@New Jersey Devils

Soccer Fans Watching the Outrage of a Sponsorship Ad on a Jersey.

I think some of us need to pump the break and take a breather. Ads on soccer jerseys are significantly worse and bigger.

by ImTommyJarvis


  1. EmuQuirky8841

    Soccer doesn’t have commercials or advertisements painted onto the field itself (though I think that’s more common in south/Central America)

  2. “I can’t stand wearing a corporate logo on my jersey.” And you think an NHL team is, what, a nonprofit?

  3. BlueBeagle8

    The funny thing is, for all the outrage they’re basically a waste of money for the companies.

    We see another team’s jersey or helmet ad almost every night. Can anyone name 5 of them off the top of their head?

    Does anyone have any idea what Pedul is? All this time on the Devils’ buckets and I’ve never once thought to look.

  4. blueandgoldilocks

    Unless you live in a cave with an internet connection and device you manufactured yourself by hand somehow, corporations have their hand in your pocket regardless of where you are

    As long as the Devils aren’t sponsored by some terrorist organization, who cares who sponsors them?

    I don’t care that RWJ sponsors NJ nor should you. I’ll go to whatever doctor/hospital that keeps me alive/out of pain

  5. TheBigMotherFook

    Oh 100%, and for a lot of clubs it’s *ads* plural. They’ll have the main shirt sponsor, kit sponsor, sponsor on the sleeves, sponsor below the numbers, sponsors on the shorts sometimes, etc. they’re effectively walking billboards.

    My fiancée is Dutch, so we’re back and forth between Europe and the US a lot. Whenever we watch sports here she gets upset with commercials and talks about how commercialized sports are here, and I always bring up soccer kits, to which she fails to see the comparison. I guess it just depends on what you’re used to?

  6. FullOak82

    I mean for instance look at Baynern München. Their crest is a little chest patch on the upper right while T-Moble’s logo is emblazoned prominently on the jerseys. You’d think they were the Bayern “T’s” or something. Or who is it that has “ETIHAD Airways” on their jerseys? Some UK club. It starts with a little ad by the shoulder and moves to either that or the mess that is a lot of euro hockey with ads everywhere they can stuff them on the ice and on the uniform. Even refs have ads down their pants. 

  7. RustyBike39

    I’ve been to one Devils game while visiting a brother who moved to Jersey from Ireland. I enjoyed the sport itself but I found the amount of announcements and ads during the game itself to be bizarre. I chalked it up to a cultural difference and learned to enjoy the game anyway.

    Feels like Americans are having the same reaction to a sponsor on the jersey that I had to those announcements.

  8. MMvolnutt

    Try pro cycling, the teams are the sponsors. At least hockey isn’t grocery store chain vs oil state. Still hate the sponsor on the jerseys though…

  9. Joisey_Toad32

    (Cries in Fly Emirates)

    (Cries in Visit Rwanda)

    I was naive to think Arsenal we’re only gonna have one sponsor. 😑

  10. I walk into the Rock past the Barnabas Health Hockey House every time I go to a game, but this 1″ by 2″ patch on the jerseys is what makes me mad!!!

  11. zoom100000

    if you’re okay with the jersey ads you’re a corporate bootlicker and should be ashamed

  12. RentBoy-Kef

    I have nothing wrong with a singular sponsor on a kit & 2 league patches/ a social message “no to racism” & “all can play” sure. Don’t get a sleeve sponsor like kohler thou it will only go further that’s my gripe I like stitched patches of the leagues/ cup. They took 100% of our boards & 4 spots center ice & 4 spots behind the goal. Thats the part I hate it is never enough ohhhh our helmets too… but that’s none my business “just to make up lost revenue for half a season… it’s temporary don’t worry.”

  13. I’ve never flown Emirates, but seemingly half the soccer teams in Europe have been telling me to.

  14. BKtoDuval

    I hated the idea when NBA teams did but it’s not so obtrusive like soccer ads are. And I like that when you buy a jersey the corporate logo isn’t on it. So I don’t really care so much anymore.

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