@Edmonton Oilers

The Edmonton Oilers DON’T NEED a Goalie | Debating The Reality of Trading For An “Elite” Starter

Don’t let a small sample size where the team has gone 4-4-1 distract you from the fact the #oilers have scored almost 20 goals LESS than expected at 5v5. The team was lights-out during the 16-game win streak. Trading Stuart Skinner for an “elite” or “bonafide” number one goalie is a mistake and would haunt this team for a long time IMO.

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  1. Hell no Iโ€™m not giving up Skinner heโ€™s made historical achievements. Itโ€™s all our players that our off the game since the horrific trades since the boring waste of time all star games!
    I 100% agree with you

  2. Oh yeah love listening to you Austin you explain things just like my Dad did when I was a young pup on ice every day mostly in my back yard!!!

  3. I agree. There are not many goaltenders out that that look good when their team leaves them hanging out to dry every night. The reason for the streak was whole team commitment to defense. The reason for the regression is forgetting that. I don't know if they are in desperate need of anything, just go back to the mentality that so clearly worked. If a top 6 forward or top 4 defenseman comes up for a reasonable cost, great. If an upgrade for Pickard, even better. But nothing is so broke that they are doomed if they don't fix it. My exception deal is if they can get a Brown replacement that can get chances like he does and actually score on them.

  4. Totally agree with you. Skinner is fine & will get better. We need a shoot first scorer. For all the zone time, shots & expected goals this team has struggled to convert. For whatever reason McDrai are pass first players this year (refuse to shoot from scoring positions) & the supporting cast does not convert enough. Even though Hymanโ€™s having a career goal scoring year. Not knocking him heโ€™s great. But He often fails to convert exceptional chances in close.

  5. I call Bull-Shite ! ( imo ) The last few games Skinner could not stop a Beachball – Skinner should be the one-b – Not ready to be that Guy

  6. I disagree, sure they went 16 and 0, and I congratulate them. The thing is during that span ,they played a lot of teams that weren't very good. They weren't playing Boston, TB, the avs or the jets, mostly playing bottomfeeders. Now that they've lost to some of the top teams we're seeing the real Oilers, who are not good enough imo.

  7. I dont think the problem lately has been our goal tending. The play out front has been sub par since the last VGK game.
    It appears that the play has been slipping back into the hybrid system from earlier in the season (outside of the last 2 periods against Minnesota.) In the last few games we have seen hand waiving and miscommunication in our own zone which leads to players getting lost in a cycle and scoring chances open up against.

    For the trade deadline we need a sniper. Someone who can and loves to shoot the puck. Hopefully someone who can slot into the top 6.
    Unfortunately I am getting Decade of Darkness vibes with this team a little as we seem to rely far to heavily on play makers and not a ton of power forwards. Perhaps this will change more if Connor McDavid returns to shooting the puck more (and not having them hit a post.) This team has been lacking finish and its time to pick up someone who can find the openings. A good passing RD would also be fantastic.

  8. Their issues lack with having ZERO defensive offenceman and having poor backcheck. Cmon I love Dari but man the guys effort in the defensive zone is just atrocious. He makes picks and they're sick plays (when he makes them) but how many times does he throw a wild back hand pass across the ice and it turns into a grade A for the other team? Hes a special player offensivly, but his strategy of always trying to pick guys definely does not always work. Oilers have not a single player that looks like a Bergeron or close to that caliber. Vegas ate the oilers up because they have way more defensive minded offense men.

  9. But the reason why Stu wasn't good in the playoffs last year and 2 seasons ago, as you said Austin it was his first-time people can't expect a rookie to to be a superstar or Elite player .. it's like Ceci being a Connor McDavid, it's not going to happen

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