@Boston Bruins

What’s the concern level for the Bruins right now? w/ Mick Colageo & Mark Divver | Pucks With Haggs

What’s the concern level for the Bruins right now? w/ Mick Colageo & Mark Divver | Pucks With Haggs

I think we can read back into it that that these teams are being told before the game this is how you beat the Bruins yeah oh I think there’s no question report yeah straight up that first game out of the break Calgary just pushed them around all game and they did

Pretty much nothing like it was and you know they would and you’re right it I I think they consistently I’ve thought they need to get heavier meaner tougher players at the trade deadline to add to this team to bring a little more of that element uh for sure

Sure welcome to another edition of the pucks with hags podcast as always I’m your host Joe Hagerty you can find my work at Joe hager. substack join a premium membership to get all of my NHL and hockey writing sent straight directly to your inbox as part of the

Pucks with hags newsletter I also write for Boston Sports Journal uh file columns after every single game uh work with some very talented people there people like Greg Mard Mike giardi so definitely check check out the Boston Sports journal for uh my Bruins columns I believe this is the 66th episode of

The pucks with hags podcast so thank you very much uh friend and colleague Mick kagio for joining me and for the New England Hockey journals Mark divver as well um Mick why don’t you plug and Mark if you have anything to plug too why don’t you guys take your turns and plug

Anywhere where they can find your stuff and where people can find your your uh your writings about hockey go ahead Mark go ahead m okay we’ll do me first uh my rink prap blog is back up um and it’s uh rink but you don’t really need

To know that if you’re on X Twitter or Facebook uh those are game blogs I contribute to the hockey news on a seasonal basis with their it their big issues writing on the Bruins end of that and um let’s see what else um I don’t

Know what to say for myself but I do write a weekly column on Sundays for Boston hockey and uh been watching hockey for many many moons as Mark has as well and and our good friend Joe hags Mark Mark what do we have for you

Is it the New England Hockey Journal do you have another you have a site where you’re writing rside Rhode Island baby rside Rhode Island yes once a every Sunday or Monday if I uh if I don’t get to it on Sunday I kind of recap the uh

The good bad and ugly from the Providence brones weekend or week yeah those are literal subheads this is a great site that anybody who wants to know what’s going on with the PE Bruins or the guys who have recently been there recently recalled excellent excellent

Read I do it all the time well I I’ll be honest every time whenever I see like the good the bad the ugly pop up I I want to go read it because there’s always something I’m learning about the Providence Bruins uh and what’s going on

With the inner workings of that team uh when I check it out so it’s always worthwhile uh we appreciate you keeping us educated on the PE Bruins Mark and it’s good to see at the Garden like we saw you uh on Monday afternoon as well

Yeah that was my first game in Boston of the year so uh wow the I’m an old man uh you mean the year or the season the traffic bothers me uh the whole thing bothers me you know but I took the Train on on Monday now that bothers you yeah now

That bothers me right I think we’ve all we’ve all reached age as crusty Sports Riders where things bother us a lot more than they used to so I’m I’m in that club as well there there’s no question about it um all right let’s thank our sponsors real quick to uh uh FanDuel

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Four game losing streak uh really entertaining uh gritty win uh against the Dallas Stars on Monday kind of Feelgood at the end of it even though it was a struggle to get there um Mick your take just on that seven game home stand where they only won a couple of games uh

But did end on a winning note and sort of what you make of all of that now that it’s over and they’re going on the road to western Canada okay everybody’s had rough patches all the good teams have had rough patches the Bruins finally had theirs um they had one that was smaller

Earlier in the year but this was the defining one the question is now is did it erode their confidence as who are we now are we one of these top teams and statements like tonight in Edmonton would be would be pertinent to that answer and not to

Jump out of the question and ahead but uh the other thing I got from it was is that I saw the brew and startle slow a lot and it finally these slow starts are catching up to them and they they’re paying for them and now they’re finally realizing they need

They need to sustain what they do well they need more 60-minute efforts and and they’re hard to generate for them at the time when it’s more gen uh genuine for other teams to come up with that when the Bruins are manufacturing it well they now they’re finally knocked down a

Peg and now they W won’t have to manufacture as much now they’re going to feel that desperation more organically and then we’re going to find out really what they got in their golf bag and are they are they really the team we’ve been watching all season or are they this

Other team that it’s getting outw worked a lot and and you know I watch other games and teams look like they hate each other more they’re they’re meaner they’re nastier and that’s a little bit of a thing that um I just feel like other teams to move that needle for the

Bruins and if you’re not the team that moves it yourself and pushes the other club then um you’re not going to last long in the playoff series that’s for sure yeah it’s that time of year I mean it’s that time of year where teams are

Like you can feel the hate on the ice a little bit more where temperatures are rising in games much faster where the intensity and urgency is there whether it’s uh teams fighting to get back into the playoff structure teams fighting to stay in the playoff structure or teams you know

