@Boston Bruins

Lohrei Impresses vs Oilers, Flames | The Skate Pod, Ep. 279

Lohrei Impresses vs Oilers, Flames | The Skate Pod, Ep. 279

Welcome into episode 279 of the skate podcast I am briany Feliz joined by Bridget PR and Scott mcclaflin Bridget and Scott are absolute Troopers for have W been watching the entire Bruins games out in these Western Canadian cities hand hand to the sky I have not had the

Energy to stay up uh till 1: in the morning to watch these but uh obviously I’m filled in and I was able to Circle back and and watch everything but Bridget and Scott how are you guys how are you enjoying these these 10:30 start times and these early recording sessions

Tired and not not at all I’m not at all you know me I can stay up till one that’s not the issue it’s the then it’s to get on top of it getting up and having do something the next morning um but no that that I will say if that

Edmonton game wasn’t as entertaining as it was I may have gone to bed but it was such a good game it was one of those where it’s like we’ve we’ve had podcasts before were like wow a one nothing game at with a 10 o’clock start obviously I

Was just gonna fall asleep but this one I was like no I need to see the ending and the ending was just as good as you could have imagined it was one of the like the best endings uh in overtime an entertaining ending as well with m one

Of Maka boy’s best goals maybe his best goal ever I don’t know um that game kind of had everything and then the Calgary game not quite as late a start uh I was still tired because it was back toback with the the Oilers one that went till

One so and I’ve been having to get up early and you guys know I don’t like to do that so uh I I got a nice afternoon nap in Thursday so I’m I’m good to go guys I’m I’m on my second coffee feeling great let’s

Party oh did you say party did you say yeah okay oh yeah Bridget’s got her got her party lights for people watching on YouTube yeah no that that Edmonton game was incredibly entertaining you know probably not not really the style of hockey the Bruins want to play and you

Know another blown lead they were up four to one and then five to four so I’m sure we’ll get into that but Calgary probably a game that maybe didn’t need overtime it wasn’t the most entertaining game but nonetheless you got a a fourth straight overtime game for the Bruins uh

Five of their last six have gone to overtime and you know that they end up losing to Calgary um but unless you guys have anything else we can get right into opening shifts um my opening shift is something it’s been a long time since I think

We’ve had any reason to say but I’ve been a little bit disappointed with the goal tending recently uh especially these last two games that Edmonton game never gets to overtime if it’s not for Jeremy Swan given up i’ say two pretty soft goals in the third period and

Probably one early in the game game that he should have had too um one of them he just gets beat with a slapshot from the point that leaks out behind him and gets poked over the line another again another point shot that didn’t look like he was screened didn’t look like he got

Deflected or anything but he just gives up a juicy rebound and Zack Heyman beats out Mason Loray to get to it and put it home and then the Calgary game I thought both goals that Lena SAR gave up were were a little leaky too one’s uh you know good shot I should say

Both both goals in regulation the the overtime winning from Nas and kre it’s it’s a three-on-one it’s a good shot don’t have an issue with that uh but Calgary’s first goal Oliver Shillington again didn’t look like all Mark was screened if if someone has another angle that proves me wrong I’ll

I’ll take it back but looked like he kind of just got beat under the glove like between the glove and pad on a shot from top of the circle and then the second one it’s a chance and close it’s not an easy save but it’s still a

Rebound that that leaks out behind him that he couldn’t really control and gets poked over the line so I think both of them since the All-Star break have have not been at their best um you know we know their records aren’t aren’t very good in that time that’s really a team

Thing but all Mark 907 save percentage since the break in four games Swan 900 and5 games and I just think there’s been a couple games like this now where they’ve let in one or two that you just expect them to usually have and I’m not worried bigger pitcher and

I’m not panicking and saying you have to trade one of them or anything crazy like that um but during a stretch where you know the Bruins as a team have maybe needed a little bit of a pickme up especially with injuries on defense um just a little bit disappointing that the goalies haven’t

Really provided it I I thought that San so it was weird to me that San played back-to-back games on the like he played the last home game and then he played the first road game it’s just it’s not weird in general like around the league but like usually they they are truly

Alternating one than the other um and I thought San played well against Dallas but um I don’t think either of them played well well not well it’s not that they’re playing bad it’s just that they’re not playing the way that we know that they can right um so we’ll get more

Into that later uh me and Brian both are both of our opening shifts have to do with defense um I kind of want Brian to go first though because this is like this was my first thought and this is what stood out to me the most about the

Last two games so go ahead briyan yeah so for me all year I’ve been advocating for uh for Mason lorai to be playing NHL minutes more oftentimes than not and obviously Scott mentioned some of the injuries on the back end to lolm and and uh in grizzli obviously now but even

Before then Laura gets to call up and and like I said last episode was it was a double-edged sword cuz I was on the one hand thrilled that he was back up with the with the Bruins but I was also kind of a a little bit annoyed so I was

Like why does it take necessarily an injury to for that to happen because you know he’s just he’s such a I think he’s such a Difference Maker at such a young age and he’s still so um inexperienced at the NHL level that what he’s doing is really impressive like yes there’s going

To be mistakes here and there but I think he’s such a net positive for this team and he brings something that they that they need I mean people are talking about bringing in potentially another higher end defenseman like a Noah Hanahan or somebody like that and I

Just I don’t I understand that and we talked earlier this year about how we actually would trade for Noah Hanahan if it meant Laura and a package but like I just think right now I don’t want the Bruins to pay the price it’s going to

Take for them to get a hand and when you have somebody like lorai that brings that albe at an inexperienced level but is still growing um and just he he had three assists against the Oilers in his first uh game called back up and it was

The first Bruins rookie to do that in I think I want to say six years and it was it was Jake debrus in his rookie year to have three assists in a game as a Bruins rookie and I just I just think going forward he has to be in the Bruins even

Here’s the caveat even when they’re healthy he has to be I think a top six defenseman for the Boston Bruins right now and I know points is and everything especially as a defenseman but um Laura has nine points in 29 games if you play that out to an entire season he’s right around

Hempest Lin Holmes Point production right now this year so Bridget you can certainly follow up I just think he’s been such a welcomed addition and I think he helps again this is this is part of our conversation about do you have internal options to address certain

Needs he’s one of them yes Noah hanne it’s a better NHL player right now than the Mason lorai but what I’m saying is when the Bruins are trying to compete for a cup while let’s be honest they’re also trying to protect high-end assets right now they want to add but but by

Not giving away certain picks and and Prospects they don’t they can use Mason lay they don’t have to go external for to bring in that talent that that that specific skill set and obviously he’s outperforming Matt grizzli this year and that’s that’s not even a knock on grizzli it’s just subjectively true and

