a thousand

Times get it past the first guy he didn’t and so wenberg blocks it settles it Chucks it to Ben who has a contested Breakaway cuz forbo’s there forbort backed up and he actually has the angle maybe not the speed but he’s right there and he opts to cover the pass option as

If this was a two-on-one and it sort of was but it would have had to be a back diagonal pass by beier which was already covered by two back Checkers so forbo’s late to actually attack the putt carrier which means bener just gets to walk into the slot forbort finally Dives at his

Feet and he just goes low Blocker on swim and buries it Wicked shot and it’s 3-1 and I mean that that shouldn’t have felt like game because it’s still almost what 12 minutes left but you just can’t get anything going and that’s another mistake where you just handed it to them

You can’t even look at wow Seattle scoring is waking up no you just gave him another freebie that was a great shot you to give credit for that three-point night for Ben years good for him 726 left and this time it’s pasta with a diving decord in front of him and

He couldn’t lift the puck over his glove he gets a sliver of it and instead of it just bouncing still straight it bounces off to the side it was a save made it was a great save but it’s just no Puck luck there at all 430 left San gets

Pulled 343 left pasta goes for hooking so San’s going to go back in he gets pulled again later and 18 seconds left mcan’s going to bury the empty from about 160 ft good for them 4-1 4-1 final let’s talk about the game Notes The Game notes are important the first one being

I hate that wspoon had a bad effort here because we wanted him to stay in the lineup I don’t like the way they cycle him out I’d rather them cycle forbort and shaton Kirk out it’s not happening it’s not happening so he’s G he’s going to sit next game in all likelihood tough

Game for him the special teams our power play and our penalty kill have been bottom six in the league for the past three weeks two weeks since the All-Star break but even before that a little ways they were terrible uh but since the allstar break they are bottom

Five special teams on either end they allow a goal a power play goal virtually every game if not multiple and their their power play can’t they can’t put anything together so I don’t know which one to make memes about first because they’re both terrible and that’s a lot

Of memes to make if I’m going to make fun of both of them it’s too much I haven’t done the meme thing this year though we should get back to that the other game note is simple it’s officially a slum the reason they haven’t been calling beer up or lorai up or anything

Is they can’t afford to they have $60,000 in cap space right now that’s it but they haven’t put ptra on the ltir and if you put them on the ltir I’m pretty pretty sure that opens up enough space to at least knock a guy down and call up another guy who’s just slightly

More expensive such as a Beacher or lisel or a merula or someone who creates internal competition because Bist and Steen are non-factors if anything they’re negative at this point and I hate saying that about Steen because I want it for him so badly Heinen is being

Wasted on that line right now person I believe that Rashard doesn’t look good jvr is struggling geeky is struggling like a whole team’s struggling what am I doing right now but you got to create more internal competition it’s time to start waking everybody up this was a

Great effort it was bad Puck Lu you can’t roll the same roster though I know I’m contradicting myself a little bit here but you have to put some heat on some guys right we need that and I think think we’re going to see it I don’t know what

They’re hesitating for though I really don’t unless they think this is their Playoff lineup and they’re like let’s stick with this for a couple weeks then we’ll go back to shifting things around I don’t think we’re doing that at game 54 in the season I don’t think we are so

I am hoping ptra goes to ltir we open up a little bit of cap space and we can at least swap some guys because that feels necessary right now still this team’s in a good spot it’s just a slump somebody called it I apologized that I can’t

Remember who it was and I responded with EH we’ll see and the Vancouver game went great and in my head I was like see no slump n they were right we’re slumping we are slumping it happens to every team we’re going to get out of it Go bees go

Bees once again guys thank you so much for watching but it is time to give a shout out to our high quality inspectors we’ve got our Top Line tier inspectors we got Brock nope Han slowmo coach D the atomic lizard Bradley Johnson Aaron Adams just Aaron Darren Woodbury Brett

Arie pinsen and Nick culo thank you guys so much for your support it is greatly appreciated and of course massive props to these absolute stallions the allstar tier inspectors we have Jason aie bruan Connelly that’s just one name bruan smash aaion H E coyote Jacob Pratt tupton deashi Jonathan Harvey D Kingery