Players fighting for jobs on teams that are going nowhere and and trying to hold on uh you know to be there next year and and make a good impression or and it was funny I forget which Bruins player this was but one of them also was talking

About how some players are playing well right now to try to get traded too uh if they want out of a situation uh that some of them are are rising up their game or or showing a different level and playing a higher level because maybe they want to get out of wherever they

Are and you know that’s a motivating factor for them I had even really thought about that but it’s a really good point um but I think you’re being the last year of your deal right last year of contract sort of the same thing yeah and I think you’re seeing that um

The Bruins my take on the losing streak was that the Bruins were not ready to meet that same intensity level they looked like they were still on the beach somewhere for for most of that seven game home stand uh I think seven game home stand where

It was like two weeks straight at home which is almost unheard of in the NHL regular season it kind of looked like it was a very bad thing for them like they kicked back they relaxed at home with friends and family they weren’t you know maybe as focused uh and as urgent as

They needed to be when all these other teams were coming in and bringing their aame and it really showed against you know uh Calgary Los Angeles Washington teams that aren’t playoff teams that came in here and and got wins against the Bruins and really like I think just

Wanted it more than the Bruins did in those games so I I I didn’t read a ton as far as Panic or this team is in trouble based on what I saw uh in them losing all those games I just thought it was a wakeup call for them that they

Needed to up everything to a whole different level as all these other teams are and I think we started to see it a little bit as it was going on obviously there’s some problems with this team um you know when pck and Marian aren’t scoring they’re they struggle to score

Goals and and find consistent secondary offense the defense is porous and more leaky than it’s ever been before and relying a lot more on the goalies the special teams was the one that really now lindol right you know right and lindol heart but I the Special Teams

Really failed them I thought a lot in this losing stretch as well both of them the power play and penalty kill uh were struggling big time and that was a problem for a team that’s relied on good special teams all year uh but to your point and one thing that you mentioned

About their confidence there was about 10 10 seconds left in the third period in that game against Dallas Charlie McAvoy had the puck down at his end uh there was plenty of time to go down and try to win get it make a game-winning play at the end of

The third period and instead he just ate the puck and stood down there for like nine or 10 seconds and just held on for overtime in the point and I know that’s the smart play I know that probably coaches you know tell players to do that

Uh in this day and age where you get a point in overtime you get the loser point but it also struck me as just a team that does not have a lot of confidence that things are going to go well for them right now if they go try

To make a play uh at the end of the third period and try to win a game and and you know get the two points instead of going to overtime um and I kind of read into that a team that’s confidence is not at an all-time high right now uh

Obviously Mark your your thoughts just on what you’ve seen on this home stand them losing five of seven games obviously woned on a high note but uh you know showed some struggles in between yeah the lack of bite in their game is a concern uh yep more so I think in the last

Little while but really all season um you know the other day the Stars took a couple of big runs at Bruins players namely Charlie makoy yep and you know yep I don’t think that was a penal a penalty but it was uh a play that should have been that should have been answered

In some way shape or form the one where his head the glass you’re talking about right yeah you can’t have your best defenseman having his head knocked into the glass like that uh Y and and not uh respond to it earlier against uh against Tampa I think it was uh there was a

Little dust up in the uh in the gold crease their guy ran into uh Swan was it was it Swan that night yes I believe it was SW I think it was but somebody did it to Swan too and Swan got fired up and went after the guy Swan ends up with a

Fine for swinging a stick at the guy but that was El Mark that was El Mark yes yeah Mark got the fine yeah yes but you know again not the worst thing in the world that the guy did that that that he kind of tried to go through the crease

And uh cause a little a little Ruckus there but something that needed a more of a response than there was uh so I that’s a concern um especially going into the playoffs where you know that was lacking think against Florida in in on many occasions in the in the first

Round and to see it again I mean hey it’s February it’s not uh it’s not April yet but uh that’s something you know you got to address those things I I think and I think we can read back into it I think we can read back into it that that

These teams are being told before the game this is how you beat the Bruins yeah oh I think there’s no question that’s Scouting Report yeah straight up that first game out of the break Calgary just pushed them around all game and they did pretty much nothing like it was

You know they would and you’re right it I I think they consistently I’ve thought they need to get heavier meaner tougher players at the trade deadline to add to this team to bring a little more of that element uh for sure and I can definitely

Tell I talked to some of the players in the room after Omar was fine it was funny uh Montgomery didn’t even realize that omark was fine when I asked him about it the next day he didn’t like I think he just would have you know

Assumed that that was not going to be a fine barely grazing the top of his head with a stick swing where he’s protected himself when the guy threw a shoulder at him uh and I I the a lot of the Bruins players were pissed that allar gets uh

$5,000 fine for that that is the same exact fine that Jak K trouba gets for a baseball swing at the side of Trent Frederick’s head you know that it it doesn’t seem like that should be the same fine they should be like connected with a thud totally there should be

