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The New York Rangers Extend Jonny Brodzinski To A Two Year Deal! My Thoughts & Opinions!

The New York Rangers Extend Jonny Brodzinski To A Two Year Deal! My Thoughts & Opinions!

What’s going on guys welcome back to Rangers Central and today we got pretty interesting news that just randomly broke this morning as the Rangers extend Johnny bitsky to a 2-year deal and it’s under 800k as well I think it was let me get the exact amount for you guys yeah

700 uh 787 th000 there a little over that keep the change but yeah uh they extend Johnny binski and I’m going to give my thoughts and opinions on the signing do I love it do I hate it I think you guys know the answer but before we jump in everything leave a

Like if you do enjoy subscribe if you guys are new especially if you’re Ranger fans and turn on your notifications see you know when I upload or go live next so yeah I I obviously love the deal unless Johnny binski did something to you I don’t know how you could hate the

Deal and I’m just happy for the guy I I’m very happy for him he came up because of the fact that the Rangers have had so many injuries this season and he’s just played his he he’s just played his tail off and he has in 37 games played 15 points four goals 11

Assists he came up on fire I think he had like six points in his first few games or so and then he kind of cooled off a bit and there was more and more injuries and he was stuck playing with some of the worst players imaginable who

Thankfully are gone like Nick Bonino and Tyler pit like and now he’s been forming that line there centering that line that has been so good with Will Coy and coo kako and now he has 15 points on the year and kak’s on a five game point streak K’s been playing well himself so

This is a very deal in my opinion cuz I was under the assumption that britzky with the way he’s been playing was going to start to price himself out of staying in New York and for sure he did exactly what he did with Jimmy VC last year and

Gave a two-year bargain deal and Johnny britzky took it so I guess he either loves New York or he wants to just prove himself further or a bit of both but I thought if he was going to stay on this type of deal it was going to be for one

Year but for two years this is a really good deal that you cannot be mad about because worst case it doesn’t work out all right he goes to Hartford it is what it is and you wash that away and he goes on waivers he gets claimed he gets

Claimed if he cuz if he’s that bad then if he gets claimed it’s not the end I’ll be all but yeah he’s 30 years old so he’ll be 31 going into the contract and then he will end it being 32 33 years old but yeah I am just again in so I’m

So in love with the way that drury’s been shaping up this roster in terms of the bottom six for the future and I’ve been very critical of him and you guys know that I’m critical of Drury just because of his lack of addressing the Top Line right wing I still think that

He need to do better in terms of just putting together the defensive unit but a lot of that’s because of troop’s contract handicapping him a bit but I’ve loved the scouting Department he’s brought in and their job of finding these bottom six players because I tweeted this out the Rangers have so

Many potential options X here and this could potentially mean either goodra’s being bought out or traded this off season or both and then this could also mean that guys are expendable come this trade deadline even because you look in terms of the roster Philip heed comes back that’s a guy that’s probably going

To be in the bottom six or if it’s not him it’s going to be Vinnie tro to fill that 3C and then britz is all of a sudden the 4C Adam edstrom has emerged Cabo kako still might be a bottom six guy will Co is going to be a bottom six

Guy for the future Jimmy VC Matt Ry and then now brozinsky like I mentioned Adam Sakura might get a cup of coffee next year Ryder corac even in the system is a name that I forgot to put in the Tweet he could maybe emerge brandan othman’s

Probably going to win a roster spot next year Brett bards right on the cusp of being on the roster and then there’s still some other guys like McConnell Barker who’s going to come through the system at one point Bobby trino maybe I don’t know really if he’s going to ever

Get a shot at the NHL he might for like a game or two but I don’t foresee him being like a future NHL long term but Carl Hendrickson’s kind of the same case there but there’s a lot of options for this team going forward in terms of what

They could do with their with their depth options and their bottom Sixx here like this makes barley good so easy to trade in terms of the loss not hurting at all granted he is a net negative so the loss probably wouldn’t hurt regardless but like this just makes it

So much easier because of how many guys they have and I would argue that this opens up the opportunity this off season for the Rangers to potentially Splash and get an upgrade in the top six I was saying I’d like gel I don’t think it’s realistic if I’m being honest in terms

Of the offseason but like in terms of free agents this upcoming offseason you never know like maybe they could get a guy like Jonathan Marshall so I cjets uh suggested that in the group chat that I’m in with them and you know Jonathan Marshall for a cheaper option for the

Top six he’s a little up there in age but he’s still going to be a quality guy to be in the top six and he does play a little bit of a pesky game even though he’s a shorter guy he could be someone that fits in the top six going forward

Down the road but that’s all offseason talk and that’s all next season talk but for right now brozinsky this is a very good move and this is It’s hard to hate on a move where it’s league minimum essentially the deal and it’s for two years for a guy that’s either a debt