The only noes a tasty snack dutes 42 and Jeremy you guys are absolute studs I can’t thank you enough and go bees

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  1. If we didn't keep hittin' the post and whiffin' on open nets we woulda' won that game.
    Please make it stop. 🤣

  2. Look at some of the games they’ve won…that they should’ve lost. It balances itself out. They had the shots but just never found the back of the net for multiple reasons. Now that they’re “tied” with Florida maybe that’s a good thing. They’ve held the top spot since the season started. Is this team a cup winning team? Who knows. If they can at least make the playoffs (which I’m sure they will) maybe it’s best that they aren’t the top seed in the east. In my belief it may take the pressure of them and they may do what Florida did last year. We’ll see! There’s still plenty of hockey left.

  3. This was Seattle's Stanley Cup Final. They're not going to the playoffs; they are four points out with fewer wins than anyone near them in the standings.
    On an unrelated note, I was watching some of the Flames-Sharks tonight and my new least favorite player in the league is Martin Pospisil. What a clown. Only acts tough when the linesman is in front of him, not much talent. He's a younger Nick Cousins.

  4. 5.

    I won’t be wearing my jerseys anymore.

    Not out of lack of faith, but. I need to get them cleaned

    The moment I witnessed JvR miss the would be empty net. I knew that we were doomed. Then when Carlo fell on his rear…well.

    This is saddening. Not even going to start training with the B’s on a winning streak. Gonna be fighting with the Laffs for a spot based on this performance. 4 of 5. Just. Yikes.

    Go B’s. too tired for excitement right now. 12:30am and I’ve been up since 5am.

  5. To me it looks more and more like all teams have cought up with what Monty is doing/asking/playing. Just like last year in the playoffs. We have NO centers. They just cant win faceoffs. We sit currently on th position in the NHL in faceoffs. And I know that I wrote this a few times already, but Lindholm is brutal, at this point he is a waste a valuable cap space. The powerplay is so onesided that all the goalies do nowdays is cheat to the right because they know only Pasta will take a shot. We do not have a right shooting center, yet they play all the bumper plays on the right side of the net. Zacha does his best, but he is a line 2 wing at best. Coyle also a pretty bad center, most likely he would be better on the wing somewhere on the 3rd line. We do not have 1 and 2 C, and we are missing 2 wings from the top lines. JD is "now you see me, now you dont" he has 2-3 good games ant after that you have to look with a magnifying glass to find him. Pasta, Marchy, Freddy, McAvoy Ullmark and Sway. This is our team. The rest is just brutal right now…

  6. Not me having full on convo/argument/settlement throughout this vid with loqual. You made some good points, my guy. Until next time.

  7. I see this season as an overachieving season. I personally thought they'd be lucky to maintain a playoff position, so I'm not going to complain, (too much). The 4th line is a mess, and the third line isn't much better. The defense hasn't been great lately, other than MacAvoy. The rest of February is going to be tougher, it'll be interesting to see how they do. As you say, it's a slump better now than in April. Look at Edmonton the beginning of the season their fans were losing their minds. Things change.

  8. I get that there proly just in a rut rn but it’s starting to level out and look like this is the norm, bc this is pretty much what our roster really shows, a good team, not much star power, decent depth, best goaltending in the league, top 5-8 team

  9. It was time for a slump…now, to overcome adversity…the upcoming road trip (getting out of town) will give them the perfect chance to wake up…as done in years past…
    What will the trade deadline bring, as we showcase certain players??? Who knows… Unless we can get Tage, or Sid…not worth selling off the farm…or what is left of it.
    It is worth bringing up many on the farm to play in proper slots in the lineup…

  10. Kings,Stars,Oilers ….yikes hope we can get back on track . Not sure where the players focus went. Where did the skill go!? We havent been able to finish in more games than not though. We will see if this team can win 10 straight like Fla can 10 str8 on road!? Incredible. Wish we were consistant like that

  11. The 1st goal lindholm no effort Eberle stands at side of net all freaking day this team gets softer by the day.

  12. Btw. I love the shorts skits. I just roll down to watch each one for a laugh on a hard day. . Wish there was one for all your skits. Just saying

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