Different degrees of fines um and goalies definitely should be able to protect themselves when a guy comes flying in with a shoulder into the crease uh when he’s trying to make a save um but the larger point to what you’re talking about there needs to be response protecting your goalie there

There was a play um maybe it was in Dallas where swayan uh responded to somebody and started shoving them and going after them when they came into the crease too like your goalies shouldn’t feel like they have to be the ones that are constantly defending them eles uh in

Those situations it should be your defenseman it should be your guys uh with grit and and the ability to you know stand up for their teammates and and really like make it in no uncertain terms that you can’t come into our crease and push our goalie around you

Know and the Bruins just they’re they’re constantly the group that they have I feel like more reactive than assertive and proactive they react to things that other teams are doing instead of like really you know making a stand and deciding you know I’m just going to make

A statement here and it’s that’s not a good thing come playoff time um makoy seems like he’s muted right now in the sense that he’s afraid that the there’s going to be some sort of miscarriage of Justice if he gets involved that way Carlo is probably the more most

Consistant rough house around the crease and if that’s the case then there’s a problem yeah because that’s not because that’s him being playing out a character and him having to do say w spoon but he’s in and out of the lineup yeah and but it’s like you know it’s grizli going

To do that is shaton Kirk going to do that no like they need another defenseman that um that is willing to like be uh you know have Fu in his game and really you know let you know and on certain terms that you can’t do anything

Funny Around the Net and you can’t take liberties with the goalie and with anything that’s going on um Mark do it that has to be a trade deadline Improvement right that I don’t see anything organizationally where they’re going to be able to bring bring in players that are going to you know all

Of a sudden bring that attitude or that style to this team no I don’t think there’s anybody in Providence certainly that you could bring up and say okay you’re going to be responsible for clearing the crease and uh and kicking butt you know around the net they they just they’re not built

That way they don’t have that guy in the organization and you know Milan Luchi doesn’t play defense but he was brought in right for just situations such as this and obviously he’s he’s not an option excuse me but yeah it’ll have to come via trade waivers uh something uh to to get that

In the lineup uh or else I think this will keep happening and it doesn’t have to be a bench clearing brawl like we we had in the you know the Montreal Philadelphia rivalry days 1987 pregame warm up uh but just I wish those things still happen Mark I

Wish it was those days well I think that’s why the Riley suspension was upheld by bman because because the one thing the NHL doesn’t want to do is leave a crack in the door open that they would be tolerating 80s Mayhem and I think the microcosm of that is is all

Marks fine if goalie comes up it used to be the blocker that was a weapon now it’s the stick now in this case it was the stick it’s kind of like yeah if the team wants to respond spawn but IG goie can’t be hurting people with his with

His dangerous gear and uh and and they so they take hard lines on certain things but there’s other areas where the parameters are wide open for the Bruins to get harder and they don’t do it well one it doesn’t have to be a fight necessarily you know you can uh down the

Other end of the ice you know you run our goalie we’re going to run your guy over if he comes out to play a puck or even in the crease you know that uh that sends a message too now you know I I don’t know if you want to go there but

Uh at some point maybe maybe that uh that should be a response you know you hit our guy we’re going to hit your guy you know part of the problem with this discussion and this is something that naturally happens is it sounds like we’re making an indictment against the

Players in that room and I know that none of us are it’s just that I saw yeah jper boquist did we say jper yesper but he was throwing the body he was he this guy with a slight build was running around hitting people uh Danton Heinen’s been throwing the body

More there are guys who are trying to play the way they need to play in order to help the Bruins win hockey games uh and they’re not necessarily cut out for it and physically um or or in natural playing style uh but they just don’t have enough of that

Element that’s on another level of of uh aggression initiate initiating aggression being in the physical team to start with hit first ask questions later be a team that makes their defensemen look over their shoulder on their way back to the retrievals that’s been something that’s really been missing in

This era of the Bruins that I was hoping that you know maybe more in a Mark Messier Glenn Murray kind of a way you’re not coming to hit but you’re coming with such speed you’d cause the Panic that way they had skaters like that last year on this team the ability

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NBA players and teams Quick Bet live same game parlays exclusive props and more just visit Boston and shoot your shot FanDuel the official Sportsbook partner of the NBA I think there was a lot of Effectiveness in that Dallas game from the sort of fourth line that they put

Together and it was based on speed Anthony Rashard and boquist and Brazil was skating with them a bit but I their speed was noticeable in that game as far as having an identity on the fourth line as far as disrupting with the speed and you know to to mix Point kind of

Throwing their body even there even if that’s not really their you know their calling card is is you know using the speed and the body to you know disrupt and to make plays um and I thought it was really effective and brazo I thought played a really good game um he had a

Great takeaway in the middle of the ring too yeah uh I think um just and this is the news this past week Justin brazo gets signed to a two-year two-way contract for about 750k goes from uh I think he wasn’t drafted Mark right he’s undrafted um 61 goals 61 goals in the