And what the Bruin’s looking for so um I I just think going forward he has to stick around even through injury um or even when this this blue line is healthy in theory you can’t send him down after those two games I’ll say that right now

Um those were I was very impressed with him especially against the Oilers obviously he had the numbers but he played well uh you know he played well in both games so uh he was on the he was noticeable on the ice um not just offensively defensively he got stuck out

There for like a three minute shift that I was like oh Bruins are getting scored on on this shift they’ managed to not and and he was part of that and um I have a lot more to say about him because I think that his in his time away he

Came back noticeably better so far um it’s a two game sample size but uh if this is just how he’s gonna play now then then don’t you can you don’t even have the option to send him back down like you you would get completely criticized if your management and you

Sent him back down playing the way that he has the last two games so it’s it’s been nice to see him back up and it kind of goes to our conversation about how you need to see what you have before the trade dead line and now you’re seeing

Okay we knew we had him but we actually didn’t realize he was at this level if this is going to be what he can do consistently or at least like you still notice that step up from the first few because every call up he really has been

Better one after the other he comes back after going and credit to him you know taking the time in Providence and and learning whatever he’s had to learn and to make himself uh NHL ready quicker and so yeah I agree with you Brian I also have more to say about that but my

Opening shift has to do with the defense too and another defenseman that has been playing really well uh since the start of the road trip is Charlie McAvoy um playing confidently uh that overtime game-winning goal was I think it was his best goal of his career i’ I’d have to

Go back and like go through the makoy highlights but um there was one against the Sharks last year if you remember in Boston he kind of went end to end but besides that I think you’re finish though like the like he’s falling like I don’t know it was it was just kind of

Crazy uh it was it was a weird play um and it was like this weird tap pass from De Brusque and I don’t know he he found a way to finish it even though he was like sprawled out falling face first to the ice but anyway uh that’s not the

Only good thing he’s done he’s been able because grizzl goes down in the first game uh you once again are are mismatching maoy with different D partners and he plays with Weatherspoon and he you know he he plays with whoever you put next to him lorai um and I think he’s such like

A a steadying presence that it just reminds you we all know he’s good but it just reminds you he can pretty much lift anyone’s uh Elevate anyone’s game next to them and and not make them um being in in uncomfortable situation but I thought that makavo had had a good

Two last two games um just because those are these are the two we’re talking about not saying he didn’t have them before that but um but it comes at a time where there are two injuries to Bruin’s defenseman Grizzly took a slash this shin and he didn’t play uh against

Calgary um and lyol didn’t make the road trip because he got injured in the last game of the Bruins home stand so we’re at a situation where if you combine all of our takes together uh you you’re dealing with some adversity uh attrition with two injuries to keepy players uh

Offensive Puck moving defenseman that you see Lura and makoy come in and step up in the absence of those two yeah that that Edmonton game makoy ended up on the ice for four goals against and I don’t really think any of them were his fault like that

Was very unlucky but he still you know he ends up with multiple points in the game and uh that great overtime winner he’s he’s got 40 points in 50 games now this season which now like he missed some time suspension he missed a couple games banged up um but over on an 82

Game Pace that would be 65 points and you know I know he he’s not really going to be in the Norris conversation this year because guys like Quinn Hughes and kale M are just putting up crazy points and then even Noah doson Evan Bard Adam Fox is kind of like the

Next layer behind them but he’s playing at that Elite level again that um you know that we saw from him when he was finishing top five in Norris voting that he never really quite got to last year coming back from the shoulder surgery um and even this year earlier on I you know

There’s a little inconsistency at times but he’s yeah he’s been great recently um I want to touch on lorai too uh because yeah he’s he’s played really well you know still there’s still a couple hiccups in his own Zone you still want to see him be stronger in

Battles um you I mentioned that I think it was the fifth Edmonton goal where you know yes Swan gives up a bad rebound but Lori also loses the the one-on-one battle to Hyman but overall far more positives than the negatives these last two games the the way he break like when

He reminds me at times of like hampis Lindholm when he’s at his best breaking out where you see him get that head of steam Shield off of for Checker and all sudden just because of his like powerful strides it turns into a five on four up

Ice and lorai can do that we’ve seen a couple times these last couple games clean breakout passes he you know he had a nice stretch pass to Martian that led to the Bruins first goal against Calgary you know it Martian couldn’t quite handle it but marrom comes out missplays it Coyle

Finishes um and then I thought Laura was really active in the offensive zone too and involved you mentioned the three assists against Edmonton so yeah he’s he’s gonna get a longer look until at least until hampus Lindholm is back and if he keeps playing this way you’re you’re absolutely right like you’re not

Sending him down you can’t take him out of the lineup um and if he he’s you know he was third on the team in ice time against Edmonton second against Calgary if he can handle top four minutes that is such a massive Plus for this team

Like it we’ve talked all year about you know you probably don’t especially having an inconsistent year you probably don’t really want Matt grizzli in your top four come playoffs we know fort’s not a top four guy Parker wetherspoon good story not a top four guy like lorri

Actually does have that upside and it’s just been a matter of is he gonna be that this year or is it GNA take you know a full summer get him there next season he’s there these couple games you know we’ll see if he can keep it up um

But yeah you know I I’ve made the case of like you owe it to yourself to see where you can get grizzli before the deadline see where you can get forber like you want to play those guys because you want to give them a chance you want to

See if they can be solutions for you down the stretch and you know it’s going to take games in ice time for them to do that well the same thing’s true for lorai like you also want to see what you have in lorai before the deadline and with

All du respect to the great work everyone does in Providence you’re not really going to find out when he’s down there so now now you get this you know two weeks basically um leading up to the deadline to see what you have and if if he looks like he can handle top four

Minutes then all of a sudden that’s not nearly as pressing of a neede and also it changes if you are willing to trade him in the first place like it’s like well we might have a new idea of what his ceiling is like we might or like or

His value to the the team this year like in the immediate future so it does it CH it changes obviously even the smallest thing it feels like changes uh on on a day day-to-day basis what the needs might be and what you know what they

Might be willing to give up and and uh trade and um it’s just now it’s getting closer so we’re just going to talk about it more and more but I feel like the upside that loride showed like hit what his ceiling could actually be this season not talking about in his career

Because in his career who knows like it could be he could be an amazing defenseman like his ceiling we we don’t even know it because um it kind of feels like he’s just scratching the surface but he’s also um made big progress so um if he continues to play like this you’re

Gonna have a negative reaction to sending him down or a trade package that involves him for whatever reason though like we said like cap spacewise it still doesn’t seem like there were be a trade to be made that’s big enough that you would be sending out one of your top

Prospects who by the way is like making a case that he’s not really even a prospect anymore he’s like no I’m I’m I’m gonna be on this team I’m not I’m not you know Fabian lysel anymore I’ve dug myself out of that category essentially I think it’s interesting too

