@Boston Bruins

MAJOR Update on Habs Trade Plans… – Bruins LINKED to Hanifin Trade

MAJOR Update on Habs Trade Plans… – Bruins LINKED to Hanifin Trade

We have a major update on the Montreal Canadians trade plans for the trade deadline as well as the Boston Bruins have been linked to one of the top trade deadline Targets in Noah hanifen and I’ll break it all down for you coming up on this episode of hatrick HQ but before

We get into it just want to say if you’re one of the thousands of people watching this that aren’t subscribed make sure go down below and hit that subscribe button because we’ll be here every day bringing you daily NHL content whether it’s rumors reports everything that’s happened around the League this

Is your home for it so you’re not going to want to miss it so make sure to down below hit that subscribe button but with that said let’s go right into the topic of the first topic of video today which is hanifen linked to the Bruins and as

We take a look here uh they say the perennial contending Boston Bruins are said to be actively interested in Flames defenseman Noah hanifin talks between the two franchises regarding the Boston College alumni have been ongoing throughout the season as reported by Jimmy Murphy of Boston hockey now and as

We take a look here it says amidst confirmation of hanahan’s willingness to resign in Calgary the prolonged wait for Noah’s decision has left fans and media in the dark many believe he wants to sign in the US somewhere long term the Bruins have liked hannahan dating back

To his draft here and as we take a look at you know something that some players that may be traded here to bring hannahan in it says in a potential exchange the Flames could offer up Matt grizzli and Matt Matt ptoa um and Georgie uh merula sorry if I pronounced

That one wrong he says from the Bruins notably ptoa aligns with the Flames trade strategy fitting the desire to acquire players and picks despite concerns concerns about his health VTO possesses the immediate potential to contribute positively to the Flames if acquired as the tread deadline approaches the Flames face crucial

Decisions regarding hanahan’s future and potential additions to strengthen their roster and obviously what they’re talking about here is the situation where uh just a couple seasons ago they lost Johnny gdo lost Matthew kachuck for nothing and as we see now they traded off lyol they traded off zador off and

They’re trading off their expiring guys here so that they can get some uh Capital back for these guys and not lose them for nothing come free agency and it seems like this is what they’re doing here with Noah hanifen and I think B the Boston Bruins are a perfect fit for this

Guy I think you know you bring this guy in he’s a great two-way defenseman he can he can distribute the puck up the ice but e he’s great via Outlet passes he’s also a solid skater as well great defensively in his own Zone uh blocking

Shots can lay the body at times I think he fits this Boston Bruins system perfectly so if you ship out grizzli here in this situation you could put Noah Hanahan up on that top par appearing with Charlie McAvoy and or you could even moveis lyol up to that Top

Line with makoy leave hannahan here on the second pairing with Brandon Carlo really spark some offense uh throughout the the defensive pairings here he can he’s a guy who can get on the score sheet for you with assists he can shoots he’s not afraid to shoot the puck from

The blue line as well he’s great at that part of the game and I think uh this is a great trade for the Boston Bruins obviously it may seem like if you’re Boston BR Bruins F you’re giving up a lot here in a guy who like Matt pertois

Who’s came in this year and just had a great season but he is a young Prospect and the Boston Bruins are in win now mode they are U you know one of the favorites to maybe win the Stanley Cup this season so you trade out your young

Guys ship them off to Calgary and a couple of young guys here in grizzli and Port TW uh to Calgary and you know bring in hanifen really bolster this defensive core going into the playoffs really try to solidify yourselves as Stanley Cup contenders coming out of the trade

Deadline into the latter half of the season and Calgary gets uh a young guy here in Porta H great defenseman in grizzli that they can kind of replace uh maybe a tanev maybe a zador that they’ve traded and I think that he could easily become top peering defenseman in Calgary

It seems like this Calgary team is really re tooling here bringing in some young guys bringing in some Capital that they can trade off to try to salvage the core they have right now this off seon and I really do think this would be a smart move for for Calgary and a smart

Move for Boston you’re bringing in a local guy uh pretty sure a HomeTown guy here who grew up in the area and he played his um Junior career or in uh Boston College and I think this is could be a great trade here for the Boston Bruins I think this uh could really

Bolster this team’s defense like I’ve said here previously in this video and really helped this team win a Stanley Cup I really think this guy’s a great defenseman I think he’s the best defenseman on the market right now in my opinion and I think there’s going to be

A lot of teams after this guy and I think the Boston Bruins may be his number one landing spot going home he can signed a a lengthy extension here maybe play the last years of his career here in Boston I think this would be a great story I think this team has some

Some great potential here to win the Stanley Cup this year and just adding one more piece could really you know B uh really push them forward get them over that hump into being the Stanley Cup favorites but I want to hear from you guys down below in the comment

Section let me know down below what are your thoughts on this trade do you think the Boston Bruins should fire off an offer here to Hanan try to bring this guy in or do you think maybe he goes somewhere else let me know down below we’re going to get into the second topic

Of the video here which is Major David Saar trade update and as we take a look here um this is if he says uh while GM K Kent Hughes isn’t shopping David SAR or trying to trade the defenseman he is Fielding uh trade deadline calls as it

Stands most teams who like SAR also stay are staying involved in the Chris tan of sweep Stakes that means sard’s uh move isn’t likely until those those teams know they aren’t in onv and as we take a look here this is from arpen bassu from the athletic he says just like the trade

Of Eli LOM from Calgary to Vancouver created a market crunch for Mahem that Hughes was unable to leverage once Calgary trades trades the right-handed shot defenseman shot blocking Chris tanov a similar situation could be created for SAR as a defenseman who fits that same profile only one team can

