@Toronto Maple Leafs

Matthews vs. Ovechkin thru 535 games (Infographic)

Matthews vs. Ovechkin thru 535 games (Infographic)

by Part-TimeCat


  1. yoitsme666

    Anyone know what this looks like era-adjusted?

  2. So far so good. Dudes a mutant. It’s still going to be quite a feat to eventually beat Alex though. He’s gotta stay healthy and effective for another 600 or more games. Takes skill and some luck for that.

    Let’s all enjoy being able to watch the best goal scorer in Leaf history for now.

  3. Health is such a wild card in career numbers. Look at what happened to Lemieux or even Crosby. Ovi was incredibly durable and also put up huge numbers as an older player. If Matthews can stay healthy I think he has a realistic shot to surpass Ovi’s career goals . And maybe dare I say even Wayne’s???

  4. forestballa

    Ovechkin having that many ot goals when he played 4 on 4 for all of it is pretty wild.

  5. brokenwolf

    If Matthews gets the record it’ll be because of how hot he is now. He needs to make it rain while he’s healthy and the team is good while he’s on the right side of 30.

  6. HawtPackage

    Maybe if we got some fucking penalty calls the power play goals would be closer.

  7. D_Jayestar

    We are still 2 lockouts away from his career finishing… Its a long road for Matthews to Gretzky still!

  8. ElephantShell34

    The only thing potentially holding Matthews back from some all time shit is that he’s missed so many games (injury and COVID affected seasons) already compared so some other guys. 

  9. I always felt there needs to be two views for this discussion. What we have above is great for part 1, but we should also look at goals by player’s age (or as a proxy, their season) for part 2.

    This help corrects for Mathews being hurt a little more often than Ovechkin, but then will also bring in interesting events in Ovechkins career (lockouts etc).

  10. Big_Albatross_3050

    Now before lurkers get all pissy, we’re fully aware that a large part of how Ovi did so well was his durability and longevity, as well as the fact he had basically 2 full seasons robbed due to lockouts.

    That said, 34 even hurt is still lethal, so who’s to say he can’t also show the same level of durability and consistency into his 30s

  11. humblearugula8

    I know hockey players are generally super humble and like to play things like records off, but has Matthews ever mentioned anything about an all time scoring record? Or even playing into his late 30s? I’m just curious if we know anything about his motivation to break the record.

  12. Gh0stSwerve

    Is there an adjusted goals version of this, just out of curiosity?

  13. CoupleScrewsLoose

    is this OV’s first 535 or his last 535 though? dude’s almost 60 years old.

  14. Three really impressive things about this year for Matthews;

    -No empty net goals

    -25% of the teams total goals

    -Might score 50 even strength goals

  15. Beersmoker420

    People do forget that Ovechkin was/is an empty net merchant

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