@New Jersey Devils

Tampa Am Aside

Away from the street course chaos, rippers like Ronnie, Russo, Raney, Clive, and Clint got some too. The night ended in Bradenton; tons of bikers, bladers and razors got in the way, but the crew worked around them.


  1. While I definitely like that idea, that's the same mentality businesses have for anyone trying to skate around their building. It's a snake or be snaked world so just make the fuckers uncomfortable.

  2. I don't understand why skaters hate on bikes and scooters so much. They have the same passion for their sport as we have for ours and we should let them have it.

  3. bikes are fine just the scooters like at my local all the skaters get along fine with the bike riders but when scooters come along shit goes down.

  4. i get along with the bikers just fine at my skate park. we try to stay out of each others way. but those fuckin scooter kids…. KILL THEM ALLL!!!!!

  5. can someone explain to me what happened to robbie russo? i thought he broke his neck slamming into another guy during a vert jam

  6. i hate how todays ams are my days pros because im old, but i love it because todays pros are shredding gods.

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