@Boston Bruins

What to Make of the Jack Edwards Situation w/ Conor Ryan | Bruins Beat

What to Make of the Jack Edwards Situation w/ Conor Ryan | Bruins Beat

And welcome into the Bruins beat on clns media my name is Evan marinovsky joined today by the great Connor Ryan Connor what is up Evan I’m doing okay how you doing I’m doing well uh you are sick and we we discussed this a little bit on poke the

Bear but you’ve got what you got [ __ ] it’s [ __ ] rude yeah I’m just Kidd yeah I don’t want to talk about this at all all right let’s move on uh no respiratory infection you’ve got a a sinus infection you have gotten just absolutely crushed by this this

Illness it’s not great Evan you know I stubbed my toe as well stepped on a Lego got a hang nail it’s it’s it’s a [ __ ] rough time let me tell you but you know what we’re Trucking through it’s a busy time of the year trade deadline is what

Two weeks away we got we got gu start talking some hockey here even my voice runs out even I have to start like just typing in responses or something like that I’ll have a little white I’ll respond yes exactly we’ll make it work we’ll make it work Evan he

Said uh he said trade for Sydney Crosby uh trade ptra lowai at next year’s first for Sydney CR that’s what Connor is saying I can’t believe he’s saying that he said trade Lena Sark oh my God I I am a uh I am Petro Maguire yes I

A big Sydney Crosby to the breu uh stand so I don’t know if I maybe I’ve said this on here before and forgive me if I have but my favorite Petro Maguire related thing was I remember one time Patrick Donnelly uh was like are you

Petro Maguire and I was like no and he’s like I’ve always thought you were petro and I’m like no I’m not creative enough I’m not funny enough to to do that uh so no Petrov is in a league of his own I’m I’m not I’m not I wish I was Petro

McGuire but unfortunately um I am not not I think maybe I’ve said that on this podcast before maybe I haven’t but good to see you’re doing better good to see that the voice is coming back and yeah doing great doing perfect um we’re gon to start from an area that uh

Isn’t on the ice it’s more off the ice um story came out on I want to say it was like it was Thursday from Chad Finn with the globe uh ness’s Jack Edwards opens up about his speech issues saying he is fine medically and puzzled

Himself uh Jack said I did not have some kind of accident I do not have cancer I don’t have dementia I didn’t haven’t had a stroke all of that’s been confirmed by Mass General neurology they’ve done tests that seem like I’m going through some sort of Science Fiction scene but

It’s really true the images of my brain literally reveal nothing that’s my joke with them I like how all through this article Jack kind of keeps that like like he’s he’s making fun of his own situation which I thought was enjoyable um he said it doesn’t fit in any any

Slot there have been a couple of guesses but they haven’t made a definitive diagnosis and they’ve been working on me for over a year and a half it’s very frustrating as you can imagine for me to have this slowdown in my speech he realized it um during the annual reading

Of the Declaration of Independence in 2022 um that he was having trouble forming sentences and getting words out um and the article goes on to kind of detail he has to go through like speech therapy every day and he does warm-ups when he when he isn’t calling game

Um and he’s 66 and a half years old which Jack I mean I I don’t know if people realize that Jack is is getting up there in age I mean I’m not saying he’s you know super old but I feel like a lot of people would assume like you

Know 50s he’s 66 and a half um and he mentioned how Andy brickley’s been great to him and and um that you know he’s nesson hasn’t talked to him apparently about this uh there was a lot in this story I think one of the biggest things though first of all I’m glad nothing

Actually is wrong yet with Jack I think we’re all happy that it w I mean you know it wasn’t a stroke it wasn’t an accident um this seems hopefully curable um I don’t think it’s any secret I mean Jack has sounded this way for a while I

Mean it’s been a couple years now where uh you know he has had a difficult time on broadcasts and you know we never talked about it because you don’t know you don’t want to speculate on someone’s public on on their health you know you don’t want to publicly do that um but

You know it’s been around for a little while here and it’s first of all it’s good to hear that he’s doing better but I’m curious what your reaction kind of was to this yeah no obviously Echo what you said that um the most important thing is that um doesn’t seem like it’s

Anything medical as you said um no stroke or cancer or anything else like that so that’s without a doubt the most important thing um it’s not something else like that it’s hindering his ability um and yeah I mean from looking at that piece and you know it was you

