@Boston Bruins

Will Lindholm Injury CHANGE Bruins Approach at Deadline? w/ Ty Anderson? | Poke the Bear

Will Lindholm Injury CHANGE Bruins Approach at Deadline? w/ Ty Anderson? | Poke the Bear

And welcome into poke the bear episode 206 presented by CL clns media and sponsored by our good friends over at FanDuel and facts my name is Conor Ryan today we are once again joined by the esteemed 985 the sports hubs tyan Ty how you doing I feel like I’m doing better

Than you based on how you sound and that’s a rarity usually it’s the other way around usually you’re you’re the one sounding great and I’m sounding like absolute garbage uh because my voice is always gone so here we are we’re able to get through it though I hope and uh it’s

Good to be back with you Ty I I don’t view myself as a very dramatic person but I’m in hell this this isn’t great I’m Trucking through as you said got an upper body injury can’t can’t [ __ ] talk I I can slightly talk but it’s

Better than it was a few days ago I was telling Evan that a few years ago I sounded like a mix of like when SpongeBob didn’t get his water with like Emperor Palpatine which if you’re listening to that in the car to a hockey podcast I can’t imagine it’s Pleasant

That’s not a good ASMR voice to listen to as we like talk about Jeremy Swan the Calgary Flames or anything like that it can’t be pleasant so I’m at least slightly getting better now I just sound slightly Haggard which I I which I think is more enjoyable than where it was

Before so we’re making a little bit of progress here I would say yeah as long as you don’t die on me and then I have to give a statement of some sort that’s like that’s all that I care about to be honest with you and you know you don’t

Even have the admin thing for this recording thing so you wouldn’t even know what to do it this this video would run for like seven hours it’d be just Tai being like I call 911 like a [ __ ] no maybe I would do you’d have doom on camera

That’d be that’d be kind of cool it’d be me like just like passed out but yeah she’s over here she’s chilling she’s chilling okay might she might pop over we never know okay good good to know hopefully not while I’m deceased or anything like

That no we don’t want that um no we do not want that so let’s pivot into the uh Bruins talk here Bruins start their western Canada road trip with a 65 overtime win over the Oilers a Bananas game um as someone who was trying to go

To sleep at a reasonable hour your boys white blood cells immune system was in Hell in a complete Bender as I stayed up till 1:00 a.m. to watch that game Great Entertaining game Bruins I think as we all expected weren’t going to have as much gas in the tank the following night

Bit of a slug against the Calgary Flames lose 3-2 in overtime to them but still get a point out of it um Ty the Bruins as a whole have been playing uh not that great I would say uh for an extended stretch here especially since the allstar break but uh getting three

Points out of a three out of a possible four point points to start off this road trip what’s going of been your big takeaways uh as as to their play as of late yeah I I think even if we go back to the MonDay game and the Saturday loss

To the LA Kings I think the biggest difference and you saw it play out in Edmonton and you saw it maybe not play out in Calgary in the overtime was that your best players were making plays um you know you go back to uh Monday against the stars and David ponok ties

It up and Charlie McAvoy wins in the shootout and then you go to Tuesday in Edmonton well David poson gives you the go-ahead goal after you blow a three-goal lead uh the Oilers tie it up sure but then in the overtime makoy you know plays hero again and so you know I

Think that’s sort of the big difference for this team down the second half here in the stretch here is that their best players are going to have to be their horses every single night and everything you get from you know the bottom of the roster is kind of a bonus right but you

Know McAvoy poock you know you see it last night with Charlie Coyle scores two goals like like that’s what they need and the amount of contributions they get from those guys and their goal tending that’s going to make the difference for them down the stretch I mean this kind

This roster by now it is what it is right and and I think we all have to acknowledge that to some degree so it’s really about the top of the roster and and and this is not rocket science I know when the top of the roster produces

This team has a greater chance of winning and really you know they just I I think my that’s my biggest takeaway is that they are so topheavy that it really is on them every single night and if they don’t get it it’s going to be