OHL his final year of Junior but teams were scared Away by his skating uh y but now he’s he’s worked on that uh he’s he’s lost weight he’s in Better condition and now his uh he didn’t look out of place the other day for sure and

Uh you know people talk about his lack of speed uh but if he was matched up I would like to see a match race between jvr and Justin brazzo and uh my money’s my money’s on BRZ with the younger legs I think I think you might be right you know the

Jv’s got the crafty old man’s game where you much the lack of speed uh but just your thoughts mark on Anthony Rashard uh since he’s been up on Brazil getting signed in that game that he played on boquist in the way that he’s played and

Um just you know if this is a shift now if we’re starting to see they made a decision with 30 games left that you know we’re going to go a little bit more with some younger veteran guys that are going to play with speed and do some other things instead of continuing to

Run you know Oscar Steen and Leo out there and beer as they had done earlier in the year and maybe getting some results with some guys that um you know are cut from a little bit of a Different Cloth here that they’re looking at yeah I think they’re

Looking at these guys to see what they have before before they hit the trade market I think they’re going to have to hit the trade market but yep you know if a guy like Rashard and brazo if they can you know prove themselves uh over these

Next few weeks you know maybe they don’t have to make you know another deal maybe they can get by with one deal and and and not have to do more uh you know Bist I think is he’s an NH he’s an NHL player right he’s got a bunch of games under his belt

So uh but Rashard he’s got some games but uh you know if he continues to play like he has over the last since he got called up then I think he’s an NHL player uh yeah brazo one game one game if he keeps this up then yeah keep him uh right you know

But guys have come up and uh and and you know they Shine for a game or five games uh you know I think it was two years ago I I said uh after a stretch of a short stretch of games by Steen I said hey this guy’s an NHL player he doesn’t need

To go back down to Providence but yeah that wore out after a while and he did need more time in Providence and and then he gets back up he’s good for a while uh but you know brings nothing offens ly zero uh he’s not big he snows

The goalie every once in a while but uh you know he’s not he’s not making anyone nervous uh no so I think they were hoping with his stubby legs that he could be a really tough and strong on the puck on the boards and in the corners and just be a little fire

Hydrant out there who would be tough to knock away from possession and help the Bruins with that part of their game and even that hasn’t wasn’t really there I saw him get pushed off the puck guys are really good at hitting while you’re re before before you’re set and you’re in

Motion then the guy like him goes over if you can hit him while he’s moving and that’s right now with the way the game is I’ve been watching brezo for the last three years or whatever in Providence and I’ve yet to see him knocked off the puck yeah you know he’s not beating

Anybody in to be F1 uh you know but uh good luck getting the game getting the puck off him or knocking him off the puck in the offensive zone well I I thought the goal he scored was really indicative of what he’s gonna bring to

The table when he goes hard to the net and he go he he goes on the puck so hard that he knocks Ryan suter’s stick out of his hand and it goes flying as he’s coming and shooting that and you know getting to the loose Puck and scoring in

The slot like that’s a big strong dude that just wants the puck and like you’re going to go flying if you get in his way and they could use more players like that for sure he’s crafty kind of way and he almost scored a second one on a

Wraparound uh yeah and I’ve seen him score that goal in Providence uh you know more than once that uh he’s got a reach you know gets around the net and and sometimes he he uh can beat the goalie to the to the post and and stuff

That in uh the kid made a great save uh Monday but it was almost there we all go back to the 88 and 90 Bruins cup runs uh Final Cup Final runs and with varying groups and a ton of depth you just didn’t know if you said give me my give

Me a top nine for the 88 Bruins you probably can come pretty close but then there’s like seven guys after that any three of which might be in the lineup and this Bruins team is reminding me of that because there’s a lot of guys who seem to have NHL liability in short

Spurts but which ones are going to make long careers and substantial impact on the team it it hasn’t really um fermented yet and and maybe it’s not going to maybe it’s just going to be whoever’s hot is going to be in whether it’s lynndon buers Greg Johnston Peter

Durus uh you know John Bice um you know there’s just so many names you could keep on rattling off here from that and I think we’re in that kind of thing again M I always bring up Mo May when you talk 889 I remember that that game when he I

Don’t know which game it was in the finals when he scored a goal he came over the blue line and wound up and and with a slap shot and scored and I thought the roof was going to blow off uh the old Garden yeah it’s a it’s a this place’s

Vibrating jacket Ed’s moment like Marco Sturm scored in the playoff you imagine Jack in the old Garden um so I guess one other thing a little other piece of Bruins news this week uh hampus Lindholm got hurt in that last game um it was as soon as that um

We took an awkward fall into the boards and you could tell by the sound that was made and the way he fell that it wasn’t good as he skated off uh just immediately and he tried to stay on the bench for a little while and then left didn’t return um the Bruins uh