Know I think good for Jack for uh being very candid about it and I think a really good piece from from Chad you know getting those questions across and um you know talking about both what he’s currently dealing with in his future and stuff like that

Um I don’t know what the you know what the future holds in terms of you know the the broadcast or Jack of what the overall plan is I won’t speculate on that um the most you know number one takeaway is one that he’s he’s healthy and that’s the most important thing but

Two um you know I Know Jack is could be a uh divisive uh probably broadcaster I think even during his Heyday even during his Heyday um was probably drew a lot of uh uh back and forth whether you like his his kind of style but he’s also been

Been kind of the soundtrack to a lot of Bruins fans some of their better moments for the last you know almost over two de decades right almost two decades um during this era so one you most importantly you wish him well and I think the most important thing from like

You know my limited time of of speaking with Jack and talking with him is that he is a extremely passionate hockey fan loves the Bruins I think really loves the fans you know loves chatting with people after a game Talking hockey um and I think in this sport

Especially there’s a lot of people who do this year and you rout where it almost becomes just second nature as to how you approach this or the situation you’re in where you can kind of take it for granted right of you know you know I’ve been covering the team for a while

We’ve both been covering sports for a while like oh yeah my job involves going to ranks talking to hockey players stuff like that that’s all well and good that’s you know part of the part of the gig but I think it’s always important to kind of keep yourself grounded as to you

Know how fortunate we are to be in to be in this position and I think Jack Thro his career is never lost sight of that I think that’s something that’s really important um to have and he’s someone who’s been very appreciative of what um what opportunity he’s in the the

Platform he has and so for me again the most important thing I think is you know stressing that one he’s okay and that’s without a doubt that comes to the Forefront here but I think when you can peel back the discourse Over You Know Jack and whether you like him as a

Broadcast or not um he’s a guy who I think takes his job very seriously is very passionate about it doesn’t lose sight of where it is and I think in this media field where I think that can be taken for granted a lot of times sometimes it’s worth kind of celebrating

People who who don’t lose sight of that thing so I wish Jack well um whatever the kind of the future holds and hopefully he’s able to correct this uh in the near future I couldn’t agree more I think the interesting thing with Jack that you know it’s it’s great when there are the

Professional or no I don’t want to say professional but uh so okay for instance when Alex fa comes and does games Alex Alex F is terrific I think we all agree that Alex fou is awesome and nor Eastern grad local kid I I don’t know this for

Fact but must be a bruin we don’t we don’t talk about the bean poot no you see the Owen thing did you see the ow and thing Jerry Jerry’s son um Jerry Keef’s son uh was committed to be you but was uh recently committed to North Eastern instead he was at the bean

Poot or he watched The Bean poot and he’s like damn that looks really fun over with nor Eastern with my dad I want to play for them and I got a kick out of that I’m like wow nor Eastern got another win out of the bead pot um but I

Think an interesting thing back to the the Jack discourse um with Jack as you said he’s always been divisive there’s been obviously opposing fans are not the biggest fans of Jack there’s a section of Bruins fans who would rather have someone a little more polished on air

And and you know I think the Polish is great there’s nothing wrong with that um it’s it’s professional easy to listen to all that stuff what I like Jack for is he brings the passion in November December January some of the months where the games can just kind of be

Average games on the schedule Bruins Predators January 11th 7 pm on like a Monday like or Tuesday though and Jack brings it like to me that’s always been why I’ve liked Jack is that he brings it he always brings it and yes he says some outlandish things um you see the quotes

On Twitter Jack Edwards s’s context it’s great um Petro Maguire that’s a that’s a pet McGuire staple another Petro Maguire staple with the with the guy at the baseball game like was was bringing the girls here any Jack Edwards statement and I like that um but I think that’s

Something that people are G to miss when Jack does decide to retire um you know I I know that Jack does love to insert his opinions in things and and stuff like that but I like the passion I like that he brings it um and even even on a away

Goals he like I don’t it doesn’t get talked about enough when the away team scores he brings energy to it like as if you’re if if if it’s a Bruins fan calling the game who’s mad but really into the game like oh they just score like whereas you listen to some other

Opposing broadcasters opposing team broadcasters and there is no call when the away team scores it’s just oh and score like I want someone who’s so invested in the game that you’re feeling the and the flows with them um and so again the Polish route is awesome at

Some point nesson will bring in someone for Jack um you know whenever that might be and they’ll be polished and terrific and that’s great there’s nothing wrong with that but the the uniqueness to that Jack brings to the game I’ve always enjoyed um and I hope he gets better but