If if Mount poer didn’t have the season ending injury I feel like we’d be having conversations right now about like okay Mason Laura and Matt potra like which one of them has had a better a better rookie year but like we can’t really assess it at this point and we can’t

Really compare the two because um they’ve each had their their separate weird Journey this season um and Pates is unfortunately over um so I think that positive sign for the Bruins in a year that they really didn’t have the ability to add big pieces they had two young

Guys come up I mean beer at times and now we’re we’re seeing other other players that they got for you know Bargains I guess you could say fill in roster spots and it not really set the Bruins back the way that some people thought it might it’s it’s the year The Late

Bloomer I think I think lorai straight up just has uh elusiveness skating ability um that you just can’t teach you just can’t teach it um he has an ability to move the puck like I said his skating uh his playmaking it’s the ceiling is really high um I would argue

That right now today he’s he’s a better skater because of his size Puck mover and offensive player than Matt grizzli is and again that’s that’s not to take away from grizzli I just think I think that’s true as we speak right now and Scott you mention what did you say

Um there was a play against Edmonton where where Lura got out muscled in front and that’s true um and this is not to absolve him from that from from that he needs to improve with that but but that can’t be the and this isn’t what you’re saying but that

Can’t be the threshold of what makes him being a Boston Brewing because I see that happen to Matt grizzik all the time and and people say grizzik is a starter when when they’re healthy they say people will say he’s a top defenseman or a top defenseman at his at his best um I

See it happen to all the Bruins defenseman so I think that kind of brings me back to this question and and before I say this like it was also very encouraging to see Mason laai keeping up with staying staying on top of Conor McDavid in in in

The few times that they were in one-on-one coverage or he was his assigned to him for a minute like that’s that’s a long way from playing against the Harford wolf pack like that that’s really that that’s really impressive and so as far as you could get it’s it’s as

Far as you can get and so uh Scott I’ll ask you this earlier this year Bridget and I were at this place before you were and I’m not here to say one of us was right or one of us was wrong but our stance was that even earlier this

Year we thought that there wasn’t that that Lori was such a good talent I think that he should have we think we thought he may have been better off um developing at the NHL level on the Fly because there was only so much that the a could do for him already you

Think you thought at the time he needed more time in Providence it wasn’t or it wasn’t it wasn’t detrimental to have more time in Providence it doesn’t hurt anything but now at this at this stage in in in February approaching March do you feel like he’s getting closer to

Slash is he already at the point where he’s too good to be developing in the AHL at this point it’s it’s NHL development now on the Fly um if he keeps playing like this I definitely want to keep him in the NHL I wouldn’t go so far as to say like

There’s nothing else he can learn in the NHL I mean let’s let’s not only is this his first NHL season it’s his first full professional season period so I I especially for a defenseman there’s always more you can learn um in your first year as a pro so

Whether that’s at the NHL or AHL he still like I I think if he if he ended up back in the AHL which again I’m not saying that can or should happen uh I still think there is more he would learn there I still think it would be

Beneficial um but you know I I kind of break this down into this is like his third we think you longer stretch up this year so obviously started the season in HL there’s been two other stretches where he got sent back down and I thought the first time he got sent

Back down which was like right after Thanksgiving I thought it was the right move because I I thought his defensive struggles that first stint up in Boston to me outweighed the the offensive flashes and I thought there was real work to do and I still believe that and

I think he went down and did that that work and then I thought the second time he was up which you know went through I think it was mid January when he got sent back down he was playing well at that point when he got sent back down and it that

To me was more of just a numbers game unfortunately where it was you know you can’t send certain people down without waving them but you could send him so it was right it was like forbert was coming back from injury and it was either it

Was either Laura or W spoon had to go down remember W spoon was playing well I think for the most part continues to play well um and W spoon you would have run into a waiver issue if not then then certainly the next time he got called up

So that made sense just because sometimes the numbers just aren’t on your side you’re the guy who can get sent down without waiver worries so you know tough Break um he didn’t he didn’t deserve it but I didn’t think anyone deserved it at that that point so yeah

And by all counts he went back down to Providence and played really well I think he was he was like a plus a plus nine and 11 games or something and was almost a point per game down there did miss some time with that injury where he

Got got his thigh cut by a skate he said he had to get 20 stitches um so yeah so he he looks good he looks like I think every time he’s come up he’s looked better than the last time he was up so if that continues then no he he should

Not be going I know it’s going to it’s going to create a numbers issue again but you’re in the stretch run now so you have to ice your best lineup like this isn’t midseason you can play the game you can give guys time whatever like you’re by the time Lyon comes back

You’re GNA be what five weeks out from the playoffs like it’s it’s time to play your best lineup and right now Lori looks like someone who would be in that lineup yeah and like him going down to Providence you can tell he he improved since the last time we saw him even

Though he wasn’t playing bad like like you mentioned Scott he’s playing even better now um in the small sample size I I’ll be it just two games but um if if he went you know would he have been at that point if he was in Boston maybe

Maybe not I don’t know it definitely did not hurt his game in fact he came back and proved so um but that that’s still uh Brian’s question still is would that help him now and and I think we all know the answer um is it doesn’t help if it

Doesn’t help the team it’s probably not helping him either so um you know they they both probably need uh the same thing which would be to keep him up especially with those injuries and it does create another numbers problem if you think about it because first of all

They’re not going to want to wave we spoon so I don’t think that’s happening because he’s G to get picked up if they wave him um at the at this point after he’s been up for a while kind of started establishing himself as you know somebody that could be useful for he

It’s not like teams aren’t missing players like like there are teams that could be better missing a guy like we spoon um what he’s been for the Bruins this year so I don’t think he’s getting waved and sent back down um I mean maybe it comes in the form of

A trade trading one defenseman out getting a forward back in or so I it’s it’s remains to be seen what what they do in trades but um something that are we done talking about Laura okay so something that Scott like threw off the cuff a few minutes ago was uh it’s the

The year of the late bloomers and what he meant is the weather spoons and and the other guys that have been called up recently so Rashard brazo Weatherspoon um those even even Lori like in terms of his development you know it’s not like he’s not 19 like padri he’s 23 like he

He was a late bloomer developmentally some people Scott want to go to college and get a degree he was a 20 he was 20 21 year old freshman in college oh okay that’s my bad I didn’t realize he was that that that age that’s how old I was when I graduated

But occasionally I’ll broadcast a game like I broadcast a game a few years ago when I was 26 I want to say and there was a guy that was my age playing for Providence and I was like that’s that’s interesting I’ve been out of school for several years out of school for five