Subsequently uh put Matt ptra on the long-term injured reserve sent Oscar Steen down to Providence and brought um brought Mason Lowry back up uh for a little defenseman depth there uh how has Mason lry looked uh Mark recently how’s he been playing in Providence I would say he’s been okay he

Missed uh he missed the weekend with a skate cut uh and he came back this past weekend and played both games and he was fine uh you know I uh I wouldn’t say he was great I wouldn’t say he was dominant which is uh a term I’ve heard other people use

For his play in Providence at times I haven’t seen him dominate in the American League but hey that’s just me uh but he’s been okay he’s been okay uh you know I I don’t know I would say that there I I know lorai is ahead of everyone else I think in the pecking

Order of prospects defensively oh yeah I think Ian Mitchell has been really good in Providence for like the last 10 games really good and he gets passed over this time hey that’s the way it goes sometimes but uh well you got that right shot depth right now shot is where where

The action is and unfortunately for Mitchell it’s a numbers game right now well and that the match as far as matchups go you know if we I don’t even know if Lori is playing tonight who knows right but uh you know I think they’ll be doing everything they can to

Keep him off the ice when uh when McDavid and dry cyle are out there you know that’s just a matchup that he can’t win well yeah I don’t I don’t want to see the Kevin shattenkirk and and Matt grizzli pairing not either any of those instan is either I mean ju like thinking

About the defense thinking about lowai coming up lindol getting hurt but even beyond that like just all that stuff aside I mean I think we’re all in agreement that a defenseman is the number one need for this team right like um a guy that potentially can play top

Four certainly is going to be effective in the dzone and be a physical tough customer Around the Net somebody that’s going to help them protect those third goal uh third period leads uh when the games are getting tight uh and somebody you’d want out there in penalty kill

Situations uh be it looks to me like that’s you know a lot of people want to talk Center and think we still need a top six center and uh that the Bruins need a fourth line guy and that’s obviously why they’re looking at you know some of those fourth line players

Now that Mark mentioned uh but the Bruins I I think need a defenseman first and foremost am I right on that Mark do you agree with that well yes and and with Lind Holm out here uh you know for you know they haven’t said any said what his condition is or when

He’ll be back but I would expect like maybe three to four weeks for him out uh so yeah they need they need a defenseman uh you know so what do you give up to get that I guess is is the the follow-up question right uh is it Jake de brus is

It you know who is it is it uh is it uh you know Fabian lysel well I was goingon to say is Fabian lysel the kind of guy that could be in play because you know the Bruins like him and he’s got value obviously but he might be more valuable to another organization

Rather than somebody they project is going to be a long-term you know member of the Boston Bruins organization well I would think that he he’d be in play uh depending on you know what the return would be yeah you know I don’t think uh I don’t know I I don’t I

Have a hard time saying that the Bruins have any Untouchables on their Prospect list yeah you know depending on the return you you don’t want to you don’t want to give away a guy like LEL for a for a rental you that wouldn’t be smart

Right but if you can get a guy you know who you have control over for a few years a good player who helps you uh this year and going forward then then that’s probably worth taking a shot at at least that in my opinion um but uh

You know we all know they don’t have a lot of chips uh to play here so I I wouldn’t uh I wouldn’t rule him out do have Factor meals uh to help us out America’s number one ready to eat meal kit when it does get busy when it does get crazy when we

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Haags to get 50% off your first box you won’t be sorry if you go to factor meals it gets The Hags thumbs up seal of a approval yeah Mick um defenseman in your mind still the the number one priority for this team a left shot defenseman who

Can play with makoy and add some physicality that helps makoy not have to be all things makavo has had to be Ray Bor this season and and uh your best physical defenseman your best Rush defenseman your best three Zone monster your best minute muncher he’s had to be all of

That and a bag of chips and it would be nice to see a player who could complement him on the physical side of the of the puck and that pairing is a left shot that would take that one piece and allow him to augment offense more na

Naturally as he does and not feel so much and also keep the to get the Bulls side off his back a little bit on the four check I just think right now that um he’s got is they get closer to the playoffs he wears that Target um I don’t

Know I get the vibe with lysel that even though he’s made huge strides this season is now up high in the Providence Bruins scoring that the rest of the league doesn’t take any Bruins prospects seriously and they’re not they’re not looking at lowai potential and what he

Could mean and you see the good elements of his game and projecting them forward I don’t think out of town teams I don’t think they’re looking at Bruin’s process I don’t think I think L cell I just don’t see the return being worth it right now I don’t expect that there is

Something there for them that would be worth get trading him for might be worth holding on in one more year and see if you can get him over that hump and then maybe age 23 or so whatever it will be then um you got a player or 22 you got a

Player who’s be more enticing in that regard or he’ll play for you one or the other um I I I I I disagree Mick I think um the fact that Patra uh really came onto the radar screen this year as a viable you know NHL Prospect moving forward lowai has had uh some