Yeah I mean the last couple years it’s hard to ignore like he has slowed down um but hopefully these therapies um and this works I’m glad he finally spoke out about it because it’s every night on Twitter if you search Jack Edwards that’s constantly talked about people

Talk about it and it’s good that he finally addressed it I didn’t catch the the opening monologue um against Calgary so I I don’t know if he addressed it or not um but I think it’s good that he did I think it was it was you know and am

Glad that he did um because it’s said it’s been talked about for quite a bit of time so we’re happy that Jack is doing better um and that and that hopefully better days are ahead for uh for Jack but anyways real quick quick word from our sponsor quick break in the

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Teams with quick bets live same game parlays exclusive props and more just visit Boston and shoot your shot FanDuel the official Sportsbook partner of the NBA so the Bruins have been out in western Canada uh Edmonton Calgary um you know it’s been a an interesting start two overtime games uh in two

Straight nights I can’t imagine people slept very well uh after those um lot of OT a lot of OT um but I will give the Bruins this so the Calgary game was tough you know tough overtime loss but even though they blew that lead in Edmonton 4-1 in the third period hard to

Justify that Jeremy Swan was not at his best uh there were some definite holes they still won they still found a way to win in Edmonton and I give them that um again I think if they lose both those Edmonton and Calgary games we’re saying a lot different things we’re

Highlighting the negatives more um but I will give it to them they pulled it out and it’s felt like this whole year this team even when they’re short-handed even when they’ve got a bunch of young guys in their bottom six and the top six still isn’t fully figured out and you

Have injuries to the left side on defense they go on and beat Edmonton one of the hottest teams in the league like I to me it’s impressive how they still just kind of find ways to win I’ll give it to him yeah it’s kind of tough to even put a

Full gauge on this team like I think we can all definitively say Evan the Bruins are a good team we can say that but it’s it’s you know yes I think we can I think we can make that bold Proclamation here but no I agree it’s like you you go

Through this extended stretch here where it seem like nothing’s going your way you’re playing down to certain opponents um not able to get the the winning plays needed a full 60-minute effort all that stuff all those cliches then as you said they come out and beat Edmonton on the

Road after a game that seemed like it was going Way South for them right like you blow a 4-1 lead um you’re able to come back win in an overtime um they just seem to have a knack for stepping up in those critical situations and delivering uh when needed

So again it’s what we’ve talked about all this time before this team always seems to there’s been very few games where we’ve kind of circled them on the calendar and they don’t show up like they’ve had they’ve had no shows right we’ve look at like the Calgary game here

The Seattle game here couple of them but you look at like this game you look at the Vancouver connects game at home um it’s been quite a few times like when uh the Panthers have been here all that stuff um there’s been a lot of times where the Bruins have really kind of

Stepped up when needed you hope that kind of trans to when the games actually matter in April and May I agree with you um and it’s interesting because uh with with with the way they’re playing I think that the road trip has come at the perfect time they needed this road trip

After that terrible homand to go out west you know be on the road go out have fun play those teams uh you know kind of come together I think it came at the perfect time um and I I just to me like and and this kind of hits at the

Deadline stuff right they almost play better when they’re short-handed like they always kind of just squeak ways out to win and they didn’t have to do that a lot last year last year there were a lot of easy Cakewalk games your roster was better than the other teams if the first

Line didn’t step up the second and third lines did if the first line if the first line did step you know the second line didn’t step up the first line would whatever um but this year it’s you know it’s been they’re good good short-handed and I give them that U obviously you

Want to beat Calgary um on on Thursday you would have liked to have had that um but again you know Coyle finally gets the monkey off his back he’s been playing great but hasn’t been scoring he gets two goals um really thought McAvoy had a goal there in overtime and then

Low right hit the crossbar which was wild which was wild I want to talk about low right I want to talk about the deadline um but first quick word from our friends over at Factor meals Factor delicious ready to eat meals make eating better every day easy wherever tomorrow

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Ter entire second half of this podcast yes we’re talking Factor meals the whole second my personal favorite is the chizo chil Evan but well there you go I yeah it yeah I mean we could go back and forth on our favorite Factor meals for forever but uh we will we will stick to

Hockey in the second half Factor meals just in my head I couldn’t help it um Mason lowai I don’t know how I got Factor meals in Mason lorai confused but here we are uh Mason lorai three assists he does yeah he needs to eat some more

