@Washington Capitals

David Perron slashed Carl Hagelin (April 16th 2015)

Vous ne trouvez pas que ça ressemble au coup de Subban sur Stone?


  1. I'm a Canadians fan, and I don't think Subban deserved a 5 + automatic game for his hit, but there is one fundamental difference: Hagelin had the puck.  Case closed.

  2. If Stone didn't get a fractured wrist, it would have been a 2 minute penalty. If Hagelin did suffer a fractured wrist, it would have been 5+game

  3. Why is it so hard to admit that Stone embellished? Not saying it didn't hurt or that he isn't injured… Just saying those antics don't belong in hockey. Unlike slashing..

  4. Canadian fans cannot use this Carl Hagelin video as evidence until you admit that Emelin tripped Kreider with a slash to the skate boot which ultimately tripped Kreider and ultimately making him slide into Carey Price.   I shall await for your testimony .  🙂

  5. This is not pretty but look at the difference in where the point of contact is on the offenders' sticks.  In this case it is about 15 inches away from Perron's hands, compared to the heel of Subban's stick which would have the most weight and velocity behind it. Simple physics.  Not to mention that it could be argued that Perron is battling for the puck rather than cheap-shotting someone away from the play.

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