@Boston Bruins

I can’t believe No. 68 said this to her

I can’t believe No. 68 said this to her

I want to say thanks to Dominica my girlfriend uh she’s too young to remember I played in Pittsburgh but okay well I guess you can say yger is a legend for actually making this joke live in his speech as his number was being put up in the rafters I will

Say though I absolutely had no idea before this yogger wasn’t happily married and with kids but I guess this man also has never stopped playing professional hockey to settle down so to speak and he’s still in the top check League which is absolutely no joke to

Play in but I think overall it was just really awesome for Yer to have this moment in Pittsburgh and putting his number up in the rafters to be remembered forever is something that is so deserved I feel like it’s crazy though to see an NHL Legend get this

Type of achievement and still be out there on the ice I mean he stepped on for Penguins practice the other day and man he looks like he’s honestly still got it like this power attorney does here is just so quintessentially yger and the dude is such a legend for the

Sport he played in an era of hockey that was brutal as well in terms of physicality but somehow this man’s body has still held up through it all so I guess it’s no surprise he can throw flexes like this as he has his number raised up for us all to see anyhow Jokes

Aside this was just absolutely a special night for a legend of hockey to be remembered forever over and out but I told her all the story so don’t worry about it

Jaromir Jagr retired his jersey and thanked his girlfriend Dominika, as he joked she was not old enough to remember his playing time with the Pittsburgh Penguins. #hockey #nhl #jaromirjagr


  1. My favorite thing about Jagr was that when he was asked time and time again about why he hasn't settled down. His response was, you can only love one thing in life, and right now I love hockey, so until I stop loving hockey, I can't love someone else because Hockey is all that I love.

  2. As a kid this guy was my hero As i grew up i read about how he wasnt the nicest guy in the lockeroom and that kinda makes this more awesome Jagr's story was real as hell

  3. I much hope Jaromir is going to have kids now when he retires. World need small Jagrs urgently !!!

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