@Buffalo Sabres

SEASON HITS A NEW LOW: Sabres Feuding with the Fans??

SEASON HITS A NEW LOW: Sabres Feuding with the Fans??

Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to Buffalo Sports Center I am Don and today uh there’s been some news about the Buffalo Sabers and it seems like the team is a little bit in a feud with the fan base but let me get to that in a quick second before I do though make

Sure to hit that like button and subscribe follow us on Instagram Discord Tik Tok of course here on the YouTube all of those links are in the description check them out but let’s talk a little bit about uh this whole Feud emerging between the Buffalo Sabers

And the fan base so there was a Buffalo News article just posted not too long ago was actually on it was a Sunday morning or Saturday morning I can’t remember but um by Mike Herrington I a lot of people have thoughts on the journalist Mike Harrington Sports common

This for the buff Sabers but that’s not the point what the point is that in his article he talked a little bit about how ever since a certain game the sabes have not gone to Center I and raised their sticks to commend the fans after their

Home wins now he’s saying that like the Sabers win at home a a whole lot we don’t not really Sabers barely ever went at home there’s not much life in the arena there is a toxic environment because after every period that the Sabres are losing the fans are booing it

Just there seems to be a real toxic mess right now at the arena and for a team that has been desperately trying to change the culture they really seem to have taken a step back this season a big massive step back but in the article Mike Harrington discusses a little bit

About how fans have been complaining a little bit that uh the sabes do not go to Center eyes and then according to a couple of his sources um this is all because of uh the one game a certain game that shall live in infamy when the Sabers lost 9 to4 to

The Columbus Blue Jackets yeah that game I think we all remember that game on December 19th I live streamed that one and me and K we were on the live stream we were also chanting fire Donnie just like the fans were in the arena we’re standing in solidar solidarity with the

Rest of the fan base so the fans were chanting fire Donnie in the fan in the stands and the Sabres team really took exception to that so in response the locker room came together and decided you know what because of that Outburst we’re going to snub the fans post game

After each home Victory there has been a quote response of a postgame snub of the fans um this is a direct quote from the article by the way folks I highly recommend that you check out the article for yourself it’s behind the Buffalo News pay wall I was lucky to be able to

I guess I had a free article today so I was able to read it but if you don’t doesn’t matter if you can check it out but uh there here’s a direct quote from the article quote uh look we love our fans because when this place gets going

It seriously gets going uh the veteran player said and I get all the frustration of how many years it’s been but most guys in here haven’t been here very long Kevin Adams hasn’t been Donnie hasn’t been you can’t put that all on them well and you know what hey that’s I

Guess kind of fair but when you’re a team that has expectations that had playoff expectations going into the season of course the fans are going to be a little upset and it’s been 13 years and most of these guys that veteran player is right outside of Zenus

Gurgenson the rest of this team hasn’t been here for more than six seven years K poo is the next longest 10e player after Genson by the way so yeah I I get that the team’s like no guys why are you mad at us we didn’t cause all the previous pain the problem

Is there’s still causing pain in the present and this is a team that promised not to do something like that again not again not to this fan base a fan base that clearly has gotten impatient Fed Up and quite frankly athetic towards this team um but the player there’s a couple more

Quotes that I want to read off of here um there’s another quote here from the same veteran player that Mike Harrington talked to uh the quote is quote Columbus was a terrible game but it was one game and that should have been directed at us and not Donnie this team keeps coming

Back look what happened against Toronto and we know what teams quitting on coaches look like we’ve seen it in other places this season which again that’s not wrong either St Louis did it to their coach Edmonton did it to their coach uh Ottawa did it to

Their coach a lot of teams have already quit on their coaches this season checked out completely gone wave the white flag on the season the only team that seems to been able to bounce back after their coaching change was Edmonton and you could say Minnesota to a certain degree they’ve been significantly better

Under their new coach and John Hines but Edmonton is the only team that is truly gotten back on track a playoff team that underwhelmed in the early part of the Season that is now back to being in a playoff spot and have their plans back

