@New York Rangers

Sammy Blais hit on Milan Lucic – Tough Call Suspension Recommendation

Sammy Blais took out Milan Lucic with an across the body angle of approach, which dangerous at the best of times. Blais turns right into the check after the puck is gone and does things to target the head. He was lucky and mostly missed, but that shouldn’t make it any less of a penalty.


  1. To my eye it appears that Blais’ left shoulder hits Lucic in the chest close to the head but not directly in Lucic’s head.
    Lucic’s head does lurch back but that is the result of the hit to his chest.

  2. We can offset your suspension with all the suspensions Lucic should have received over the years for bad hits.

  3. He did a bit of the Kronwallian leap, which contributes to the danger of this style of check. If he had stayed the way he was skating, even with turning in, he'd make far more chest contact, lower down. But that isn't the "big hit" that people want to see…. so he turns in, starts to jump (check his legs.he pulls them together (gaining height) and straightens them (and himself) to gain even more height. And then he leaves his skates a bit while making contact. That's charging.
    I give it a 2 out of 5 Troubas.

  4. Great hockey hit. Lucic deserves WAY worse (Ryan Miller hit). Don't dissect this is slow motion, it didn't happen in slow motion.

  5. Good hockey hit plain and simple. Shoulder to body hit, no head hit. No suspension and not interference.

  6. Lucic really is the biggest bitch, he does dirty hits all the time but every single fkn time he gets hit clean he starts crying.

  7. The other thing I hate is that the other Ranger player is holding Lucic back, holding onto his jersey, I simply want penalties to get called when they should be, I don't want refs deciding when they should or shouldn't.. I don't trust them not to take sides.

  8. And this is why no one watches hockey anymore. No hitting, no fighting, just soccer on ice now. Viewership is down 27% and dropping every year. Wake up NHL.

  9. Heres a head shot for u fans that r left ! I'm with the majority we don't care about the NHL anymore let alone hockey in general. The game for profit and for the fortunate that can afford their kids to go watch NHL or even play nowadays with $100 $200 $300 + prices of hockey sticks let alone skates and other equipment prices, Whats it cost to sign your kids up and the cost to take them to the arenas today! $$$$ What's the price of ice time now for an hour nowdays ? oh my . My life was hockey ! Im 56 yr young also Have a basic refrigeration ticket 97.8% on my test worked at arenas for many many years In Ontario and Alberta let alone played since i was 5 started my hockey career in moneyville Oakville Ontario, coached refereed , timekeeper you name it i did it , like many others thou I walked away from the game of money It's not about heart It's not about loyalty to a team or league its loyalty to money . Like my buddy that played for the leafs said in 89 90 when the salaries jumped immensely he said now the game is going to change forever He was so correct , Not only has the game changed but so have the people that are in it , I would tell people your chances of your kids making it to the NHL Is minuscule the NHL is a small union That's why you see a lot of x players kids playing the game and not your kids! We know you young folks have got it all figured out thou and know more then us old guys like me that have been around the game since 1971 . If and when the NHL brings back the Legends of hockey league then We ll start watching it again . They won't do that because more people would be watching the old guys rather than these new watered down overpaid young guys game . And maybe make the prices 20 bucks to go and see them instead of $200 plus. The game should be for everybody but it's not . Thats my rant on hockey in 2023 Eh !!!

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