Flashes and certainly has shown talent and and I think the Bruins have demonstrated that they’re drafting NHL Talent again and you know they’ve the recent influx of prospects has been at a higher level than they were originally rated by um you know all of the draft

Nicks that uh that Mark loves so much that have high opinions about all these guys whether they’ve seen them play in person or not um but I I think the the reputation of the Bruins draft and development has actually risen this year and I think the prospects are thought of a little more

Highly now than they were um the LA the previous couple of years um so I think there is leag wide I’m thinking I I don’t don’t know if that’s I think so goes around um uh that strongly um you know I I think yeah I mean I think that

They accept out there that low is legit Pro back that but nobody really knows yet if he’s going to turn into hampus lolm or Colin Miller and lell is also lell is putting up numbers he’s a former first round pick and he’s doing it at a

Very young age in the AHL still uh relatively speaking so you know I I I think I think he does have value around the league and I think he is one of those players that uh if you were talking about a a trade that he would

Certainly be I think he would be the prospect that would be mentioned most prominently um like Mark’s point I don’t think they’re going to give him away for you know just like somebody that’s going to be a placeholder for you know the rest of this season to try to make a run

I think it would be in in a bigger deal and it remains to be seen if the Bruins have enough assets to actually make that kind of deal um capace throwing short for him to get a recall here before the deadline I think that’s prerequisite to any team’s interest I was gonna that’s

Actually a question I wanted to ask Mark is and because I’ve been asked this several times do you anticipate lysell is going to be be up uh at the NHL level for a game at some point this year just based on you know not only the trade

Stuff and you know potentially like a a showcase for uh uh Scouts and and things like that but just because he’s played he’s turned things around to a a you know certain degree in Providence and he’s really you know gone from like a sort of come to Jesus moment earlier in

The year to actually playing and producing and sort of doing what the coaches are asking him to do and maybe there’s a bone to be thrown his way at some point this season I don’t think there’s any question that we’re going to see him in Boston at some

Point uh whether it’s for a game two games three games I I I couldn’t say but uh I expect that you know nobody’s told me this or you know there’s no uh I have nothing to back this up other than my gut feeling that yep at some point they

Told him that in you’re going to get you’re going to get an NHL game probably in year two two you get your first game in year two and go from there see what happens uh but I don’t think they I don’t think they’re gonna keep him down

The whole year um I think he will get up I think he can make a case that he that he has earned it he’s he’s done better since he uh had a little or since uh Ryan muel kind of questioned where he was at uh you know he to his credit he

He’s he’s kind of an immature kid still but he took that to heart I think and realized maybe that hey you know what it’s not them it’s me you know I gotta I gotta get this uh on track here uh he still shows you know there’s still

Immaturity in his game uh he was uh in Sunday’s game he looked like he was sulking at one point like he was pissed off whether it was because he wasn’t out there on the first power play like right away or something else or a coach had said

Something to him about maybe he was out there for two minutes and they said Hey listen dude you know 40 seconds not two minutes you know right but he was out of sorts for you know you could see it I I’ve watched him enough to know the look

His body language and and all of that that he would something was was pissing him off uh now we had a goal and an assist in that game so you know I would say well yeah get pissed off then you know if that’s what it takes but there one thing mqu one thing

Adam McCade said is that he wanted to fix everything overnight and he needed to learn that this is a process and and mcade says he has now embraced the process um I don’t know if he’ll like how long the process lasts because it’s probably gonna be a lot longer than what

He wants so these these fits and starts and increments are probably going to come back and and you get these moments marked like you just alluded to where along the way he’s going to think ah I finally got the turn Corner turn you know I’m going to be and you know other

Parts other things along the way uh he’s coming out early now to work on things and he’s staying out after practice to work on things at times yeah he’ll sometimes show up now uh they always need a handful of Shooters to get the goalies they do an early goalie workout

Before practice ractice I’ve seen him show up to just to shoot pucks at the goalies that never happened you know for the first year and in the first half of this year yeah there was a day when there was an optional skate in fact the only guys who skated were scheduled to

Skate were the injured guys which were zabor and lorai and uh lysel showed up that day and and skated with those guys you know on a day off it was supposed to be a day off so signs are that it’s going it’s going the right way

Uh so I you know that’s a positive um you know the I think the uh they’re different in different places in their careers brazzo and lysel but the emergence of brazzo now as you know maybe a serviceable player in the NHL and I was glad Jim Montgomery

Mentioned this the other day post game is an unbelievable tribute to uh the development staff uh in Providence um the work that they put in you know to get a guy like brazzo from you know kind of an overweight uh step or two slow guy

When he first got here to a guy now who uh is in good condition takes care of himself uh maybe differently than he did back then and now he’s a viable option in the NHL at no cost you know no cost he’s a you know bottom uh his salar is

At the bottom of the of the of the deck uh yep and you know that’s a it’s a tribute to the work that they do in in Providence uh I was amazed at the amount of weight we’re talking about here um yes I think they were hoping to do the