Trade for tanv and the ones that don’t get him will surely double back with the Canadians just like the Jets did once they were unable to land lyol and as we take a look here the also says they add it’s unclear if the Canadians have spoken to sear about this about this

Plan but they’re listening to offers and had a similar conversation with Joel Edmonson last season when he was traded um kind of the similar situation where he had some uh years remaining on his contract Montreal retained some salary and they got some picks back for this

Guy they say uses the cond of GM who likes to know his players are hearing things from him and not online and I think that is just uh such a class act from um uh from Kent Hughes that he he he uh can go talk to his

Players and tell them that you know we’re looking at trading you he wants to give him a heads up just so they don’t see it on Twitter they don’t see it on their social media that they’re LinkedIn rumors here I think that’s just a Class

Act move from uh Kent Hughes but I think this situation is really interesting here for Montreal and it really does make sense the way arasu explains it here we’ seen with linol once he was off the table when and the Jets were in on this guy they said hey who’s a similar

Player we can get that plays like linol and that is sha Monahan which they then went after him and brought him into Winnipeg and this is a situation we could see like he says with David SAR once tanv is off the board this guy’s similar type player they play the same

Game and maybe we could see a team that loses out on him maybe falling back and trying to get a guy in David sear he does have some term here so that is great news uh for any team acquiring him he his contract is 3.5 million I believe

For this season and next season so maybe we may see a team like the Toronto Maple if they don’t land our guy in Chris tanv maybe they fall back on David sear here ship off a third round pick uh maybe a prospect to bring this guy in h and

Really you know bolster their decor for this upcoming draft and as we take a look at David Saar stats obviously this gu’s a season fet here in the in the NHL so far this season has played 33 games with eight points 97 blocks for 42 hits

I mean this guy is a great penley killer he’s great on the Special Teams and I really do think that he could help any contending team uh you know bolster their defense for this Stanley Cup playoff room that is is slowly creeping upon us we will soon be there we will

Soon be playing playoff hockey and I can’t wait to watch it but back to sear I do think that this guy is a great defenseman as a Montreal Canadians fan I have watched this guy uh during his time in Montreal and I really do like the way

He plays he’s you know a big physical big presence back on the blue line he’s a guy who’s going to shut down top six forwards from time to time most of the time really and I really you know he’s a great defenseman a great stay-at-home defenseman here uh great penley killer I

Think uh you know most nights he’s averaging about 3 minutes uh ice time on on the penley kill which is a crazy stat in itself but it does work he’s a great penley killer he can dump the puck out of his own shut that top offenses in the NHL and I really do

Think he is a great addition for any Stanley Cup contending team looking to add a defens here at the deadline and I really do think we will see sear shipped out here unfortunately as much as I love watching this guy in the Montreal Canadians uniform I mean you know he has

To go here Montreal is revealing he’s a little bit of an older guy maybe aging out of the league now in a few years time which sucks to say but uh you know it is the reality of the game and and and he you know can go get his Stanley

Cup here uh with one of these contending teams at a a bit of a lower price than a guy like Chris tan of in my opinion I think you know he’s 3.5 million I think he’s worth every bit of that and I think you know having him this year and having

Him locked up for next year is a big thing too Landing a guy with term here you don’t need to worry about signing him in free agency he’s still going to be on your roster next year and you can go worry about bringing some other guys

In really do think this is a great option for any contending team here but I want to hear from you guys down below in the comments section what do you think about a potential David SAR trade here and what do you think do you think

That uh this is a great idea that that we’ve seen here uh from arpan Basu that you know once the top guy goes maybe there’s a Fall Guy like sha manahan like David sear I really liked this logic of thinking from AR bass who really got my

Mind reeling today I’m sure it’s getting your guys mind realing now but we’re going to get into everybody’s favorite topic here and that is comment of the day and and the comment of the day today goes to our boy Daniel shout out to you Daniel day one supporter here on the

Channel we’ love seeing you down the comment section all the time really appreciate all your love and support here on the channel he says great video Casey I’m sticking with no more rental players loving the Way East C is playing great pick for us Go Leafs Go shout out

To you Daniel like I said really appreciate all your love and support uh from to us from here on the channel and uh like you said I do think getting a player with term is going to be a great option for the Toronto Maple I think it

Makes the most sense in in my eyes and maybe we take see him take a look at David sarit here has one more year left on his deal could really help this montal or this uh Tonto map Leafs team with their playoff run and I’m really

Excited uh to see what the TR may please do here at the deadline it’s going to be fun uh fun times to watch and in regards to East C love that guy he’s having a great season uh in the OHL this year and he’s going to light it up with the

Leaves next year I’m sure of it but if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you go down below hit that like button hit that subscribe button on the roow 3,000 subscribers here so if you’re not subscribed to the channel make sure to go down below hit that subscribe button

And if you enjoy the NHL make sure to check out this video it’s popping up on your screen right now but as always I’m your host KC keep your stick on the ice

0:00 Intro
0:33 Hanifin Linked to Boston
5:21 Habs Savard Trade Plans Revealed
10:55 Comment Of The Day

Recent reports have Calgary Flames defenseman Noah Hanifin linked to the Boston Bruins and Montreal Canadiens defenseman David Savard could be a part of the Montreal Canadiens trade deadline plans. What will the Bruins have to give up for Hanifin and What are the Habs plans with Savard at the deadline? KC breaks down these rumors and reports on this episode of Hat Trick HQ.


  1. Bruins won't win the Cup this season even with Hanifin unless they find a solid first-line centre who can score and win faceoffs.

  2. I think it makes more sense to trade Savard next year at the deadline. Hughes can get as much for him and the young d-men would benefit from his experience for another year

  3. Reilly tanev chychrun savard McCabe beniot love this that’s lots of grit toughness snarl hitting they could stack up against the better defence cores then

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