Factor meals I agree um Mason lorai uh three assists against Edmonton steps in kind of comes in last minute after Lind Holmes injury he’s forced West um and then you have grizzik go down in that game so and lowai was on the ice for that like three minute and 40 second

Shift yeah I think that was like in the second period I don’t know how on that shift they didn’t either give up a goal take a penalty I mean they like they just and Edmonton only had really like one good chance in that whole sequence

If memory serves like it was a lot of perimeter stuff um Carlo and lowai just kind of kept guys to the outside it was almost a blessing you had those two on the ice because they’re two of your biggest uh guys with with with good sticks so um lowai through two games has

Looked pretty good um and you know it is it’s an interesting time for him to come up because we’ve talked about the left side on D with forbert he’s struggled since returning um grizz’s you know banged up Lind Holmes out for the foreseeable future um this kind of is a

Good path for lowai to come in and get a real shot um do you think he can he can stay because I know there was even in that play against in the game against Edmonton you know he kind of got out muscled in front of the net late in that

Third period but the offensive upside and the puck moving abilities are still there I’m curious what you think yeah no I mean it’s funny we talk about Loray a whole lot this year and I think if you sum up like all of my discourse around lorai it probably seems like it’s overly

Negative and I I don’t want it to be that way right because I think like you look at him and you know how poised he’s been at times this year I mean you look at like his first game got CAU up was Dynamite there again he has these these

Warts in his game that we all knew were’re going to be there the guy started playing defense when he was [ __ ] 16 right like I know he’s still a work in progress so which is totally fine so when you have games like Edmonton where you have a three assist

Night and yeah he gets he maybe gets out muscled at the net front leading to that Heyman goal like that’s going to happen but all things considered it’s not like he’s a net negative it’s not like it’s like I agree you know like uh like he’s

Like widman out there you’re like ah I don’t like when he’s when he’s in the dzone at all Russian refs just yeah absolutely bamboozling the refs right like like again like even with the the the flaws in his game that you hope would get corrected and again he’s

Already still a young player with not a lot of development time under his belt um there’s a lot to like about what he’s provided uh at critical moments to this team like is offensive generation from the Blue Line the most pressing issue for this team not necessarily but you’ll

Take it you’ll take it when your defenseman’s got a three assists night um yeah and he’s shown time and time again that he can step step up one needed and contribute so it’s going to be fascinating to see just how this final seetch of the year goes for him

Right because like could he be a a trade ship I’m sure there be a lot of teams that would love to have him I don’t think the Bruins are necessarily uh looking to to move a 65 Puck moving defenseman for for what he brings um

Yeah could he be fighting for a spot in the playoffs like could he be doing all these things like I mentioned this talking with Ty Anderson in one of our last podcasts it’s like yes people look at like all right if Lind Holmes injured you want to bring up like guy you want

To look for a guy like hannahan you want to look at a guy like Middleton if this is the year where you already are up against the cap you don’t have a lot of resources and it’s kind of that bridge year where you got to let things kind of

Play itself out maybe this is the year you let Mason lay take his lumps and hopefully thrive in the playoffs with 18 19 minutes A Night Like again maybe this is the time to see how he does like Ty mentioned the fact that in ’08 C was necessarily supposed to be in the

Playoff lineup but Bron was dinged up saard was hurt came back late but C played like 18 19 minutes as a young player in 08 held his own and then came out the next year and had a 70o season right like I’m not saying that’s what Lori’s gonna have but he benefited a

Whole lot from that kind of trial by fire so um as much as I think I’ve been kind of uh pumping the breaks on Lori this year like I think a lot should be said about how well he’s accelerated his timeline from where we was going into

Camp and just what he’s proved the times this year because it’s hard to ignore the the skill the skill is absolutely there and oh yeah with more reps you imagine he’s gonna he’s gonna fill out the rest of his overall game there and if he does that he’s got a pretty

Freaking Dynamic top four defenseman for the Long Haul here I was going to say I mean you look at just some of the passes he makes you know just smart heads up offensive plays and the confidence too like joining the rush uh having chances in overtime I think that’s another big

Part of it like he’s not a afraid to go to the net he’s not afraid uh to go down deep in the offensive zone or make the or take an extra second to make a pass leaving his own Zone and those are really good signs of a young defenseman

