@Vancouver Canucks

Pettersson vs strong teams

Pettersson vs strong teams

by MTLItalian


  1. letstrythatagainn

    I can not wait for this narrative to die. People always trying to find fault in our superstars – I wonder if we’d be so hard on him if it wasn’t a contract year? Awfully similar to the Sedins early years IMO – guy is one of our most elite all-around players on his way to back-to-back 100 point seasons – and it’s not enough. Tiring!

  2. TomsNanny

    The reaction Petey evokes in some folks really showcases their cognitive biases and insecurities. Insecurity in the sense of bracing and becoming overly reactive and defensive of a potential breakup that, at this point, isn’t reality. And in the avoidance of heartbreak, rational and fair thinking goes out the window. Or maybe that was never there in the first place.

  3. CaptainIndoCanadian

    Petey getting blame or even anyone doubting him in our market is so fucking ridiculous.

    This guy is proving himself to be a perennial 100 pt, 2 way force. He’s going to be in Selke conversations probably as soon as next year.

    Like, what are we doing here?

    Are we mad he’s not McDavid or Mackinnon?

    This guy is so elite and has put up numbers even though it’s been a turnstile on his wings. Give this guy even 1 consistent linemates and he’d probably be in the 120-130 pt conversation.

  4. ClassicChrisstopher

    I’m not a Petey “hater”, but I am overly critical. This team is better with him then without him.

    – I can’t stand him falling down every game, I don’t know if he’s actually that weak on his skates, or he’s trying to draw penalties.

    – When he turns over the puck in the offensive zone, he’s so lazy on the back check.

    – He’s suppose to be a superstar, but half the time he seems uninterested being here. His contract bullshit is just making this worse. Deserved to be paid and should be paid. I’m just not a fan of the way he’s going about it.

    – He doesn’t seem to take over games like other superstars. You see flashes of it, but it’s never consistent it seems.

    Maybe the contract situation is influencing too many people, myself included. He doesn’t deserve as much hate as he gets. I can almost guarantee when he signs it’ll be a lot less. The problem will be if he goes the route of ~3 year term, which seems very likely. Fans will still give him shit for lack of commitment.

    Anyways, bring on the downvotes.

  5. BureForSureEH

    This fanbase is officially weird about money. This lashback is entirely about a hypothetical contract that has yet to be signed. 

  6. generalsecretagent

    Canucks fans…. You are the worst.

    I want to be a bigger Canucks fan, but being one is like dating the craziest person you know. The emotional swings. No grey areas. All opinions no facts.

    I love the energy and passion but I swear if the Canucks won the Stanley cup in 7, people would be pissed that we didn’t win in 6.

  7. barelyincollege

    Pettersson’s not being criticized because of his production, he’s being criticized because he justified his refusal to engage in contract negotiations on the basis that he only wanted to focus on being even better than he was last season. He has a much better team around him, but you can’t say he’s taken a big step above the year that he had last season.

    He’s played a role in framing how his season’s been viewed, even though he’s still an incredibly valuable player.

  8. platostripartitehole

    Let’s chase our best player out of town. That’ll show ‘em! /s

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