On track so right I get all of that the problem with all of this is you can’t be mad at the fans for being mad at you you can’t say you don’t care about the fans complaining about you and then probably come back and snub the fans every

Postgame win you can’t do that the fans are on your side and to say that you’re going to stand out of solidarity with the coach I get it but this is a team that has underwhelmed this is a team that has completely failed in comparison to their preseason expectations so to

Them say to the fans oh come on how could you expect anything more out of us we’re trying our best here you clearly aren’t when the effort of the team is being questioned in multiple games namely that Anaheim Ducks game on the west Coast trip fans have a right to

Question the effort fans have a right to boo fans have a right to be upset with the team and to turn back and say no no no the problem is not with us the problem is with the fans being upset at us that’s just being mentally soft that’s being completely soft that’s not

Solving any issues and I mean it’s it’s just not a good situation to be in this is the same crap that’s doomed the the previous big uh potential core of the Buffalo Sabers with eeko O’Reilly Evander Kane Sam Reinhardt Rista Lon Robin Leonard they were doomed because

Of this same toxicity that permeates in Key Bank Center it’s just really frustrating to see the players again say look we haven’t been here that long yes but when you’ve been here the best thing you had was being one point short of a playoffs spomb even in your best season

This team still lost they still couldn’t even make Benchmark basic uh uh marks on the season they couldn’t even get to the playoffs so I I just I I I really am confused why they’re snubbing the fans why are you trying to pick a fight with

The fans when you should be picking a fight with yourselves these players need to understand I’m sure they do most of them probably do that uh that this season has not been good enough that they have not played consistently enough in front of good goal tending and decent enough defense

It just hasn’t happened the offense has completely dried up it’s just really confusing again to see the players instead of looking introspectively snub the fans the fans will be on your side if you start winning if you start putting in consistent effort you put in consistent results

And there’s another factor to all of this too the fans are also doubly frustrated not just because of the on Ice experience but the off ice the tickets are way too expensive for how the team is playing parking is not good enough the in Arena concession stands

Are still not good enough the arena is dilapidated it near clearly needs Renovations the seats are crumbling it’s just the arena is in poor quality so you take take all of those subpar qualities and you combine it with the subpar performance on the ice you get a really

Bad mixture a really bad perfect storm for what has been this season oh and it’s Mike Harton says in this article that it’s a really slippery slope to complain about the fans stevea did it back in 2013 that happened Steve got blown up by the fan base for doing

That and Mike Harrington this is a good quote that he has towards the middle of his article he says quote ultimately fans can direct their eye at who they want Granado’s performance is like everybody else’s this season and in that it hasn’t been good enough he’s right it

Hasn’t been good enough it hasn’t been anywhere close to the expectations that we were promised before this season this season was supposed to be the year where everything finally changed that the Breakthrough would finally happen people around the NHL also agreed that’s why Eric Johnson came to Buffalo that’s why

Conor Clifton came to Buffalo but it’s clear that those additions weren’t enough and I think the fans have a right to be upset it’s been 13 years of the same crap new faces new experience same results same things keep happening history just keeps repeating itself over

And over and over if the team really wants to show solidarity with their head coach start winning consistently put together some results when you can’t win three games in a row in a given span throughout the entire season you can’t tell the fans not to be

Upset with that you have to be upset with yourselves about that okay you have to win on the ice that is the best way to show solidarity with your head coach until you can do something like that these players need to stop being mentally soft to wake up and realize the

Problems don’t lie outside the arena the problems don’t lie in a toxic mess it it lies in that locker room in a locker room full of soft players players that are all buddy buddy with each other but no one’s really pushing each other if they were truly pushing each other then

The same results wouldn’t keep happening over and over again you wouldn’t keep winning two losing two winning two losing two it’s just not been good enough so before the Sabers again complain about the fans before they go public before a veteran player says this sort of stuff to Mike