And you mentioned the trial by fire thing uh the recent example was Charlie McAvoy in 2017 against the Senators like that was the recent example where you know he had he came right out of college like lorai at least has a Runway of a season uh he’s now he’s fac McDavid um

He’s played a good amount of minutes up here makoy was just tossing in like dude we got nobody else like you have to play you’ve got to run our top power play um and I think lowai can bring that and I think for what hampus Lindholm provided

You you know is lorai as good in his own Zone as Lindholm no but the puck moving elements and the offensive elements I mean you can make an argument the offensive elements the offensive ceiling is higher for lowai than it is for lindol um again it’s close one’s an NHL

Veteran who’s making a lot of money the other’s a rookie but I do think that you you have something with lowai and that’s why I’m I’m with you I’m fascinated and curious to see kind of how low rai’s um role evolves in these in this in these

Last couple months because he’s going to get a lot of opportunity you know I mean whether it’s being up here as a third pairing guy H whether it’s you know a guy like Grizz going down like in Edmonton and then lorai you know eating a lot of those minutes um so I think

He’s gonna have a lot of chances here and you touched on it there with Noah Hanahan I mean he’s the big name everybody’s talking about around here Loc kid um would be a great fit here your top four would be you know incredibly elevated going forward um and I think the Hanahan lowai

Thing is interesting because ideally you’d rather not have lorai on your third pair I think like that’s not something you really want for your future give Lind and hannahan for the Long Haul L probably is a third pairing guy so maybe he would make sense in a

Tra but I don’t want to trade lowai that’s the other thing like so that’s why the hand deal to me unless you can do that without giving up I sound like a fan here I was like if you can do that trade without giving up a first ptra or

Lowai I’m cool with it you know but to me you’re doing I don’t think that’s happening one or two of three of one or two of those three are going to Calgary in that deal hannahan is their number one guy they’re re they’re trying to rebuild on the Fly other teams have a

Lot I don’t know how you make a deal for Hanahan without a first round pick and or ptra and or lowai like I I don’t know how you do that I know you wrote about him today I don’t think you do yeah I don’t I don’t think you do I think it

Has to be at the very least has to be a 2025 first and then I can’t see any situation where the team the Bruins have a player on their roster with term young to give to a team like Cal clearly rebuilding like yeah you can mention de

Brus who’s a free agent the end of this year people mention like omark I don’t know what that’s going to do for a team in Cal Tak a rebuild like and is he really going to accept the trade to Calgary I mean come on it’s going to

Be yeah exactly so it has to be I think a first in 2025 and at least one of ladra I can’t see any situation where at least two of those three are not getting moved in in that deal if you’re C I mean if you’re the Bruins you love that it’s

Not the case but if you’re Calgary and you’re rebuilding you need that you there’s not enough on the Bruins roster that fits what you’re looking for in terms of a long-term rebuild that’s not one of those two young players not that we’re Flames beat but I

Remember saying this a lot you and I both said this like last year when huberto and um weager were traded there and we were like trade like if you’re Calgary trade those guys at the deadline last year and make a and you get a ton you get a hall you’ll rebuild your team

In like one month um and they kept him and now they’re going to rebuild with those guys on the roster and huo’s kind of um regressed a bit and so you know but again I don’t see a situation which Omar is going to the Calgary like you

Got first of all he’s got to accept that trade like it’s a no is it a no movement or no trade I forget it’s no trade right 15 team no trade think yeah I think so it’s like a 15 or 16 no trade and like are we convinced that Calgary is is on

The on the list of teams he wants to go to like I I don’t know um they also have markstrom there unless they deal markstrom um you know again so I I to me I agree with you and I don’t want to give up a first I don’t want to give up

Lorai or ptra at this deadline I just don’t want to do it and I know the East is wide open I know you you know you want to have an arms race with the lightning you don’t want hannifan to go to the Panthers or the lightning I get

That it’s all valid but I do think you have you have some pieces here for the future that I don’t know if you want to give up on because you know un like I think the the key with pton low right we talk about this with prospects all the

Time right like a stadnik um Ryan Donado some of these prospects who you know are so hyped up at the at at the prospect level you know when they’re in Providence or they’re in college it’s like you know we don’t want to deal them we always talk about with

Prospects you need to know when to keep them and when to trade them and with ptra and lorai they’ve both shown you a lot at the NHL level there’s promise there these are not just guys who are going to be in your bottom six or your