Harder to win games yeah and and I think too you look at just the way this roster set up one thing that I’ve kind of noticed and I think I’ve hit a to a stage of acceptance at this point Tai is we’re going to get to late March we’re

Going to get to early April right for the playoffs and I’m pretty confident now saying I have no clue what the [ __ ] these lions are going to look like that I I feel like when you look at just the the mixing and matching um I don’t know

If you even glean off of like what we’ve seen the last couple of games but the days of like having like a set you know even top six doesn’t seem to be the case anymore but you look now like Frederick on the fourth line um you look at that

Fourth line right and you’ve had guys who I think have stepped up as of late like Anthony Rashard had a couple of good games had a good setup for Coyle’s goal in in Calgary uh Justin brazo has been pretty solid feel like every shot he’s had has been within five feet of

The ice a winning formula I I would say for a guy like that um but I think you look at just the way this team is constructed and like it kind of complements your point of you have to rely on your big guns to kind of bail you out seems like

The whole rest of the roster like you’ll take the contributions you’ll need them right like you’ll need Coyle to keep on contributing I think you saw how good this team is when it got like de brusk dialed in because he was money I think in that Oilers game he was awesome in

That one um you you need those contributions and you’ll welcome them but hoping for like some you know consistency with these lines or some set identity being built this just not going to be the case I mean we can look specifically at that fourth line where you’ve got Buist and Rashard and you

Know Frederick if he’s down there or lco what have you I feel like that they’re gonna be mixing and matching that group all the way up into the playoffs and then hell probably in the playoffs as well so I feel like when you look at this team yes they’ve got a lot of

Intriguing pieces but I think the days of like maybe the Cassidy days of where it’s like all right this is maybe the criticism for him was he’s not moving his lines that much um I feel it’s the opposite now and I feel like you’re not

Going to get any sort of I don’t know if cohesion is the word right because that seems like it means these guys going to be sputtering in the playoffs but any set idea of what these lines going to be I feel like just throw that out the

Window at that point you can’t expect that now going to the playoffs yeah and and you listen to Jim Montgomery last night in Calgary talking about the switches that he made because he made some pretty drasic ones I think at one point you had Loco with zaka and I

Forget who the other one was but like and and he he was asked about it he’s always asked about it but he was asked about it and he said you know certain guys didn’t have their legs and then I went back to the other lines when I

Realized guys got their legs and it’s like he is such a field-based coach that yeah that it just feels like especially this year it’s gonna be constant right it’s gonna be a constant test of okay who has it who doesn’t all right change it up go from there and so

And I think that really you know to your point like with the roster they have you know with Anthony Rashard with Justin brazzo with uh you know Morgan keiki can play center and wing with Trent Frederick who can play center and Wing jvr can play left and right if you

Really need him to like and so when you have that kind of roster it really opens up your options and opens up your ability to be you know the mad scientist always tinkering with your lines and it’s good and bad I I I think some nights it works out other nights it

Doesn’t um it it you know I I do wonder how aggressive it he’ll be with it in the playoffs just because I think it’s a little bit you know playoffs you want to get your matchups right you want to figure out okay who who can cancel out

This guy or who can who can take advantage of this or that right and so I think it’s harder to do that in the playoffs but this maybe just the hand their dealt you know like I feel this way about the defense I feel this way with the defense to a certain degree

With what they have right now it is what it is man it’s gonna suck sometimes they’re gonna have some combos that get their ass beat on occasion it’s about just surviving the Night Like This is what it is and that’s kind of what it feels like with the forwards as well

Where it’s a nightly test to you know to to Maxim you know to optimize what you have there and and you have to you got to move them around and it’s going to be weird and it’s going to be kind of annoying at times but it it it sort of

This is this is what you signed up for when you knew you had $4 and a half million dollars in overages and you knew the cap wasn’t going up I mean this is kind of what it is and it’s kind of crazy to think how worse it could how