Years what are you doing here bro we’re supposed to be out by now but uh no you’re right in terms of age but in terms of like time listen if you can do the seven-year College Plan like might as well best time of your life I I did a three-year College Plan

Because I just wanted to get the hell out of there not to diss my college but like I I was gonna say that that that’s just a product of going to UMass instead of be no I I didn’t it’s not that I didn’t like UMass I just was over it like I

Okay going to ADM classes does that sound like something you think I’d want to do I remember being a uh I remember being the middle of freezing cold Amherst I was like I remember walking to class in like two degree weather I was

Like n I’m out what did I do I moved to North Carolina I remember being a uh a a freshman uh in college at I can walk around campus and I walked into my first economics class and I I I thought it was my professor cuz he looked like he was

Like 45 with a beard and he’s like oh no I’m on the hockey team I’m fresh I’m a freshman too like what I’m like I’m a 93 I’m a 93 when were you born he’s like oh 84 okay no I’m just you’re exaggerating I’m exaggerating but on all in all

Seriousness to your point when I was a senior uh the incoming freshman were were my birth year though there are like if you go to this is you know we’re totally off topic now but like if you go to college hockey news they have like the average ages of

College rosters and there are teams where like the average age is 22 23 and you’re like wait a second don’t hold on wait mus kids graduate college at 22 right and that that’s the average age of the hockey team right exactly exactly but we we digress um so Bridget to this

Point that you that you bring up I’ve been I’ve loved the the the small food coure sample size of of brazzo that we’ve gotten so far it’s it’s not just that he has size but he can play too I mean he he was a point producer in

Providence uh you can tell he can he can handle the puck he’s he’s smart on where he goes on the ice is his foot speed uh not not the the fastest in the NHL no but that’s okay there’s plenty of players that play his role that big bodies that aren’t the fastest players

But you know he’s got long strides and he he gets to where he has to get to and I just I just found it to be so refreshing to see a Bruins forward on the ice that was like I mean Darnell nurse for Darnell nurse is a he’s a

Really uh big physical defenseman for for Edmonton and brazzo is just like towering over him in front of the net and it’s it was just a very welcoming sight it’s like I’m I’m watching Brazil and I’m picturing him in a playoff series and I’m just I just I I like the

He has a lot to prove before we get there I’m just saying in theory I just like the idea aidea of having that guy on your team that has that size but can play and and there was a play against Edmonton again where there was like a

Scuffle behind the goal line and you just you know it’s it was basically 10 guys just standing around a couple couple you know face washes but you know brazo grabs his guy and you just realize how in in that close-up camera angle of a scrum you just realize how much bigger

He is than everybody else and again he can play it’s not like he’s just somebody who can’t play so yeah I think I think that’s um again all this process of just seeing what you have before the deadline and um I yeah I’ve liked his addition so far he

Was the right call up at the right time at the very least it was like okay this is this is what we need we have this guy we think he can fit and so far so good he had a great first game in that Dallas game um scored almost scored twice uh

Brings exactly what they’re missing if you can do it consistently with you know the going into the net and being a p out in front like low slot in the crease taking away the goalie’s eyes picking up rebounds um and and you know doing all those other things that a a big bodied

Fourth liner can do um like him and and bring some energy he seems like the right fit for that line and we were talking about this a little bit before we get on like is he the actual solution for the whole season we don’t know but he I mean there Optimus like there’s

Reason to be optimistic that he can bring he can stick um and do and do some things that other guys uh haven’t done for the Bruins yet this year and that includes you know Lao uh Steen who already got sent down cleared waivers um but I do want to mention this before we

Continue the conversation about brazzo because I have more to say but he didn’t play uh against Calgary um because technically like he was sent back to Providence but only on paper he still with the team um because they had so many different transactions and and it

Was a it was a numbers issue but Scott if you want to touch on that a little bit more before I say what I want to say about that fourth line yeah so the Bruins had game time decisions um Thursday in Calgary not you know Matt Grizz was considered

Day-to-day wound up not playing I believe shaton Kirk is also in kind of a day-to-day situation um I know I think Billy jaff and nesson kind of hinted at something there um so they actually they had eight defensemen on the ice for warm-ups and Lind Holmes still wasn’t on injured reserve yet so

In order to have nine defenseman on the active roster with Ian Mitchell getting called up um brezo had to get sent down as you said Bridget and more of a paper move than anything he did was not flown back to Providence he’s he’s still just just to call him back up again for

Saturday yeah s him to send him to JF no what’s it called what’s the what’s the Providence Airport called TF Green TF Green s to TF Green right back um all the way to western Canada but um but yeah yeah so I I would I would expect

Him to be back Saturday I would assume they’ll have a little more clarity on the blue line whether you know I think they already technically put hamus slint home on injured reserve which isn’t uh it’s not a surprise because he’s supposed to miss at least seven days anyways um again we’ll note regular

Injured reserve different than long-term injured reserve right now Lind holm’s on regular injured reserve um so they’ll either know like okay one of Grizz or shaton Kirk’s good to go or you know you could send Ian Mitchell down or whatever but I think they’ll they’ll have Breo back on on

Saturday um he had BR you’re talking about neet fromont B he he also had a couple against Vinnie de AR in that Edmonton game Providence College product who’s six foot7 and it’s like but it’s like good luck to the goalie trying to see over those two battling like I think

They actually de Bruns actually got a pretty good chance out of it too um I think it it was a shot that ended up hitting Skinner but I don’t think he ever saw it yeah and and so my point to brezo I hope we see him again against Vancouver

Which is um the Saturday game uh and or at least on the road trip again at some point uh but preferably as much as possible right um because I wanted to bring this line up to you that was put together uh in the Oilers game which was

A fourth line of Frederick bis and brezo and watching it something in my mind clicked and it was like this could be a really freaking good fourth line and we’ve talked about how Frederick could play be in your top six but that line like if you have a

Somebody who’s a middle six guy or even a top six guy like on your fourth line your your depth is you’re you’re looking that that’s a sign like okay we have the right kind of depth to make a playoff run and I thought that that line had a

Lot going for it in the the game against the Oilers um brazzo’s size netfront presence Frederick’s for check energy um playmaking defense boquist has been playing better too and the dynamic of that line was kind of this like overwhelm you with some size and and some speed and they brought energy in

That game and and I liked how it looked and I was just thinking to myself if for whatever reason somehow come playoff times you able to put together a a fourth line that includes guys that would be like should be higher in the lineup but aren’t they’re not on the fourth line because

They’re playing bad they’re actually playing well they’re just bringing up the whole team’s depth um and and making it more evenly spread out like you’re able to score on with a fourth line that has Trent Frederick on it yeah and you want to call them a fourth line or a

Third line it’s because because in that situation who’s the third line geeky van rdik and uh who else was that I think Rashard right so it’s like I’m not gonna sit there and call that a a a superior line than the the quote unquote fourth line that you mentioned Bridget but I