Same thing with Nick Richie I think they were thinking along the same lines let’s see if we can let’s see if we can get to whip this kid into shape and think that wow what a player he would be if we could get him in shape so they traded

Danton heinan for him and uh it didn’t work out well Toronto tried it first you know they signed him uh several years ago and uh he ended up in the coast he ended up in New Finland and then he was with the Marley’s and you know I would

Read mentions in in their media from time to time about how he was working with a skating coach in the summer and you know this and that uh you know and and he eventually I can’t remember how the Bruins uh got him I think they just

Signed him as a free agent yeah I think you know maybe Toronto wasn’t satisfied with his progress or they didn’t see that this would uh he developed this way and and Boston grabbed him I know there were other teams that looked at him back when he

Was coming out of the OHL I remember talking to a scout who had gone to see him a scout from an Eastern Conference team and his he he summarized his report on the kid as he can’t skate And you know a lot of people said that back five

Five years ago uh but now in better shape with more experience and work put in along the way he can keep up you know he he’s a viable player now I think and uh you know it’s great when a kid uh a kid grabs the reins like that and uh and

Makes uh makes something of himself the the way he has well it struck me uh also as a big vote of confidence to your point to the Providence coaching staff the Player Development staff like all those people uh to sign him to a contract before he was able to come up

To the NHL and play and I know they had to do that but um to do that um and do all those things before he could even sort of like prove himself at at that level that tells me that they have a lot of confidence of

What the eyes are seeing you of what they’re doing down in Providence and the work and the development they’re doing down there uh that they can bet on players like Breo and and you know provide them with some insurance like a two-year contract well and I think with

A guy like uh Anthony Rashard uh you know props to uh the pro scouting staff uh headed by Dennis bonve you know Rashad’s been a good American Hockey League player for the last few years I I think he had 30 goals last year for Laval and yeah you know a

Guy that can skate like he can uh and you know 30 goal scorers don’t grow on trees in the American League uh just like they don’t the in the National League this guy’s a good player and uh you know identifying him as uh as someone who maybe could help in

The in the role he’s in now uh you know that’s a good call by them absolutely he used to be that the guys at this age in their careers 26 for brazell 27 for Rashard wouldn’t had a sniff at this point no if you didn’t do

It by the time you were 23 or 22 we knew you that was those days are gone development it’s almost like the ADM right Joe with the USA hockey and you don’t decide right now that a guy’s GNA be a player based on his age no but and

Part of it is also the um salary cap and the challenges of that and trying to find cheap help and you know affordable like to Mark’s point about brazzo’s contract to find somebody that’s basically at the league minimum that could you know fill a spot for you on

The roster and in your lineup uh those guys are gold for teams that are up against the salary cap if you can find some players like that so that’s that’s definitely part of it too but like yeah I look NHL players are still doing skills practice work and still working

On things and improving things like every hockey player at every level at every age is an unfinished product that continues to improve and get better and and develop and you know all that stuff and that’s you know what the the ADM is all about um all right let’s get to the

Final tweet of the week here from Kip wingerter on Twitter X whatever you want to call it do you have any concerns about being outshot so much lately and losing the faceoff battles any answers to fix this Mark well uh I think Johnny beer was uh was good

On faceoffs he was start the year uh he was pretty good in the penalty kill too right I mean I I thought he did a good job there yeah now I don’t know I wouldn’t uh you know draw an arrow from uh his demotion to uh these faceof stats

I wouldn’t do that uh but yeah I mean winning faceoffs that’s we all know that’s critical if you start with the puck you know you don’t have to battle to get it so you know that that’s concern I don’t know I don’t know what the answer is as they’re currently constituted guys just

Have to get better at it I guess yeah especially late game um special team situations late game situations things they’re going to run into in the playoffs where they really need to win a draw to make their lives easier uh in certain uh instances like in third

Periods um that I think that’s it’s they they definitely going to have to get better and you know Charlie Coyle is the only guy I think that there’s even any degree of confidence uh when he goes into the faceof circle if you need a win

That he might be able to get it and even with him it’s certainly not at Patrice berson levels or anything like that uh going in and winning faceoffs but you do see a lot of games where he takes way more faceoffs than everybody else and where they’re trying to you know put him

Out there in those situations to try to get wins and this might be something else that they need to look at at the trade deadline in my mind and I’ve thought that for a while is if they’re going to get some kind of a fourth line

Upgrade some kind of a player that they can bre bring in in an energy physical kind of role try to find somebody that can win faceoffs too you know somebody that can bring that element as well um you know that you could throw out there in certain situations and it could be

Your fourth line Center um you know I I think that’s an idea I think that’s not the most important thing on the shopping list as far as trade deadline goes and bringing players in I still think it’s a a physical hard-nosed defenseman but Mick what do you what do you you think

About a being outshot and B losing faceoffs coming off a game where uh the Bruins allowed 46 shots to Dallas and definitely lost uh the shot game uh in that one and and consistently they’ve lost the face off battle to other teams God help him if Charlie Coyle gets