Much worse it could have been like if you traded you know player X and Y to to keep player Z like man this could have this could be a whole lot worse than than it is right now which is saying a lot considering how good they’ve been despite their frustrations and their

Struggles at times to have a you know a a consistent lineup so to speak right and it’s again you look at just the guys they’ve signed like they’ve hit on a lot of guys right we look at like I think ki’s been really solid jvr is like hell

He’s on Pace for a [ __ ] 50o season right like they’ve hit these guys just the mixing and matching and kind of that constant um adjustments from Montgomery seems like it’s been necessary on his part so again we’ll see where where we get to once we get some you know March

And April again who knows if they even added the deadline there could be a guy on the fourth line that fits in there and gets everyone settled in there could be a guy they get on the third line what have you defense obviously like there’s

A whole lot still up in the air so I think the early days of I remember back in like October November being like they need to keep kie Coyle next to friend Frederick it’s like those days are long gone like those days have feels like a

Long long time ago so um hoping for that any sort of that cohesion anymore throw out the win at this point like don’t don’t worry about it and see kind of where where the chips fall once we get to April so um I I will say one thing Ty

It’s probably worth noting with this uh this stretch here and especially that Oilers game which again great Theater Great hockey uh especially if you’re probably a neutral fan watching that I don’t know who the hell was up that late but uh I think you look at that game um

Jeremy swan has I think a a 900 flat save percentage since the All-Star break and again made some timely saves in overtime uh stepped up when needed but you know timely saves I think is a a Bruce Cassidy staple right of making the save at the right time to stem the tide

When the team is pushing when there’s you you know momentum is you know all on your side and you can’t have a goal leak through he’s been prone to a few of those or these last couple of games where again like you can have a great

Game where you’re stopping 28 of of 31 shots what have you but when you give him a goal at a critical time and you saw that during that that shot from Cece that snuck through and yenar jammed it home like again Swan’s been very good

This year I I think like he’s he’s been a very solid goalie but there has been times where those leaky goals those uh timely saves hasn’t been there and it’s really kind of cost the brones and it’s something that I think you have to be aware of once we get to the playoffs

That the margin forever is so small that if you’re playing a high powerered team like Toronto or Florida can’t have those situations pop up 100% And you know it’s really interesting right like again you go back if you go back to Monday’s game I I I

Keep I hate that I keep rewinding on the road trip here but you go back to Monday’s game uh 43 saves career high I got to be honest a little bit of a fraudulent 43 save night in my opinion a lot of low danger looks from the the

Stars who a team that just kind of funnels pucks to the net from their point um so I I don’t want to take too too much away from him I didn’t love the sindell goal I didn’t love it it’s a two-on-one lindell’s got shot all the

Way it’s as a freaking Lindell you know like it it’s it it’s not you know it’s not Wyatt Johnson coming down on you or Jason Robertson and so you look at that you go you need a save there like you want to save there and then he makes up

For it though he makes up for it with the great shootout he keeps them alive when their guys aren’t scoring on Jake ainger and then they win it and so it’s it’s hard to to crush him for that and then you go to the you go to the

Edmonton game you know he faces 18 shots in the third period he allows I think four goals or something the last 18 shots he faces like that can’t happen right and and and here’s the part that’s that’s it puts you in a tough spot because once again

They go to overtime he makes two amazing saves with the Bruins down a man and then they win the game so it’s kind of like you know it all comes out even in the wash but this the guy that we’re talking about having to you know the

Bruins having to pay maybe six and a half $7 million on his on his next contract and you can look at some of those goals there and say you know okay well they didn’t you know what’s what’s Derek forbert doing here or what’s Mason Lite doing here you know the fifth goal

Mason lowai sees Zack Heyman he tries to stop him he really doesn’t do anything to tie up his sticker anything in front of the net and then Hyman scores heyman’s a very good netf front guy we will all admit that however those are situations where you need your All-Star