Think it just illustrates like call call whatever line what you want like roll out forward lines that or great combination or the best combinations and label it the way you want and just you know disperse the the the the great news about those lines is you don’t have to

Hide a fourth line in that situation right a lot of teams hide fourth lines and give them limited minutes limited matchups in that situation you roll four lines and you and and and and you don’t match up the Frederick fourth the Frederick line against the other team

Fourth line you can you can you can match them up against another team’s thirdd line or a second doesn’t matter like just look at it like having just four different trios of lines obviously you know the pasnak and the Martian lines those are your top two lines if

They’re on separate lines obviously but you know the point I’m trying to illustrate here and yeah I think like you’re right that line has size it has protection it has finish it has some grit it has some finesse and some speed with boquist and I don’t mean finess as in Bist is

Out there scoring a bunch of points I’m just saying he has more you know um Puck handling ability I think than like maybe a Johnny Beacher at this stage um but that said like I I I’d also like to see I’d also like to see what maybe Johnny beer looks like that if

He’s the Center of Frederick and and and brazo that’s a that’s a that’s a lot of size on on NHL line maybe that’s something worth looking at um has Rashard or loco have they have they or boquist for that matter have they penciled themselves in as everyday

Players not necessarily um you know I think where I currently stand is I’m I’m starting to get more satisfied with the Bruins uh integrating of players down in Providence we think could help them and I think they got to figure out what they want to do with Beacher I think

Ultimately in the playoffs you’d have to try to you know what do you is he is he on the the roster as an extra forward come playoffs or is he in Providence like I don’t know they have to figure him out but but aside so they got to

Figure out Beacher and I still kind of want to see them give lell a couple of games still but besides that I think they’re they’re starting to now see what they have for different combinations and that’s that’s all you can really do especially as the deadline approaches yeah I was gonna say the

The that line Frederick Bist um brezo they were good against Edmonton the problem is it’s the same one that they’ve had when Montgomery moves heining down to the fourth line it it just creates a whole elsewhere and and you know we saw them try Anthony Rashard

With whether it’s geeky and Van rdik or geeki and Heinen and then you saw Jacob loo get a little time on the quote unquote thirdd line in the Calgary game and those guys just just don’t belong there like that either one of them might be fine on on a fourth line and you

Know Brian LEL call up sure I’m I’m all for giving that a shot um my my one concern there is I I kind of think geeky might need Frederick on his line because I’m starting I’m starting to see cracks in geek’s defense um as a center I think

That that line with him and Rashard got torched and transitioned twice in the Calgary game on on both the Calgary’s goals and regulation uh geeki missed a couple assments in the defensive Zone over over the last week or so so I feel like having Frederick on that

Line with him helps clean up a lot of the defense because Frederick is good defensively so I as as tempting as that you know fourth line or whatever whatever you want to call it you know as tempting as that combination is I sort of think Frederick might need to be with geeky in

The end yeah and what I’m seeing is if you can find a way to not have a whole like say say you add someone at the trade deadline or say you you plug in someone that you know works on on the third line if you have the depth to be to have the

Luxury to be able to put someone like Trent Frederick on the fourth line that means you’re it just just a sign your setup for a deeper run more playoff success um when you have a fourth line that can include those guys so whether you need to plug a hole with an addition

At the deadline or or try out lysell like Brian mentioned which we we obviously that’s that’s a huge like question mark we have no idea how he’s going to play if he gets called up right this is more of an experimental not like a oh this is definitely a great like

Idea it’s like no we just want to see what the idea looks like we want to know what like what it could what it its potential could be Bridget block please do me a favor block xery ears it very much could be a curiosity kills the cat

Type situation okay but I just want to see that’s that’s definitely not like even a true statement my cats are very curious I have no idea how xerx is still alive like somehow like I don’t know he must have more than nine lives that cat

Yeah that cat once bit my shins when I was deadlifting a barbell that and they bit my and I dropped the weight and we I almost killed him like it was his fault see that’s that’s the type of agitation that you want in a playoff series that’s why it’s I’ve said

It before I think he would be a good fourth lineer for this team I really do he could play he could play for the lines Dan Campbell bite some kneecaps yeah no um like when berson got bit but that didn’t work out right super well for Vancouver but Burrows uh maybe he’s you

Know he’s comes from the same vein but anyway yes curiosity that’s all it is it’s it’s not a it’s not it’s not this is not me or anybody but I’ll speak for myself this is not me saying that like bring up Fab lell he’s the answer it’s literally like

I we just let’s just see what you have in the player I mean he’s you drafted him he’s been developing down in Providence for a couple of years now and I I want to say he’s 21 if already or he’s vastly approaching that age so just

Let’s just let’s just see if he can if he can fill fill a void for this team right now let’s just see and and if he’s not ready he’s not ready but let’s let’s just find out and again part of the part of my motive here is because

The trade deadline is weeks away so it’s it’s why go out and the Bruins the the elephant in the room here is that we all know the Bruins don’t have they don’t have a they don’t have any cap space and they don’t have any draft collateral to

Give away and even if they did do we want them trading away first round picks even if they had them right now um and and you know know your highest prospects are Li sell and low right so it’s like Andrew roft on our show will tell you

That he would if he had more first round picks like he was basically like never even use your first round pick to to draft someone just use it to trade his whole philosophy is if you’re good you’re getting a late first round pick in the 20s and you’re you’re much better

Off just trading it and and getting someone that you actually want where was where was David Pastak drafted yeah true that was I mean but depends how how high you’re going to be drafting I’m just his Point’s valid it’s just not it’s you eventually you got a draft The Brew the

He’s saying that because the Bruins drafted McAvoy 14th and they drafted panac like they have those guys but at at one point and they drafted those guys while they were good the Bruns have been competitive for the last you know 15 years so I I mean I don’t know I just at

The end of the day I guess what I was trying to say is like they just they don’t have the cap space and they don’t have the assets they don’t have the greatest assets to be at active at the deadline so let’s just it’s it’s it’s imperative that they see if they even

Need to address certain things externally if let’s find out if you do if you do okay let’s find let’s find a way to get to bring somebody in if you need to but let’s just see if you even need to do you need to bring in a Noah

Hanahan if you think Mason Luray can can can fill in uh internally and and bring provide what what what Hanahan provides in in in in part right and with a a guy that you you have Team control over for a long time versus hannahan having right only a

Few months left on his contract do do you have to do you have to spend draft collateral on bringing in a middle six forward if if Fabian lysel gets a chance and he pops do you have to spend draft collateral even if it’s like a second or