Harrington why don’t they for just for a quick second look within themselves and say if we just started winning consistently then the fans would get behind us that’s all it takes winning solves all issues but this team hasn’t done that when you’re not winning games you’re not

Doing your job and this team is not doing their jobs and then they complain when we tell them that they’re not doing their jobs most people in this situation if you weren’t in hockey if you’re in the real world you’d be fired a long time ago so don’t tell me and don’t tell

Any of this other fan base that you’re upset about our reactions to your play no no don’t don’t be don’t do that no you’re not going to do that how would you start improving yourselves before you complain about about us that’s it for me

I you won’t see me that mad again for a little while folks but anyways thank you so much ladies and gentlemen I was Don this is Buffalo Sports Center make sure to hit that like button and subscribe and check out a couple of the videos

Next to my head here and also check out Mike Harrington’s full article link to that will also be in the description below thank you Mike Harington for a good very well written article anyways goodbye folks

The season has not gone well for the Buffalo Sabres. The fans are upset again and have let their displeasure known with the team. Instead of being mad at themselves, the Sabres players are mad at the fans. Don rants about this whole situation over 13 minutes.


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  1. Granato absolutely has the wrong game plan. HE is not the answer clearly. No grit, no net front presence, not ready to start the games, horrific power play strategy, rare 60 minute effort etc etc. Adams is too close, and he can't pull the trigger, which means he needs to go as well

  2. 😅😅 Perhaps they could snub the fans even more if they could manage to win more often. Don't worry fans, not a chance.

  3. They also played very hard the game after that loss to Columbus and Rasmus said they were passed off about the Donnie chant.????? Maybe they should play pissed off more often.

  4. Don, you got the fans to start the chanting lol, next time get the fans to wear mink coats to the games and chant “you guys are soft as mink fur!”…I had pet ferrets they were very soft, my X Wife didn’t pet my ferret very frequently, we are divorced now. 😂

  5. I’m glad I canceled cable, I didn’t miss watching the last game. Peterka only played 14 minutes, he’s not good enough to play for this talented team.

  6. Great video, very well said , you and Mike Harrington Nailed it ! This team is SOFT, theres no urgency , they are inconsistent and near last place in hits and faceoff wins.
    Also the PP which was top 5 last year is now one of the worst , also theyve given up the most first period goals and shorthanded goals and most importantly its going to be 13 years of missing the playoffs!
    Lets just hope that the Pegulas clean house and get rid of the entire coaching staff this summer and also says goodbye to a few veteran players named Okposso, girgenson ,jost bryson and olofsson , but i have a bad feeling that Adams will say that the team regressed which is common for young teams to do ! God help us if this happens!

  7. You are 100 % right. Don't lash back at fans for sub performance results. KA gave Cozens and Power to big of a contract to early in their career. I think KA has a burning cheque book he wants to use..Look at the fan love for the bills.This team has good talent. Clean this up before Dahlin wants out.

  8. The Sabres do play too soft and I did want to see a coaching change, but I am disappointed with our fans this year in the lack of understanding and acceptance of where the team is. I’m also extremely disappointed with all the calls to fire Adams which I feel is complete insanity. We are only 2.5 years into a real rebuild and a lot of fans seemingly want to give up on what Adams is doing. Remember that, it’s been 13 years for us but only 2.5 for them. I’m going to make my own video on this. I don’t think people realize how much worse this could get if they want to go right back to what already failed us. We need to stick to Adams’ plan and let Power, Cozens, all of the young players find their way. Not emotionally overreact just because we want to make the playoffs right now. Stick to a plan that will make this team incredible in 2-3 years from now. Do we care that the Bills made the playoffs? We have to do this right.

  9. This team is an absolute disaster from top to bottom. An owner that refuses to bring in professional hockey people to fix this mess. A GM that is in WAY over his head. A coach that is about as inspiring as a librarian. Soft players that refuse to fight for the puck and that get their feelings hurt by frustrated fans that boo them. There is no easy fix for this team and this playoff drought has no end in sight.

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