@Calgary Flames

Milan Lucic Taunts Alex Burrows With Finger

June 6, 2011

Milan Lucic taunts Alex Burrows during the NHL Playoffs Round 4 Game 3, Vancouver Canucks vs Boston Bruin at the TD Garden in Boston.

Video belongs to the NHL and CBC Canada. No copyright infringement was intended.


  1. Boston is such more of a team than Vancouver, and I still hate boston… Then you could imagine my hate for Vancouver.

  2. Slashes TT. Yeah, because no Bruins did anything of the sort to Luongo. Not sure if you're trolling or just stupid, but quit your fuckin' crying.

    Again, crying about something that all Bruins players do, which is dive and sell calls. Not to mention Lucic jabbed Burrows in the face not once, but twice. Especially when he was totally vulnerable. That ogre in black and gold is the real piece of shit here.

    Doesn't get tough until the refs step in? Kind of like Marchand, eh?

    Grow up, cry baby.

  3. are you out of your fucking mind?! lucic was ranked the number 1 fighter in the nhl bro! burrows doesnt fight. he bites

  4. Its a little ironic hearing this from, Im assuming, a Boston fan… Jack Edwards is the epitome of a homer commentator.

  5. Hahahahahaha you are an idiot. Burrows would never fight him ever. Lucic would bang on him way worse then any other goon he has beat the crap out of. Mike Komisarik would rearrange Burrow's face and Lucic always bangs on mike

  6. I dont think thats the point he or she is trying to make sir. It's more about how much of a pussy Burrows is. Not all, but some, canuck players really showed their true colors in this series. Fan of the Bruins or not, its just fact.

  7. I agree that Burrows is a pussy. Its unfortunate that he can score goals yet he acts like such a penis on the ice. But saying that the Canucks commentators are homers, maybe partially true, but coming for a Bruins fan its just a little ironic.

  8. Haha. No I understand completely man. I'm obviously a B's fan but there are times I wish I could just listen to the Radio broadcast rather than listen to Jack Edwards (play by play guy). He makes a ton of mistakes and goes overboard constantly. I love his calls when the B's score though because he flips out as if it were the playoffs. But I understand your point.

  9. He sucker punched him because Burrows was clearly trying to draw a call from the refs for the initial contact, which is ridiculous when you're in the Finals. Its hockey. Grow a set. Some players will never learn… and clearly some fans will never learn as well.

  10. For a 7 game series the Canucks got totally owned by the Bruins in every aspect of the game.

  11. Call Burrows a pussy all you want, but realistically, he's the one making 7-figures with a hot wife and could probably beat the shit out of most of the people who call him a pussy. I agree, he is a bit of a whiner but at the end of the day, burrows counts his millions, and you're probably scrounging change out of the sofa

  12. Fucking idiot. Where did I say he is not a pussy? Where did I say he is not a pussy because he is rich? You completely missed the point I was making. Useless pieces of shit like you who need things spelled out for them really shouldn't be running their mouths on the internet.

  13. Lucic is the BIGGEST PUSSY in the game! Always tough with the smaller guys. Big sissy when confronted by the heavyweights. Always finds a way to get behind the stripes. 

  14. I'm a Boston fan, I will admit Lucic's punch to the back of his head was sickening but I was still laughing at him poking at Burrows with his fingers

  15. Diehard Bruins fan but I felt Lucic was overpaid and overrated. A big "tough guy" in a faster league. But boy, burrows got what he fucking deserves!

  16. Well thats odd, when Burrows was sticking his finger in Bergerons face CBC though it was funny. {Ohhhh hahaha….is that taunting…hahahaaaaaaaaa}
    Now CBC is basically saying its a classless move.

  17. This has got to be my favorite Lucic moment. Burrows got exactly what he deserved. I don't care how much you hate Lucic, you can't disrespect a player like Bergeron the way Burrows did and not expect to answer for it.

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