Third third on pick for Patrick maroon if if brazo is is the guy with size that can play like these are things that just if you have to spend externally that’s fine but make sure you have to is all I’m trying to say yeah yeah I’m I’m I’m

With it like it’s you definitely need to know what you have internally um I I still think you know push comes to shove get to the deadline like Bruins are going to need something I I guess I’ll put it this way I don’t view them as like a true legitimate

Stanley Cup Contender without some sort of addition but In fairness like I wouldn’t have thought the Florida Panthers were a legitimate cupcake Contender at this time last year or even down the stretch and they end up in the Cup finals so um you know it if it’s a if it’s a year

Where you ride it out with what you have and hope it’s good enough and see what that gives you to build on going forward like I think that’s what we all kind of thought this year was going to be from the start if it ends up that way I’m not

Going to be like massively disappoint pointed that oh they didn’t trade a first round pick for an upgrade at the deadline but when you end up near the top of the league in the standings naturally those expectations shift and fans justifiably start to view you as as

A cup Contender and start to talk about what you need to do to win a Stanley Cup and not just you know build towards the future and give some young guys a chance and and go with that so I think you know if they don’t do anything like there’s

Going to be there’s going to be disappointment and I think it would be understandable I mean if they if they called up L cell and he was and he popped as a middle six forward let’s just say hypothetically best case scenario and you and brazzo is a guy

With size you wanted and lorai is you know playing like a top four defenseman even if all those best case scenarios happen what they what I don’t think they have internally right now which they would have to get regardless one deadline need I think they definitely

Need to do regardless is um a a third pair defenseman that you know could be a A team’s second pair potentially but like that had that that’s like a Jacob Middleton we’ve talked about him and I and I every podcast we bring up his name and you know but somebody like that

Where uh they make you pay the price in front of your net um to to to to get open they’re tough on in the corners just tough to play against hard knows that Parker wspoon is great I I I for what he’s been I like him I still think

That guy they need to get externally regardless they have to get somebody on on their blue line I think in a third D pair role that’s just miserable to play against um that that I think that has to happen regardless I’m not saying that they don’t need that but I’m what I will

Say is that they already that would push like three guys like it would just there’s just so many bottom de pair guys right now that they have like okay right what happens to any of shaton Kirk forbert uh we spoon like what what happens to Laura does that push him back

To Providence like just in terms of the numbers game you might want to add someone like that but it might be at the detriment of of having to send lorai back down rather than anything happening to the other guys so that’s that’s problem yeah someone someone would have

To go like you’re trading away grizzli or for or whether it’s whether it’s an actual trade or just a salary dump um or yeah it might have to be weather spoon going you know getting waved like it yeah you at some point like you can’t just keep adding bodies on the blue line

A roster limit um along these lines since we’re here uh I did publish on Thursday um on 10 defenseman the the Bruins could Target and I broke it down into top pairing second pairing and then third pairing depth so we’re not you know we’re not going to run through all

10 of them but people can check that out if if they want but kind of along those lines you know another guy like that Nick seeler in Philadelphia someone I really like um pending free agent along year of the Late Bloomer another one he’s 30 years old having his best season

Um but really like tough as guy and only makes 775,000 so they that’s actually a really easy salary to fit um the fly the flyers in a weird spot where they’re they are a playoff team right now they’re third in the metropolitan but all the reports are they’re still more

Focused on the future than the present they also have a log Jam on defense they I think they have eight defenseman on their roster right now they traded for Jamie Dale obviously the the big Carter gota trade so they have a couple pending free agents

On the blue line and it sounds like they they’re open to moving one of them um so if you know whether it’s Nick Seer or Sean Walker Walker I really he’s a different kind of defenseman but I really like him too he’s a right shot so you know a little different uh little

Different game or type of player but that’s that’s another place to look if they if they identify the right guy and they bring him in obviously you know I I say I I mentioned bringing in somebody on that third D period under the the assumption that that that they can fit

Right and and that does mean moving somebody out so if they can identify the right guy and that means getting rid of um you know grizzli or sending W spoon down or getting rid of shaton Kirk or you know maybe even forward any one of

Those guys if any of those guys have to have to go to to bring in the right fit uh the right player I’m fine with uh I’m not fine with um the casualty being lorai but besides that um they’ll have to figure it out but I’m just saying

That that’s where they need an upgrade that’s a they need an upgrade on a third on a third D pair that that’s that’s the best way I’ll describe it I see that uh Chan made the list for you again Scott like CH every single trade deadline it’s

Like chck and trade rumors are back baby they’re back see see I yeah I mean he’s an example of I don’t think I don’t think I he makes them does he make them better sure I mean but like yeah I I I’m out on him I’m out on on

Hannahan I just think the the cost to acquire those guys I don’t think the Bruins should be willing to part with what it would take especially when you have somebody like Laura that can that can that can fill those roles I mean yeah there’s some good names in that in

That article Scott though that um that you bring up uh Matt Matt Dumba has kind of fallen off a little bit I like Brian Duman um as as as a third pair D guy I mean Chris tanv I think is GNA somebody’s going to really overpay for

Him I think uh I think he’s going to cost a first rounder and Scott you mentioned in the article he’s a he’s a second deep pair guy um he’s also like from every team would like to have a Chris tanav he’s he’s a legitimate shutdown defenseman but also

If you’re the Bruins like there’s some duplication with Brandon Carlo in terms of sure skill set there so it’s I just think when when you have such limited assets to start with like you’re you’re probably trying to spend it on something that’s different than what you already

Have and that’s also where like when we had this conversation about you know bringing in a third pairing defenseman depth like someone who’s good in front of their net it’s like well you better make sure they’re an upgrade over Derek forward which is why like in this article I didn’t include Joel Edmonson

From Washington because I look at that and it’s like yeah okay you can say cup experience couple deep playoff runs I’m not convinced Joel Emon would being upgrade over Derek forber so like why am I trading assets for now Scott to bring it back to your opening shift and

Believe me I’m not going to go down this Rabbit Hole of Trad goldener because I know it’s a tiring uh topic for people but I will say um many many people in in Boston and and New England that that cover and follow the Bruins as fans or or media whatever because the Bruins

Don’t have a ton of cap space because they don’t have a ton of draft collateral and and Prospects that they’re willing to part with um or even have for that matter again it’s like if there’s a hockey trade to be out there it’s it’s got to come from a position of

Strength which is Maybe goal tending or you know whatever some left side D or you know if if if somebody wanted to entertain trading to brusk I think all of us here on the same page I think like you know Bridget you you You’ mentioned like his you know what his ceiling is

It’s it’s it’s a point producer and a score and like if he’s on his game you need that and do against um Edmonton exactly great game by him and we know he can do that so now you bring up Edmonton and Edmonton is a team that they’re a

