@New York Islanders

Chris Simon Two-Hands Ryan Hollweg Mar 8, 2007

Chris Simon’s two-hander on Ryan Hollweg after Hollweg’s hit on Simon from the Rangers at Islanders game on Mar 8, 2007.


  1. Islanders scum. First the 2 hand to the face by simon. Then, the isles fans chanting a**hole to hollweg. What a joke

  2. Now compared to Mcsorley slashing Brashear, this was clearly intentional. However, if it were in the eyes of the Boston Bruins’ commentators, they would say “Nah, this wasn’t intentional. It’s a clean play.”

  3. so the steve more incident is criminal and this isn’t. AS AN ISLANDERS FAN, i think he should be kicked out of the league and charged with assault.

  4. They keep saying it’s up high like they are scared to say he hit a guy in the face with a stick lol family show, I understand

  5. LOL, Uncultured Douchebag Goons aimlessly fighting over basically nothing. 😅😅😆😆😄😄😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  6. Us as native Indians have a sleeping beast in us that will emerge at times..say whatever you want about Simon but he'll still destroy people on the ice in any fight.

  7. Back in the day (70's) this would've been a two minute high sticking penalty. Because it's Simon we'll make a big deal out of it. Gary Bettman and his woke crew ruined the sport.

  8. I was watching this game at home in my bedroom doing my homework. I was in High School and I took my eyes off the TV for a second and heard Sam Rosen's reaction. I looked back at the TV and caught the brawl. When I first saw the replay I feared Hollweg might've been dead

  9. This is perfect example of instant karma. Hollweg drills Simon from behind into the boards and what do you expect Simon going to do? I see nothing wrong with what Simon did to Hollweg who is a dirty cheap shot hitter.

  10. Old time hockey. 👍 aka the “battleaxe lumberjack” treatment. Rarely and seldom utilized only in extreme circumstances. Used it a few times myself usually resulting in a TKO or substantial chiclet reduction. Threat eliminated. Best advice: Always keep your head up at all times on ice.

    Proven, old, tactic to effectively immobilize an opponent. Nice work 👍

    “He might get 5 minutes” 🤣 wtf 🤬??

  11. How many times do those fucking stupid commentators need to see a replay before they can understand what happened??

    It took him 4 fucking views to realize that he him in the mouth?? What the fuck is he being paid for?

  12. Gotta love when Simon stands up for himself getting checked into the boards numbers first. Give a dirty play, get a dirty play. Refs fault for not calling a call on the initial play, Hollweg deserved it lol.

  13. 15 years later and this is still the appropriate reaction. The only person who should've been suspended was the ref not protecting the players.

  14. Even as a Ranger fan, i kinda felt bad for Simon. His career was marred with alcohol. The isles coach , Ted something was also native Canadian and he did hid best to look after Chris. I hope hes ok today

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