@Florida Panthers

This is…

not sure why they didn’t auction these off online–if someone is willing to spend that much, that amount would’ve been better suited going to charity and not a reseller.

by whotheowl


  1. This guy put it up for sale the night he bought it. My friend made an offer then he accepted it but never shipped the item. Three days later cancels the order. This seller is a scumbag.

  2. RoadDoggFL

    Every limited-availability product really should be auctioned. I’d much rather see companies/individuals who actually create things of value get the reward instead of fucking leeches. I also wish I could just buy a blank jersey from this set. Looks really cool.

  3. The guy that bought 6 or 7 was in front of me on line. He don’t buy Bob’s. What they should’ve done was limit the purchase to 1 or maybe 2. Not as many as you want. He had an issue paying his CC company thought is was fraud

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