Bottom pairing on D these are guys who have that ceiling of oh my God they could be franchise players I don’t want to trade those guys from what I’ve seen from lowai and ptra I don’t have any desire to trade them because of that so um if hanahan’s there

In the offseason we’ll be leading the charge saying by God please go sign this guy um but at this deadline I just I don’t know I want to see what we got out of lowai the rest of the season yeah um anyways Connor first of all feel better

Second off uh what can the people look forward to from you as you uh fight adversity fight through adversity uh for the globe and yes uh I will continue to drink my orange juice pop a few emergency all those good things and as I

Do that and recover I will uh do what I can to keep everyone up to date throughout this season with game recaps features columns breakdowns as you said we have a thing on looking at the pros and cons of a hanif and trade up now on the site um we’ll have more throughout

The the weeks leading up to the trade deadline so you can find all my stuff over at in the Boston Globe you want to follow me on Twitter you can Conor r93 go do all that that is Connor Ryan I am Evan marinovsky Burns beat listeners have a great rest of your


In today’s episode of Bruins Beat, Evan Marinofsky from the New England Hockey Journal teams up with Conor Ryan of to discuss the latest on Jack Edwards, review the Bruins’ performances against Edmonton and Calgary, assess Mason Lohrei’s performance in the NHL, debate if Lohrei is the solution going forward, and share what Evan is hesitant to trade away at the deadline.


– The latest on Jack Edwards

– Thoughts from the Bruins performances against Edmonton and Calgary

– Mason Lohrei is showing well back up at the NHL

– Is Lohrei the answer going forward?

– What Evan DOESN’T want to give up at the deadline

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  1. I’ve noticed a steady decline since last season through this one with his speech. It’s sad to watch and he knows it’s happening, but at some point it needs to be addressed. As a fan of Jack, it’s tough, everyone sees, or hears it, and root for him and accept it anyway. I have a brother in law with Parkinson’s and it seems eerily similar, but it’s an uncomfortable factor that needs to eventually be considered. 😢

  2. I messaged this at the beginning of the year,and nobody believed me. I like the passion he has for the city and team but it’s getting really bad now. It almost embarrassing,I hate seeing games commentated by him now. Time to move on Jack.

  3. Jack is the man. His calls will forever go hand in hand with some of the best memories I had as a kid. He’s the biggest Bruins fan around and it’ll be tough to see him go. If age wasn’t a factor I’d listen to Jack forever but unfortunately his game calling days are behind him. Thank you Jack for saying what the rest of us were always thinking. Love him or hate him he’s been the most entertaining play by play guy in all of sports for almost 2 decades

  4. Hoping Jack's ok. This teams problem is toughness, they will get pushed around by Florida & Tampa and most playoff teams. They are not a good playoff team. I don't see 1 or 2 deadline players changing that.

  5. If Jack is sick I gave empathy for him. I will say I don’t listen to the Bruins feed when I have the choice…I can’t help it. The Calgary first period which was a horrible period plus Edwards made me feel like I was watching a baseball game. Edwards is bringing Brickley down…the radio play by play guy is great…

  6. Yes jack is having issues obviously for the last few yrs but dam not as bad as the bruins blowing leads started in game 5 of last yr playoffs and continues Monty seems freaking lost .

  7. Last of your vids I'll ever watch. Jack is old and whatever it is doesn't need to be questioned by couch potatoes like you two.

  8. Jack needs to step back until he can get better.
    I don't understand NESN letting him continue out of loyalty, when everyone knows his performance is suffering, bigtime.

  9. I do feel for him, but it is hard for me to listen to him calling plays and describing situations. For whatever reason, his speech delays just seem several steps behind the action and it makes the game harder to watch. Even the goal calls are often several seconds delayed.

    It's a fast paced game and I'd prefer an announcer who can keep up with the action.
    Alex Faust has been EXCELLENT when filling in for Jack. He's done the Kings broadcasts and has Boston ties (Northeastern Graduate).

    Jack is 66+ years old and he's had a great run, but it's time for a change.

  10. I always enjoy Jack Edward’s Bruins call, love his style I wish him the best. The job is demanding and difficult God Bless him, hope he comes through healthy and successful.

  11. Not sure i believe it but he should step back until or if he gets better the announcing is horrible

  12. Love Jack, have for years – but I'm older than he is, and am not having any speech issues. Something is wrong. No doubt about it.

  13. When its so bad every opponents fan ask if hes been drinking in every game recap its time to do something

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