Goaly to be your All-Star goalie it can’t always be the Goldilocks it has to be the perfect temperature for him to play well because then guess what then he’s not he’s not you know the 10 the the the $6.5 million goalie if you need the perfect situation in front of him

For him to be good he’s not the franchise guy he’s not the All-Star guy and that sounds harsh and it sounds way harsher than I mean for it to sound but this is the legitimate sort of argument that you know people look at the goal

Tending tin way too cut and dry in terms of San is the guy you got to trade elmark well if if we’re talking in May and they didn’t win around and both guys have the same problems I don’t know if I’m as eager to pay Jeremy swayman $6.5

Million a year or $7 million a year if he and allar are the same guy and they have the same problems and so I I don’t know I just think that you know San’s issues right now these are not new issues and we’re in year four now you

Got to sort of find the the the level so to speak you know he can beat nails for a month and then then for two weeks he can’t you know he can’t get you that big save when you need it and so this reminds me a little bit of of 22 if you

Go back to 2022 he was Electric in February I think he was goalie of the month or rookie of the month it was something it was something like that he had a 935 I want to say and then for the next two months he lost the job he lost it to to elar

Who was surging so you know it’s tough because they’re winning the games and he’s making some big plays I think is also putting you in spots that you don’t necessarily have to be in so to speak and and so timely saves that’s the name of the game timely saves and and Bruins

Fans I I I love you to death you gotta start looking at him like he’s not the 20-year-old who came straight from Maine like like he he’s got some years now and he’s gonna get paid so the expectations I think should rise with it personally yeah you can’t just blame Derek forber

Every time is what I would also say every every time there’s a goal it’s like [ __ ] forward’s like for’s drinking a Gatorade on the bench guys like he’s not even out there right now again like forward’s not been good we will say that but it’s something that

Has to fall on on Swan obviously and it’s actually crazy like again we’re talking about the most high pressure SP you know spot in you know arguably sports with with a goal tending and these guys are you know have to compartmentalize that year and year out

But you look at like San the pressure that’s going to be on him this year of like probably being the game one starter with a contract on the horizon like has made it known like how much he didn’t like the arbitration and wanting to prove stuff and has those comments out

In the open that he’s said it’s not like they’ve been really pried out like that he said them like uh he’s going through this playoffs with a whole lot on his shoulders beyond the obvious fact of Allstar goalie trying to put this team over the hump after a crushing first

Round an exit like it’s got a lot of proof both him andark obviously like omark you get to see if he’s able to get you past the the first round as well but um there’s a lot riding on Swan this year like a whole lot both for the team

But especially just his own play because as you said like the Bruins G have a tough spot right now this this offseason yes they’ve got a lot of cap space but like what are you g to do with that spot that goal tending because if you’re allocating 11 12 million to two goalies

That’s pretty tough hurt yeah yeah you you can’t admire opinion you can’t add a left shot D A Center if that’s still of interest to them you know a center or just a high impact forward right resign San and keep olark and keep Jake debrus like like like you’re probably only

Going to be able to two of the four in my opinion because you got to build out a bottom of the roster you know like and you can bring in league minimum guys and try to replicate what you’ve done this past year but that’s hard you know some

Years you hit other years you don’t look at the Tampe lightning Tampe lightning have been able to bring in some guys on the cheap that were really good in other years you’re like oh this guy’s cooked why do they have him yeah and so that’s that’s the hard part you know that the

Blackhawks went through that as well the Kings went through that as well well you bring in cheap guys veteran guys and sometimes you know they they got to go to the glue factory they it’s it’s over for them you know and so um it’s something worth watching I I think the

Biggest thing that that my biggest takeaway Connor from all of this is that I can tell you right now that the goal tending rotation is going to happen in the playoffs it’s gonna happen but I’m now saying that it needs to happen um if you go and watch these

Guys there on one day of rest this year uh Jeremy Swan is now 30 and2 with a 911 save percentage and a 294 goals against average I don’t think he’s been particularly great when having to play two games in a row Lena somark with one