Goenda now if is if there’s a world where you trade Lea alark to Edmonton that the oers go on a sty cup run and win and potentially beat the Bruins that’s possible I’m being factious what I guess what I’m trying to get at Scott is your opening shift was that the goal tending

Has been struggling a bit post All-Star Break um where’s your thought process on um how the Bruins should address their goal tending going forward is it just stick to the plan that was that’s been a plan for the last two years it are you losing a little bit of confidence in

This goal tending tandem thing like where’s your mind at and obviously I think you guys I’m a little bit more open-minded to it than than you guys probably though I think we’re all in the same camp like nobody’s trading a goal tender but what’s your thought right now

I mean I’ve I think I’ve always been open-minded to it but my thing is you better be getting an absolute Hall like I I have zero my I’ve always been on like I have zero interest interest in trading a goalie just for the sake of freeing up money or you know what

Whatever like turning around getting a second liner that’s I’ll keep my two Elite goalies in that c and again I know my opening shift was they’re both struggling right now ultimately I think they’re going to be fine I think they’re still two of the best goalies in the NHL

Um yeah if someone wants to give me a crazy return and that whatever that might be say it’s a you know a first round pick and a Rost player or whatever sure I’m I’m open to it I I don’t think that offer’s been out there I don’t

Think it’s going to be out there now so I don’t think it’s out there but what a good does a pick do to the Bruins right now like well because then you have a first- round pick to go spend on a top six upgrade or top four defense true I

Guess I guess where the value comes is that you you flip it right exactly no to be clear like I’m not I’m not selling I’m not interested in right accumulating PS to hold on to them I would take P to turn around and go make another trade

Yeah and you know I’m sure people listening will be like oh Edmonton’s a goenda so so great and but it’s like why would you like why give them like what what of your strengths like I edon’s probably just riding it out with Stuart SK anyway like he’s he’s

Been better the last couple months Wednesday notwithstanding because I thought he was he was rough against the Bruins but um yeah that for For Better or Worse they’re probably just riding with him and they also have lost like three games in the last like two calendar months so

It’s it’s I think that that narrative was was blown up the other day after the Bruins game with them um but I mean I’m I’m we are all like again unless we were blown away like I I’m not none of us are interested in in uh in the goalie trade

Talk I I guess I was more Curious Scott and Bridget about um your feelings on Swan and all Mark’s usage going forward um you think it’s should be still be like more or less 5050 um do you think like now that we’re approaching March where has somebody ran away with number

One or um status quo do you think I’d say status quo I know that’s sometimes I give the unsexy answers but no goalie trade uh keep the rotation I I’m going to be boring here but that’s my honest opinion that that is I I don’t see any reason to panic I

Know like I didn’t even particularly think that they had terrible games Scott like they had some like some lapses some goals that they wouldn’t normally give in but we’re also comparing them to like their their potential which is the highest potential in the league really

Both both of them so um they’re up there with the best so I I’m not I’m not worried about it I’m not trading either of them I’m not uh giving one of them like 70% of the time I think we’re still at a point where splitting relatively

Close to 5050 is where I would be yeah I’m I’m fine still keeping the rotation in place for now I’ve sett all along like if one of them pulls away down the stretch and is outperforming the other then I’m fine with riding that goalie I’d be fine with riding that

Goalie in the playoffs um but if if you rotate them and they both get back on their game and they’re playing at a high level come playoffs I still like the idea of rotating the playoffs like I all I want to do in the playoffs is whatever

Has been working for you continue that so if if El Mark struggles down the stretch and swing’s playing great then ride swming then he’s my guy but if if I’m rotating down the stretch and they’re both playing well then keep it going in the playoff this time don’t

Don’t do what you did last year don’t try to ride allar for an entire series when I I he didn’t start five games in a or he might have once in like November but like he went five months without starting five games in a row and now you

Try it in the playoffs and it throws everything off and like NE didn’t like that at the time last year didn’t like it in retrospect wouldn’t like it if they did it this year yeah I think you just got to you you you can’t really have a definitive answer on this uh uh

Question if you’re the Bruins until as you mentioned Scott down the stretch like see how they’re both playing in the back half of um March into April and if if if somebody’s letting in a couple of leaky goals I I I don’t think that the the goalie platoon should be on the

Table but if they’re both playing lights out then sure go for it so it’s going to come down to the the goenda and and do do they both give us the confidence or the Bruins the confidence I should say to to to rotate them in the playoffs um

So any final uh discussions we maybe a couple who’s up Who’s down or anything else we didn’t get to feel like we kind of mostly covered who’s up Who’s down I don’t know unless you guys had anyone else that around it um I think that yeah like we

Mentioned Laura way up right um Scott you mentioned geeki down um I think Bist up I think brezo literally was called up uh and has stayed up and and uh so yeah and then you’d say goalies might be down a little bit I think yeah I think boquist

Is an up uh that we didn’t really talk about that much but I think he keeps getting more and more opportunities I mean he’s been playing in overtime he got a chance at the shootout granted it went nine rounds so you had to start sending some other people but um maran’s

Up just for continuing to play well plus his thousandth game and um in that thousandth game uh extending the shootout uh I think makoy again a constant up for the most part but I think the last you know the Bruins were in a bit of a tough stretch in the win

Loss column and he gets the game-winning goal in the shootout against Dallas he gets the game-winning goal overtime against Edmonton again just play playing strong hockey and and um so just being a leader and helping catapult the Bruins into feeling better about themselves in the win loss column by the way I didn’t

Get to say this earlier but Lori also rang the post in overtime against Calgary and that would have ended the game and then like immediately the other way comes nasm cadri and scores it was like one of those let down feelings where was like oh you’re so close like

Three times and Lori almost ended it and it was almost you know the full points for for Boston through the the first two games yeah they had several great chance to ended up mavo had a two-on-one where he got denied then he set like seconds later he set up bfist for a onetime

Saved Laura hitting the post you just mentioned and then we haven’t talked about this but I am curious what you guys think that the two on0 right before kadri’s winner where Pasto um decides to take the shot himself instead of passing to makoy and clearly is trying to beat

Marstrom five hole slowmo replay looks like it was open for a split second but moom closes it but um I know you know I saw a little bit of criticism of that online that that he should have passed it I don’t know if personally I’m GNA

Trust the the 60 goal score and what he sees but I don’t know if you guys had had any issue with that no well it’s it’s easy to be Morning Quarterback right because if pnck scores that goal it’s it nobody’s saying anything I think that play in particular to it it was

More or less it was two on0 was two and0 yeah like cadri was just about getting back to like maybe take away the P pass but it he wouldn’t have it was it was a two on0 so I think with between their the two of their skill sets Pak and maoy

