@National Hockey League

“Patrick Kane will go down as the greatest American-born player… Just don’t go stealing my thunder today” Chelios ignites a massive standing ovation for Patrick Kane at the United Center

“Patrick Kane will go down as the greatest American-born player… Just don’t go stealing my thunder today” Chelios ignites a massive standing ovation for Patrick Kane at the United Center

by GreenSnakes_


  1. StolenFace367

    Classy game. I Love this league, it stands out among all other pro sports for moments like this

  2. growernotshowwer

    Bahahahaha you’ll be beating AM34’s Cab drivers for years to come.

  3. Abandonallhopeyall81

    Chelios must still work out in the sauna. Dude looks ready to lace em up.

  4. Shiny_Mew76

    Chelios was American born? That’s pretty cool, I didn’t know that. You learn something new everyday I guess haha.

  5. Ping-A-Ling-

    So weird to not see him in Blackhawks attire…. I don’t like it.

  6. That_Smoke8260

    Remember the time he was accused of sa and made jokes about it or the time him and others on his team found out that a team assistant had sa a young player and where joking about then latter telling the media he didn’t know about it but former teammates say other wise

  7. good_guy112

    I want to see his tribute vid and ovation. I turned it on just as he was taking his second skate.

    Best American hockey player ever despite what people in Toronto want to think.

  8. Wingedwolverine03

    And then Kane did with the breakaway OT winner lmao

  9. He ended up stealing his thunder. What a sick goal.

  10. Few_Ad_642

    Kane went on to score the GWG on a breakaway in overtime… 🙂

  11. sextoymagic

    Austin Mathews is taking that title before he’s in the HoF. My comment is dumb and not needed. Kane is my current goat for the United States.

  12. Chris you know Patty was gonna take that as a challenge

  13. sportsisgoodalsodogs

    I’m not sure Chelios has ever heard of Auston Matthews

  14. SpankzDangerJohnson

    Fun lil kane story – it was either summer 06 or 07 at CAN/AM hockey camp in lake placid. At the end of the week the USNDP Team came into town and took over the rink as they were running some sort of training camp. I remember seeing Okposo, Jack Johnson and a few other guys walking out onto the ice after we finished our end of camp scrimmage. I was still in half my gear watching these guys practice when i look to my right and see this dude standing next to me. Then i realize its none other than kaner himself. All i said was “Holy shit, patrick kane,” he laughed and said “whats up bro” and gave me a fist bump. Pretty uneventful story but to a thirteen year old hockey player it was the coolest thing ever. He seemed super chill, couldve been a jerk and ignore me but he was polite and cordial. Awesome moment from one of the greats

  15. OG_anunoby3

    Have you heard of this guy named Auston Matthews? Legend has it, he is not that bad.

  16. I know Chelios is playing to the crowd but Mike Modano may have a little something to say about that title.

  17. OctoWings13

    “Just don’t go stealing my thunder today”

    *Proceeds to score filthy game winner in OT

  18. NuffinSaid

    And then he goes and scores a beauty OT winner

  19. This feels like it would have been a better experience than cup game.

    Lucky people in that building

  20. Dyingvikingchild95

    Didn’t chelios play for Chicago as well?

  21. rougekhmero

    Auston Matthews will go down as the greatest American born player I’m sure.

  22. pixxelzombie

    Chris is awesome, but Kaner is called ‘showtime’ for a reason.

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