Day of rest this year one one in one with an 886a percentage neither guy has been particularly you know great when it comes to or to their standard um when they have to play two games in a row and so I I think that if I’ve learned anything from this goal tending the

Tandem this year it’s that they have to go with the tandem um because neither neither one has proven to be a Workhorse quite yet and maybe they get there in the playoffs you have to kind of Ride The Ride The Vibes of of who looks better and who’s playing better uh when

It comes to doing out a consecutive start but now I’m I’m if anything this year has proven to me okay you got to go with it because because nobody’s taken it and and truly ran with it in my opinion both of them look well or or

Look really good when the other one is complimenting them with some time off and so I’m not deviating from that and I know there’s been some stuff out there about it but I my opinion and my belief is that they have no appetite to make

That trade in season yeah no I I don’t see any situation where they’d move a guy like omark regardless of what the return is right I think you can’t go into to the as uh Albert bre from the soprano said can’t go into the unknown not knowing so you can’t go into the

Playoffs with with just one of those goalies out there for sure so um Ty we’ll take a quick little break here uh before we talk a little bit more about that Oilers game listen to our good friends over at FanDuel get buckets with your first bet on FanDuel America’s

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And a whole lot more just visit Boston and shoot your shot FanDuel official Sportsbook partner of the NBA shout out once again to our good friends over at FanDuel uh Ty I I would say when you look at that Bruins Oilers game a lot of I think neutral parties

Though watching that one we’re saying that was one of the the more entertaining games of the year so quick little segue here uh how excited would you be for a Bruins Oilers Stanley Cup Final because yeah I’ll tell I’ll tell you I’d be [ __ ] terrified yeah I’d probably be more the

Latter than the former um that’s a lot of highend scale on that team between buard and and McDavid and Dy idle Heyman um you know like even guys like guys at the bottom of their roster you know like Ryan McLoud like they’ve taken some steps this year and and they’ve been a

Really good team really exciting team to watch um their goal tending still is I I don’t know if they get there it’s really interesting um they’re kind of the opposite of of the Bruins in the sense that you know you feel pretty good about the Bruins go tending and you feel as if

They you feel as if if they go on a run it’s going to be because of their goal tending whereas as the Oilers I feel like if they don’t go on a run it’s going to be because of their goenda um yeah that’d be interest that’d

Be interesting you know I I still think Vegas and Dallas are the class of the Western Conference in my opinion um I’m really high on Dallas I I think Dallas is going to win the Western Conference this year um but Edmonton I mean that that is Premier skill right and you see

It you see how exhausting it is to try to keep them at Bay you know you felt like it was a win the Bruins kept them to what was it two goals through 40 minutes and then oh here comes the push and when that push comes it is hard to

Stop them they are a freight train kind of team when they get roll and so um would be a terrifying matchup would be an absolutely terrifying match up for the Bruins um it it’s what’s really interesting though is that like in theory if you have Lind Holm and Carlo

And makoy like you kind of have the the the size and the and the movement to to maybe limit them a little bit but in terms of you know how rangy that second pairing can be and just how good makoy can be I thought makoy was great that

Was a game where makoy was really like hey you gotta be the guy and he was the guy so that’d be the biggest key you know in that kind of a series and there long way to go for both teams both teams have a lot to prove it feels like this

This postseason uh you know whether it’s it’s the Oilers looking at their core and saying can we do it with this core or the Bruins saying okay we got to make a big addition here you know and so it’s a lot kind of riding on I think these teams playoff runs here

Yeah without a doubt yeah I agree too like Dallas is Dallas is the ultimate team you look at just their roster how they play and you’re like that’s a team that’s going to win two or three rounds like you just look at like defense can

Do a lot there generate offense a lot of big bodies back there uh a lot of scoring depth they’ve got you know the veteran guy like bki they got Robertson they’ve got a great goalie that’s a team that just the way they’re built can trudge and truck their way through a