I think that that backdoor pass is executed and finished nine and a half out of 10 times if not 10 out of 10 times um that said putting the puck on that is never a bad it’s never a bad play I think this is like the one circumstance where it’s

Like it’s even questionable but what I can say is if Pak doeses not shoot that Puck and he tries to pass it to makoy and for some reason gets into makoy skates or markom poke checks it or whatever happens and there’s no shot on goal in that situation the criticism

Would be a 100 times bigger online and and offline and than than it was so um it’s a whatever play yeah I I thought it was Pro kind of a toss up what he should do and then obviously when you was probably in his own mind was was going

Back and forth 100 miles an hour do I pass do I shoot do it pass or shoot and it kind of almost ended up being like a pass off pads if you look at it it almost worked out where it like popped back out to back the opposite side but

Like but the problem is when you get it off pads and there’s a rebound like that it’s also really easy for Calgary to turn it right up ice for a three-on-one yes and and we’ve talked about overtime situations where you turn I think you’re muted oh sorry I was just gonna say um

But the irony is that cadri scored by shooting the puck right so it’s like on the one hand you can’t oh pasta pass it I I know it’s a two on0 on M was back door but it’s like then then cadri goes down and does the exact same play but

Finishes so it’s it’s you know it’s never a bad idea to shoot the Pucket so and yes Scott he’s the best goal scorer in the world not named Austin Matthews which by the way non Bruins take but I mean he’s on Pace for 70 plus goals six hattricks this year it’s Preposterous

Absolut nuts David pasnak I think has six career hattricks I think no he he has more than that does he I think he’s in double digits well we can confirm that but Austin Matthews has six hattricks this year alone and they still have like 30 games to go that’s insane

First no yes no think he’s scoring one in the playoffs they still don’t have I mean their defense still sucks and their go tending is iffy but they can score they can definitely score he can score yeah um it’s kind of funny like we when we talk

About even just we we it comes up in conversation over the past few weeks or the whole season really like when we’re talking about teams that the Bruins are are going to have to like add trade deadlines pieces in order to to go up against like we tend to be talking about

Like Florida we never really even bring up Toronto I’m still not all that worried about Toronto to be completely honest but that L’s obviously they have the offensive Firepower I just think they have the same issues they almost always have defense depth still don’t trust the

Goal tending um by the way Pak has 18 career hatrick what a little more than six so wait wait wait hold on um Google says 16 no no no yeah I I was I I I misheard what somebody said earlier I also thought that six was way

Too low for him um is it 16 or 18 Scott why is it saying 16 on uh so I I think 16 is a regular season plus two in the playoffs oh wow wow that’s that’s gonna be that’s gonna be somewhere on the alltime list right he’s got to be a top

It’s well I know I know it’s second on the Bruins list only cam NE has more wow 18 hattricks that’s unbelievable um by the way on Matthews with on PA with 70 goals there hasn’t been a 70 goal season in the NHL since 9293 um teu salani and Alex mcil both

Did it that year and Brian and I were not born yet no couple months away um other other non Bruins news uh Scott you mentioned the the Carolina Florida Panthers game last night Matthew kachuck appeared to be injured in that game I don’t know if it’s longterm or shortterm but that has

Implications on the Eastern Conference if if he’s a long term for sure and Gustaf forsling too left that game and didn’t return so two two pretty big ones for Florida kachuck I don’t know if they’ve said it kind of looked like it might be concussion to me like he did

Took a shoulder to the to the face head area so uh we’ll see but yeah you know we talk about the Bruins injury bug biting Florida too biting other teams Tampa obviously is trying to find a way to replace Mel sergachev who’s done for the year which is why they’ve now popped

Up as a potential front runner for Noah hannahan which is you know another down we say like we maybe be okay with the Bruns not getting them it’s like well Tampa might get him so you know just be aware of that um I don’t know if if you

Guys had anything else on that but one thing I did want to we don’t have to put the ups and downs Graphics back but I think we may have like danced around this um Derek forbert has been down very consistently recently hey there we go we got to it knew was coming

I do want to point out that he played well on Thursday him and Kevin shener both played well against Calgary so but is he up or down like in your mind he’s he’s he’s still down overall but that wasn’t that was an up game that was a

Step in the right direction got to see if it continues but um when when those two were on the ice the Bruins uh out attempted Calgary 5 nothing so you know hey Bravo we talk about third pairing not being good enough and all that and on the whole that’s fair but we also

Have to give give credit where they actually do have a good game and I thought they were solid on Thursday but we’ll see where you stand on Sunday skate this weekend if you’ll agree with Razer this time well you’ll notice I’m not tweeting out my support

Of yeah I kind of just sit there I sat there last Sunday and just let those two argue about it um I didn’t get involved I was like you guys got this uh one very high praise one coming out with his analytics about why Derek forbert is trash but you don’t

Need you didn’t need analytics like you just need to watch the game and see all the mistakes he was making oh God uh also pnck appears to be um 37th in league history uh with hattricks I think according to which is interesting because unless my

Eyes are missing it the same list I’m looking at I don’t even see Austin matthews’s name which cannot be right he has to have at least the same amount of hatrick is pck or not close that is that is that article from oh wow wait Matthews has 13 career hattricks wow as

Of five days ago so half of them are been this year okay well there you go interesting very good David pasnak 37th uh on the alltime hattricks list and he’s 10 years into his career and probably close to 10 to go so he’s we got a good one in Boston all right any

Final comments guys before we go nope all good all right thank you all for listening have a great weekend we’ll talk to you on Monday hey guys thanks for watching escap podcast if you want to see more of our videos visit our playlist not in

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Discussing which Bruins’ defenseman have stepped up in the absence of Lindholm and Grzelcyk. Is Mason Lohrei here to stay this time? Assessing the contributions of the Bruins’ “late bloomer” call-ups including Brazeau. Plus, Scott’s 10 options the Bruins could target in a trade for a defenseman.

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Leave your questions in the comments and we will answer as many as we can!

Jump to:
00:00 – Are Bruins having their 1st goaltending issues of the season?
13:35 – Is Lohrei here to stay?
26:30 – Is Brazeau the player Bruins the were missing on their 4th line?
45:00 – Scott’s 10 options the Bruins could target in a trade for a defenseman

Photo: Perry Nelson-USA TODAY Sports

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  1. Hanafin, McAvoy, Lindholm and Carlo would be a championship top 4. Lohrei and a rotating cast in the 3rd pairing would be just fine. In order to make this work, we need Lindholm on LTIR until the playoffs. This would even leave cap space for another winger. Calgary would likely want draft picks, but we don't get top 10, or even 20, draft picks with our picks anyway. Hanafin would be a long-term aquisition; this is only worthwhile if we extend Hanafin for 4-6 years. Thank you all for another great podcast!! Go Bs!!!

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