@National Hockey League

56 goals left to tie Gretzky

56 goals left to tie Gretzky

by Only-Highlights


  1. why-is-hockey

    really wish caps would trade Ovi, he’d def hit the milestone before his contract is over playing with proper line mates, dudes best teammate this season is Dylan Strome like no wonder he had a long goalless streak

  2. MrFantastic74

    I hope he makes it over the next 2-3 seasons, but there’s that nagging pessimistic thought that he’ll keep slowing down and won’t finish the race. Kind of like Game of Thrones fans hoping Geore R R Martin finishes the series before he inevitably kicks the bucket.

  3. Secure-Station4104

    Old mf is running out of gas, matthews will pass him in no time

  4. SINY10306

    Ovechkin on (still predictable even at 38) goal surge, while even Mr. Magoo can score on Devils goaltending.

  5. Drew_You_To_91

    I’d still be shocked for him not to catch Gretzky, even at his worst he can walk into a 20 goal season.

  6. HockeyBrawler09

    I hope he doesn’t get it if only because of his ties to Putin. Sorry yall, I’m not a fan of a modern day Stalin and this dude is.

  7. Maleficent-Comfort-2

    He’s really going to do it.. huh.

  8. PoopSlinger23

    Still doesn’t hold a candle to The Great One

  9. RealisticPineapple99

    He’s gonna do it but I hope somehow he doesn’t

  10. Particular_Tutor_46

    Man’s on a mission and he’s been playing on fire since the all star break.

  11. mattcojo2

    I hope he can get like 8-10 more to get below 50 for the season

  12. DarkwingMcQuack

    Canadian fans are salty as fuck, lol. Sorry, but the Great One’s record is going to be broken. Just accept it.

  13. He somewhat reminds me of more proliffic Iginla, who eventually just hit a wall around this age. It will be interesting to see if he can keep it up. I could see him doing it….. but I also would not be surprised to see him really dip next year even further.

  14. ackillesBAC

    I hate “career total” stats. All tho, he will likely catch up in goals before he catches up in games played. Which is dam impressive

  15. wrinkledpenny

    Who cares. Matthews is breaking this record in a few years anyway

  16. MysteryMammoth

    call me crazy i really don’t think he’s doing it

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