Couple different rounds but as you said probably the the the most appealing matchup has to be Bruins Vegas if it gets to that point Give me the give me the Cassidy storyin give me the Cassidy postgame pressors that go for like like a toking chapter it’s like 20 minutes long would be great

Theater it would be perfect so and again Vancouver right oh yeah go no I was gonna say van like like Vegas especially like the whole I I just think those teams always play great games they always play great games like no matter the roster construct no matter what what

Team you know what what Vegas or Boston is missing in that game they always have entertaining games so that that that’d be a great one as well yeah and Bruce also has never shied away from the fact that he’s openly enjoys trying to beat the Bruins now which is great I so many

Coaches now are either like downplay stuff or I remember like I think it was the first game after the Stanley played the blues here like what was it like early November and I think people ask like Cassidy like any extra meetings like no and then like I forget

Who it was someone flattened a blues player like right off the Jump in that game there was like three fights it was a great game and I was like yeah of course like that was going to happen but a lot of coaches don’t like to tip their

Hand over that Bruce Cassidy has openly always talked about like yeah no I enjoy beating this team and then even like last year right like when the Bruins run a roll he’s like hopefully play him in hope we play him in the spring everyone was excited about that yeah then what

Happened so uh that felt like him almost calling them out like yeah we’ll see if he can do it yeah you know like like it it’s really interesting as it relates to Vegas and even Edmonton that’d be the first round matchup right now in that

Bracket and so I look that’s why I look at the oiler team and go I I don’t see you beating Vegas I’m sorry I don’t I don’t see it happening so uh lot I think Edmonton needs to make another move I think they got to make a move one more

Move I I think to really kind of try to put them over the top because you know you mentioned how good they’ve been this year we’re talking about you know McLoud and Perry and and even uh um oh God who was the guy who scored the goal and it doesn’t

Matter um but but you know like you look at their roster and and you’re like okay if you got one more piece you got one more guy now you’re cooking with gas you know and so um really interesting to watch those teams but yeah like I I

Think that when it comes to the Bruins you know we’re talking about the Bruins making the making the sty Cup Final it’d be amazing at this point I’ll settle for winning two rounds give me give me something Beyond six games or seven games in the opening round like I I I

Gotta see a step forward here and this is where it comes back to the goal tending right like I gotta see one of these guys get the monkey off their back win a Playoff round take the take the net and run with it you know if if they

If they don’t just split it as a tandem and are successful doing it that way um you know Swan’s got a 901 career save percentage in the playoff off lenus is like an 890 I want to say 885 something like that like you got to like one of

These guys has got to take the net and and just and be reliable and be a true presence out there so hopefully that happens for the Bruins this spring yes hopefully the Bruins are playing uh into into at least may this time around so um before we wrap up this podcast Tai let’s

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Bruins 50 to get 50% off now back to the show Once Again shout out to our good friends over at factum meals all right Ty let’s end this uh podcast with a familiar topic we’ve talked about Noah Hanahan Bru’s played him again on H Thursday in Calgary and I think we’ve

Talked about before that perfect scenario for the Bruins they wait till the off season where you don’t have to give up assets maybe you have the money available to sign him give you arguably the best top four in the NHL lot to like there you look now with the fact that

Lind Holmes week to week he’s banged up forbert has uh put together probably lackluster returns I would probably say since coming back from LTI uh Matt grizzli is now banged up um you’ve got wether spoon You’ got Laura playing heavy minutes now uh does the state of the left side of Bruin’s

Defense right now do you think that changes their approach to Hannah and do you think they could actually be realistic buyers for for him right again you’ve got a lot to deal with in terms of assets cap management all that stuff but is there any feasible chaning the

Bruins all sudden jump into the sweep Stakes now instead of maybe uh you know in July I would be I would be very surprised I I I I really would and the reason I I say that and the reason I feel that way is just I don’t know if