Injured yeah but I think you see Brad Martian taking a ton of draws if that happens that’s the kind of position they’re in um is I’ve also noticed that especially during this slump that they’ve won a lot of dzone draws got in the padala zone and allowed the opponent

During the shift change the change on the fly to uh reset re-enter way too easily way with way too much speed and it’s almost like you didn’t get the puck out of theone at least if you did you’re all still packed in around the goalie you know instead you know you’re you’re

You’re trying to go through the shift and and now it’s a transition situation and and I see a lot of high quality chances against on those scenarios I feel like they suck at that um I I just want to get one word in that’s off topic

Before we kind of were there before but we’re not we haven’t been for a while but uh I don’t know if the opportunity is going to be there with lorai being called up but to me this is where Parker W spoon’s career gets decided he’s at that brazzo Rashard age and he got

Buried in New York Islander system and given him an opportunity and he hasn’t knocked it out of the park lately like he did earlier in the year right um and I think that to not to cut you off Mick but I think that plays into also them

Needing an upgrade at the trade deadline is L when the intensity when the speed when all that stuff has ramped up closer to playoff levels I think wetherspoon has struggled at times and made some mistakes that have like not not been the best well I know he’s his best hocke he

Hasn’t been lately and it and when he has been in lately it’s been in in tough for situations so it hasn’t looked good but he hasn’t also it’s kind of like it’s been such a short window of not allowing him to grow in that and get the

And he get his feet wet in it and I feel like that’s been a little too fast as far as whether or not it’s a true test as to whether or not it’s in them and so I’d like to see more I’d like to see it

On this trip and I don’t not sure that we will with lowai up Mark what do you think about weather spoon well I’ll tell you I’ve watched Parker Wallis spoon in Bridgeport for I don’t know the last three years or however long it’s been like 10 times a

Year I’ve seen him a million times in the American League it never occurred to me that he was a legitimate possibility as an NHL player this year I I just that’s not who he was in Bridgeport and I think again it’s a tribute to the pro scouting

Staff that they could see a guy like that and see what he does well and and project that in our system this guy we can make something of this guy you know yeah so they sign him they work with him briefly in Providence he gets the call and he played he played

Pretty well there for a stretch of games like you guys said uh now it’s you know the old we’ve all heard it a million times getting to the NHL is one thing staying there is another now he’s gota he’s got to grow he’s got to grow and

You know become a better uh more reliable player here if they’re gonna if he was going to help at all down the stretch uh so now we’ll see what uh you know what how they use him and you know in what situations and uh you know whether he’s a real option going forward

As a as a top six or whether he’s just strictly a seven or maybe he’s a guy in in the miners as a depth guy uh I think the next few weeks are going to go a long way to deciding what uh what he what he is or how they see him uh

Going forward he’s a very old ARA with arbitration rights by the way yeah agreed I think he’s you know he’s shown enough that you could feel good about him being a seven for sure um you know and he’s at an age where you’re not worried about hurting his development at

All you know he that might be something he’s really suited for all right uh Mark and Mick Thank you very much let’s thank our sponsors real quick uh FanDuel sports book uh get your buckets going with your first bet on FanDuel exclusive wagering partner of the clns network and

The official Sportsbook partner of the NBA um right now new customers get $150 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 150 bucks if your team wins download the FanDuel Sportsbook app it’s really easy to use and then bet on all your favorite NBA players and teams with

Quick bets live same game parlays exclusive props and more I’m glad there’s not anything in here about like having a being forced to stay awake and watch that atrocity that was the NBA Allstar game though with the zero defense and the uh the the clownish

Antics that were going on on the on the court uh visit and the best part for me was I don’t know if you guys saw this Bob Ryan like went to Twitter and like like Savaged the whole thing like was the old crotchy sports writer

And just like you know taking a crap on everything he was watching on the court I’m gonna I’m going to I’m going to make sure I read that just because he’s so great it was it was pretty awesome I was just like he is absolutely horrified by

What he’s watching right now all right so visit Boston and shoot your shot with the NBA uh Mick kagio and Mark diver thank you very much for joining me today for the love of God don’t sign it JD Drew there you go take it easy guys see

You soon all right thanks everybody for listening we’ll see you at the rink

Joe Haggerty is joined by Mick Colageo on Mark Divver today to discuss the recent ups and downs of the Bruins as they head west for a road trip after a tough homestand. Should fans be concerned? That, and much more!

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  1. Lindholm has been a disappointment this season, a defensive liability. Bad turnovers, odd man rushes and breakaways due to bad pinches and going too deep and malingering in the O zone!

  2. I don't think they're going to be favored to win the cup, but they'll be in the running and should have a good shot. Hopefully they go further than last year's team. I honestly want them looking a little more mortal than last year going into the playoffs. Feeling like they're gonna have to work for it.

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