Piece and at best he’s going to be the third line Center like he’s been going forward I don’t foresee that because next year I think obviously if heo coming back hopefully let’s hope there he’s probably going to be the four se but again there are just so many options

For this bottom six and and then you know opens up the flexibility for what they could do next off season cuz as of today they have going into the off season they’re projected to have a little over $12 million in cap space the only question is going to be with the

Defense because lingren contracts up Schneider’s contracts up I don’t think he’s going to get a huge race and then gipson’s up but I expect like Jones or Robertson to take that role going into next season so and if not they’ll just sign someone like guson to a contract

Where he’s getting to get just that type of money so it wouldn’t even hurt that much of the cap and then you know obviously the year after you got Miller eagor so the contract situation is obviously not looking bad but again that’s all offseason talk a lot of it’s

Going to dictate based on how this season goes because if they get bounce early I still stand by the fact that they have to move one of the core guys it just has to happen my in my opinion it’s going to be Chris krider if it’s

Going to be any of these core guys I could be wrong this is just my speculation my thoughts but cuz I just don’t see being movable at this point I don’t see I mean mik is definitely unmovable Panera’s unmovable trk is and then that krider contract lightens up I

Know the trouba one does too but I think kryder you can at least get something of value back where with trouba they probably have to attach assets just to get out of that contract at this point probably but and also the difference is the extra year on kryder’s Deal versus

Trouba who has I I cannot believe that contract’s already like coming to a close where he is just two years after this year like time moves quick man time just moves too damn quick but in terms of the contract like I mentioned I’m very happy I’m very happy this gives the

Rangers a lot of Versatility for their bottom six for the next two years because of the fact that they have him they still have VC I mean next year mainly cuz some of these guys contracts will go up but this is what this team has been lacking for years a cost

Effective or a low costing bottom six how long have we been screaming about them having to pay for guys just to be in their bottom six and just terrible guys too like Michael Haley in their bottom six Brendan Smith getting rep set forward you have McLoud down there

Before uh Paul carry just some of these ridiculous names in the bottom six gner those days and now they’re actually getting some youth in the lineup which is very important very important for this team and as we’ve seen it’s rejuvenated this team a bit too having

Guys like rmy and edrom come into the lineup and make an impact with their physicality but let me know all your thoughts in the comment section Down Below on the signing would love to hear from you guys don’t forget to leave a like if you haven’t already don’t forget

To subscribe too turn on your notifications too so you know I upload or live next and I’ll see you in the next one

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  1. Completely random, but not looking forward to tomorrow lol. Got a ticket with a Rangers buddy and think you guys are gonna smoke us

  2. Im not mad at this. He's been doing what we need from him. He works hard you can see it game in game out.

  3. Great Video, as usual, Evan. It's a Great Extension. I think that one of the reasons that he had signed, was because you have given him Johnny Broadway nickname. After that, I'm sure that he didn't want to go to The Chicago Blackhawks & called Johnny Chicago or Johnny Madison. LOL. Let me know what you think & if that made you laugh about the nickname.

  4. Sorry to disagree, especially since we usually agree, but, I'd keep Chris Kreider as A Ranger until he retires. Even though I agree that he has been a bit of a sporadic player/scorer, at the very least he scores/plays a much better game than others (I think that they should get rid of Jacob Trouba, who I like, but not Davidson/Gorton price). I'd like to see them get younger D players. Let me know what you think

  5. I love the deal. Hard working guy who by all accts is one of the nicest guys. According to Vince M. After practice the team all did stick taps on the ice and had a team huddle with him in the center of it. That alone tells you how his impact is felt on the team.

  6. Another idea for the top RW – Goodrow and 2024 1st to Washington for Anthony Mantha. 4th line – Vesey, Edstrom, Rempe. Edstrom looks responsible defensively and Rempe hits anything that moves. Rempe also likes to hang around the net and I feel Vesey and Rempe can find some chemistry with Vesey as the playmaker. LGR!!!

  7. Great signing! The price was right and you can see he works hard. He can be the 3C or 4C and with the 2 year deal maybe he’ll work hard to prove the extension was the right move for the team. Look at Jimmy Vesey. Good players at great prices! Go Rangers go!!

  8. Would be nice to see Goodrow and Truba willing to restructure their poorly constructed contracts to give us more cap space but that’s probably a dream that will never come true 🤷‍♂️

  9. Johnny Broadway!!!! I like it. I think that Broadway, Cullye, and Kakko or Vesey would be an excellent 3rd line. I think the Rangers definitely need to focus on getting a first line RW. If they get that, and all the players are firing on all cylinders, I think the Rangers have a good chance of going far in the playoffs. I like Rempe and Edstrom on the 4th. They are putting a spark into the team with regards to their physicality.

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