You have the Assets in terms of Futures right like if you can get away with it for by trading you know a high-end Prospect or two and and L a first- round pick maybe but I I for me I think this team I don’t think they want to trade a

First round pick I think they’ve done it too many times now I think they’ve traded I want to say they’ve traded seven of their last nine first round picks or something crazy or five of their last eight it’s something insane like that right and so at a certain

Point you have to stop doing that and you have to stop doing that because you also don’t have a lot of second round picks you also don’t have a third round pick like like you got to stop doing it at at a certain point and I think that

The Bruin have to embrace this year as a true transitional Bridge year and you have to look at that and say okay like if there’s an injury like you’re going through right now Mason lowai is going to to play is it going to be perfect

Nope but we’re going to find out what he has and I go back I said this before but I go back to 2008 David C was not supposed to be in their lineup in the playoffs but he was because burron got injured CI got injured late I mean I’m

Sorry svard got injured late in this in the uh regular season he came back in the playoffs but David crei had to play Big minutes because they had no other option it paid off the next year David crei had 73 points and he was good in

The playoffs they won a Stanley Cup in 2011 with him being a Point per game guy like that’s like so if that has to happen this year and Mason lry has to play top four D minutes for you in the playoffs or melov or lysel or whoever

Has to play big roles in the playoffs good it tells me something I need to know about this team for the future and secondly when it comes to that 2025 first round pick that is likely going to be theirs because the one this year is going to

Convey part of me thinks that in the back of their mind they’re like we might need that for a center we might need that for for Tomas hurdle you know if he becomes available in San Jose and you put hurdle with zaka and Pasto and holy [ __ ] now you have another checkline 2.0

And it might be even better than what you thought you you could get so I think that’s how they kind of look at it I I and so I think they want to take their chances with Hannah fin on July one um now the part that would suck is that you

Know if if if a team like Colorado or Toronto or somebody made a move for him and then they did yeah they did what you did with with Lind Holm you know they they acquire him and extend him right away that would suck but that’s kind of

A gamble you have to take you know last year you took a lot of gambles you bring in bruzi bring in orov you swung for the fences this year I think you got to walk away from the table and say can’t do it this year sorry that’s what I would do

Personally yeah no I agree I I think the the most you know the most proactive approach has to be taking your chances and seeing if he hits the open market again who who the hell knows what your cast phas is going to be then whether you decid want to do with the brush

Whether you decid do with swing or what have you but I’d rather them see where their money is in July and just sign him out outright as opposed to having to jump the gun now giving up a first round pick you know NHL Talent off the roster

Whatever that is like maybe a lorai maybe a ptra like you’re giving up one of your few like Blue Chip prospects that you have there’s not a whole lot of them for a guy when you ideally could hopefully just sign him uh a few months

Down the road and again yes you run that risk of him going somewhere else signing elsewhere well that them are the breaks and that that’s kind of situation you’re in if you’re the Bruins you maybe you had the luxury of trying to trade from them early if you hadn’t given up as you

Said seven first round picks the last nine years like sooner or later you the bill is going to have to come due with the way that they’ve again try to be aggressive try to put teams over the top like I wouldn’t call it Reckless when you’re you’re trying to make the most of

Chara’s window and Bron and CI and what have you um but that’s the reality situation you’re in so if I’m the Bruins yeah I’m waiting to see what hannahan does in July and then if you’re able to make a marginal upgrade without having to give up a coveted piece whether

That’s a a tone setting fourth line guy whether it’s just a physical third pairing guy like a Steeler leushin someone like that maybe that’s the right at the right approach where again you’re making an upgrade but you’re not giving up one of the few assets you still have

Out there so um I I think that’s going to be the most realistic approach ofone have to take again it’s gonna suck if anthan goes to Tampa or Florida or somewhere else like that but you’re just not in that position this year especially to be swinging for the fences

Trying to get that Blockbuster deal done yeah and I I just looked it up real quick if they were to trade the 2025 first round pick that would mean that they’ve traded six of their last eight first round picks and that the two guys the two ones that didn’t were used to

Take Johnny beer Who projects as a fourth line Center bottom six Wing whatever however they want to use him and Fabian lysel who we still haven’t seen yet um and so he’s a complete unknown in terms of his ceiling and what he can be for your team so you look at

You look at at it that way and say Not only would you be trading first round picks but you wouldn’t necessarily be getting true first round pick bang for your buck kind of Investments like if if you you know if you traded all these picks but hey you got David po knock

With one of them it’s like okay well that’s fine because you got a you got a top five overall Talent at 24 with one of those picks you can you can afford to trade a couple of them but like to this point you haven’t really gotten that yet

So it makes it that much harder to to trade those kind of picks so this is a quiet deadline for me if I’m the Bruins I’m I’m looking internally I’m looking in house and saying the guys that we have in house this is what we’re going

To go with and and we hope that they get hot at the right time you know it’s funny you mentioned earlier that we were talking about like you said you couldn’t break up Charlie Coyle and Trent Frederick right and I go back to myself earlier in the

Year and I was saying okay Jake debrusk has to be your third best Winger well I’ve kind of thrown that out the window now and I’ve said you know what your third best Winger can be a rotation it can be okay this week jvr is hot this

Week Tren Frederick’s hot this week Jake debrus is hot like like I’ve kind of abandoned that notion that Jake debrusk has to be your third best Winger like because you’ve seen guys go on some massive heaters here right and so if if that’s the case it’s like okay well your

Third your third best guys are revolving door and and if they’re shooting their lights out that week that’s great you know and you just have to hope that somebody’s always doing it and that you don’t have all three or four guys going cold at the same time so I that’s how I

Look at it you know that’s my stance that’s changed since then and the other stance I’ve changed is no I’ve been consistent with this don’t trade anything don’t trade any high-end picks you know as enticing as it may be unless the player has term I’m not doing it

This year can’t do it can’t can’t can’t do it got to pick in the first round sometime absolutely so we have what two weeks to the deadline so plenty of decisions to be made there plenty more to talk about I’m sure uh in the weeks

Ahead so um Ty before we wrap this one up where can we find all of your great work uh you can find me at 985 sport you can also find me on Twitter SLX _ Anderson uh I also do a little podcast uh on 9 days with my good friend

Matt dolli it’s the sports sub underground we do those every week uh so hope to hear you there as well yep and you can find my stuff over at in the globe uh and you can find me on Twitter uh X whatever the hell it’s

Called at Conor Ryan unor 93 so uh once again this is episode 206 of poke the bear I’m Connor Ryan that is Ty Anderson you guys have a great rest of your week

Conor Ryan from and Ty Anderson of 98.5 The Sports Hub return for another episode of Poke the Bear, following the Bruins’ games against the Oilers and Flames. Their main discussion revolves around whether Lindholm’s injury will alter the Bruins’ strategy at the trade deadline.

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  1. Marchand only guy with a Cup. The rest bow out. Programmed to lose. Thats the Bruins culture. 93 out of 99 times they get bounced, and usually early. By late April, its Red Sox time.

  2. The Bruins need to stop playing like they are a man down whenever they have a lead; they need to continue doing what got them the lead in the first place! WTF! When a style of play gets you a lead, WHY CHANGE???? The Bs are a great team; let them play like a great team! We circle the wagons until we lose the lead; STOP IT!!!

  3. We are seeing a preview of the first round playoffs. This pattern of surrendering leads continues, they let opponents stay in the crease, they don’t hit anyone and when it gets physical in crunch time they fold like a cheap suitcase. Top six can’t put the puck in the ocean. They’ve over achieved with this roster, they don’t have the resources to make a significant impact trade. This the team they’re going into the second season with.

  4. Freddy and Zacha on the 4th line should not be a thing at all. I don’t understand Monty’s decision making sometimes with his lines/strategy.

    14:40 great point as well

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